SOL003VNFLifecycleOperationGranting_def.yaml 60.4 KB
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# Copyright (c) ETSI 2017.

    description: >
      This type represents a grant request.
      NOTE 1:	The VNF LCM operations CreateVnfIdentifier, DeleteVnfIdentifier, QueryVnf and
              ModifyVnfInformation can be executed by the VNFM without requesting granting.
      NOTE 2: If the granting request is for InstantiateVNF, only one of the three parameters (instantiationLevel or
              targetScaleLevelInfo or addResources) shall be present.
      NOTE 3:	The NFVO will assume that the VNFM will be responsible to both allocate and release the temporary
              resource during the runtime of the LCM operation. This means, the resource can be allocated and
              consumed after the "start" notification for the LCM operation is sent by the VNFM, and the resource
              will be released before the "result" notification of the VNF LCM operation is sent by the VNFM. In the 
              case of PaaS Service requests, the handling of the allocation and release of the PaaS Service is a 
              responsibility of the NFVO (supported by corresponding PaaS Service management functions) 
              based on the information about the progress and completion of the VNF LCM operation.
      NOTE 4:	For the affinity/anti-affinity rules defined in the VNFD and the placement constraints in the
              GrantVnfLifecycleOperation as defined in this clause, the following applies: Assuming unlimited
              capacity, the combination of all the aforementioned rules shall be satisfiable by at least one possible
              placement of the new resources, with the exception that some of the rules with fallbackBestEffort
              may be unsatisfiable due to the actual placement of existing resources. In this case, rules with
              fallbackBestEffort are allowed to be violated only in relation to the placement of existing resources.
      NOTE 5:	Passing constraints allows the VNFM or the lifecycle management scripts to influence resource
              placement decisions by the NFVO to ensure VNF properties such as performance or fault tolerance.
      NOTE 6:	If fallbackBestEffort is present and set to "true" in one or more placement constraints and the NFVO
              cannot find a resource placement that satisfies all of these due to limited capacity, the NFVO shall
              process each such affinity/antiAffinity constraint in a best effort manner, in which case, if specified
              resources cannot be allocated based on the specified placement constraint, the NFVO shal look for
              an alternate best effort placement for the specified resources to be granted. In the best effort antiaffinity case, the resources are expected to be spread optimally over all available instances of scope
              (e.g. zones), and in the best effort affinity case, they are expected to be distributed optimally over as
              few instances of scope as possible. Being able to satisfy a "best-effort" constraint in a best effort
              manner only, as defined above, shall not lead to rejecting the grant.
      NOTE 7: The target size for VNF instantiation may be specified in either instantiationLevelId or
              targetScaleLevelInfo, but not both.
      NOTE 8: If targetScaleLevelInfo is specified, information provided in targetScaleLevelInfo shall be used for
              scalable constituents of the VNF (e.g, VDUs/VLs) in the granting process. For scaling aspects not
              specified in targetScaleLevelInfo or for the VNF constituents (e.g.,VDUs/VLs) that are not scalable,
              the default instantiation level as declared in the VNFD shall be used in the granting process.
      NOTE 9: For resources related to a VDU that has the attribute isNumOfInstancesClusterBased set to TRUE, 
              only one occurrence of the addResources, or tempResources or removeResources, or 
              updateResources shall be included per descriptor indicated in the resourceTemplateId of the 
              ResourceDefinition, not one per VNFC instance.
      NOTE 10: If the granting request is for InstantiateVNF and if there are deployable modules defined in the 
               applicable VNF DF in the VNFD, either the selectedDeployableModules attribute or the 
               addResource attribute shall be included but not both. If selectedDeployableModules is included, 
               either the instantiationLevel or targetScaleLevelInfo attribute shall be also included.
      - required:
        - instantiationLevelId
      - required:
        - targetScaleLevelInfo
      - required:
        - addResources
    type: object
      - vnfInstanceId
      - vnfLcmOpOccId
      - vnfdId
      - operation
      - isAutomaticInvocation
      - _links
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF instance which this grant request is related
          to. Shall also be provided for VNFs that not yet exist but are
          planned to exist in the future, i.e. if the grant is requested for
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          The identifier of the VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence
          associated to the GrantRequest.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNFD that defines the VNF for which the LCM
          operation is to be granted.
          In case of the "Change current VNF package operation, this identifier
          refers to the VNFD which defines the VNF before the LCM operation to 
          be granted.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the "destination" VNFD which will define the VNF after 
          executing the "Change current VNF package" LCM operation to be granted. 
