ITS-Container.asn 113 KB
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Denis Filatov's avatar
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 * EXAMPLE:	The value for TimestampIts for `2007-01-01T00:00:00.000Z` is `94 694 401 000` milliseconds,
 * which includes one leap second insertion since `2004-01-01T00:00:00.000Z`.
 * The DE is used in @ref ProtectedCommunicationZone DF as defined in clause A.121.
 * @unit: millisecond
 * @category: Other Information
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Denis Filatov committed
TimestampIts ::= INTEGER {utcStartOf2004(0), oneMillisecAfterUTCStartOf2004(1)} (0..4398046511103)

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 * Role played by a vehicle at a point in time.
 * The DE shall be set to:
 * - 0 `default`: default vehicle role as indicated by the vehicle type,
 * - 1 `publicTransport`: vehicle is used to operate public transport service,
 * - 2 `specialTransport`: vehicle is used for special transport purpose, e.g. oversized trucks,
 * - 3 `dangerousGoods`: vehicle is used for dangerous goods transportation,
 * - 4 `roadWork`: vehicle is used to realize roadwork or road maintenance mission,
 * - 5 `rescue`: vehicle is used for rescue purpose in case of an accident, e.g. as a towing service,
 * - 6 `emergency`: vehicle is used for emergency mission, e.g. ambulance, fire brigade,
 * - 7 `safetyCar`: vehicle is used for public safety, e.g. patrol,
 * - 8 `agriculture`: vehicle is used for agriculture, e.g. farm tractor as defined
 *   in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,
 * - 9 `commercial`: vehicle is used for transportation of commercial goods as defined
 *   in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,
 * - 10 `military`: vehicle is used for military purpose as defined in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,
 * - 11 `roadOperator`: vehicle is used in road operator missions as defined in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,
 * - 12 `taxi`: vehicle is used to provide an authorized taxi service as defined
 *   in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,
 * - 13 `reserved`: reserved for future usage,
 * - 14 `reserved`: reserved for future usage,
 * - 15 `reserved`: reserved for future usage.
 * @category: Vehicle Information
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Denis Filatov committed
VehicleRole ::= ENUMERATED {default(0), publicTransport(1), specialTransport(2), dangerousGoods(3), roadWork(4), rescue(5), emergency(6), safetyCar(7), agriculture(8), commercial(9), military(10), roadOperator(11), taxi(12), reserved1(13), reserved2(14), reserved3(15)}
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 * Yaw rate of vehicle at a point in time.
 * @field yawRateValue: yaw rate value at a point in time. It shall be presented as defined in clause A.101,
 * @field vehicleLengthConfidenceIndication: accuracy of reported yaw rate value.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.100.
 * @category: Vehicle Information
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Denis Filatov committed
YawRate::= SEQUENCE {
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    yawRateValue YawRateValue,
    yawRateConfidence YawRateConfidence
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 * It denotes the vehicle rotation around z-axis of coordinate system centred on the centre of mass of the empty-loaded
 * vehicle. It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as specified in ISO 8855 [2].
 * - The leading sign denotes the direction of rotation.
 * - Positive values indicate that the rotation is anti-clockwise (i.e. to the left).
 * - The value shall be set to `32 766` if the yaw rate is equal to or greater than 327.66 degrees/second to the left.
 * - Negative values indicate that the rotation is clockwise (i.e. to the right).
 * - The value shall be set to `-32 766` if the yaw rate is equal to or greater than 327,66 degrees/second to the right.
 * - The value shall be set to `32 767` if the information is not available.
 * The yaw rate value shall be a raw data value, i.e. not filtered, smoothed or otherwise modified.
 * The reading instant should be the same as for the vehicle acceleration.
 * The DE is used in @ref YawRate DF as defined in clause A.132.
 * @note:	The empty load vehicle is defined in ISO 1176 [i.9], clause 4.6.
* @category: Vehicle Information
Denis Filatov's avatar
Denis Filatov committed
YawRateValue ::= INTEGER {straight(0), degSec-000-01ToRight(-1), degSec-000-01ToLeft(1), unavailable(32767)} (-32766..32767)

