ITS-Container.asn 210 KB
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PosFrontAx ::= INTEGER {
} (1..20)
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 * This DE represents the distance from the centre of vehicle front bumper to the right or left longitudinal carrier of vehicle.
 * The left/right carrier refers to the left/right as seen from a passenger sitting in the vehicle.
 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `n (n > 0 and n < 126) for any aplicable value between `0,01 meter` and `1,26 meters`. 
 * - `126` for values equal to or higher than `1.26 metres`.
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 * - `127` if the information is unavailable.
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 * @unit 0,01 metre 
 * @category Vehicle information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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PosLonCarr ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable(127)} (1..127)
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 * This DE represents the perpendicular inter-distance of neighbouring pillar axis of vehicle starting from the
 * middle point of the front line of the vehicle bounding box.
 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `n (n > 0 and n < 126)` for any aplicable value between `0,1 meter` and `2,9 meters`. 
 * - `29` for values equal to or greater than `2.9 metres`.
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 * - `30` if the information is unavailable.
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 * @unit 0,1 metre 
 * @category Vehicle information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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PosPillar ::= INTEGER {tenCentimeters(1), unavailable(30)} (1..30)

 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the @ref CauseCode `postCrash` .
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - 0 `unavailable`: in case further detailed information on post crash event is unavailable,
 * - 1 `accidentWithoutECallTriggered`: in case no eCall has been triggered for an accident,
 * - 2 `accidentWithECallManuallyTriggered`: in case eCall has been manually triggered and transmitted to eCall back end,
 * - 3 `accidentWithECallAutomaticallyTriggered`: in case eCall has been automatically triggered and transmitted to eCall back end,
 * - 4 `accidentWithECallTriggeredWithoutAccessToCellularNetwork`: in case eCall has been triggered but cellular network is not accessible from triggering vehicle,
 * - 5-255: reserved for future usage.
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 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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PostCrashSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    accidentWithoutECallTriggered (1), 
    accidentWithECallManuallyTriggered (2), 
    accidentWithECallAutomaticallyTriggered (3), 
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} (0..255)
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 * This DE represenst the indentifier of a protected communication zone.
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 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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ProtectedZoneID ::= INTEGER (0.. 134217727)

 * This DE represenst the radius of a protected communication zone. 
 * @unit: metre
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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ProtectedZoneRadius ::= INTEGER {oneMeter(1)} (1..255,...)

 * This DE indicates the type of a protected communication zone, so that an ITS-S is aware of the actions to do
 * while passing by such zone (e.g. reduce the transmit power in case of a DSRC tolling station).
 * The protected zone type is defined in ETSI TS 102 792 [i.16].
 * @category: Communication information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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ProtectedZoneType::= ENUMERATED {
    permanentCenDsrcTolling (0), 
    temporaryCenDsrcTolling (1) 

 * This DE is used for various tasks in the public transportation environment, especially for controlling traffic
 * signal systems to prioritize and speed up public transportation in urban area (e.g. intersection "_bottlenecks_").
 * The traffic lights may be controlled by an approaching bus or tram automatically. This permits "_In Time_" activation
 * of the green phase, will enable the individual traffic to clear a potential traffic jam in advance. Thereby the
 * approaching bus or tram may pass an intersection with activated green light without slowing down the speed due to
 * traffic congestion. Other usage of the DE is the provision of information like the public transport line number
 * or the schedule delay of a public transport vehicle.
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 * @category: Vehicle information
 * Revision: V1.3.1
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PtActivationData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20))

 * This DE indicates a certain coding type of the PtActivationData data.
 * The folowing value are specified:
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 * - `0` undefinedCodingType  : undefined coding type,
 * - `1` r09-16CodingType     : coding of PtActivationData conform to VDV recommendation 420 [i.8],
 * - `2` vdv-50149CodingType  : coding of PtActivationData based on VDV recommendation 420 [i.8].
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 * - values 3 to 255 are reserved for alternative and future use.
 * @category: Vehicle information 
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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PtActivationType ::= INTEGER {
    vdv-50149CodingType(2)} (0..255)
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 * This DE represents a reference point counter for a trailer.
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 * @category: Vehicle information 
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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RefPointId ::= INTEGER (0..255)