          Shall be included if the operation changes the current VNF Package and 
          shall be absent otherwise.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour of the VNFD that defines
          the VNF for which the LCM operation is to be granted.
          Shall be provided when instantiating the VNF or changing the
          deployment flavour of the VNF instance.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
          The lifecycle management operation for which granting is requested. See note 1. 
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/GrantedLcmOperationType"
        description: >
          Set to true if this VNF LCM operation occurrence has been triggered
          by an automated procedure inside the VNFM
          (i.e. ScaleVnf / ScaleVnfToLevel triggered by auto-scale, or HealVnf
          triggered by auto-heal).
          Set to false otherwise.
        type: boolean
        description: >
          If operation=INSTANTIATE, the identifier of the instantiation level may be provided as an 
          alternative way to define the resources to be added. This attribute shall only be used if 
          operation=INSTANTIATE. See notes 2, 7 and 10.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
          This attribute shall only be used for Instantiate VNF requests. This is applicable if VNF
          supports target scale level instantiation.

          This attribute provides an alternative way to define the resources to be added for the VNFs.
          For each scaling aspect of the current deployment flavour, the attribute specifies
          the scale level of VNF constituents (e.g., VDU level) to be instantiated. See notes 2,
          7, 8 and 10.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ScaleInfo"

        description: >
          References a selected deployable module.
          Resources related to VDUs that belong to not selected deployable modules shall not
          be considered in the granting

          This attribute shall only be used for the instantiate VNF request. See note 10.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
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        description: >
          Indicates values for resource capacity related attributes 
          pertaining to a descriptor, as received in the VNF LCM operation 
          request. The values indicated in this attribute are applicable to 
          all VNFC instances based on the VDU to which the 
          resourceCapacityDefinition is related.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceCapacityDefinition"
          List of resource definitions in the VNFD for resources to be added by the LCM operation 
          which is related to this grant request, with one entry per resource. See notes 2, 9 and 10.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ResourceDefinition"
          List of resource definitions in the VNFD for resources to be temporarily instantiated during 
          the runtime of the LCM operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per 
          resource. See notes 3 and 9.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ResourceDefinition"
        description: >
          Provides the definitions of resources to be removed by the LCM
          operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ResourceDefinition"
        description: >
          Provides the definitions of resources to be modified by the LCM
          operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ResourceDefinition"
        description: >
          Placement constraints that the VNFM may send to the NFVO in order to influence the resource 
          placement decision. If sent, the NFVO shall take the constraints into consideration when making 
          resource placement decisions and shall reject the grant if they cannot be honoured. See notes 4, 
          5 and 6.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/PlacementConstraint"
        description: >
          Used by the VNFM to require that multiple resources are managed
          through the same VIM connection. If sent, the NFVO shall take the
          constraints into consideration when making VIM selection decisions,
          and shall reject the grant if they cannot be honoured.
          This attribute shall be supported if VNF-related Resource Management
          in direct mode is applicable.
          The applicability and further details of this attribute for indirect
          mode are left for future specification.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/VimConstraint"
        description: >
          Additional parameters passed by the VNFM, specific to the VNF and
          the LCM operation.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Links to resources related to this request.
        type: object
          - vnfLcmOpOcc
          - vnfInstance
            description: >
              Related lifecycle management operation occurrence.
            $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Related VNF instance.
            $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
    description: >
      This type represents a grant.
      NOTE 1: This interface allows to signal the use of multiple VIMs per VNF. The specification
              for managing the VNF internal VL requirements across multiple VIMs is supported via
              "externally-managed internal VLs" and "multi-site connectivity services".
      NOTE 3: The Grant response allows the NFVO to pass to the VNFM VIM assets related to the VNF 
              package that is identified in the corresponding Grant request. Because only the operations
              InstantiateVnf, ChangeCurrentVnfPkg and the update of the vnfdId by PATCH can imply changes
              in the set of VIM assets, the NFVO shall not change this set in any other case. To signal the
              set of VIM assets, the following applies:
              a)	If the current LCM operation is InstantiateVnf, the NFVO shall send in the Grant response
              the full set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the vnfdId in the related
              Grant request.
              b)	If the current LCM operation is ChangeCurrentVnfPkg, the NFVO shall send in the
              Grant response the full set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the destVnfdId
              in the related Grant request.
              c)	For any other operation: If the set of VIM assets has changed since the end of the previous
              granted operation because a PATCH operation has changed the vnfdId between the previous granted
              operation and the operation to which the current granting exchange relates, the NFVO shall send
              in the Grant response the full set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the vnfdId
              in the related Grant request. Otherwise, the NFVO shall either send in the Grant response the full
              set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the vnfdId in the related Grant request, or
              shall not send any VIM assets at all.