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Denis Filatov committed
 * DE that denotes the absolute accuracy range for reported yaw rate value for a predefined confidence level (e.g. 95 %).
 * The required confidence level is defined by the station applying this DE.
 * The value shall be set to:
 * - 0 if the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,01 degree/second
 * - 1 if the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,05 degrees/second
 * - 2 if the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,1 degree/second
 * - 3 if the accuracy is equal to or less than 1 degree/second
 * - 4 if the accuracy is equal to or less than 5 degrees/second
 * - 5 if the accuracy is equal to or less than 10 degrees/second
 * - 6 if the accuracy is equal to or less than 100 degrees/second
 * - 7 if the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 100 degrees/second
 * - 8 if the accuracy information is unavailable
 * The DE is used in @ref YawRate DF as defined in clause A.132.
 * NOTE:	The fact that a yaw rate value is received with confidence set to `unavailable(8)` can be caused by
 * several reasons, such as:
 * - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 * - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 * - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
 * In all 3 cases above, the reported yaw rate value may be valid and used by the application.
 * If a yaw rate value is received and its confidence is set to `outOfRange(7)`, it means that the reported
 * yaw rate value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful the application.
 * @category: Traffic information
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Denis Filatov committed
YawRateConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
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    degSec-000-01 (0),
    degSec-000-05 (1),
    degSec-000-10 (2),
    degSec-001-00 (3),
    degSec-005-00 (4),
    degSec-010-00 (5),
    degSec-100-00 (6),
    outOfRange (7),
    unavailable (8)
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Denis Filatov committed
 * DE that defines the type of a protected communication zone, so that an ITS-S is aware of the actions to do
 * while passing by such zone (e.g. reduce the transmit power in case of a DSRC tolling station).
 * The protected zone type is defined in ETSI TS 102 792 [i.16].
 * The DE is used in @ref ProtectedCommunicationZone DF as defined in clause A.121.
 * @category: Communication information
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Denis Filatov committed
ProtectedZoneType::= ENUMERATED { permanentCenDsrcTolling (0), ..., temporaryCenDsrcTolling (1) }
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 * DE describing a distance of relevance for information indicated in a message, for example, it may be used
 * to describe the distance of relevance of an event indicated in a DENM as defined in ETSI EN 302 637-3 [i.3].
 * @category: GeoReference information
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Denis Filatov committed
RelevanceDistance ::= ENUMERATED {lessThan50m(0), lessThan100m(1), lessThan200m(2), lessThan500m(3), lessThan1000m(4), lessThan5km(5), lessThan10km(6), over10km(7)}

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 * DE describing a traffic direction that is relevant to information indicated in a message.
 * For example, it may be used to describe traffic direction which is relevant to an event indicated by a DENM
 * as defined in ETSI EN 302 637-3 [i.3],
 * The terms `upstream`, `downstream` and `oppositeTraffic` are relative to the event position.
 * @note: Upstream traffic corresponds to the incoming traffic towards the event position,
 * and downstream traffic to the departing traffic away from the event position.
 * @category: GeoReference information
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Denis Filatov committed
RelevanceTrafficDirection ::= ENUMERATED {allTrafficDirections(0), upstreamTraffic(1), downstreamTraffic(2), oppositeTraffic(3)}

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 * Time interval between two consecutive message transmissions.
 * @unit: milliseconds
 * @category: Communication information
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TransmissionInterval ::= INTEGER {oneMilliSecond(1), tenSeconds(10000)} (1..10000)

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 * Duration of a traffic event validity.
 * @unit: seconds
 * @category: Traffic information
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ValidityDuration ::=    INTEGER {timeOfDetection(0), oneSecondAfterDetection(1)} (0..86400)
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 * Identifier used to describe a protocol action taken by an ITS-S.
 * For example, it describes an action taken by an ITS-S to trigger a new DENM as defined in ETSI EN 302 637-3 [i.3]
 * after detecting an event.
 * @field originatingStationID: ID of the ITS-S that takes the action. It shall be presented as defined in clause A.77,
 * @field sequenceNumber: a sequence number. It shall be presented as defined in clause A.68.
 * @category: Communication information
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Denis Filatov committed
ActionID ::= SEQUENCE {
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    originatingStationID StationID,
    sequenceNumber SequenceNumber
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 * A path being described with a list of waypoints, each waypoint is represented with geographical position
 * as defined in clause A.124 @ref ReferencePosition.
 * @category: GeoReference information
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Denis Filatov committed
ItineraryPath ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..40) OF ReferencePosition

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Denis Filatov committed
 * DF that describes a zone of protection inside which the ITSG5 communication should be restricted.
 * @field protectedZoneType: Type of the protected zone. It shall be presented as defined in clause A.58,
 * @field expiryTime: Time at which the validity of the protected communication zone will expire.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.82.
 * This information is optional and shall be present when the  protected zone is temporarily valid,
 * @field protectedZoneLatitude: latitude of the centre point of the protected communication zone.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.41,
 * @field protectedZoneLongitude: longitude of the centre point of the protected communication zone.
 * It shall be represented as defined in clause A.44,
 * @field protectedZoneRadius: radius of the protected communication zone in metres.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.57.
 * This DE is optional, it shall be present if the data is available,
 * @field protectedZoneID: the ID of the protected communication zone.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.56.
 * This DE is optional, it shall be present if the data is available.
 * @note:	A protected communication zone may be defined around a CEN DSRC road side equipment.
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
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Denis Filatov committed
ProtectedCommunicationZone ::= SEQUENCE {
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    protectedZoneType       ProtectedZoneType,
    expiryTime TimestampIts OPTIONAL,
    protectedZoneLatitude   Latitude,
    protectedZoneLongitude  Longitude,
    protectedZoneRadius ProtectedZoneRadius OPTIONAL,
    protectedZoneID ProtectedZoneID OPTIONAL,
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 * One or more paths, each path is described using a list of waypoints in a predefined order.
 * A path shall be presented as defined in clause A.117 @ref PathHistory.
 * This DF may be used to describe location referencing information.
 * @category: GeoReference information
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Denis Filatov committed
Traces ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..7) OF PathHistory

