AtsIVIM.cfg 15.9 KB
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# This section shall contain the values of all parameters that are defined in your TTCN-3 modules.

# IUT Station ID
LibItsCommon_Pixits.PX_IUT_STATION_ID := 2533729309

LibItsGeoNetworking_Pixits.PX_GN_UPPER_LAYER := e_btpB

# In this section you can specify the name of the log file and the classes of events
# you want to log into the file or display on console (standard error).

LogFile := "../logs/%e.%h-%r.%s"
LogSourceInfo := Stack
LogEntityName:= Yes
LogEventTypes:= Yes
#TimeStampFormat := DateTime

# In this section you can specify parameters that are passed to Test Ports.
# CAM Layer
#   next_header     : btpA|btpB (overwrite BTP.type)
#   header_type     : tsb|gbc
#   header_sub_type : sh (single hop)
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# IVIM Layer
#   next_header     : btpA|btpB (overwrite BTP.type)
# BTP Layer
#   type            : btpA|btpB
#   destination port: dst_port
#   source port     : src_port
#   device_mode     : Set to 1 if the layer shall encapsulate upper layer PDU
#   device_mode     : Set to 1 if the layer shall encapsulate upper layer PDU
# GN Layer
#   ll_address             : GeoNetworking address of the Test System
#   latitude               : latitude of the Test System
#   longitude              : longitude of the Test System
#   beaconing              : Set to 1 if GnLayer shall start beaconing
#   Beaconning timer expiry: expiry (ms)
#   device_mode            : Set to 1 if the layer shall encapsulate upper layer PDU
#   secured_mode           : Set to 1 if message exchanges shall be signed
#   encrypted_mode         : Set to 1 if message exchanges shall be encrypted
#                            NOTE: For signed & encrypted message exchanges, both secured_mode and encrypted_mode shall be set to 1
#   secure_db_path         : Path to the certificates and keys storage location
#   hash                   : Hash algorithm to be used when secured mode is set
#                            Authorized values are SHA-256 or SHA-384
#                            Default: SHA-256
#   signature              : Signature algorithm to be used when secured mode is set
#                            Authorized values are NISTP-256, NISTP-384, BP-256 and BP-384
#                            Default: NISTP-256
#   cypher                 : Cyphering algorithm to be used when secured mode is set
#                            Authorized values are NISTP-256, BP-256 and BP-384
#                            Default: NISTP-256
# Ethernet layer
#   mac_src  :Source MAC address
#   mac_bc   :Broadcast address
#   eth_type : Ethernet type
# Commsignia layer
#   mac_src     : Device MAC address, used to discard packets
#                 To indicate no filering, use the value 000000000000
#   mac_bc      : Broadcast address
#   eth_type    : Ethernet type, used to discard packets
#   target_host : Device address
#   target_port : Device port
#   source_port : Test System port
#   interface_id: Interface id, used to discard packets
#   tx_power    : TX power (dB)
# UDP layer (IP/UDP based on Pcap)
#   dst_ip  : destination IPv4 address (
#   dst_port: destination port
#   src_ip  : source IPv4 address (
#   src_port: source port
# Pcap layer
#   mac_src    : Source MAC address, used to exclude from capture the acket sent by the Test System
#   filter     : Pcap filter (compliant with tcpdump syntax) 
#   Online mode:
#     nic: Local NIC
#          If set, online mode is used
#   Offline mode (nic is present but not set):
#     file        : File to read
#     frame_offset: Frame offset, used to skip packets with frame number < frame_offset
#     time_offset : Time offset, used to skip packets with time offset < time_offset
#     save_mode   : 1 to save sent packet, 0 otherwise
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Yann Garcia's avatar
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#system.ivimPort.params := "IVIM(next_header=btpB)/BTP(dst_port=2006)/GN(ll_address=4C5E0C14D2EA,latitude=43551050,longitude=10298730,distanceA=1500,distanceB=1500,angle=0,device_mode=1,secured_mode=0,sec_db_path=/home/yanng/tmp/asn1c_cert)/ETH(mac_src=e2b7b30429eb)/PCAP(mac_src=e2b7b30429eb,nic=CEBB111F-D749-4B40-8B4D-DBB060E90987,filter=and ether proto 0x8947)"
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# Linux
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Yann Garcia committed
system.ivimPort.params := "IVIM(next_header=btpB)/BTP(dst_port=2006)/GN(ll_address=4C5E0C14D2EA,latitude=43551050,longitude=10298730,distanceA=1500,distanceB=1500,angle=0,device_mode=1,secured_mode=0,sec_db_path=/home/yann/tmp/asn1c_cert)/ETH(mac_src=dc536045af7e)/PCAP(mac_src=dc536045af7e,nic=wlp2s0,filter=and ether proto 0x8947)"