              During each LCM operation occurrence other than a "ChangeCurrentVnfPkg" operation,
              the VIM assets that relate to the VNF package identified by the current value of
              the vnfdId attribute in the "VnfInstance" structure shall be used by the
              VNFM for newly created resources and updated resources.
      NOTE 4: The indication of externally-managed internal VLs is needed in case networks have been
              pre-configured for use with certain VNFs, for instance to ensure that these networks have
              certain properties such as security or acceleration features, or to address particular network
              topologies (e.g., multi-site connectivity). The present document assumes that externally-managed
              internal VLs are managed by the NFVO and created towards the VIM and WIM.
      NOTE 5: For any VNF lifecycle management operation request that allows to pass "extVirtualLinks" and/or
              "extManagedVirtualLinks" parameters, such as InstantiateVnf, ChangeVnfFlavour, ChangeExtVnfConnectivity or
              ChangeCurrentVnfPackage, the NFVO may provide the "extVirtualLinks" and/or "extManagedVirtualLinks" attributes
              in the Grant to override the values passed in these parameters previously in the associated VNF lifecycle
              management request, if the lifecycle management request has originated from the NFVO itself. The NFVO shall
              not provide the "extVirtualLinks" and/or "extManagedVirtualLinks" attributes in the Grant in case the LCM
              request did not originate from the NFVO itself or the granted LCM operation request does not allow to pass
              these parameters.
      NOTE 6: The NFVO shall set the value of the attribute by copying the value from the associated 
      NOTE 7: In case of granting an InstantiateVnf request that has originated from the NFVO and that 
              did not contain the "extVirtualLinks" attribute, this attribute shall be set by the NFVO. 
              Further in case of granting an InstantiateVnf request that has originated from the NFVO 
              and that did not contain the "extManagedVirtualLinks" attribute, this attribute shall be 
              set by the NFVO if there is the need to provide information about externally-managed virtual 
      NOTE 8: The resulting "extVirtualLinks" or "extManagedVirtualLinks" information is calculated as follows: 
              In a first step, the information passed in the related LCM operation is applied to the baseline
              information known from earlier LCM operation executions. In a second step, the information passed
              in the Grant is applied to the information resulting from the first step.
      NOTE 9: For resources related to ResourceDefinition whose VDU has the attribute 
              isNumOfInstancesClusterBased set to TRUE, only one occurrence of the addResources, or 
              tempResources or removeResources, or updateResources shall be included.
      - id
      - vnfInstanceId
      - vnfLcmOpOccId
      - _links
        description: >
          Identifier of the grant.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the related VNF instance. See note 6.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the related VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence. 
          See note 6.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Provides information regarding VIM and/or CISM connections that are
          approved to be used by the VNFM to allocate resources and provides
          parameters of these VIM and/or CISM connections.
          The VNFM shall update the
          "vimConnectionInfo" attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure by adding
          unknown entries received in this attribute.
          This attribute is not intended for the modification of VimConnectionInfo
          entries passed earlier; for that, the VnfInfoModificationRequest structure
          shall be used.
          This attribute shall only be supported when
            - all or part of the granted resources are managed by a VIM and VNF-related
            Resource Management in direct mode is applicable.
            - all or part of the granted resources are managed by a CISM.
          In direct mode, this parameter shall be absent if the VIM or CISM
          information was configured to the VNFM in another way, present otherwise. See note 1.
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
        description: >
          Provides information regarding a CIR connection that is approved to be
          used by the VNFM to obtain information about OS container
          images. It shall be absent in case of rejection or if the CIR information
          was configured to the VNFM in another way or if the granted
          resources are not managed by a CISM, present otherwise.
        type: object
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
        description: >
          Provides information regarding a MCIOP repository. It shall be absent
          in case of rejection or if the MCIOP repository information was configured
          to the VNFM in another way or if the granted resources are not managed
          by a CISM, present otherwise.
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        type: object
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          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
        description: >
          Identifies resource zones where the resources are approved to be
          allocated by the VNFM.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ZoneInfo"
        description: >
          Information about groups of resource zones that are related and that
          the NFVO has chosen to fulfil a zoneGroup constraint in the
          GrantVnfLifecycleOperation request.