 * This DE describes a distance of relevance for information indicated in a message.
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `lessThan50m` for distances below 50 m. 
 * - 1 `lessThan100m` for distances below 100 m. 
 * - 2 `lessThan200m` for distances below 200 m. 
 * - 3 `lessThan500m` for distances below 300 m. 
 * - 4 `lessThan1000m` for distances below 1000 m. 
 * - 5 `lessThan5km` for distances below 5000 m. 
 * - 6 `lessThan10km` for distances below 10000 m. 
 * - 7 `over10km`for distances over 10000 m. 

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 * @category: GeoReference information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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RelevanceDistance ::= ENUMERATED {

 * This DE indicates a traffic direction that is relevant to information indicated in a message.
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `allTrafficDirections` for all traffic directions 
 * - 1 `upstreamTraffic` for upstream traffic. 
 * - 2 `downstreamTraffic` for downstream traffic. 
 * - 3 `oppositeTraffic` for opposite traffic. 
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 * The terms `upstream`, `downstream` and `oppositeTraffic` are relative to the event position.
 * @note: Upstream traffic corresponds to the incoming traffic towards the event position,
 * and downstream traffic to the departing traffic away from the event position.
 * @category: GeoReference information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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RelevanceTrafficDirection ::= ENUMERATED {
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 * This DE indicates whether an ITS message is transmitted as request from ITS-S or a response transmitted from
 * ITS-S after receiving request from other ITS-Ss.
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `request` for a request message. 
 * - 1 `response` for a response message.  
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 * @category Communication information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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RequestResponseIndication ::= ENUMERATED {

 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the @ref CauseCode `rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress` 
 * The following value are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable`             : in case further detailed information on rescue and recovery work is unavailable,
 * - 1 `emergencyVehicles`       : in case rescue work is ongoing by emergency vehicles,
 * - 2 `rescueHelicopterLanding` : in case rescue helicopter is landing,
 * - 3 `policeActivityOngoing`   : in case police activity is ongoing,
 * - 4 `medicalEmergencyOngoing` : in case medical emergency recovery is ongoing,
 * - 5 `childAbductionInProgress`: in case a child kidnapping alarm is activated and rescue work is ongoing,
 * - 6-255: reserved for future usage.
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 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgressSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
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} (0..255)
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 * This DE represents A unique identifier assigned to an entity.
 * @category: Road Topology Information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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RoadRegulatorId ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

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 * This DE represents an identifier assigned to a section of roadway.
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 * @category: Road Topology Information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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RoadSegmentID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

 * This DE indicates the type of a road segment.
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - 0 `urban-NoStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes`       : for an urban road with no structural separation between lanes carrying traffic in opposite directions.
 * - 1 `urban-WithStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes`     : for an urban road with structural separation between lanes carrying traffic in opposite directions.
 * - 2 `nonUrban-NoStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes`    : for an non urban road with no structural separation between lanes carrying traffic in opposite directions.
 * - 3 `nonUrban-WithStructuralSeparationToOppositeLanes`  : for an non urban road with structural separation between lanes carrying traffic in opposite directions.
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 * @category: Road Topology Information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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RoadType ::= ENUMERATED {

