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                                    deltaLongitude                      := -299,
                                    deltaAltitude                       := 0
                                pathDeltaTime                           := omit
                            { // Z6-D2-T5
                                pathPosition := {
                                    deltaLatitude                       := 373,
                                    deltaLongitude                      := -564,
                                    deltaAltitude                       := 0
                                pathDeltaTime                           := omit
                    }; // End of PICS_Z6_D2_Tx
                    modulepar DenmParm PICS_Z6_D2 := {
                        eventPosition                               := PICS_Z6_D2_EP,
                        causeCodeType                               := CauseCodeType_roadworks_,
                        eventHistory                                := PICS_Z6_D2_Hx,
                        traces                                      := PICS_Z6_D2_Tx,
                        roadWorksContainerExtended := {
                            lightBarSirenInUse                      := omit,
                            closedLanes := {
                                hardShoulderStatus                  := availableForDriving,
                                drivingLaneStatus                   := '0011'B
                            restriction                             := omit,
                            incidentIndication                      := omit,
                            recommendedPath                         := omit,
                            trafficFlowRule                         := passToRight,
                            referenceDenms                          := omit
                    } // End of PICS_Z6_D2
                } // End of group denmZone6_D2
                group denmZone6_D3 {
                     * @desc Z6-D3-EP/POS3
                    modulepar ReferencePosition PICS_Z6_D3_EP := {
                        latitude                                    := 435536760,                               // Z6-D3-EP/latitude
                        longitude                                   := 103024345,                               // Z6-D3-EP/longitude
                        positionConfidenceEllipse                   := PICS_DENM_POSITION_CONFIDENCE_ELLIPSE,
                        altitude                                    := PICS_DENM_ALTITUDE
                     * @desc Z6-D3-EP/EventHistory1
                    modulepar EventHistory PICS_Z6_D3_Hx := { 
                        { // Z6_D3_H1
                            eventPosition := {
                                deltaLatitude                       := -1685,
                                deltaLongitude                      := -2568,
                                deltaAltitude                       := 0
                            eventDeltaTime                          := omit,
                            informationQuality                      := 0
                        { // Z6_D3_H2
                            eventPosition := {
                                deltaLatitude                       := -1864,
                                deltaLongitude                      := -2789,
                                deltaAltitude                       := 0
                            eventDeltaTime                          := omit,
                            informationQuality                      := 0
                    }; // End of PICS_Z6_D3_Hx
                     * @desc Z6-D3-Traces/Trace1
                    modulepar Traces PICS_Z6_D3_Tx := {
                            { // Z6-D3-T1
                                pathPosition := {
                                    deltaLatitude                       := 4423,
                                    deltaLongitude                      := 6287,
                                    deltaAltitude                       := 0
                                pathDeltaTime                           := omit
                            { // Z6-D3-T2
                                pathPosition := {
                                    deltaLatitude                       := 287,
                                    deltaLongitude                      := 332,
                                    deltaAltitude                       := 0
                                pathDeltaTime                           := omit
                            { // Z6-D3-T3
                                pathPosition := {
                                    deltaLatitude                       := 400,
                                    deltaLongitude                      := 554,
                                    deltaAltitude                       := 0
                                pathDeltaTime                           := omit
                            { // Z6-D3-T4
                                pathPosition := {
                                    deltaLatitude                       := 395,
                                    deltaLongitude                      := 575,
                                    deltaAltitude                       := 0
                                pathDeltaTime                           := omit
                    }; // End of PICS_Z6_D3_Tx
                    modulepar DenmParm PICS_Z6_D3 := {
                        eventPosition                               := PICS_Z6_D3_EP,
                        causeCodeType                               := CauseCodeType_roadworks_,
                        eventHistory                                := PICS_Z6_D3_Hx,
                        traces                                      := PICS_Z6_D3_Tx,
                        roadWorksContainerExtended := {
                            lightBarSirenInUse                      := omit,
                            closedLanes := {
                                hardShoulderStatus                  := closed,
                                drivingLaneStatus                   := '0100'B
                            restriction                             := omit,
                            incidentIndication                      := omit,
                            recommendedPath                         := omit,
                            trafficFlowRule                         := passToLeft,
                            referenceDenms                          := omit
                    } // End of PICS_Z6_D3
                } // group denmZone6_D3
            } // group denmZone6
            modulepar DenmEventsParmsUseCase PICS_DENM_PARMS_UC1_RWW := {
                { // Zone 1
                { // Zone 2
                { // Zone 3
                { // Zone 4
                { // Zone 5
                { // Zone 6
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            } // End of PICS_DENM_PARMS_UC1_RWW
        } // End of group denmUseCase1 
        modulepar DenmEventsParmsUseCaseRsu PICS_DENM_EVENTS_RSU := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        } // End of PICS_DENM_EVENTS_RSU
    } // End of group denmEvents 
    group mapemEvents {
        group mapemCommonParams {
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            modulepar BtpPortId PICS_MAPEM_BTP_DESTINATION_PORT  := 2003;
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar BtpPortId PICS_MAPEM_BTP_SOURCE_PORT       := 0;
            modulepar UInt32 PICS_MAPEM_ITS_AID                  := 138;
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        } // End of group mapemCommonParams
        group mapemZone1 {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar IntersectionReferenceID PICS_Z1_M1_SL_IDX := {
                region                          := 1,
                id                              := 13001
            } // End of PICS_Z1_M1_SL_IDX
            modulepar Position3D PICS_Z1_M1_SL_RP := {
garciay's avatar