          This information confirms that the NFVO has honoured the zoneGroup
          constraints that were passed as part of "placementConstraints" in the
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ZoneGroupInfo"
        description: >
          List of resources that are approved to be added, with one entry per
          resource. See note 9. Shall be set when resources are approved to be added and 
          shall contain the same set of resources requested to be added in the 
          related GrantRequest.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/GrantInfo"
        description: >
          List of resources that are approved to be temporarily instantiated
          during the runtime of the lifecycle operation, with one entry per
          resource. See note 9. Shall be set when resources are approved to be temporarily 
          instantiated and shall contain the same set of resources requested to 
          be temporarily instantiated in the related GrantRequest.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/GrantInfo"
        description: >
          List of resources that are approved to be removed, with one entry
          per resource. See note 9. Shall be set when resources are approved to be removed
          and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be removed 
          in the related GrantRequest.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/GrantInfo"
        description: >
          List of resources that are approved to be modified, with one entry
          per resource. See note 9. Shall be set when resources are approved to be updated
          and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be updated 
          in the related GrantRequest.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/GrantInfo"
        description: >
          Information about assets for the VNF that are defined in VNFD and
          managed by the NFVO in the VIM/NFVI, such as software images
          and virtualised compute resource flavours.
          See note 3.
        type: object
            description: >
              Mappings between virtual compute descriptors defined in the VNFD
              and compute resource flavours managed in the VIM.
            type: array
              $ref: "#/definitions/VimComputeResourceFlavour"
            description: >
              Mappings between software images defined in the VNFD and
              software images managed in the VIM.
            type: array
              $ref: "#/definitions/VimSoftwareImage"
            description: >
              Mappings between snapshot resources defined in the VNF snapshot package and resources
              managed in the VIM.
            type: array
              $ref: "#/definitions/VimSnapshotResource"
            description: >
              Mappings between virtual storages defined in the VNFD and virtual
              storages managed in the NFVI.
            type: array
              $ref: "#/definitions/StorageAsset"
        description: >
          Information about PaaS Services assigned to the VNF and that are managed in the PSM by the NFVO.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/PaasAssets"
        description: >
          Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to. See notes 5, 7 and 8. If this attribute 
          is present according to note 5 or note 7, it need not contain those entries that are unchanged 
          compared to the entries that were passed in the LCM operation which is related to this granting exchange.
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Information about internal VLs that are managed by other entities than the VNFM. See notes 4, 5, 7 and 8.
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Francesca Moscatelli committed
          $ref: "../../VNFLifecycleManagement/definitions/SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Additional parameters passed by the NFVO, specific to the VNF and
          the LCM operation.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Links to resources related to this resource.
        type: object
          - self
          - vnfLcmOpOcc
          - vnfInstance
            description: >
              URI of this resource.
            $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Related VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence.
            $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Related VNF instance.
            $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
    description: >
      This type provides information of an existing or proposed resource or PaaS Service used by the VNF.
      NOTE 1:	The use cases UC#4 and UC#5 in Annex A.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 007 provide examples
                for such a configuration.
      NOTE 2:	In the context of an operation that changes the current VNF package, the following applies: If this
                ResourceDefinition is related to a resource to be created or modified, the "vnfdId" attribute shall
                contain the identifier of the destination VNFD. If this ResourceDefinition is related to a resource
                to be deleted, the "vnfdId" attribute shall contain the identifier of the source VNFD. If this
                ResourceDefinition is related to a temporary resource, the "vnfdId" attribute shall contain the
                identifier of either the source VNFD or the destination VNFD.
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      NOTE 3: In case of the type of the ResourceDefinition is "OSCONTAINER", either 
                resourceTemplateId or osContainerDesc shall be present.
      NOTE 4: In case the osContainerDesc is not present in the VNFD, while MCIOP(s) is present, 
                osContainerDesc shall be included in the GrantVnfLifecycleOperationRequest based on 
                the processing result of the MCIOP from CISM.
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      - required:
          - resourceTemplateId
      - required:
          - osContainerDesc
          Identifier of this "ResourceDefinition" structure, unique at least
          within the scope of the "GrantRequest" structure.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierLocal"
          Type of the resource definition referenced.
          Permitted values:
          * COMPUTE
          * VL
          * STORAGE
          * LINKPORT
        type: string
          - COMPUTE
          - VL
          - STORAGE
          - LINKPORT
          Reference to the related VDU in the VNFD applicable to this
          Shall only be present if a VDU is applicable to this resource,
          i.e. if "type" has the value "COMPUTE".
