Troubleshooting Gitlab

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Clone on Windows: Could not resolve hostname

If you clone a project using SSH, Windows may answer:

 ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service
 not known.

How to fix:

  1. Check that there are not mispellings in the URL
  2. Try adding a / after the colon, i.e:
  3. Try using HTTPS instead of SSH

"Authentication Failed" when pushing on master

If you receive a "Authentication error" while pushing your changes to the master branch, you most probably have a role "Developer" in the project, which does not allow you to push onto the master branch.

You will want to push to another branch (an existing one or a newly created), by issuing the following git command (or similar operation using a visual tool):

git push origin <local-branch>:<remote-branch>

For example, if you developed a new feature you would like to contribute in a new branch called "new-feature", you will want to issue the command:

git push origin new-feature:new-feature

Authorization issues (e.g. 403)

Check the following:

Log into Gitlab with your EOL

Are you able to sign in at with your EOL account?

Check group membership and permissions

Once logged in, visit . In case you have “Request group access” below the group name please click on it.

Check your SSH setup

Once set up your SSH keys, to verify they are working you need to issue:

ssh [[1]]

And verify that you see the following:

PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Welcome to GitLab, <YOUR_EOL_USER>!
Connection to closed.


  1. Change the URL for the origin remote to:  [[2]]

$ git remote set-url origin [[3]]