1. 26 Oct, 2007 1 commit
  2. 25 Oct, 2007 1 commit
  3. 15 Oct, 2007 3 commits
  4. 13 Oct, 2007 1 commit
    • Daniel Stenberg's avatar
      Chris Leighton: · 887e8f92
      Daniel Stenberg authored
      My understanding is that we use "number" for discrete variables and
      "amount" for continuous variables.
      So you can say "The amount of flour required depends on..." or, "Last
      night I consumed a large amount of beer!".
      And, "That tank contains a large number of fish" or, "Over the week I
      consumed a number of cases of beer."
      I think that features are discrete, so the man page would read "...the
      number of features will make your head spin!".
  5. 09 Oct, 2007 3 commits
  6. 07 Oct, 2007 1 commit
  7. 05 Oct, 2007 3 commits
  8. 04 Oct, 2007 1 commit
  9. 03 Oct, 2007 3 commits
  10. 02 Oct, 2007 3 commits
  11. 25 Sep, 2007 1 commit
  12. 24 Sep, 2007 2 commits
  13. 21 Sep, 2007 2 commits
  14. 20 Sep, 2007 4 commits
  15. 18 Sep, 2007 2 commits
    • Daniel Stenberg's avatar
      Rob Crittenden provided an NSS update with the following highlights: · 8c3f40ee
      Daniel Stenberg authored
      o It looks for the NSS database first in the environment variable SSL_DIR,
        then in /etc/pki/nssdb, then it initializes with no database if neither of
        those exist.
      o If the NSS PKCS#11 libnspsem.so driver is available then PEM files may be
        loaded, including the ca-bundle. If it is not available then only
        certificates already in the NSS database are used.
      o Tries to detect whether a file or nickname is being passed in so the right
        thing is done
      o Added a bit of code to make the output more like the OpenSSL module,
        including displaying the certificate information when connecting in
        verbose mode
      o Improved handling of certificate errors (expired, untrusted, etc)
      The libnsspem.so PKCS#11 module is currently only available in Fedora
      8/rawhide. Work will be done soon to upstream it. The NSS module will work
      with or without it, all that changes is the source of the certificates and
    • Daniel Stenberg's avatar
  16. 13 Sep, 2007 3 commits
  17. 09 Sep, 2007 1 commit
  18. 06 Sep, 2007 1 commit
  19. 05 Sep, 2007 1 commit
  20. 03 Sep, 2007 1 commit
  21. 01 Sep, 2007 1 commit
  22. 31 Aug, 2007 1 commit