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNFD to which resourceTemplateId and vduId refer. Shall be present 
          if the operation to be granted changes the current VNF Package. May be absent otherwise. See note 2.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
          Reference to the applicable resource template in the VNFD as follows:
            - if type="VL" : VnfVirtualLinkDesc
            - if type="COMPUTE": VirtualComputeDesc
            - if type="LINKPORT" : VnfExtCpd
            - if type="STORAGE" : VirtualStorageDesc
            - If type="OSCONTAINER": OsContainerDesc
            - If type="VIRTUALCP": VirtualCpd
            - If type="PAASSERVICE": PaasServiceRequest
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          Cardinality may be greater than "1" when type="OSCONTAINER" and multiple references
          to OsContainerDesc are present in the VDU indicated by the "vduId". See note 3.
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
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        description: >
          Resource requirements for the OS Containers. See note 3 and 4.
        type: array 
          $ref: "#/definitions/OsContainerDesc"
        description: >
          Reference to a secondary resource template (VnfExtCpd) in the VNFD.
          Shall be present if type="LINKPORT" and the linkport is shared by two external CP instances, 
          one exposing a VNFC CP instance (based on a VnfExtCpd referenced by "resourceTemplateId") and 
          another one exposing a VIP CP instance (based on a VnfExtCpd referenced by this attribute). 
          Shall be absent otherwise. See note 1.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
          Resource information for an existing resource. Shall be present for
          resources that are planned to be deleted or modified. Shall be
          absent otherwise.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceHandle"
        description: >
          Information to identify a snapshot resource. Shall only be present if the 
          operation to be granted concerns to creating a VNF snapshot from the VNF
          or to reverting the VNF to a VNF snapshot.
        $ref: "#/definitions/SnapshotResourceDefinition"
    description: >
      This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion
      was granted. It enables also referencing to a PaaS Service request definition which has been granted.
      - resourceDefinitionId
        description: >
          Identifier of the related "ResourceDefinition" structure from the
          related "GrantRequest" structure.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierLocal"
        description: >
          The reservation identifier applicable to the VNFC/VirtualLink/VirtualStorage/compute 
          host. It shall be present for new resources when policy is GRANT_RESERVE and an 
          applicable reservation exists; shall not be present otherwise.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"
        description: >
          Identifier of the VIM or CISM connection to be used to manage this resource.
          Shall be present for new resources, and shall be absent for
          resources that have already been allocated.
          The applicable "VimConnectionInfo" structure, which is referenced by
          vimConnectionId, can be obtained from the "vimConnectionInfo"
          attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure.
          This attribute shall only be supported when 
            - all or part of the granted resources are managed by a VIM and VNF-related Resource Management in
            direct mode is applicable.
            - all or part of the granted resources are managed by a CISM.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the
          virtualised resource. Shall be present for new resources, and shall
          be absent for resources that have already been allocated.
          This attribute shall only be supported when VNF-related Resource
          Management in indirect mode is applicable. The identification scheme
          is outside the scope of the present document.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Reference to the identifier of the "ZoneInfo" structure in the
          "Grant" structure defining the resource zone into which this
          resource is to be placed. Shall be present for new resources if the
          zones concept is applicable to them (typically, Compute resources),
          and shall be absent for resources that have already been allocated.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierLocal"
        description: >
          Identifier of the "infrastructure resource group", logical grouping
          of virtual resources assigned to a tenant within an Infrastructure
          Domain, to be provided when allocating the resource.
          If the VIM connection referenced by "vimConnectionId" applies to
          multiple infrastructure resource groups, this attribute shall be
          present for new resources.
          If the VIM connection referenced by "vimConnectionId" applies to a
          single infrastructure resource group, this attribute may be present
          for new resources.
          This attribute shall be absent for resources that have already been
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"
        description: >
          The value of the namespace in which the MCIOs of a VNF with containerized components shall be deployed.
          This attribute shall be present if the granted resources are managed by a CISM. The attribute shall be
          absent if the granted resources are not managed by a CISM.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          The constraint values to be assigned to MCIOs of a VNF with containerized components.
          The key in the key-value pair indicates the parameter name of
          the MCIO constraint in the MCIO declarative descriptor and
          shall be one of the possible enumeration values of the
          "mcioConstraintsParams" attribute as specified in clause
 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [10]. The value in the keyvalue pair indicates the value to be assigned
          to the MCIO constraint.
          This attribute shall be present if the granted resources are managed by a CISM. The attribute shall be
          absent if the granted resources are not managed by a CISM.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
    description: >
      This type provides information regarding a resource zone.
    type: object
      - id
      - zoneId
        description: >
          The identifier of this ZoneInfo instance, for the purpose of
          referencing it from other structures in the "Grant" structure.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierLocal"
        description: >
          The identifier of the resource zone, as managed by the resource
          management layer (typically, the VIM).
