Newer Older
                                  _   _ ____  _
                              ___| | | |  _ \| |
                             / __| | | | |_) | |
                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
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Daniel Stenberg committed
                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

- David Shaw finally removed all traces of Gopher and we are now officially
  not supporting it. It hasn't been functioning for years anyway, so this is
  just finally stating what already was true. And a cleanup at the same time.

- Bryan Henderson turned the 'initialized' variable for curl_global_init()
  into a counter, and thus you can now do multiple curl_global_init() and you
  are then supposed to do the same amount of calls to curl_global_cleanup().
  Bryan has also updated the docs accordingly.

Daniel (13 January 2006)
- Andrew Benham fixed a race condition in the test suite that could cause the
  test script to kill all processes in the current process group!

Daniel (12 January 2006)
- Michael Jahn:

  Fixed FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP and FTP_USE_EPSV to "do right" when used on FTP thru
  HTTP proxy.

  Fixed PROXYTUNNEL to work fine when you do ftp through a proxy.  It would
  previously overwrite internal memory and cause unpredicted behaviour!
Daniel (11 January 2006)
- I decided to document the "secret option" here now, as I've received *NO*
  feedback at all on my mailing list requests from November 2005:
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

  I'm looking for feedback and comments. I added some experimental code the
  other day, that allows a libcurl user to select what method libcurl should
  use to reach a file on a FTP(S) server.

  This functionality is available in CVS code and in recent daily snapshots.

  Let me explain...

  The current name for the option is CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD (--ftp-method for
  the command line tool) and you set it to a long (there are currenly no
  defines for the argument values, just plain numericals). You can set three
  different "methods" that do this:

  1 multicwd - like today, curl will do a single CWD operation for each path
           part in the given URL. For deep hierarchies this means very many
           commands. This is how RFC1738 says it should be done. This is the

  2 nocwd - no CWD at all is done, curl will do SIZE, RETR, STOR etc and give
           a full path to the server.

  3 singlecwd - make one CWD with the full target directory and then operate
            on the file "normally".

  (With the command line tool you do --ftp-method [METHOD], where [METHOD] is
  one of "multicwd", "nocwd" or "singlecwd".)

  What feedback I'm interested in:

  1 - Do they work at all? Do you find servers where one of these don't work?

  2 - What would proper names for the option and its arguments be, if we
      consider this feature good enough to get included and documented in
      upcoming releases?

  3 - Should we make libcurl able to "walk through" these options in case of
      (path related) failures, or should it fail and let the user redo any
      possible retries?

  (This option is not documented in any man page just yet since I'm not sure
  these names will be used or if the functionality will end up exactly like
  this.  And for the same reasons we have no test cases for these yet.)
Daniel (10 January 2006)
- When using a bad path over FTP, as in when libcurl couldn't CWD into all
  given subdirs, libcurl would still "remember" the full path as if it is the
  current directory libcurl is in so that the next curl_easy_perform() would
  get really confused if it tried the same path again - as it would not issue
  any CWD commands at all, assuming it is already in the "proper" dir.

  Starting now, a failed CWD command sets a flag that prevents the path to be
  "remembered" after returning.

- Michael Jahn fixed so that the second CONNECT when doing FTP over a HTTP
  proxy actually used a new connection and not sent the second request on the
  first socket!
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (6 January 2006)
- Alexander Lazic made the buildconf run the buildconf in the ares dir if that
  is present instead of trying to mimic that script in curl's buildconf

Daniel (3 January 2006)
- Andres Garcia made the TFTP test server build with mingw.

Daniel (16 December 2005)
- Jean Jacques Drouin pointed out that you could only have a user name or
  password of 127 bytes or less embedded in a URL, where actually the code
  uses a 255 byte buffer for it! Modified now to use the full buffer size.

Daniel (12 December 2005)
- Dov Murik corrected the HTTP_ONLY define to disable the TFTP support properly

Version 7.15.1 (7 December 2005)

Daniel (6 December 2005)
- Full text here: Pointed out by
  Stefan Esser.


  libcurl's URL parser function can overflow a malloced buffer in two ways, if
  given a too long URL.

  These overflows happen if you
  1 - pass in a URL with no protocol (like "http://") prefix, using no slash
      and the string is 256 bytes or longer. This leads to a single zero byte
      overflow of the malloced buffer.

  2 - pass in a URL with only a question mark as separator (no slash) between
      the host and the query part of the URL. This leads to a single zero byte
      overflow of the malloced buffer.

  Both overflows can be made with the same input string, leading to two single
  zero byte overwrites.

  The affected flaw cannot be triggered by a redirect, but the long URL must
  be passed in "directly" to libcurl. It makes this a "local" problem. Of
  course, lots of programs may still pass in user-provided URLs to libcurl
  without doing much syntax checking of their own, allowing a user to exploit
  this vulnerability.

  There is no known exploit at the time of this writing.

Daniel (2 December 2005)
- Jamie Newton pointed out that libcurl's file:// code would close() a zero
  file descriptor if given a non-existing file.

Daniel (24 November 2005)
- Doug Kaufman provided a set of patches to make curl build fine on DJGPP
  again using configure.

- Yang Tse provided a whole series of patches to clear up compiler warnings on
  MSVC 6.

Daniel (17 November 2005)
- I extended a patch from David Shaw to make libcurl _always_ provide an error
  string in the given error buffer to address the flaw mention on 21 sep 2005.

Daniel (16 November 2005)
- Applied Albert Chin's patch that makes the libcurl.pc pkgconfig file get
  installed on 'make install' time.

Daniel (14 November 2005)
- Quagmire reported that he needed to raise a NTLM buffer for SSPI to work
  properly for a case, and so we did. We raised it even for non-SSPI builds
  but it should not do any harm.

- Jan Kunder's debian bug report identified a weird
  error message for when you try to upload a file and the requested directory
  doesn't exist on the target server.

- Yang Tse fixed compiler warnings in lib/ssluse.c with OpenSSL 0.9.8 and in
  lib/memdebug.h that showed up in his msvc builds.

Daniel (13 November 2005)
- Debian bug report 338681 by Jan Kunder: make curl better detect and report
  bad limit-rate units: Now curl will return
  error if a bad unit is used.