 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the @ref CauseCode `roadworks`.
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 * The sub causes are described as following:
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 * - 0 `unavailable`                 : in case further detailed information on roadworks is unavailable,
 * - 1 `majorRoadworks`              : in case a major roadworks is ongoing,
 * - 2 `roadMarkingWork`             : in case a road marking work is ongoing,
 * - 3 `slowMovingRoadMaintenance`   : in case slow moving road maintenance work is ongoing,
 * - 4 `shortTermStationaryRoadworks`: in case a short term stationary roadwork is ongoing,
 * - 5 `streetCleaning`              : in case a vehicle street cleaning work is ongoing,
 * - 6 `winterService`               : in case winter service work is ongoing,
 * - 7-255 reserved for future usage.
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 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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RoadworksSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
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} (0..255)
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 * This DE indicates if a distance is safe 
 * This DE is FALSE  if  the triple  {LaD,  LoD, VD} < {MSLaD, MSLoD, MSVD} simultaneously  satisfied with confidence of  90 % or  more. 
 * Otherwise  stationSafeDistanceIndication is set as  TRUE   3
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 * @Note: the ebbreviations used are Lateral Distance (LaD),  Longitudinal Distance (LoD) and Vertical Distance (VD) 
 * and their respective  thresholds, Minimum  Safe  Lateral  Distance (MSLaD), Minimum  Safe  Longitudinal Distance  (MSLoD),  and  Minimum  Safe Vertical Distance (MSVD)
 * @category: tbd
 * Revision: created in V2.1.1
SafeDistanceIndicator::= BOOLEAN

 * This DE represenst the absolute position accuracy in one of the axis direction as defined in a shape of ellipse with a 
 * confidence level of 95 %. 
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - `1` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 1 cm,
 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 4 093)` if the accuracy is equal to or less than n cm,
 * - `4 093` if the accuracy is equal to or less than 4 093 cm,
 * - `4 094` if the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 4 093 cm,
 * - `4 095` if the accuracy information is unavailable.
 * @note:	The fact that a position coordinate value is received with confidence set to 'unavailable(4095)'
 * can be caused by several reasons, such as:
 * - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 * - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 * - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
 * In all 3 cases above, the reported position coordinate value may be valid and used by the application.
 * If a position coordinate value is received and its confidence is set to 'outOfRange(4094)', it means that
 * the reported position coordinate value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful
 * for the application.
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 * @category: GeoReference Information
 * Revision: V1.3.1
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SemiAxisLength ::= INTEGER{oneCentimeter(1), outOfRange(4094), unavailable(4095)} (0..4095)

 * This DE indicates the type of sensor.
 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `0` undefined       : in case the sensor type is undefined. 
 * - `1` radar           : in case the sensor is a radar.
 * - `2` lidar           : in case the sensor is a lidar.
 * - `3` monovideo       : in case the sensor is mono video.
 * - `4` stereovision    : in case the sensor is stereo vision.
 * - `5` nightvision     : in case the sensor is night vision.
 * - `6` ultrasonic      : in case the sensor is ultrasonic.
 * - `7` pmd             : in case the sensor is pmd.
 * - `8` fusion          : in case the information provided by a sensor data fusion system
 * - `9` inductionloop   : in case the sensor is an induction loop.
 * - `10` sphericalCamera : in case the sensor is a spherical camera.
 * - `11` itssaggregation : in case the information is gathered from other received ITS messages
 * @category: Sensing Information
 * Revision: created in V2.1.1
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SensorType ::= INTEGER {
    undefined       (0),
    radar           (1),
    lidar           (2),
    monovideo       (3),
    stereovision    (4),
    nightvision     (5),
    ultrasonic      (6),
    pmd             (7),
    fusion          (8), 
    inductionloop   (9),
    sphericalCamera (10),
    itssaggregation (11) 
} (0..15)

 * This DE represents a sequence number.
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 * @category: Basic information
 * Revision: V1.3.1
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SequenceNumber ::=  INTEGER (0..65535)