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 * Number of occupants in a vehicle.
 * - For values equal to or higher than 126, the value shall be set to `126`.
 * - If the information is not available, the value shall be set to `127`.
 * @unit: 1 person
 * @category Other information
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Denis Filatov committed
NumberOfOccupants ::= INTEGER {oneOccupant (1), unavailable(127)} (0 .. 127)

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 * Sequence number.
 * The DE is used in @ref ActionID as defined in clause A.102.
 * @category Other information
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Denis Filatov committed
SequenceNumber ::=  INTEGER (0..65535)
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 * Vehicle pillars refer to the vertical or near vertical support of vehicle,
 * designated respectively as the A, B, C or D and other pillars moving in side profile view from the front to rear.
 * The DF contains a list of distances that refer to the perpendicular distance between centre of vehicle front bumper
 * and vehicle pillar A, between neighbour pillars until the last pillar of the vehicle.
 * The first value of the DF refers to the perpendicular distance from the centre of vehicle front bumper to 
 * vehicle A pillar. The second value refers to the perpendicular distance from the centre position of A pillar
 * to the B pillar of vehicle and so on until the last pillar.
 * Each pillar position shall be presented as defined in clause A.54 @ref PosPillar.
 * @category: Vehicle information
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PositionOfPillars ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..3, ...)) OF PosPillar

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 * List of ITS-S types to which a certain traffic restriction, e.g. the speed limit, applies.
 * Each station type shall be presented as defined in clause A.78 @ref StationType.
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Traffic information
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RestrictedTypes ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..3, ...)) OF StationType

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Denis Filatov committed
 * The DF consists of a list of event points which represents the dimension of a plain event in a predefined order.
 * In case that the plain event is detected by a vehicle ITS-S, the DF consists of a list of event detection points
 * along the path that the detecting ITS S has travelled over some past time and/or distance.
 * Each event point shall be presented as defined in clause A.111 @ref EventPoint.
 * @category: GeoReference information, Traffic information
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EventHistory::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..23)) OF EventPoint

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 * DF that describes the position, time and corresponding information quality for an event point detected to describe
 * a plain event.
 * @field eventPosition: Offset position of a detected event point with regards to the previous detected event point.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.109.
 * @field eventDeltaTime: Time travelled by the detecting ITS-S since the previous detected event point.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.47.
 * This field is optional, it shall be present if the information is available.
 * @field informationQuality: Information quality of the detection for this event point.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.39.
 * This DF is used in @ref EventHistory DF as defined in clause A.110.
 * @category: GeoReference information, Traffic information
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Denis Filatov committed
EventPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
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    eventPosition DeltaReferencePosition,
    eventDeltaTime PathDeltaTime OPTIONAL,
    informationQuality InformationQuality
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 * DF that describes a list of protected communication zones by a road side ITS-S (Road Side Unit RSU).
 * It may provide up to 16 protected communication zones information.
 * Each protected communication zone shall be presented as defined in clause A.121 @ref ProtectedCommunicationZone.
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
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ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF ProtectedCommunicationZone 

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 * The DF describes the position of a CEN DSRC road side equipment.
 * @field protectedZoneLatitude: the latitude of the CEN DSRC road side equipment.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.41,
 * @field protectedZoneLongitude: the latitude of the CEN DSRC road side equipment. 
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.44,
 * @field cenDsrcTollingZoneID: the ID of the CEN DSRC road side equipment.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.11. This DE is optional.
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
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Denis Filatov committed
CenDsrcTollingZone ::= SEQUENCE {
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    protectedZoneLatitude Latitude,
    protectedZoneLongitude Longitude,
    cenDsrcTollingZoneID CenDsrcTollingZoneID OPTIONAL,
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 * Radius of a protected communication zone. 
 * This DE is used in @ref ProtectedCommunicationZone DF as defined in clause A.121.
 * @unit: metre
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
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ProtectedZoneRadius ::= INTEGER {oneMeter(1)} (1..255,...)

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 * ID of a protected communication zone.
 * This DE is used in @ref CenDsrcTollingZoneID DE as defined in clause A.11
 * and in @ref ProtectedCommunicationZone DF as defined in clause A.121.
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
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Denis Filatov committed
ProtectedZoneID ::= INTEGER (0.. 134217727)

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 * ID of a CEN DSRC tolling zone. It shall be presented as defined in clause A.56 ProtectedZoneID.
 * This DE is used in @ref CenDsrcTollingZone DF as defined in clause A.105.
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
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Denis Filatov committed
CenDsrcTollingZoneID ::= ProtectedZoneID

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 * Portion of digital map, described using a list of waypoints, described as 
 * @ref ReferencePosition as defined in clause A.124.
 * @category: GeoReference information
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DigitalMap ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..256)) OF ReferencePosition 

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 * UTF8String description of a time period to describe the opening days and hours of a Point of Interest
 * (for example local commerce).
 * @category: Other information
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OpeningDaysHours ::= UTF8String 

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 * Phone number
 * @category: Other information
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PhoneNumber ::= NumericString (SIZE(1..16))

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