# IVIM UpperTester port based on UDP (ETSI Wlan)
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system.utPort.params := "UT_IVIM/UDP(dst_ip=,dst_port=12345,src_port=12346)"
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# Check that protocolVersion is set to 1 and messageID is set to 6
# Check that all Application Containers references existing items in one or more Location Containers
# Check that application container information of the same type does not refer to overlapping RZs.
# Check that all definitions of zones that are based on the same Reference Position, be it that they 
# Check that the IUT includes the component laneNumber for each zone if the zone definition is restricted to specific lane(s).
# Check that If the zone definition applies to the entire carriageway (all lanes), the
# Check that IUT includes, for each zone, one or more of the following optional components to define the zone: 
# Check that management container contains a country code according to ISO 3166-1. Numbers shall be assigned on national basis.
# Check that an IUT can split an IVI Structure to multiple messages if it exceeds the maximum PDU size.
# Check that IVI Service generates a new IVIM on reception of a valid AppIVIM_Trigger request
# Check that a new iviIdentificationNumber value is assigned for each newly generated IVIM
# Check that iviIdentificationNumber value is set to a next unused value each time an IVIM is detected
# Check that a new generated IVIM contains an iviStatus set to 'new'
#   Check that the timeStamp is set to the current time when generating a new IVM
# Check that an updated IVIM contains an iviStatus set to 'update'
# Check that an update can change the validity time to the IVIM - validTo information field
# Check that an update can change the validity time to the IVIM - validFrom information field
# Check that the timeStamp is set to the current time when generating an update with some change of information content
# Check that the iviIdentificationNumber remains unchanged IVIM is updated
# The IUT shall, at minimum, include the identifier(s) of a Relevance Zone in the component 
# Check that all zone IDs in the General Application Container references existing items in 
# The IUT shall include the component direction to describe the direction of relevance 
# The IUT shall include at least one element in the roadSignCodes container.
# Check that all layoutID of the General Application Containers references existing layouts 
# Check that all zone IDs in the Road Configuration Container references existing items in the Location Container of the same IVIM Structure.
# Check that all Parts that relate to the same Location Container are included in the same Road Configuration Container.
# Check that Road Configuration Container contains description of all present lanes. 
# Check that all zone IDs in the Text Container references existing items in the Location Container of the same IVIM Structure.
# The sending ITS-S shall include the component direction to describe the direction of 
# The IUT can include either the component text and/or the component data. The IUT can repeat 
# Check that all layoutID of the Text Containers references existing layouts in the Layout Containers of the same IVIM Structure.
# Check that IVIMs are not generated more frequently than T_GenIvimMin
# Check that IVIMs are not generated less frequently than T_GenIvimMax
# Check that the IUT activates repetition on reception of a valid AppIVIM_Update request
# Check that the IUT activates repetition on reception of a valid AppIVIM_Update request
# Check that the IUT terminates IVM genration on validity duration expery
# Check that the IUT terminates IVM genration on termination request
# Check that the IUT terminates IVM generation on cancellation request.
# Check that the IUT terminates IVM generation on negation request 
# Check that IVIM uses BTP_B packet
# Check that IVI service encapsulates IVIM in a UNC with the HeaderType field set to the value of 2.
# Check that IVI service uses certificate containing valid ITS AID to sign IVIM.
# Check that IVI service uses certificate containing valid ITS AID to sign IVIM.
# Check that IVI service uses certificate containing valid Service Specific Permissions of type BitmapSsp 
# Check that IVI service sends an IVIM containing different road signs schema when it is permitted by the signing certificate 
# Check that IVI service sends an IVIM containing ISO/TS 14823 road signs codes of different service categories 
# Check that IVI service sends an IVIM containing lane status when it is permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service sends an IVIM containing different containers when it is permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service sends an IVI negation when it is permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service doesn’t send an IVIM if service provider value is not authorized by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service doesn’t send an IVIM containing different road signs schema when it is not permitted by the signing certificat.
# Check that IVI service doesn’t send an IVIM containing ISO/TS 14823 road signs codes of different service categories when it is not permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service doesn’t send an IVIM containing lane status when it is not permitted by the signing certificate 
# Check that IVI service doesn’t send an IVIM containing different containers when it is not permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service doesn’t send an IVI negation when it is not permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that the IUT can successfully process IVIM been received when the IUT was in the Relevance Zone.
# Check that the IUT can successfully process IVIM been received when the IUT was in the Detection Zone approaching the Relevance Zone
# Check that an IUT detects the applicability of a Relevance Zone defined as a polygonal lie.
# Check that an IUT detects the applicability of a Relevance Zone defined as an area.
# Check that an IUT detects the applicability of a Relevance Zone defined as a distance value.
# Check that an IUT detects the applicability of a Relevance Zone by matching its path with the relevance zone (path) of the moving IVI object.
# Check that a received IVIM is considered as new if iviStatus is “new”.
# Check that a received IVIM is considered as new if iviStatus is “new” and/or if the combination of serviceProviderId and iviIdentificationNumber is different from other received messages
# Check that a received IVIM is considered as update if the iviStatus is “update” and/or if the combination of serviceProviderId and iviIdentificationNumber equals to those from another received structure and the timestamp is more recent;.
# Check that a received IVIM is considered as duplicate of a received structure if the combination of serviceProviderId and iviIdentificationNumber equals to those from another received structure and the timestamp is the same;
# Check that a received IVIM is considered as cancelation if the iviStatus is “cancellation”.
# Check that a received IVIM is considered as negation if the iviStatus is “negation”.
# Check that the IUT accepts a received IVIM message permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that the IUT skips a received IVIM message not permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that the IUT skips a received IVIM message with service provider identifier not permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service skips a received IVIM containing different road signs schema when it is not permitted by the signing certificate 
# Check that IVI service skips a received IVIM containing ISO/TS 14823 road signs codes of different service categories when it is not permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service skips a received IVIM containing lane status when it is not permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service skips a received IVIM containing different containers when it is not permitted by the signing certificate.
# Check that IVI service skips a received IVI negation when it is not permitted by the signing certificate.

# The options herein control the behavior of MC.
KillTimer := 10.0
LocalAddress :=
TCPPort := 12000
NumHCs := 1