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 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the @ref CauseCode `signalViolation`.
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable`               : in case further detailed information on signal violation event is unavailable,
 * - 1 `stopSignViolation`         : in case a stop sign violation is detected,
 * - 2 `trafficLightViolation`     : in case a traffic light violation is detected,
 * - 3 `turningRegulationViolation`: in case a turning regulation violation is detected,
 * - 4-255: reserved for future usage.
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 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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SignalViolationSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
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} (0..255)
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 * This DE represents the sub cause codes of the @ref CauseCode "slowVehicle".
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - 0 `unavailable`                    : in case further detailed information on slow vehicle driving event is
 *                                        unavailable,
 * - 1 `maintenanceVehicle`             : in case of a slow driving maintenance vehicle on the road,
 * - 2 `vehiclesSlowingToLookAtAccident`: in case vehicle is temporally slowing down to look at accident, spot, etc.,
 * - 3 `abnormalLoad`                   : in case an abnormal loaded vehicle is driving slowly on the road,
 * - 4 `abnormalWideLoad`               : in case an abnormal wide load vehicle is driving slowly on the road,
 * - 5 `convoy`                         : in case of slow driving convoy on the road,
 * - 6 `snowplough`                     : in case of slow driving snow plough on the road,
 * - 7 `deicing`                        : in case of slow driving de-icing vehicle on the road,
 * - 8 `saltingVehicles`                : in case of slow driving salting vehicle on the road,
 * - 9-255 reserved for future usage.
 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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SlowVehicleSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
} (0..255)

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 * The DE indicates if a vehicle is carrying goods in the special transport conditions.

 * The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
 * - 0 `heavyLoad`        : the vehicle is carrying goods with heavy load.
 * - 1 `excessWidth`      : the vehicle is carrying goods in excess of width.
 * - 2 `excessLength`     : the vehicle is carrying goods in excess of length.
 * - 3 `excessHeight`     : the vehicle is carrying goods in excess of height.
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 * Otherwise, the corresponding bit shall be set to 0.
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 * @category Vehicle information
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 * Revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
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SpecialTransportType ::= BIT STRING {
} (SIZE(4))

 * This DE represents the absolute accuracy of a speed value information for a predefined confidence level.
 * The required confidence level is defined by the station applying this DE.
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `1` if the speed accuracy is equal to or less than `1 cm/s`.
 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 125)` if the speed accuracy is equal to or less than `n cm/s`.
 * - `125` if the speed accuracy is equal to or less than `125 cm/s`.
 * - `126` if the speed accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than `125 cm/s`.
 * - `127` if the speed accuracy information is not available.
 * @note:	The fact that a speed value is received with confidence set to `unavailable(127)` can be caused by several reasons, such as:
 * - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 * - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 * - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
 * In all 3 cases above, the reported speed value may be valid and used by the application.
 * @note: If a speed value is received and its confidence is set to `outOfRange(126)`, it means that the reported speed value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such is not useful for the application.
 * @unit cm/s
 * @category: Vehicle information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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SpeedConfidence ::= INTEGER {
} (1..127)

 * This DE represents a speed limitation applied to a geographical position, a road section or a geographical region.
 * @unit: km/h
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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SpeedLimit ::= INTEGER {
} (1..255)

 * This DE represents a speed value. 
 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `0` in a standstill situation.
 * - `n (n > 0 and n < 16383)` if the applicable speed value n is between `0,01` and `163,82 m/s`.
 * - `16382` for speed values equal to or greater than 163,82 m/s.
 * - `16383` if the speed accuracy information is not available.
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 * @unit: 0,01 m/s
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 * @category: Kinematics information
 * Revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
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SpeedValue ::= INTEGER {
} (0..16383)
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 * This DE represents a speed value with extended range. 
 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `-16383` if the speed is equal to or smaller than -163,83 m/s
 * - `n (n > -16383 and n < 0)` if the applicable value n is between `-163,82` and `-0,01` m/s.
 * - `0` in a standstill situation.
 * - `n (n > 0 and n < 16383)` if the applicable value n is between `0,01` and `163,82` m/s.
 * - `16382` for speed values equal to or greater than 163,82 m/s.
 * - `16383` if the speed accuracy information is not available.
 * @unit: 0,01 m/s
 * @category: Kinematics information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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SpeedValueExtended ::= INTEGER {
    negativeSpeedMaximum   (-16383),
    standstill             (0),
    oneCentimeterPerSec    (1),
    speedMaximum           (16382),
    unavailable            (16383)  
} (-16383..16383)