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the connection to the VIM that manages the resource
          The applicable "VimConnectionInfo" structure, which is referenced by
          vimConnectionId, can be obtained from the " vimConnectionInfo"
          attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure.
          This attribute shall only be supported and present when VNF-related
          Resource Management in direct mode is applicable.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifies the entity responsible for the management the resource
          This attribute shall only be supported and present when VNF-related
          Resource Management in indirect mode is applicable. The
          identification scheme is outside the scope of the present document.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
      This type provides information regarding a resource zone group. A
      resource zone group is a group of one or more related resource zones
      which can be used in resource placement constraints. To fulfil such
      constraint, the NFVO may decide to place a resource into any zone that
      belongs to a particular group.
      NOTE: A resource zone group can be used to support overflow from one
      resource zone into another, in case a particular deployment supports
      only non-elastic resource zones.
    type: object
      - zoneId
        description: >
          References of identifiers of "ZoneInfo" structures, each of which
          provides information about a resource zone that belongs to this
        type: array
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierLocal"

    description: >
      This type provides information regarding a resource placement
      constraint. A set of such constraints may be sent by the VNFM to the
      NFVO to influence the resource placement decisions made by the NFVO as
      part of the granting process.
      A placement constraint defines a condition to the placement of new
      resources, considering other new resources as well as existing resources.
      The following rules influence the placement of a set of resources such
      that they are placed in the same Network Function Virtualisation
      Infrastructure Point of Presence (NFVI-PoP) but in different resource
      {type="AFFINITY"; scope="NFVI_POP"; {resource1,resource2}}
      {type="ANTI_AFFINITY"; scope="ZONE"; {resource1,resource2}}

      Annex B in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [10] provides additional description and examples about the usage of the
      affinity/anti-affinity rules.

      NOTE: The "CIS_NODE" and “CONTAINER_NAMESPACE” scopes shall only be used to express affinity or
            antiaffinity relationship between containerized workloads.
    type: object
      - affinityOrAntiAffinity
      - scope
      - resource
        description: >
          The type of the constraint.
          Permitted values:
          * AFFINITY
          * ANTI_AFFINITY
        type: string
          - AFFINITY
          - ANTI_AFFINITY
        description: >
          The scope of the placement constraint indicating the category of the
          "place" where the constraint applies.
          Permitted values:
            - NFVI_POP
            - ZONE
            - ZONE_GROUP
            - NFVI_NODE
            - CIS_NODE
          - See note.
        type: string
          - NFVI_POP
          - ZONE
          - ZONE_GROUP
          - NFVI_NODE
        description: >
          References to resources in the constraint rule.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ConstraintResourceRef"
        description: >
          Indication if the constraint is handled with fall back best effort. Default value is “false”.
          If set to true, the Affinity/Anti_Affinity placement constraint need not be fully satisfied
          due to capacity constraints and/or due to the actual placement of existing resources, i.e.
          if resource placement cannot honour the placement constraint, the request is processed in a
          best effort manner.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Boolean"
      This type provides information regarding a VIM selection constraint. A
      set of such constraints may be sent by the VNFM to the NFVO to influence
      the VIM selection decisions made by the NFVO as part of the granting
          If present and set to true, this signals that the constraint applies
          not only to the same VIM connection, but also to the same
          infrastructure resource group.
        type: boolean
          References to resources in the constraint rule.
          The NFVO shall ensure that all resources in this list are managed
          through the same VIM connection. If "sameResourceGroup" is set to
          true, the NFVO shall further ensure that all resources in this list
          are part of the same infrastructure resource group in that VIM
        type: array
        minItems: 2
          $ref: "#/definitions/ConstraintResourceRef"

    description: >
      This type references a resource either by its VIM-level identifier for
      existing resources, or by the identifier of a "ResourceDefinition"
      structure in the "GrantRequest" structure for new resources.
    type: object
      - idType
      - resourceId
        description: >
          The type of the identifier.
          Permitted values:
          * RES_MGMT: Resource-management-level identifier; this identifier is
            managed by the VIM in the direct mode of VNF-related resource
            management, and is managed by the NFVO in the indirect mode)
          * GRANT: Reference to the identifier of a "ResourceDefinition"
          structure in the "GrantRequest" structure.
          An actual resource-management-level identifier (idType=RES_MGMT),
          or an identifier that references a "ResourceDefinition" structure in
          the related "GrantRequest" structure (idType=GRANT).
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"
          Identifier of the VIM connection for managing the resource. It shall
          only be present when idType = RES_MGMT.