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                lat                             := 435527493,
                long                            := 103006446,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                elevation                       := omit,
                regional                        := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z1_M1_SL_RP
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z1_M1_SL_LANE1 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 83,
                                y       := -124
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 1555,
                                y       := 1696
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 1111,
                                y       := 1251
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 1026,
                                y       := 1326
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 304,
                                y       := 1471
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            } // End of PICS_Z1_M1_SL_LANE1
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z1_M1_SL_LANE2 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                x       := -348,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                y       := -109
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -2636,
                                y       := -2926
                        attributes      := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z1_M1_SL_LANE2
            modulepar MapemParm PICS_Z1_M1_SL := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                intersections := {
                    { // Start of intersection #0
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        name                                := "PICS_Z1_M1_SL - RSU_11",
                        id                                  := PICS_Z1_M1_SL_IDX,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        revision                            := 0,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        refPoint                            := PICS_Z1_M1_SL_RP,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        laneWidth                           := omit,
                        speedLimits                         := omit,
                        laneSet := {
                            { // Start of Lane #1
                                laneID                      :=  1,
                                name                        := omit,
                                ingressApproach             := 1,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                egressApproach              := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '10'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z1_M1_SL_LANE1,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                connectsTo := {
                                        connectingLane := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                            lane            := 2,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                            maneuver        := omit
                                        remoteIntersection  := omit,  
                                        signalGroup         := 1,    
                                        userClass           := omit, 
                                        connectionID        := omit
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
                            }, // End of Lane #1
                            { // Start of Lane #2
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                laneID                      :=  2,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                name                        := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                ingressApproach             := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                egressApproach              := 2,
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '01'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z1_M1_SL_LANE2,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                connectsTo                  := omit,
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                            } // End of Lane #2
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        }, // End of LaneSet
                        preemptPriorityData                 := omit,
                        regional                            := omit
                    } // End of intersection #0
                }, // End of field intersections
                roadSegments := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            } // End of PICS_Z1_M1_SL
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        } // End of group mapemZone1 
        group mapemZone2 {
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garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar IntersectionReferenceID PICS_Z2_M1_SL_IDX := {
                region                          := 1,
                id                              := 23001
            } // End of PICS_Z2_M1_SL_IDX
            modulepar Position3D PICS_Z2_M1_SL_RP := {
                lat                             := 435512756,
                long                            := 103002535,
                elevation                       := omit,
                regional                        := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z2_M1_SL_RP
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z2_M1_SL_LANE1 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -5,
                                y       := -253
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -701,
                                y       := -5082
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -341,
                                y       := -1984
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -390,
                                y       := -1965
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -391,
                                y       := -3093
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            } // End of PICS_Z2_M1_SL_LANE1
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z2_M1_SL_LANE2 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -200,
                                y       := 287
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 429,
                                y       := 2988
                        attributes      := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z2_M1_SL_LANE2
            modulepar MapemParm PICS_Z2_M1_SL := {
                intersections := {
                    { // Start of intersection #0
                        name                                := "PICS_Z2_M1_SL - RSU_3",
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        id                                  := PICS_Z2_M1_SL_IDX,
                        revision                            := 0,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        refPoint                            := PICS_Z2_M1_SL_RP,
                        laneWidth                           := omit,
                        speedLimits                         := omit,
                        laneSet := {
                            { // Start of Lane #1
                                laneID                      :=  1,
                                name                        := omit,
                                ingressApproach             := 1,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                egressApproach              := omit,
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '10'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z2_M1_SL_LANE1,
                                connectsTo := {
                                        connectingLane := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                            lane            := 2,
                                            maneuver        := omit