- Thanks to this nice summary of poll() implementations: and further tests by Eugene
  Kotlyarov, we now know that cygwin's poll returns only POLLHUP on remote
  connectin closure so we check for that case (too) and re-enable poll for
  cygwin builds.

- Eugene Kotlyarov found out that cygwin's poll() function isn't doing things
  right: so we now disable
  poll() and use select() on cygwin too (we already do the same choice on Mac
  OS X)

- Dima Barsky patched problem #1348930: the GnuTLS code completely ignored
  client certificates! (

- David Lang fixed IPv6 support for TFTP!

- Introducing range stepping to the curl globbing support. Now you can specify
  step counter by adding :[num] within the brackets when specifying a range:


  If no step counter is set, it defaults to 1 as before:


- Removed the use of AI_CANONNAME in the IPv6-enabled resolver functions since
  we really have no use for reverse lookups of the address.

  I truly hope these are the last reverse lookups we had lingering in the

- Dmitry Bartsevich discovered some issues in compatibilty of SSPI-enabled
  version of libcurl with different Windows versions. Current version of
  libcurl imports SSPI functions from secur32.dll. However, under Windows NT
  4.0 these functions are located in security.dll, under Windows 9x - in
  secur32.dll and Windows 2000 and XP contains both these DLLs (security.dll
  just forwards calls to secur32.dll).

  Dmitry's patch loads proper library dynamically depending on Windows
  version. Function InitSecurityInterface() is used to obtain pointers to all
  of SSPI function in one structure.

Daniel (31 October 2005)
- Vilmos Nebehaj improved libcurl's LDAP abilities:

  The LDAP code in libcurl can't handle LDAP servers of LDAPv3 nor binary
  attributes in LDAP objects. So, I made a quick patch to address these

  The solution is simple: if we connect to an LDAP server, first try LDAPv3
  (which is the preferred protocol as of now) and then fall back to LDAPv2.
  In case of binary attributes, we first convert them to base64, just like the
  openldap client does. It uses ldap_get_values_len() instead of
  ldap_get_values() to be able to retrieve binary attributes correctly. I
  defined the necessary LDAP macros in lib/ldap.c to be able to compile
  libcurl without the presence of libldap

- Nis Jorgensen filed bug report #1338648
  ( which really is more of a
  feature request, but anyway. It pointed out that --max-redirs did not allow
  it to be set to 0, which then would return an error code on the first
  Location: found. Based on Nis' patch, now libcurl supports CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS
  set to 0, or -1 for infinity. Added test case 274 to verify.

- tommink[at] reported in bug report #1337723
  ( that curl could not upload
  binary data from stdin on Windows if the data contained control-Z (hex 1a)
  since that is treated as end-of-file when read in text mode. Gisle Vanem
  pointed out the fix, and I made both -T and --data-binary take advantage of

- Jaz Fresh pointed out that if you used "-r [number]" as was wrongly described
  in the man page, curl would send an invalid HTTP Range: header. The correct
  way would be to use "-r [number]-" or even "-r -[number]". Starting now,
  curl will warn if this is discovered, and automatically append a dash to the
  range before passing it to libcurl.

Daniel (25 October 2005)
- Amol Pattekar reported a bug with great detail and a fine example in bug
  #1326306 ( When using the multi
  interface and connecting to a host with multiple IP addresses, and one of
  the addresses fails to connect (the server must exist and respond, just not
  accept connections) libcurl leaks a socket descriptor. Thanks to the fine
  report, I could find and fix this.

Daniel (22 October 2005)
- Dima Barsky reported a problem with GnuTLS-enabled libcurl in bug report
  #1334338 ( When reading an SSL
  stream from a server and the server requests a "rehandshake", the current
  code simply returns this as an error. I have no good way to test this, but
  I've added a crude attempt of dealing with this situation slightly better -
  it makes a blocking handshake if this happens. Done like this because fixing
  this the "proper" way (that would handshake asynchronously) will require
  quite some work and I really need a good way to test this to do such a

- "Ofer" reported a problem when libcurl re-used a connection and failed to do
  it, it could then accidentally actually crash. Presumably, this concerns FTP

- Temprimus improved the MSVC makefile so that the static debug SSL libs are
  linked to the executable and not to the libcurld.lib

- Bradford Bruce made the windows resolver code properly return
  errors (as documented).

- Dave Dribin made libcurl understand and handle cases when the server
  (wrongly) sends *two* WWW-Authenticate headers for Digest. While this should
  never happen in a sane world, libcurl previously got into an infinite loop
  when this occurred. Dave added test 273 to verify this.

- Temprimus improved the MSVC makefile: "makes a build option available so if
  you set rtlibcfg=static for the make, then it would build with /MT. The
  default behaviour is /MD (the original)."

Daniel (14 October 2005)
- Reverted the LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM change from October 6. As Dave Dribin
  reported, the define is used by the configure script and is assumed to use
  the 0xYYXXZZ format. This made "curl-config --vernum" fail in the 7.15.0
  release version.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Version 7.15.0 (13 October 2005)

Daniel (12 October 2005)
- Michael Sutton of iDEFENSE reported and I fixed a securitfy flaw in the NTLM
  code that would overflow a buffer if given a too long user name or domain
  name. This would happen if you enable NTLM authentication and either

  A - pass in a user name and domain name to libcurl that together are longer
      than 192 bytes

  B - allow (lib)curl to follow HTTP "redirects" (Location: and the
      appropriate HTTP 30x response code) and the new URL contains a URL with
      a user name and domain name that together are longer than 192 bytes

  See for further details and updates

Daniel (5 October 2005)
- Darryl House reported a problem with using -z to download files from FTP.
  It turned out that if the given time stamp was exact the same as the remote
  time stamp, the file would still wrongly be downloaded. Added test case 272
  to verify.

- Domenico Andreoli fixed a man page malformat and removed odd (0xa0) bytes
  from the configure script.

- Michael Wallner reported that the date parser had wrong offset stored for
  the MEST and CEST time zones.