          The applicable "VimConnectionInfo" structure, which is referenced by
          vimConnectionId, can be obtained from the "vimConnectionInfo"
          attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure.
          This attribute shall only be supported when VNF-related resource
          management in direct mode is applicable.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
          Identifier of the resource provider. It shall only be present when
          idType = RES_MGMT.
          This attribute shall only be supported when VNF-related resource
          management in indirect mode is applicable. The identification scheme
          is outside the scope of the present document.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"

    description: >
      If the VIM requires the use of virtual compute resource flavours during
      compute resource instantiation, it is assumed that such flavours are
      selected or created by the NFVO based on the information in the virtual
      compute descriptor defined in the VNFD.
      This type defines the mapping between a virtual compute descriptor in
      the VNFD and the corresponding compute resource flavour managed by the
      NFVO in the VIM.
    type: object
      - vnfdVirtualComputeDescId
      - vimFlavourId
        description: >
          Identifier of the VIM connection to access the flavour referenced in
          this structure.
          The applicable "VimConnectionInfo" structure, which is referenced by
          vimConnectionId, can be obtained from the "vimConnectionInfo"
          attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure when "vimConnectionInfo" is available.
          This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related
          resource management in direct mode is applicable.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the
          virtualised resource.
          This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related
          resource management in indirect mode is applicable. The
          identification scheme is outside the scope of the present document.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier which references the virtual compute descriptor in the
          VNFD that maps to this flavour.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the compute resource flavour in the resource
          management layer (i.e. VIM).
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"

    description: >
      This type contains a mapping between a software image definition the
      VNFD and the corresponding software image managed by the NFVO in the
      VIM or CIR which is needed during compute resource instantiation.

      NOTE: For an OS container image, the value of this attribute is a string concatenating the name and tag of the
            image in the CIR separated by a colon ':' with no spaces, e.g. “dbImage:001”.
      - vnfdSoftwareImageId
      - vimSoftwareImageId
        description: >
          Identifier of the VIM or CIR connection to access the software image referenced in this structure.
          The applicable "VimConnectionInfo" structure, which is referenced by vimConnectionId, can be obtained from the
          "vimConnectionInfo" attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure when "vimConnectionInfo" is available.
          This attribute shall only be supported and present if
            - the software image is to be loaded in a virtual machine and VNF-related resource management in
            direct mode is applicable.
            - the software image is to be loaded in an OS container managed by a CISM.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the
          virtualised resource.
          This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related
          resource management in indirect mode is applicable. The
          identification scheme is outside the scope of the present document.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier which references the software image descriptor in the
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the software image in the resource management layer
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"
    description: >
      This type represents resource definition information related to a snapshot resource.

      NOTE 1:	If present, the value of the "vduId" (for a related VDU) in the "VnfcResourceInfo" 
              referred by the "vnfcInfoId" of the "VnfcSnapshotInfo" shall match the value of the 
              "vduId" in the resource definition that is signalled in the granting request.
      NOTE 2:	For snapshot resource definitions extracted from a VNF snapshot package, only the 
              "vnfcSnapshotId" and "storageSnapshotId" (in case of a storage type of resource) 
              are applicable. If the snapshot resource definition is generated as part of a VNF 
              snapshot created by the VNFM (that is, not extracted from a VNF snapshot package), 
              the "snapshotResource" is applicable. This is a similar specification as the one 
              defined with the "vduId", "resourceTemplateId" and "resource" attributes provided in 
              the ResourceDefinition, but in this case applicable to resources that are defined from 
              VNF snapshots instead of VNFD.
    type: object
    - vnfSnapshotId
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF snapshot related to the resource change for the VNF instance. 
          Shall only be present if the operation to be granted concerns to creating a VNF snapshot 
          from the VNF or to reverting the VNF to a VNF snapshot.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
          Reference to the information about a specific VNFC snapshot (refer to "VnfcSnapshotInfo") of 
          the VNF snapshot. The identifier is unique within the scope of a VNF snapshot, identified by 
          the "vnfSnapshotId" attribute. Shall only be present if the operation to be granted concerns 
          to reverting the VNF to a VNF snapshot, and the resource is planned to be added based on the 
          VNFC snapshot, and the type of resource is "COMPUTE" or "STORAGE". See notes 1 and 2.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierLocal"
          Reference to a snapshotted storage resource associated to the VNFC snapshot. Shall only be present 
          if the operation to be granted concerns to reverting the VNF to a VNF snapshot, and the storage 
          resource is planned to be added based on the VNFC snapshot, and the type of resource is "STORAGE". 