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 * This DE indicates the estimated probability of a stability level and the converesely also the probability of a stability loss.
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `0` indicates stable. 
 * - `n (n > 0 and n < 50)` indicates the actual stability level.
 * - `50` indicates total stability.
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 * - the values between 51 and 62 are reserved. 
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 * - `63`: this value indicates that the information is unavailable.
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 * @unit: 2%
 * @category: Kinematics information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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StabilityLossProbability ::= INTEGER { 
    twoPercent (1),
    unavailable (63) 
} (0..63) 

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 * The DE represents length as a measure of distance between points or objects used in the definition of various other types. 
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 * @unit: 0.1 meter
 * @category: Basic information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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StandardLength::= INTEGER (0..16383)

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 * This DE represents length as a measure of distance between points or objects used in the definition of various other types. 
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 * @unit: 0.1 meter
 * @category: Basic information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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StandardLengthSmall::= INTEGER (0..255)

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 * This DE indicates the duration in minutes since which something is stationary.
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - 0 `lessThan1Minute` for being stationary since less than 1 minute. 
 * - 1 `lessThan2Minutes` for being stationary since less than 2 minute and for equal to or more 1 minute. 
 * - 2 `lessThan15Minutes` for  being stationary since less than 15 minutes and for equal to or more than 1 minute. 
 * - 3 `equalOrGreater15Minutes` for being stationary since equal to or more than 15 minutes.
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 * @category: Kinematics information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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StationarySince ::= ENUMERATED {

 * This DE provides the value of the sub cause codes of the @ref CauseCode "stationaryVehicle" 
 * The following values are specified:
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 * - 0 `unavailable`           : in case further detailed information on stationary vehicle is unavailable,
 * - 1 `humanProblem`          : in case stationary vehicle is due to health problem of driver or passenger,
 * - 2 `vehicleBreakdown`      : in case stationary vehicle is due to vehicle break down,
 * - 3 `postCrash`             : in case stationary vehicle is caused by collision,
 * - 4 `publicTransportStop`   : in case public transport vehicle is stationary at bus stop,
 * - 5 `carryingDangerousGoods`: in case the stationary vehicle is carrying dangerous goods,
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 * - 6 `vehicleOnFire`         : in case of vehicle on fire.
 * - 7-255 reserved for future usage.
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 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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StationaryVehicleSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    vehicleOnFire (6)} 
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 * This DE represents the identifier of an ITS-S.
 * The ITS-S ID may be a pseudonym. It may change over space and/or over time.
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 * @category: Basic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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StationID ::= INTEGER(0..4294967295)
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 * This DE represenst the type of technical context the ITS-S is integrated in.
 * The station type depends on the integration environment of ITS-S into vehicle, mobile devices or at infrastructure.
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 * The value shall be set to:
 * - 0 `unknown`: information about the ITS-S context is not provided,
 * - 1 pedestrian`: ITS-S carried by human being not using a mechanical device for their trip (VRU profile 1).
 * - 2 `cyclist`: ITS-S mounted on non-motorized unicycles, bicycles , tricycles, quadracycles,
 * - 3 `moped`: ITS-S mounted on light motor vehicles with less than four wheels as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.18] class L1, L2 (VRU Profile 3)
 * - 4 `motorcycles`: ITS-S mounted on motor vehicles with less than four wheels as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.18] class L3, L4, L5, L6, L7 (VRU Profile 3)
 * - 5 `passengerCar`: ITS-S mounted on small passenger vehicles as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.18] class M1,
 * - 6 `bus`: ITS-S mounted on large passenger vehicles as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.18] class M2, M3,
 * - 7 `lightTruck`: ITS-S mounted on light Goods Vehicles as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.18] class N1,
 * - 8 `heavyTruck`: ITS-S mounted on Heavy Goods Vehicles as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.18] class N2 and N3,
 * - 9 `trailer`: ITS-S mounted on an unpowered vehicle that is intended to be towed by a powered vehicle as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 [i.18] class O,
 *   ***NOTE***: Only to be used when not towed.
 * - 10 `specialVehicles`: ITS-S mounted on vehicles which have special purposes other than the above (e.g. moving road works vehicle),
 * - 11 `tram`: ITS-S mounted on a vehicle which runs on tracks along public streets,
 * - 12 `lightVruVehicle`: ITS-S carried by a human being traveling on light vehicle , incl. possible use of roller skates or skateboards (VRU profile 2).
 * - 13 `animal`: ITS-S carried by an animal presenting a safety risk to other road users e.g. domesticated dog in a city or horse (VRU Profile 4)
 * - 15 `roadSideUnit`: ITS-S mounted on an infrastructure typically positioned outside of the drivable roadway (e.g. on a gantry, on a pole, on a stationary road works trailer); the infrastructure is static during the entire operation period of the ITS-S (e.g. no stop and go activity),
 * - 16 16-255: reserved for future usage.
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 * @category: Communication information.
 * Revision: V1.3.1
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StationType ::= INTEGER {
    animal (13), 
} (0..255)