- David Yan filed bug #1299181 (
  that identified a silly problem with Content-Range: headers with the 'bytes'
  keyword written in a different case than all lowercase! It would cause a
- TJ Saunders of the proftpd project identified and pointed out problems with
  the modified FTPS negotiation change of August 19 2005. Thus, we revert the
  change back to pre-7.14.1 status.

Daniel (21 September 2005)
- Fixed "cut off" sentence in the libcurl-tutorial man page:

- Clarified in the curl_easy_setopt man page what the default

- Clarified in the curl_easy_setopt man page that CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER
  sometimes doesn't fill in the buffer even though it is supposed to:

- When CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT is returned due to a missing URL, it now has an
  error string set.

Daniel (19 September 2005)
- Dmitry Bartsevich made the SSPI support work on Windows 9x as well.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (15 September 2005)
- Added a TFTP server to the test suite and made the test suite capable of
  using it.

Daniel (7 September 2005)
- Ben Madsen's detailed reports that funnily enough only occurred with certain
  glibc versions turned out to be curl using an already closed file handle
  during certain conditions (like when saving FTP server "headers").

- Scott Davis helped me track down a problem in the test HTTP server that made
  test case 56 wrongly fail at times. It turned out it was due to the server
  finding the end of a chunked-encoded POST too early.

Daniel (6 September 2005)
- Now curl warns if an unknown variable is used in the -w/--writeout argument.

Daniel (4 September 2005)
- I applied Nicolas François' man page patch he posted to the Debian bug
  tracker. It corrected two lines that started with apostrophes, which isn't
  legal nroff format.

- Added --ftp-skip-pasv-ip to the command line tool, that sets the new
  CURLOPT_FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP option. It makes libcurl re-use the control
  connection's IP address when setting up the data connection instead of
  extractting the IP address from the PASV response. It has turned out this
  feature is frequently needed by people to circumvent silly servers and silly
  firewalls, especially when FTPS is used and the PASV command-response is
  sent encrtyped.

  Sponsored by CU*Answers

Daniel (1 September 2005)
- John Kelly added TFTP support to libcurl. A bunch of new error codes was
  added. TODO: add them to docs. add TFTP server to test suite. add TFTP to
  list of protocols whereever those are mentioned.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
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Version 7.14.1 (1 September 2005)

Daniel (29 August 2005)
- Kevin Lussier pointed out a problem with curllib.dsp and how to fix it.

- Igor Polyakov fixed a rather nasty problem with the threaded name resolver
  for Windows, that could lead to an Access Violation when the multi interface
  was used due to an issue with how the resolver thread was and was not

- Simon Josefsson brought a patch that allows curl to get built to use GNU GSS
  instead of MIT/Heimdal for GSS capabilities.

- Toby Peterson added CURLOPT_IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH to the library, accessible
  from the command line tool with --ignore-content-length. This will make it
  easier to download files from Apache 1.x (and similar) servers that are
  still having problems serving files larger than 2 or 4 GB. When this option
  is enabled, curl will simply have to wait for the server to close the
  connection to signal end of transfer. I wrote test case 269 that runs a
  simple test to verify that this works.
- (Trying hard to exclude emotions now.) valgrind version 3 suddenly renamed
  the --logfile command line option to --log-file, and thus the test script
  valgrind autodetection now has yet another version check to do and then it
  alters the valgrind command line accordingly.

- Fixed CA cert verification using GnuTLS with the default bundle, which
  previously failed due to GnuTLS not allowing x509 v1 CA certs by default.
  Ralph Mitchell reported.
Daniel (19 August 2005)
- Norbert Novotny had problems with FTPS and he helped me work out a patch
  that made curl run fine in his end. The key was to make sure we do the
  SSL/TLS negotiation immediately after the TCP connect is done and not after
  a few other commands have been sent like we did previously. I don't consider
  this change necessary to obey the standards, I think this server is pickier
  than what the specs allow it to be, but I can't see how this modified
  libcurl code can add any problems to those who are interpreting the
  standards more liberally.

Daniel (17 August 2005)
- Jeff Pohlmeyer found out that if you ask libcurl to load a cookiefile (with
  CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE), add a cookie (with CURLOPT_COOKIELIST), tell it to
  write the result to a given cookie jar and then never actually call
  curl_easy_perform() - the given file(s) to read was never read but the
  output file was written and thus it caused a "funny" result.

- While doing some tests for the bug above, I noticed that Firefox generates
  large numbers (for the expire time) in the cookies.txt file and libcurl
  didn't treat them properly. Now it does.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (15 August 2005)
- Added more verbose "warning" messages to the curl client for cases where it
  fails to open/read files etc to help users diagnose why it doesn't do what
  you'd expect it to. Converted lots of old messages to use the new generic
  function I wrote for this purpose.

Daniel (13 August 2005)
- James Bursa identified a libcurl HTTP bug and a good way to repeat it. If a
  site responds with bad HTTP response that doesn't contain any header at all,
  only a response body, and the write callback returns 0 to abort the
  transfer, it didn't have any real effect but the write callback would be
  called once more anyway.

Daniel (12 August 2005)
- Based on Richard Clayton's reports, I found out that using curl -d @filename
  when 'filename' was not possible to access made curl use a GET request

- The time condition illegal syntax warning is now inhibited if -s is used.

Daniel (10 August 2005)
- Mario Schroeder found out that one of the debug callbacks calls that regards
  SSL data with the CURLINFO_TEXT type claimed that the data was one byte
  larger than it actually is, thus falsely telling the application that the
  terminating zero was part of the data.

Daniel (9 August 2005)
- Christopher R. Palmer fixed the offsets used for date parsings when the time
  zone name of a daylight savings time was used. For example, PDT vs PDS. This
  flaw was introduced with the new date parser (11 sep 2004 - 7.12.2).
  Fortunately, no web server or cookie string etc should be using such time
  zone names thus limiting the effect of this bug.

- Jon Grubbs filed bug report #1249962
  ( which identified a problem
  with NTLM on a HTTP proxy if an FTP URL was given. libcurl now properly
  switches to pure HTTP internally when an HTTP proxy is used, even for FTP
  URLs. The problem would also occur with other multi-pass auth methods.
Daniel (7 August 2005)
- When curl is built with GnuTLS, curl-config didn't include "SSL" when
  --features was used.