          See note 2.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf"
          Resource information for an existing snapshot resource. Shall only be present if the operation to 
          be granted concerns to reverting the VNF to a VNF snapshot and the resource is planned to be added 
          based on an existing VNF snapshot that has been created by the VNFM. Shall be absent otherwise. 
          See note 2.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceHandle"
    description: >
      This type contains a mapping between a snapshot resource definition related to a VNF snapshot 
      and the corresponding resource managed by the NFVO in the VIM which is needed during the revert 
      to VNF snapshot operation.
    type: object
    - vnfSnapshotId
    - vnfcSnapshotId
    - vimSnapshotResourceId
        description: >
          Identifier of the VIM connection to access the software image referenced in this structure.
          The applicable "VimConnectionInfo" structure, which is referenced by vimConnectionId, can be
          obtained from the "vimConnectionInfo" attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure.
          This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related resource management in direct 
          mode is applicable.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifies the entity responsible for the management of the virtualised resource.
          This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related resource management in indirect 
          mode is applicable. The identification scheme is outside the scope of the present document.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
          Identifier of the VNF snapshot (referring to the "id" attribute in the "VnfSnapshot" data structure) 
          related to this VIM snapshot resource.  
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the information about a specific VNFC snapshot (refer to "VnfcSnapshotInfo") of 
          the VNF snapshot. The identifier is unique within the scope of a VNF snapshot, identified by 
          the "vnfSnapshotId" attribute.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierLocal"
        description: >
          Identifier of the virtual storage resource that has been snapshotted as referred in the VNFC
          snapshot information. Shall only be present if the snapshot resource in the VIM is a storage 
          resource (as indicated by "type=STORAGE" in the parent resource definition).
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf"
        description: >
          Identifier of the snapshot resource in the resource management layer (i.e. VIM).
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"
    description: >
      This type provides a mapping between a VirtualStorageDesc in the VNFD and the corresponding virtual storage
      managed by the NFVO in the NFVI.
    type: object
      - virtualStorageDescId
      - storageClassName
        description: >
          Identifier of the VIM or CISM connection to access the virtual
          storage referenced in this data type.
          The applicable "VimConnectionInfo" structure, which is referenced by
          vimConnectionId, can be obtained from the "vimConnectionInfo"
          attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure.
          This attribute shall only be supported and present if
          - all or part of the granted resources are managed by
          a VIM and VNF related resource management in direct mode is applicable.
          - all or part of the granted resources are managed by a CISM.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier used by NFVO to determine the entity responsible for the
          management of the storage asset.
          This attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related resource
          management in indirect mode is applicable. The identification scheme
          is outside the scope of the present document.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the virtual storage descriptor in the VNFD.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Name of storage class, which represents features and policies
          concerning a virtual storage.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
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    description: >
      This type describes the properties of a set of co-located container compute resources 
      required for realizing a VDU.
    type: object
      - osContainerDescId
      - name
      - description
        description: >
          Unique identifier of this OsContainerDesc
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Human readable name of this OS container.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          Human readable description of this OS container.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          Number of CPU resources requested for the container (e.g. in milli-CPU-s).
        type: integer
        description: >
          Amount of memory resources requested for the container (e.g. in MB).
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Number"
        description: >
          Size of ephemeral storage resources requested for the container (e.g. in GB).
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Number"
        description: >
          An array of key-value pairs of extended resources required by the container.
        type: array
          type: integer
        description: >
          Number of CPU resources the container can maximally use in milli-CPU.
        type: integer
        description: >
          Amount of memory resources the container can maximally use (e.g. in MB).
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Number"
        description: >
          Size of ephemeral storage resources the container can maximally use (e.g. in GB).
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Number"
        description: >
          Specifies HugePages resources requested for the container, which the container can 
          maximally use (e.g. "hugepages-2Mi: 100Mi").
        type: array
          $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Number"      

    type: object
      - paasServiceType
      - paasServiceId
      - paasServiceRequestId
      - paasServiceHandle
        description: >
          The type of PaaS Service. The value of this attribute is expected to be 
          matched against values of the registered PaaS Services in the PSR.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          Identifier of the assigned PaaS Service as managed by the PSM.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Version of the PaaS Service. It shall be present if the PaaS Service is versioned.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Version"
        description: >
          Identifier of the PaaS Service request in the VNFD that maps to the assigned PaaS Service.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          A handle enabling the access and use of the PaaS Service by the VNF.
        $ref: "../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/PaasServiceHandle"