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Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - Change Log

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - Next version (to be defined) (Not Yet Released) View Issues ]
- 0007738: [New Feature] TriMessage should be enhanced with a stream-like API (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0007786: [New Feature] TciCallparameterListType needed to implement component call operation (Tomas Urban) - closed.

[2 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v4.9.1(ongoing) (Not Yet Released) View Issues ]
- 0007847: [Technical] Java mapping of tliPrCatchChecked_c (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0007849: [Technical] C++ mapping of address parameter in TCI-TL check operation (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0007703: [Editorial] the xml schema for the log events is inconsistent with the rest of the specification (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0007681: [New Feature] adapt TCI to the hanges in any2unistr predefined function changes (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0007594: [Technical] Wrong parameter type in C mapping of the tliRnd function (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0007501: [Technical] Missing mapping of several methods of abstract TTCN-3 data types and values (Tomas Urban) - closed.

[6 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v4.8.1 (published 2016-07) (Released 07-04-2014) View Issues ]
- 0007059: [New Feature] constraints of TTCN-3 types unavailable at TCI level (Gyorgy Rethy) - closed.
- 0007041: [Editorial] Typo in the TciCDProvided (Gyorgy Rethy) - closed.

[2 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v4.7.1 (published 2015-06) (Released 08-07-2013) View Issues ]
- 0006812: [New Feature] Abstract data classes for matching mechanisms (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0006815: [Technical] TCI support for dynamic encoding parameter (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0006688: [Technical] Log and TLI should support modifiers (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0006804: [Technical] TCI support for verdict assignment in done and killed operations (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0006793: [Clarification] Value Interface is underspecified/inconsistent for Templates (Tomas Urban) - closed.
- 0006669: [Technical] Missing support for decvalue function in TCI (Tomas Urban) - closed.

[6 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v4.6.1 (published 2014-06) (Released 08-07-2013) View Issues ]
- 0006632: [Editorial] Typo in clause title - closed.
- 0006687: [Editorial] Editorial Comments by Elvior during v4.6.1 approval (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006639: [Technical] Single precision of float value in java mapping (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006659: [New Feature] Generation of random numbers should be logged for analysis and reproducibility purposes. (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006601: [Technical] C++ mapping of the address in mismatch calls (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006605: [Technical] Java and C++ mapping of tliTcExecute (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006600: [Technical] Missing data in TLI check operations (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006521: [Editorial] Section last method name incorrect in description section (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.

[8 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v4.5.1 (published 2013-04) (Released 01-06-2012) View Issues ]
- 0005981: [Technical] TLI does currently not represent the p.check operation appropriately (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005989: [Clarification] the timestamp parameter ts has no unit (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005992: [Technical] TciParameterType allows only TCI Values (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006086: [New Feature] Parameter name missing (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006333: [New Feature] TCI C mapping: numeric version of tciSetInt and tciGetInt (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006337: [Technical] Excess use of const qualifiers in C++ mapping (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005946: [Technical] TRI & TCI identifiers in C++ interface mapping wrongly defined (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005949: [Technical] TCI and TRI C++ mappings interface unification (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006087: [Technical] Incorrect return type of getModuleParameterName (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006085: [Technical] Parameter hostId is used incorrectly based on the description (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005994: [Technical] AddressValue allows multiples values in the XML mapping (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005990: [Clarification] Various inconsistencies in the XML mapping (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006173: [Technical] TCI C# mapping with fully qualified TRI references (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006163: [Technical] MapParam and UnmapParam not defined for the C# mapping (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0006175: [Editorial] Typos in TCI Java Mapping (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.

[15 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v4.4.1 (published 2012-04) (Released 02-12-2011) View Issues ]
- 0005885: [Clarification] Inconsistency in mapping UniversalCharstringValue (implies platform dependency) (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005945: [Technical] Missing types in TCI C++ mappings (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005957: [Technical] Wrong TciType::newInstance() C++ mapping (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005909: [Technical] Parameter "Reason" for reporting the final verdict's reason is missing in function(s) tliCTerminated, tliCStop, ... (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005858: [Technical] types extending mixed Event type not declared mixed (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005878: [Editorial] TCI TL Java mapping in Chapter needs editoral corrections (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005886: [Clarification] C++ mapping of TciTestComponentKindType differs from JAVA, ANSI C and C .NET mapping (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005859: [Technical] redundant imports in XML schema (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.