Daniel (28 July 2005)
  set to 1, CURLOPT_NOBODY will now automatically be set to 0.

Daniel (27 July 2005)
- Dan Fandrich changes over the last week: fixed numerous minor configure
  option parsing flaws: --without-gnutls, --without-spnego --without-gssapi
  and --without-krb4. Spellfixed several error messages.

- Peteris Krumins added CURLOPT_COOKIELIST and CURLINFO_COOKIELIST, which is a
  simple interface to extracting and setting cookies in libcurl's internal
  "cookie jar". See the new cookie_interface.c example code.

Daniel (13 July 2005)
- Diego Casorran provided patches to make curl build fine on Amiga again.

Daniel (12 July 2005)
- Adrian Schuur added trailer support in the chunked encoding stream. The
  trailer is then sent to the normal header callback/stream. I wrote up test
  case 266 to verify the basic functionality. Do note that test case 34
  contains a flawed chunked encoding stream that still works the same.

- Gisle Vanem came up with a nice little work-around for bug #1230118
  ( It seems the Windows (MSVC)
  libc time functions may return data one hour off if TZ is not set and
  automatic DST adjustment is enabled. This made curl_getdate() return wrong
  value, and it also concerned internal cookie expirations etc.
Daniel (4 July 2005)
- Andrew Bushnell provided enough info for me to tell that we badly needed to
  fix the CONNECT authentication code with multi-pass auth methods (such as
  NTLM) as it didn't previously properly ignore response-bodies - in fact it
  stopped reading after all response headers had been received. This could
  lead to libcurl sending the next request and reading the body from the first
  request as response to the second request. (I also renamed the function,
  which wasn't strictly necessary but...)

  The best fix would to once and for all make the CONNECT code use the
  ordinary request sending/receiving code, treating it as any ordinary request
  instead of the special-purpose function we have now. It should make it
  better for multi-interface too. And possibly lead to less code...

  Added test case 265 for this. It doesn't work as a _really_ good test case
  since the test proxy is too stupid, but the test case helps when running the
  debugger to verify.

Daniel (30 June 2005)
- Dan Fandrich improved the configure script's ability to figure out what kind
  of strerror_r() API that is used when cross-compiling. If __GLIB__ is
  defined, it assumes the glibc API. If not, it issues a notice as before that
  the user needs to manually edit lib/config.h for this.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (23 June 2005)
- David Shaw's fix that unifies proxy string treatment so that a proxy given
  with CURLOPT_PROXY can use a http:// prefix and user + password. The user
  and password fields are now also URL decoded properly. Test case 264 added
  to verify.

Daniel (22 June 2005)
- David Shaw updated libcurl.m4

Daniel (14 June 2005)
- Gisle Vanem fixed a potential thread handle leak. Bug report #1216500
  (  Comment in
Daniel (13 June 2005)
- Made buildconf run libtoolize in the ares dir too (inspired by Tupone's
  reverted patch).

Daniel (9 June 2005)
- Incorporated Tupone's findtool fix in buildconf (slightly edited)

- Incorporated Tupone's head -n fix in buildconf.

Daniel (8 June 2005)
- Reverted Tupone's patch again, it broke numerous autobuilds. Let's apply it
  in pieces, one by one and see what we need to adjust to work all over.

Daniel (6 June 2005)
- Tupone Alfredo fixed three problems in buildconf:

  1) findtool does look per tool in PATH and think ./perl is the perl
  executable, while is just a local directory (I have . in the PATH)

  2) I got several warning for head -1 deprecated in favour of head -n 1
  3) ares directory is missing some file (missing is missing :-) ) because
  automake and friends is not run.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Added docs/libcurl/getinfo-times, based on feedback from 'Edi':

- Andres Garcia provided yet another text mode patch for several test cases so
  that they do text comparisions better on Windows (newline-wise).

Daniel (1 June 2005)
- The configure check for c-ares now adds the cares lib before the other libs,
  to make it build fine with mingw. Inspired by Tupone Alfredo's bug report
  and patch:
Daniel (31 May 2005)
- Todd Kulesza reported a flaw in the proxy option, since a numerical IPv6
  address was not possible to use. It is now, but requires it written
  RFC2732-style, within brackets - which incidently is how you enter numerical
  IPv6 addresses in URLs. Test case 263 added to verify.

Daniel (30 May 2005)
- Eric Cooper reported about a problem with HTTP servers that responds with
  binary zeroes within the headers. They confused libcurl to do wrong so the
  downloaded headers become incomplete. The fix is now verified with test case
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (25 May 2005)
- Fixed problems with the test suite, and in particular the FTP test cases
  since it previously was failing every now and then in a nonsense manner.

- --trace-time now outputs the full microsecond, all 6 digits.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (24 May 2005)
- Andres Garcia provided a text mode patch for several test cases so that they
  do text comparisions better on Windows (newline-wise).

- Any 2xx response (and not just 200) is now considered a fine response to
  TYPE, as some servers obviously sends a 226 there. Added test case 261 to
  verify. Based on a question/report by Georg Wicherski.

Daniel (20 May 2005)
- Improved to allow stdout tests to be mode=text as well, just
  as file comparisons already supports. Added this info to the FILEFORMAT

- John McGowan identified a problem in bug report #1204435
  ( with malformed URLs like
  "http://somehost?data" as it added a slash too much in the request ("GET
  /?data/"...). Added test case 260 to verify.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed

- The configure check for strerror_r() failed to detect the proper API at
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
  times, like on HP-UX 10.20. Then lib/strerror.c badly assumed the glibc
  version if the posix define wasn't set (since it _had_ found a strerror_r).

Daniel (16 May 2005)
- The gmtime_r() function in HP-UX 10.20 is broken. About 13 test cases fail
  due to this. There's now a configure check that attempts to detect the bad
  function and not use it on such systems.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Version 7.14.0 (16 May 2005)

Daniel (13 May 2005)
- Grigory Entin reported that curl's configure detects a fine poll() for Mac
  OS X 10.4 (while 10.3 or later detected a "bad" one), but the executable
  doesn't work as good as if built without poll(). I've adjusted the configure
  to always skip the fine-poll() test on Mac OS X (darwin).