 * This DE represents the absolute accuracy for a reported steering wheel angle value for a confidence level of 95 %.
 * The required confidence level is defined by the station applying this DE.
 * The following values are specified:
 * - `1` if the steering wheel angle accuracy is equal to or less than 1,5 degrees,
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 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 125)` if the steering wheel angle accuracy is equal to or less than n x 1,5 degrees,
 * - `125` if the steering wheel angle accuracy is equal to or less than 1,5 degrees x 125 = 187,5 degrees,
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 * - `126` if the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 187,5 degrees,
 * - `127` if the accuracy information is not available.
 * @note 1: The fact that a steering wheel angle value is received with confidence set to 'unavailable(127)'
 * can be caused by several reasons, such as:
 * - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 * - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 * - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
 * In all 3 cases above, the reported steering wheel angle value may be valid and used by the application.
 * If a steering wheel angle value is received and its confidence is set to 'outOfRange(126)',
 * it means that the reported steering wheel angle value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted.
 * Such value is not useful for the application.
 * @unit: 1.5 degree
 * @category: Vehicle Information
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 * Revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
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SteeringWheelAngleConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    equalOrWithinOnePointFiveDegree (1), 
} (1..127)

 * This DE represents the steering wheel angle of the vehicle at certain point in time.
 * It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as specified in ISO 8855 [2].
 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `-511` if the steering wheel angle is equal to or greater than 511 x 1,5 degrees = 766,5 degrees to the right.
 * - `n (n > -511 and n < 0)` if  the steering wheel angle is turning clockwise (i.e. to the right).
 * - `0` if the steering wheel angle is in the straight position.  
 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 511)` if the steering wheel angle is turning counter-clockwise (i.e. to the left).
 * - `511` if the steering wheel angle is equal to or greater than 511 x 1,5 degrees = 766,5 degrees to the left.
 * - `512` if information is not available.
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 * The DE is used in @ref SteeringWheelAngle DF as defined in clause A.127.
 * @unit: 1.5 degree
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 * Revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
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SteeringWheelAngleValue ::= INTEGER {
} (-511..512)

 * This DE indicates the sub cause of a detected event.
 * @note 1: The sub cause code value assignment varies based on value of @ref CauseCode
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 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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SubCauseCodeType ::= INTEGER (0..255)