                                        remoteIntersection  := omit,  
                                        signalGroup         := 1,    
                                        userClass           := omit, 
                                        connectionID        := omit
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
                            }, // End of Lane #1
                            { // Start of Lane #2
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                laneID                      :=  2,
                                name                        := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                ingressApproach             := omit,
                                egressApproach              := 2,
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '01'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z2_M1_SL_LANE2,
                                connectsTo                  := omit,
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                            } // End of Lane #2
                        }, // End of LaneSet
                        preemptPriorityData                 := omit,
                        regional                            := omit
                    } // End of intersection #0
                }, // End of field intersections
                roadSegments := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            } // End of PICS_Z2_M1_SL
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        } // End of group mapemZone2 
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        group mapemZone3 {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar IntersectionReferenceID PICS_Z3_M1_SL_IDX := {
                region                          := 1,
                id                              := 33001
            } // End of PICS_Z3_M1_SL_IDX
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar Position3D PICS_Z3_M1_SL_RP := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                elevation                       := omit,
                regional                        := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z3_M1_SL_RP
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z3_M1_SL_LANE1 := {
                nodes := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -625,
                                y       := -1299
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -564,
                                y       := -3597
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -1668,
                                y       := -2191
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            } // End of PICS_Z3_M1_SL_LANE1
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z3_M1_SL_LANE2 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        attributes      := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z3_M1_SL_LANE2
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar MapemParm PICS_Z3_M1_SL := {
                intersections := {
                    { // Start of intersection #0
                        name                                := "PICS_Z3_M1_SL - RSU_12",
                        id                                  := PICS_Z3_M1_SL_IDX,
                        revision                            := 0,
                        refPoint                            := PICS_Z3_M1_SL_RP,
                        laneWidth                           := omit,
                        speedLimits                         := omit,
                        laneSet := {
                            { // Start of Lane #1
                                laneID                      :=  1,
                                name                        := omit,
                                ingressApproach             := 1,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                egressApproach              := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '10'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z3_M1_SL_LANE1,
                                connectsTo := {
                                        connectingLane := {
                                            lane            := 2,
                                            maneuver        := omit
                                        remoteIntersection  := omit,  
                                        signalGroup         := 1,    
                                        userClass           := omit, 
                                        connectionID        := omit
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
                            }, // End of Lane #1
                            { // Start of Lane #2
                                laneID                      :=  2,
                                name                        := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                ingressApproach             := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                egressApproach              := 2,
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '01'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z3_M1_SL_LANE2,
                                connectsTo                  := omit,
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                            } // End of Lane #2
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        }, // End of LaneSet
                        preemptPriorityData                 := omit,
                        regional                            := omit
                    } // End of intersection #0
                }, // End of field intersections
                roadSegments := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z3_M1_SL
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        } // End of group mapemZone3 
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
        group mapemZone4 {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar IntersectionReferenceID PICS_Z4_M1_SL_IDX := {
                region                          := 1,
                id                              := 43001
            } // End of PICS_Z4_M1_SL_IDX
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar Position3D PICS_Z4_M1_SL_RP := {
                lat                             := 435563484,
                long                            := 103042973,
                elevation                       := omit,
                regional                        := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z4_M1_SL_RP
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z4_M1_SL_LANE1 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -37,
                                y       := 40
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -4428,
                                y       := -4376
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -2588,
                                y       := -2378
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -2842,
                                y       := -2191
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := -1934,
                                y       := 1100
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            } // End of PICS_Z4_M1_SL_LANE1
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z4_M1_SL_LANE2 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 1134,
                                y       := 3170
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 1415,
                                y       := 2579
                        attributes      := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z4_M1_SL_LANE2
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            modulepar MapemParm PICS_Z4_M1_SL := {
                intersections := {
                    { // Start of intersection #0
                        name                                := "PICS_Z4_M1_SL - RSU_5",
                        id                                  := PICS_Z4_M1_SL_IDX,
                        revision                            := 0,