Daniel (12 May 2005)
- When doing a second request (after a disconnect) using the same easy handle,
  over a proxy that uses NTLM authentication, libcurl failed to use NTLM again
  properly (the auth method was accidentally reset to the same as had been set
  for host auth, which defaults to Basic). Bug report #1200661
  ( identified the the problem and
  the fix.

- If -z/--time-cond is used with an invalid date syntax, this is no longer
  silently discarded. Instead a proper warning message is diplayed that
  informs about it. But it still continues without the condition.

Version 7.14.0-pre2 (11 May 2005)

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (11 May 2005)
- Starting now, libcurl sends a little different set of headers in its default
  HTTP requests:
  A) Normal non-proxy HTTP:
    - no more "Pragma: no-cache" (this only makes sense to proxies)

  B) Non-CONNECT HTTP request over proxy:
    - "Pragma: no-cache" is used (like before)
    - "Proxy-Connection: Keep-alive" (for older style 1.0-proxies)

  C) CONNECT HTTP request over proxy:
    - "Host: [name]:[port]"
    - "Proxy-Connection: Keep-alive"

  The A) case is mostly to reduce the default header size and remove a
  pointless header.

  The B) is to address (rare) problems with HTTP 1.0 proxies

  The C) headers are both to address (rare) problems with some proxies. The
  code in libcurl that deals with CONNECT requests need a rewrite, but it
  feels like a too big a job for me to do now. Details are added in the code
  comments for now.

  Updated a large amount of test cases to reflect the news.

Daniel (10 May 2005)
- Half-baked attempt to bail out if select() returns _only_ errorfds when the
  transfer is in progress. An attempt to fix Allan's problem. See and the rest of that thread
  for details.

  I'm still not sure this is the right fix, but...

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Version 7.14.0-pre1 (9 May 2005)

- Sort of "fixed" KNOWN_BUGS #4: curl now builds IPv6 enabled on AIX 4.3. At
  least it should no longer cause a compiler error. However, it does not have
  AI_NUMERICHOST so we cannot getaddrinfo() any numerical addresses with it
  (we use that for FTP PORT/EPRT)! So, I modified the configure check that
  checks if the getaddrinfo() is working, to use AI_NUMERICHOST since then
  it'll fail on AIX 4.3 and it will automatically build with IPv6 support

- Added --trace-time that when used adds a time stamp to each trace line that
  --trace, --trace-ascii and --verbose output. I also made the '>' display
  separate each line on the linefeed so that HTTP requests etc look nicer in
  the -v output.

- Made curl recognize the environment variables Lynx (and others?) support for
  pointing out the CA cert path/file: SSL_CERT_DIR and SSL_CERT_FILE. If
  CURL_CA_BUNDLE is not set, they are checked afterwards.

  Like before: on windows if none of these are set, it checks for the ca cert
  file like this:

  1. application's directory
  2. current working directory
  3. Windows System directory (e.g. C:\windows\system32)
  4. Windows Directory (e.g. C:\windows)
  5. all directories along %PATH%

Daniel (1 May 2005)
- The script now starts test servers by doing fork() and exec()
  instead of the previous approach. This is less complicated and should
  hopefully lead to less "leaked" servers (servers that aren't stopped
  properly when the tests are stopped).

- Alexander Zhuravlev found a case when you did "curl -I [URL]" and it
  complained on the chunked encoding, even though a HEAD should never return a
  body and thus it cannot be a chunked-encoding problem!

Daniel (30 April 2005)
- Alexander Zhuravlev found out that (lib)curl SIGSEGVed when using
  --interface on an address that can't be bound.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (28 April 2005)
- Working on fixing up test cases to mark sections as 'mode=text' for things
  that curl writes as text files, since then they can get different line
  endings depending on OS. Andrés García helps me work this out.

  Did lots of other minor tweaks on the test scripts to work better and more
  reliably find test servers and also kill test servers.

- Dan Fandrich pointed out how the script killed the HTTP server
  instead of the HTTPS server when closing it down.

Daniel (27 April 2005)
- Paul Moore made curl check for the .curlrc file (_curlrc on windows) on two
  more places. First, CURL_HOME is a new environment variable that is used
  instead of HOME if it is set, to point out where the default config file
  lives. If there's no config file in the dir pointed out by one of the
  environment variables, the Windows version will instead check the same
  directory the executable curl is located in.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (26 April 2005)
- Cory Nelson's work on nuking compiler warnings when building on x64 with

- Fred New reported a bug where we used Basic auth and user name and password
  in .netrc, and when following a Location: the subsequent requests didn't
  properly use the auth as found in the netrc file. Added test case 257 to
  verify my fix.

- Based on feedback from Cory Nelson, I added some preprocessor magic in
  */setup.h and */config-win32.h to build fine with VS2005 on x64.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (23 April 2005)
- Alex Suykov made the curl tool now assume that uploads using HTTP:// or
  HTTPS:// are the only ones that show output and thus motivates a switched
  off progress meter if the output is sent to the terminal. This makes FTP
  uploads without '>', -o or -O show the progress meter.

Daniel (22 April 2005)
- Dave Dribin's MSVC makefile fix: set CURL_STATICLIB when it builds static
  library variants.

- Andres Garcia fixed configure to set the proper define when building static
  libcurl on windows.

- --retry-delay didn't work.

- Olivier reported that even though he used CURLOPT_PORT, libcurl clearly
  still used the default port. He was right. I fixed the problem and added the
  test cases 521, 522 and 523 to verify the fix.

- Toshiyuki Maezawa reported that when doing a POST with a read callback,
  libcurl didn't properly send an Expect: 100-continue header. It does now.

- I committed by mig change in the test suite's FTP server that moves out all
  socket/TCP code to a separate C program named sockfilt. And added 4 new
  test cases for FTP over IPv6.

Daniel (8 April 2005)
- Cory Nelson reported a problem with a HTTP server that responded with a 304
  response containing an "illegal" Content-Length: header, which was not
  properly ignored by libcurl. Now it is. Test case 249 verifies.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (7 April 2005)
- Added ability to build and run with GnuTLS as an alternative to OpenSSL for
  the secure layer. configure --with-gnutls enables with. Note that the
  previous OpenSSL check still has preference and if it first detects OpenSSL,
  it will not check for GnuTLS. You may need to explictly diable OpenSSL with

  This work has been sponsored by The Written Word.