 * This DE indicates a temperature value.
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - `-60` for temperature equal to or less than -60 °C.
 * - `n (n > -60 and n < 67)` for the actual temperature n in °C.
 * - `67` for temperature equal to or greater than 67 °C.
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 * @unit: °C
 * @category: Basic information
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 * Revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
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Temperature ::= INTEGER {
    equalOrSmallerThanMinus60Deg (-60), 
    equalOrGreaterThan67Deg(67)} (-60..67)
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 * This DE represents the number of milliseconds since `2004-01-01T00:00:00.000Z`, as specified in ISO 8601 [i.10].
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 * EXAMPLE:	The value for TimestampIts for `2007-01-01T00:00:00.000Z` is `94 694 401 000` milliseconds,
 * which includes one leap second insertion since `2004-01-01T00:00:00.000Z`.
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 * @unit: millisecond
 * @category: Basic Information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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TimestampIts ::= INTEGER {
} (0..4398046511103)
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 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the @ref CauseCode `trafficCondition`. 
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable`                 : in case further detailed information on traffic jam is unavailable,
 * - 1 `increasedVolumeOfTraffic`    : in case detected jam volume is increased,
 * - 2 `trafficJamSlowlyIncreasing`  : in case detected traffic jam volume is increasing slowly,
 * - 3 `trafficJamIncreasing`        : in case traffic jam volume is increasing,
 * - 4 `trafficJamStronglyIncreasing`: in case traffic jam volume is strongly increasing,
 * - 5 `trafficStationary`           : in case traffic is stationary,
 * - 6 `trafficJamSlightlyDecreasing`: in case traffic jam volume is decreasing slowly,
 * - 7 `trafficJamDecreasing`        : in case traffic jam volume is decreasing,
 * - 8 `trafficJamStronglyDecreasing`: in case traffic jam volume is decreasing rapidly,
 * - 9-255: reserved for future usage.
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 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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TrafficConditionSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
} (0..255)
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 * This DE indicates traffic rules that apply to vehicles at a certain position.
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `0` if overtaking is prohibited for all vehicles.
 * - `1` if overtaking is prohibited for trucks.
 * - `2` if vehicles should pass to the right lane.
 * - `3` if vehicles should pass to the left lane.
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 * @category: Infrastructure information, Traffic information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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TrafficRule ::= ENUMERATED {
    passToLeft(3), ...}
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 * This  DE  defines  the  probability  that the ego trajectory  intercepts  with any  other object's  trajectory  on the  road. 
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - `n (n >= 0 and n <= 50)` indicates the actual stability level.
 * - the values between 51 and 62 are reserved. 
 * - `63`: this value indicates that the information is unavailable. 
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 * @category: Kinematics information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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TrajectoryInterceptionProbability ::= INTEGER { 
    unavailable (63) } (0..63) 
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 * This DE  defines  the  confidence level of the trajectoryInterceptionProbability.
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - `0` indicates less than 50 %
 * - `1`indicates greater than or equal to 50 % and less than 70 %.
 * - `2`indicates greater than or equal to 70 % and less than 90 %.
 * - `3` indicates greater than or equal to 90%.
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 * @category: Kinematics information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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TrajectoryInterceptionConfidence ::= INTEGER { 
    above90Percent(3) } (0..3)

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 * This DE provides the turning direction. 
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - `left` for turning to te left.
 * - `right`for turing to the right.
 * @category: Kinematics information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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TurningDirection::= ENUMERATED {
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 * This DE represents the smallest circular turn (i.e. U-turn) that the vehicle is capable of making.
 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `n (n >= 0 and n <= 253)` indicates the applicable value in the range of 1 to 253 meters.
 * - `254` indicates that the turning radius is equal to or greater than 254 x 0.4 metre = 101.6 metres.
 * - `255` indicates that the information is unavailable.
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 * For vehicle with tracker, the turning radius applies to the vehicle only.
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 * @category: Vehicle information
 * @unit 0.4 metre
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 * Revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
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TurningRadius ::= INTEGER {
} (1..255)
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 * This De represents the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS). The values are assigned according to ISO 3779 [i.7].
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 * @category: Vehicle information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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VDS ::= IA5String (SIZE(6))
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 * This DE represents the value of the sub cause codes of the @CauseCode `vehicleBreakdown`. 
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - 0 `unavailable`         : in case further detailed information on cause of vehicle break down is unavailable,
 * - 1 `lackOfFuel`          : in case vehicle break down is due to lack of fuel,
 * - 2 `lackOfBatteryPower`  : in case vehicle break down is caused by lack of battery power,
 * - 3 `engineProblem`       : in case vehicle break down is caused by an engine problem,
 * - 4 `transmissionProblem` : in case vehicle break down is caused by transmission problem,
 * - 5 `engineCoolingProblem`: in case vehicle break down is caused by an engine cooling problem,
 * - 6 `brakingSystemProblem`: in case vehicle break down is caused by a braking system problem,
 * - 7 `steeringProblem`     : in case vehicle break down is caused by a steering problem,
 * - 8 `tyrePuncture`        : in case vehicle break down is caused by tire puncture,
 * - 9 `tyrePressureProblem` : in case low tyre pressure in detected,
 * - 10-255: reserved for future usage.
 * @category: Traffic information
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VehicleBreakdownSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
    lackOfFuel (1), 
    lackOfBatteryPower (2), 
    vehicleOnFire (10)
} (0..255)