[8 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v4.3.1 (published 2011-06) (Released 01-12-2010) View Issues ]
- 0005856: [Technical] ArrayTemplate missing (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005855: [Technical] TciValueList should be TciValueListType (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005103: [Clarification] Handling of nested types/values unclear in TCI type and value interface (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005804: [New Feature] EnumratedValue needs new method/function getInt (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005723: [Editorial] Replace ISO/IEC references with ITU-T references (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005629: [Clarification] Incorrect examples values for strings exchanged through the TCI (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.

[6 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v4.2.1 (published 2010-07) (Released 23-01-2009) View Issues ]
- 0005504: [Technical] TCI Error Code (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005395: [New Feature] .NET framework mapping for TCI (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005478: [Clarification] parameter 'message' of TriExceptionType should be of same type in TCI and TRI (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005480: [Clarification] TriMessageType is lacking attribute 'numberOfBits' (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005481: [Clarification] TriAddressType should have an additional attribute 'numberOfBits' (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005479: [Clarification] parameter 'address' of TriAddressType should be of same type in TCI and TRI (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005489: [Technical] TCI C++ mapping fixes (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005412: [Clarification] inconsistence in usage of types in TRI ANSI C value mapping (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005220: [Clarification] TCI C++ Mapping Issues (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005413: [Clarification] TciTypeClassType modified without setting explicit values (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
 - 0005475: [Clarification] Some TCI constants without explicit values (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0005108: [Clarification] Editorial on tciConnect and tciDisconnect (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.

[12 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v4.1.1 (published 2009-06) (Released 25-12-2008) View Issues ]
- 0004967: [Editorial] Editorials on Part-6 v4.0.1 (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0004970: [Editorial] ITU Editorial Issues on Part 6 v3.4.1 (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0003966: [Clarification] all/any component in tciStopTestComponentReq (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0004299: [Technical] Various issues in the C mapping of the TCI (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0004291: [Technical] tciparametertype tciparametertypetype errors (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0002571: [Technical] TCI operation in C mapping do not allow to leave out returnValues of replies (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0002565: [New Feature] TTCN-3 Exceptions (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0004300: [Clarification] Mismatch in definition of tliDecode (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0002589: [Clarification] Arrays as types (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0004253: [Clarification] C++ Mapping for TCI (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.

[10 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v3.3.1 (published 2008-04) (Released 15-06-2007) View Issues ]
- 0000399: [Technical] mixup of triParameterListType and tciParameterListType (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0000841: [Technical] ANSI C TCI logging interface problem (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0000830: [Technical] Lack of 'const' usage (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0000398: [Technical] Superfluous information in TLI XML type Id (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0001683: [Clarification] Clarification about which entity should invoke operations described in the TCI-TL provided interface (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0000843: [Technical] getImportedModules() not defined in TCI-TM ANSI C language mappings (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0000842: [Technical] Some functions missing in ANSI C mappings of TCI-TL interface (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0000840: [Technical] TciVerdictValue not defined in ANSI C mappings (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0000828: [Technical] TciValue, TciValueTemplate, TciType not defined in ANSI C definition (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0000826: [Editorial] setFieldOmitted() ANSI C mapping problem (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0000423: [Technical] Encode/Decode of empty record (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0002146: [Technical] XML schema for TLI is too strict (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.
- 0002000: [Technical] TCI Value instead of TriAddress is needed for matching addresses (Ina Schieferdecker) - closed.

[13 issues]

Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface - v3.2.1 (published 2007-02) (Released 31-10-2006) View Issues ]
- 0000401: [Technical] tliGetReplyDetected is missing parameter list (Stephan Schulz) - closed.
- 0000400: [Technical] tliSLeave missing parameters (Stephan Schulz) - closed.
- 0000397: [Technical] Superfluous port in logging (XML) of port start, stop, clear (Stephan Schulz) - closed.

[3 issues]

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