Daniel (5 April 2005)
- Christophe Legry fixed the post-upload check for FTP to not complain if the
  upload was skipped due to a time-condition as set with
  CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION. I added test case 247 and 248 to verify.
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Version 7.13.2 (5 April 2005)

- Marcelo Juchem fixed the MSVC makefile for libcurl

- Gisle Vanem fixed a crash in libcurl, that could happen if the easy handle
  was killed before the threading resolver (windows only) still hadn't

- Hardeep Singh reported a problem doing HTTP POST with Digest. (It was
  actually also affecting NTLM and Negotiate.) It turned out that if the
  server responded with 100 Continue before the initial 401 response, libcurl
  didn't take care of the response properly. Test case 245 and 246 added to
  verify this.

Daniel (30 March 2005)
- Andres Garcia modified the configure script to check for libgdi32 before
  libcrypto, to make the SSL check work fine on msys/mingw.

- Tom Moers identified a flaw when you sent a POST with Digest authentication,
  as in the first request when curl sends a POST with Content-Length: 0, it
  still forcibly closed the connection before doing the next step in the auth

- Jesper Jensen found out that FTP-SSL didn't work since my FTP
  rewrite. Fixing that was easy, but it also revealed a much worse problem:
  the FTP server response reader function didn't properly deal with reading
  responses in multiple tiny chunks properly! I modified the FTP server to
  allow it to produce such split-up responses to make sure curl deals with
  them as it should.

- Based on Augustus Saunders' comments and findings, the HTTP output auth
  function was fixed to use the proper proxy authentication when multiple ones
  are accepted. test 239 and test 243 were added to repeat the problems and
  verify the fixes.

  --proxy-anyauth was added to the curl tool

Daniel (16 March 2005)
- Tru64 and some IRIX boxes seem to not like test 237 as it is. Their
  inet_addr() functions seems to use &255 on all numericals in a ipv4 dotted
  address which makes a different failure... Now I've modified the ipv4
  resolve code to use inet_pton() instead in an attempt to make these systems
  better detect this as a bad IP address rather than creating a toally bogus
  address that is then passed on and used.

Daniel (15 March 2005)
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Dan Fandrich made the code properly use the uClibc's version of
  inet_ntoa_r() when built with it.

- Added test 237 and 238: test EPSV and PASV response handling when they get
  well- formated data back but using illegal values. In 237 PASV gets an IP
  address that is way bad. In 238 EPSV gets a port that is way out of range.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (14 March 2005)
- Added a few missing features to the curl-config --features list

- Modified to now offer
  1 - command line options for all info it previously only read from
      file: --name, --email, --desc and --configure
  2 - --nocvsup makes it not attempt to do cvs update
  3 - --crosscompile informs it and makes it not attempt things it can't do

- Fixed numerous win32 compiler warnings.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Removed the lib/security.h file since it shadowed the mingw/win32 header
  with the same name which is needed for SSPI builds. The contents of the
  former security.h is now i krb4.h

- configure --enable-sspi now enables SSPI in the build. It only works for
  windows builds (including cross-compiles for windows).

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (12 March 2005)
- David Houlder added --form-string that adds that string to a multipart
  formpost part, without special characters having special meanings etc like
  --form features.

- curl_version_info() returns the feature bit CURL_VERSION_SSPI if it was
  built with SSPI support.

- Christopher R. Palmer made it possible to build libcurl with the
  USE_WINDOWS_SSPI on Windows, and then libcurl will be built to use the
  native way to do NTLM. SSPI also allows libcurl to pass on the current user
  and its password in the request.

Daniel (9 March 2005)
- Dan F improved the SSL lib setup in configure.

- Nodak Sodak reported a crash when using a SOCKS4 proxy.

- Jean-Marc Ranger pointed out an embarassing debug printf() leftover in the
  multi interface code.

- Adjusted the man page for the curl_getdate() return value for dates after
  year 2038. For 32 bit time_t it returns 0x7fffffff but for 64bit time_t it
  returns either the correct value or even -1 on some systems that still seem
  to not deal with this properly. Tor Arntsen found a 64bit AIX system for us
Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
  that did the latter. Gwenole Beauchesne's Mandrake patch put the lights on
  this problem in the first place.
Daniel (8 March 2005)
- Dominick Meglio reported that using CURLOPT_FILETIME when transferring a FTP
  file got a Last-Modified: header written to the data stream, corrupting the
  actual data. This was because some conditions from the previous FTP code was
  not properly brought into the new FTP code. I fixed and I added test case
  520 to verify. (This bug was introduced in 7.13.1)

- Dan Fandrich fixed the configure --with-zlib option to always consider the
  given path before any standard paths.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (6 March 2005)
- Randy McMurchy was the first to report that was missing from the
  release archive and thus 'make test' fails.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
- Dan Fandrich added HAVE_FTRUNCATE to several config-*.h files.

- Added test case 235 that makes a resumed upload of a file that isn't present
  on the remote side. This then converts the operation to an ordinary STOR
  upload. This was requested/pointed out by Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams.

  It also proved (and I fixed) a bug in the newly rewritten ftp code (and
  present in the 7.13.1 release) when trying to resume an upload and the
  servers returns an error to the SIZE command. libcurl then loops and sends
  SIZE commands infinitely.

- Dan Fandrich fixed a SSL problem introduced on February 9th that made
  libcurl attempt to load the whole random file to seed the PRNG. This is
  really bad since this turns out to be using /dev/urandom at times...

Version 7.13.1 (4 March 2005)

- Dave Dribin made it possible to set CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE to "" to activate
  the cookie "engine" without having to provide an empty or non-existing file.

- Rene Rebe fixed a -# crash when more data than expected was retrieved.

Daniel (22 February 2005)
- NTLM and ftp-krb4 buffer overflow fixed, as reported here: and the CAN report here:

  If these security guys were serious, we'd been notified in advance and we
  could've saved a few of you a little surprise, but now we weren't.