                        refPoint                            := PICS_Z4_M1_SL_RP,
                        laneWidth                           := omit,
                        speedLimits                         := omit,
                        laneSet := {
                            { // Start of Lane #1
                                laneID                      :=  1,
                                name                        := omit,
                                ingressApproach             := 1,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                egressApproach              := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '10'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z4_M1_SL_LANE1,
                                connectsTo := {
                                        connectingLane := {
                                            lane            := 2,
                                            maneuver        := omit
                                        remoteIntersection  := omit,  
                                        signalGroup         := 1,    
                                        userClass           := omit, 
                                        connectionID        := omit
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
                            }, // End of Lane #1
                            { // Start of Lane #2
                                laneID                      :=  2,
                                name                        := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                ingressApproach             := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                egressApproach              := 2,
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '01'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z4_M1_SL_LANE2,
                                connectsTo                  := omit,
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                            } // End of Lane #2
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        }, // End of LaneSet
                        preemptPriorityData                 := omit,
                        regional                            := omit
                    } // End of intersection #0
                }, // End of field intersections
                roadSegments := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z4_M1_SL
        } // End of group mapemZone4 
        group mapemZone5 {
            modulepar IntersectionReferenceID PICS_Z5_M1_SL_IDX := {
                region                          := 1,
                id                              := 53001
            } // End of PICS_Z5_M1_SL_IDX
            modulepar Position3D PICS_Z5_M1_SL_RP := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                elevation                       := omit,
                regional                        := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z5_M1_SL_RP
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z5_M1_SL_LANE1 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 1744,
                                y       := 792
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 2749,
                                y       := -70
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 2467,
                                y       := -382
                        attributes      := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
            } // End of PICS_Z5_M1_SL_LANE1
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z5_M1_SL_LANE2 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        attributes      := omit
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        attributes      := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z5_M1_SL_LANE2
            modulepar MapemParm PICS_Z5_M1_SL := {
                intersections := {
                    { // Start of intersection #0
                        name                                := "PICS_Z5_M1_SL - RSU_4",
                        id                                  := PICS_Z5_M1_SL_IDX,
                        revision                            := 0,
                        refPoint                            := PICS_Z5_M1_SL_RP,
                        laneWidth                           := omit,
                        speedLimits                         := omit,
                        laneSet := {
                            { // Start of Lane #1
                                laneID                      :=  1,
                                name                        := omit,
                                ingressApproach             := 1,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                egressApproach              := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '10'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z5_M1_SL_LANE1,
                                connectsTo := {
                                        connectingLane := {
                                            lane            := 2,
                                            maneuver        := omit
                                        remoteIntersection  := omit,  
                                        signalGroup         := 1,    
                                        userClass           := omit, 
                                        connectionID        := omit
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
                            }, // End of Lane #1
                            { // Start of Lane #2
                                laneID                      :=  2,
                                name                        := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                ingressApproach             := omit,
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                                egressApproach              := 2,
                                laneAttributes := {
                                    directionalUse          := '01'B,
                                    sharedWith              := '0000000000'B,
                                    laneType := {
                                        vehicle             := '00000000'B
                                    regional                := omit
                                maneuvers                   := omit,
                                nodeList                    := PICS_Z5_M1_SL_LANE2,
                                connectsTo                  := omit,
                                overlays                    := omit,
                                regional                    := omit
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                            } // End of Lane #2
garciay's avatar
garciay committed
                        }, // End of LaneSet
                        preemptPriorityData                 := omit,
                        regional                            := omit
                    } // End of intersection #0
                }, // End of field intersections
                roadSegments := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z5_M1_SL
        } // End of group mapemZone5 
        group mapemZone6 {
            modulepar IntersectionReferenceID PICS_Z6_M1_SL_IDX := {
                region                          := 1,
                id                              := 63001
            } // End of PICS_Z6_M1_SL_IDX
            modulepar Position3D PICS_Z6_M1_SL_RP := {
                lat                             := 435551186,
                long                            := 103033248,
                elevation                       := omit,
                regional                        := omit
            } // End of PICS_Z6_M1_SL_RP
            modulepar NodeListXY PICS_Z6_M1_SL_LANE1 := {
                nodes := {
                        delta := {
                            node_XY6 := {
                                x       := 538,
                                y       := 348
                        attributes      := omit