 * This DE represents the height if the vehicle, measured from the ground to the highest point, excluding any antennas.
 * In case vehicles are equipped with adjustable ride heights, camper shells, and any other
 * equipment which may result in varying height, the largest possible height shall be used.
 * @unit 5 cm (DE ranges to 6.35 m)
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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VehicleHeight ::= INTEGER (0..127)
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 * This DE provides information about the presence of a trailer. 
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - 0 `noTrailerPresent`: indicates that no trailer is present.
 * - 1 `trailerPresentWithKnownLength`: indicates that a trailer is present and the length is  included in a reported vehicle length value.
 * - 2 `trailerPresentWithUnknownLength`: indicates that a trailer is present and the length is not included in a reported vehicle length value.
 * - 3 `trailerPresenceIsUnknown`: indicates that the trailer presence is unknown.
 * - 4 `unavailable`: indicates that the information is not known. 
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 * @category: Vehicle information
 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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VehicleLengthConfidenceIndication ::= ENUMERATED {
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 * This DE represents the length of a vehicle.
 * The following values are specified:
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 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 1023)` indicates the applicable value n in the range of 1 cm and 102,2 meters.
 * - `1 022`indicates that the vehicle length is equal to or greater than 102.2 metres.
 * - `1 023`indicates that the information in unavailable.
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 * @unit: 0.1 metre
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 * @category: Vehicle information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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VehicleLengthValue ::= INTEGER {
}  (1..1023)
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 * This DE represents the mass of an empty loaded vehicle in multiple of 100 kg.
 * The following values are specified: 
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 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 1023)` indicates  applicable value in the range of 100 kg and 102 200 kg.
 * - `1 023` indicates that the vehicle mass is equal to or greater than `102 300 kg`.
 * - `1 024` indicates  the vehicle mass information is unavailable.
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 * @note:	The empty load vehicle is defined in ISO 1176 [i.9], clause 4.6.
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 * @unit: 100kg
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 * @category: Vehicle information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
VehicleMass ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable(1024)} (1..1024) 
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 * This DE indicates the role played by a vehicle at a point in time.
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - 0 `default`: default vehicle role as indicated by the vehicle type,
 * - 1 `publicTransport`: vehicle is used to operate public transport service,
 * - 2 `specialTransport`: vehicle is used for special transport purpose, e.g. oversized trucks,
 * - 3 `dangerousGoods`: vehicle is used for dangerous goods transportation,
 * - 4 `roadWork`: vehicle is used to realize roadwork or road maintenance mission,
 * - 5 `rescue`: vehicle is used for rescue purpose in case of an accident, e.g. as a towing service,
 * - 6 `emergency`: vehicle is used for emergency mission, e.g. ambulance, fire brigade,
 * - 7 `safetyCar`: vehicle is used for public safety, e.g. patrol,
 * - 8 `agriculture`: vehicle is used for agriculture, e.g. farm tractor as defined
 *   in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,
 * - 9 `commercial`: vehicle is used for transportation of commercial goods as defined
 *   in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,
 * - 10 `military`: vehicle is used for military purpose as defined in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,