Daniel (19 February 2005)
- Ralph Mitchell reported a flaw when you used a proxy with auth, and you
  requested data from a host and then followed a redirect to another
  host. libcurl then didn't use the proxy-auth properly in the second request,
  due to the host-only check for original host name wrongly being extended to
  the proxy auth as well. Added test case 233 to verify the flaw and that the
  fix removed the problem.

Daniel (18 February 2005)
- Mike Dobbs reported a mingw build failure due to the lack of
  BUILDING_LIBCURL being defined when libcurl is built. Now this is defined by
  configure when mingw is used.

Daniel (17 February 2005)
- David in bug report #1124588 found and fixed a socket leak when libcurl
  didn't close the socket properly when returning error due to failing

Daniel (16 February 2005)
- Christopher R. Palmer reported a problem with HTTP-POSTing using "anyauth"
  that picks NTLM. Thanks to David Byron letting me test NTLM against his
  servers, I could quickly repeat and fix the problem. It turned out to be:

  When libcurl POSTs without knowing/using an authentication and it gets back
  a list of types from which it picks NTLM, it needs to either continue
  sending its data if it keeps the connection alive, or not send the data but
  close the connection. Then do the first step in the NTLM auth. libcurl
  didn't send the data nor close the connection but simply read the
  response-body and then sent the first negotiation step. Which then failed
  miserably of course. The fixed version forces a connection if there is more
  than 2000 bytes left to send.

Daniel (14 February 2005)
- The configure script didn't check for ENGINE_load_builtin_engines() so it
  was never used.

Daniel (11 February 2005)
- Removed all uses of strftime() since it uses the localised version of the
  week day names and month names and servers don't like that.

Daniel (10 February 2005)
- Now the test script disables valgrind-testing when the test suite runs if
  libcurl is built shared. Otherwise valgrind only tests the shell that runs
  the wrapper-script named 'curl' that is a front-end to curl in this case.
  This should also fix the huge amount of reports of false positives when
  valgrind has identified leaks in (ba)sh and not in curl and people report
  that as curl bugs. Bug report #1116672 is one example.

  Also, the valgrind report parser has been adapted to check that at least one
  of the sources in a stack strace is one of (lib)curl's source files or
  otherwise it will not consider the problem to concern (lib)curl.

- Marty Kuhrt streamlined the VMS build.

Daniel (9 February 2005)
- David Byron fixed his SSL problems, initially mentioned here: It turned out we didn't use
  SSL_pending() as we should.

- Converted lots of FTP code to a statemachine, so that the multi interface
  doesn't block while communicating commands-responses with an FTP server.

  I've added a comment like BLOCKING in the code on all spots I could find
  where we still have blocking operations. When we change curl_easy_perform()
  to use the multi interface, we'll also be able to simplify the code since
  there will only be one "internal interface".

  While doing this, I've now made CURLE_FTP_ACCESS_DENIED separate from the
  new CURLE_LOGIN_DENIED. The first one is now access denied to a function,
  like changing directory or retrieving a file, while the second means that we
  were denied login.

  The CVS tag 'before_ftp_statemachine' was set just before this went in, in
  case of future need.

- Gisle made the DICT code send CRLF and not just LF as the spec says so.

Daniel (8 February 2005)
- Gisle fixed problems when libcurl runs out of memory, and worked on making
  sure the proper error code is returned for those occations.

Daniel (7 February 2005)
- Maruko pointed out a problem with inflate decompressing exactly 64K

Daniel (5 February 2005)
- Eric Vergnaud found a use of an uninitialised variable in the ftp when doing
  PORT on ipv6-enabled hosts.

- David Byron pointed out we could use BUFSIZE to read data (in
  lib/transfer.c) instead of using BUFSIZE -1.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Version 7.13.0 (1 February 2005)

Daniel (31 January 2005)
- Added Lars Nilsson's example

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (30 January 2005)
- Fixed a memory leak when using the multi interface and the DO operation
  failed (as in test case 205).

- Fixed a valgrind warning for file:// operations.

- Fixed a valgrind report in the url globbing code for the curl command line

- Bugfixed the parser that scans the valgrind report outputs (in
  I noticed that it previously didn't detect and report the "Conditional jump
  or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" error. When I fixed this, I
  caught a few curl bugs with it. And then I had to spend time to make the
  test suite IGNORE these errors when OpenSSL is used since it produce massive
  amounts of valgrind warnings (but only of the "Conditional..." kind it
  seems). So, if a test that requires SSL is run, it ignores the
  "Conditional..." errors, and you'll get a "valgrind PARTIAL" output instead
  of "valgrind OK".

- Using the multi interface, and doing a requsted a re-used connection that
  gets closed just after the request has been sent failed and did not re-issue
  a request on a fresh reconnect like the easy interface did. Now it does!

- Define CURL_MULTIEASY when building libcurl (lib/easy.c to be exact), to use
  my new curl_easy_perform() that uses the multi interface to run the
  request. It is a great testbed for the multi interface and I believe we
  shall do it this way for real in the future when we have a successor to
  curl_multi_fdset(). I've used this approach to detect and fix several of the
  recent multi-interfaces issues.

- Adjusted the KNOWN_BUGS #17 fix a bit more since the FTP code also did some
  bad assumptions.

- multi interface: when a request is denied due to "Maximum redirects
  followed" libcurl leaked the last Location: URL.

- Connect failures with the multi interface was often returned as "connect()
  timed out" even though the reason was different.

- KNOWN_BUGS #17 fixed. A DNS cache entry may not remain locked between two
  curl_easy_perform() invokes. It was previously unlocked at disconnect, which
  could mean that it remained locked between multiple transfers. The DNS cache
  may not live as long as the connection cache does, as they are separate.

  To deal with the lack of DNS (host address) data availability in re-used
  connections, libcurl now keeps a copy of the IP adress as a string, to be
  able to show it even on subsequent requests on the same connection.

  The problem could be made to appear with this stunt:

  1. create a multi handle
  2. add an easy handle
  3. fetch a URL that is persistent (leaves the connection alive)
  4. remove the easy handle from the multi
  5. kill the multi handle
  6. create a multi handle
  7. add the same easy handle to the new multi handle
  8. fetch a URL from the same server as before (re-using the connection)

- Stephen More pointed out that CURLOPT_FTPPORT and the -P option didn't work
  when built ipv6-enabled. I've now made a fix for it. Writing test cases for
  custom port hosts turned too tricky so unfortunately there's none.

- Ian Ford asked about support for the FTP command ACCT, and I discovered it
  is present in RFC959... so now (lib)curl supports it as well. --ftp-account
  and CURLOPT_FTP_ACCOUNT set the account string. (The server may ask for an
  account string after PASS have been sent away. The client responds
  with "ACCT [account string]".) Added test case 228 and 229 to verify the
  functionality. Updated the test FTP server to support ACCT somewhat.

- David Shaw contributed a fairly complete and detailed autoconf test you can
  use to detect libcurl and setup variables for the protocols the installed
  libcurl supports: docs/libcurl/libcurl.m4
Daniel (21 January 2005)
- Major FTP third party transfer overhaul.

  These four options are now obsolete: CURLOPT_SOURCE_HOST,
  CURLOPT_SOURCE_PATH, CURLOPT_SOURCE_PORT (this option didn't work before)

  These two options are added: CURLOPT_SOURCE_URL and CURLOPT_SOURCE_QUOTE.

  The target-side didn't use the proper path with RETR, and thus this only
  worked correctly in the login path (i.e without doing any CWD). The source-
  side still uses a wrong path, but the fix for this will need to wait. Verify
  the flaw by using a source URL with included %XX-codes.

  Made CURLOPT_FTPPORT control weather the target operation should use PORT
  (or not). The other side thus uses passive (PASV) mode.

  Updated the ftp3rdparty.c example source to use the updated options.

  Added support for a second FTP server in the test suite. Named... ftp2.
  Added test cases 230, 231 and 232 as a few first basic tests of very simple
  3rd party transfers.

  Changed the debug output to include 'target' and 'source' when a 3rd party
  is being made, to make it clearer what commands/responses came on what

  Added three new command line options: --3p-url, --3p-user and --3p-quote.

  Documented the command line options and the curl_easy_setopt options related
  to third party transfers.

  (Temporarily) disabled the ability to re-use an existing connection for the
  source connection. This is because it needs to force a new in case the
  source and target is the same host, and the host name check is trickier now
  when the source is identified with a full URL instead of a plain host name
  like before.

  TODO (short-term) for 3rd party transfers: quote support. The options are
  there, we need to add test cases to verify their functionality.

  TODO (long-term) for 3rd party transfers: IPv6 support (EPRT and EPSV etc)
  and SSL/TSL support.

Daniel (20 January 2005)
- Philippe Hameau found out that -Q "+[command]" didn't work, although some
  code was written for it. I fixed and added test case 227 to verify it.
  The curl.1 man page didn't mention the '+' so I added it.

- Stephan Bergmann made libcurl return CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT if an FTP URL
  contains %0a or %0d in the user, password or CWD parts. (A future fix would
  include doing it for %00 as well - see KNOWN_BUGS for details.) Test case
  225 and 226 were added to verify this

- Stephan Bergmann pointed out two flaws in libcurl built with HTTP disabled:

  1) the proxy environment variables are still read and used to set HTTP proxy

  2) you couldn't disable http proxy with CURLOPT_PROXY (since the option was
     disabled). This is important since apps may want to disable HTTP proxy
     without actually knowing if libcurl was built to disable HTTP or not.

  Based on Stephan's patch, both these issues should now be fixed.

Daniel (18 January 2005)
- Cody Jones' enhanced version of Samuel Díaz García's MSVC makefile patch was

Daniel (16 January 2005)
- Alex aka WindEagle pointed out that when doing "curl -v", curl
  assumed this used the DICT protocol. While guessing protocols will remain
  fuzzy, I've now made sure that the host names must start with "[protocol]."
  for them to be a valid guessable name. I also removed "https" as a prefix
  that indicates HTTPS, since we hardly ever see any host names using that.

Daniel (13 January 2005)
- Inspired by Martijn Koster's patch and example source at, I now made the
  select() and poll() calls properly loop if they return -1 and errno is
  EINTR. glibc docs for this is found here:

  This last link says BSD doesn't have this "effect". Will there be a problem
  if we do this unconditionally?

- Dan Torop cleaned up a few no longer used variables from David Phillips'
  select() overhaul fix.

- Cyrill Osterwalder posted a detailed analysis about a bug that occurs when
  using a custom Host: header and curl fails to send a request on a re-used
  persistent connection and thus creates a new connection and resends it. It
  then sent two Host: headers. Cyrill's analysis was posted here:

- Bruce Mitchener identified (bug report #1099640) the never-ending SOCKS5
  problem with the version byte and the check for bad versions. Bruce has lots
  of clues on this, and based on his suggestion I've now removed the check of
  that byte since it seems to be able to contain 1 or 5.

- Pavel Orehov reported memory problems with the multi interface in bug report
  #1098843. In short, a shared DNS cache was setup for a multi handle and when
  the shared cache was deleted before the individual easy handles, the latter
  cleanups caused read/writes to already freed memory.

- Hzhijun reported a memory leak in the SSL certificate code, that leaked the
  remote certificate name when it didn't match the used host name.

Gisle Vanem's avatar
Gisle Vanem committed
Gisle (8 January 2005)
- Added Makefile.Watcom files (src/lib). Updated Makefile.dist.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (7 January 2005)
- Improved the test script's valgrind log parser to actually work! Also added
  the ability to disable the log scanner for specific test cases. Test case
  509 results in numerous problems and leaks in OpenSSL and has to get it

Daniel (6 January 2005)
- Fixed a single-byte read out of bounds in test case 39 in the curl tool code
  (i.e not in the library).

- Bug report #1097019 identified a problem when doing -d "data" with -G and
  sending it to two URLs with {}. Added test 199 to verify the fix.

Daniel Stenberg's avatar
Daniel Stenberg committed
Daniel (4 January 2005)
- Marty Kuhrt adjusted a VMS build script slightly

- Kai Sommerfeld and Gisle Vanem fixed libcurl to build with IPv6 support on

Daniel (2 January 2005)
- Alex Neblett updated the MSVC makefiles slightly.