VnfLcmOperationKeywords.robot 68.4 KB
Newer Older
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Najam UI Hassan's avatar
Najam UI Hassan committed
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs?fields=${fields}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get VNF LCM Operation occurrences with exclude_default and fields attribute selector
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Najam UI Hassan's avatar
Najam UI Hassan committed
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs?fields=${fields}&exclude_default
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get VNF LCM Operation occurrences with exclude_fields attribute selector
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Najam UI Hassan's avatar
Najam UI Hassan committed
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs?exclude_fields=${fields}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 	
Check HTTP Response Header Contain Link
    ${linkURL}=    Get Value From Json    ${response['headers']}    $..Link
    Should Not Be Empty    ${linkURL}

Check HTTP Response Body vnfInstances content against VNF Descriptor
    #{check_multiple_instances} flag, set to 1 to check multiple instances against descriptors
    Run Keyword If    ${check_multiple_instances} == 1    Check Multiple VNF Instances Content
Check Multiple VNF Instances Content
    #${number_of_instances}=    Get Length    ${response['body']}
    #FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    ${number_of_instances}
    ${response['body']}=    Get Variable Value    ${response['body'][0]}    #Gets the first instance at index 0
    Check Individual VNF Instance Content

Check HTTP Response Body vnfInstance content against VNF Descriptor
    #${check_descriptors} flag, 1 to check descriptors
    Run Keyword If    ${check_descriptors} == 1    Check Individual VNF Instance Content
zafar's avatar
zafar committed

Check Individual VNF Instance Content  
    PARSE the Descriptor File
    Match the VNF Instance Response Attributes with Descriptors  
PARSE the Descriptor File
    Run Keyword If  '${descriptorType}'=='SOL001'    Fetch Information from SOL001 descriptor file    ELSE    Fetch Information from SOL006 descriptor file
Fetch Information from SOL001 descriptor file
    @{VDU_labels}=    Create List
    @{VNF_labels}=    Create List
    @{VirtualLink_labels}=    Create List
    @{CP_labels}=    Create List
    @{Storage_labels}=    Create List
    FOR    ${key}    IN    @{topology_template.node_templates.keys()} 
        ${key_type}=    Get Variable Value    ${topology_template.node_templates.${key}.type}
        ${VDU_check}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${key_type}   ${tosca_type_VDU_compute}
        ${VNF_check}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${key_type}    ${tosca_type_VNF}
        ${Link_check}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${key_type}    ${tosca_type_virtual_link}
        ${VDUcp_check}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${key_type}    ${tosca_type_VDU_cp}
        ${Storage_check}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${key_type}    ${tosca_type_storage}
        Run Keyword If    ${VDU_check}    Append To List    ${VDU_labels}    ${key}
        Run Keyword If    ${VNF_check}    Append To List    ${VNF_labels}    ${key}
        Run Keyword If    ${VNF_check}    Get VNF Attributes from SOL001    ${key}            
        Run Keyword If    ${Link_check}    Append To List    ${VirtualLink_labels}    ${key}
        Run Keyword If    ${VDUcp_check}    Append To List    ${CP_labels}    ${key}
        Run Keyword If    ${Storage_check}    Append To List    ${Storage_labels}    ${key}
    Set Global Variable    @{VDU_IDs}    @{VDU_labels}
    Set Global Variable    @{VNF_IDs}    @{VNF_labels}
    Set Global Variable    @{VirtualLink_IDs}    @{VirtualLink_labels}
    Set Global Variable    @{CP_IDs}    @{CP_labels}
    Set Global Variable    @{Storage_IDs}    @{Storage_labels}

Get VNF Attributes from SOL001
    [Arguments]    ${VNF_label}
    ${descriptor_id}=    Get Variable Value    ${topology_template.node_templates.${VNF_label}.properties.descriptor_id}
    ${provider}=    Get Variable Value    ${topology_template.node_templates.${VNF_label}.properties.provider}
    ${product_name}=    Get Variable Value    ${topology_template.node_templates.${VNF_label}.properties.product_name}
    ${software_version}=    Get Variable Value    ${topology_template.node_templates.${VNF_label}.properties.software_version}
    ${descriptor_version}=    Get Variable Value    ${topology_template.node_templates.${VNF_label}.properties.descriptor_version}
    ${flavour_id}=    Get Variable Value    ${topology_template.node_templates.${VNF_label}.properties.flavour_id}
    Set Global Variable    ${Descriptor_ID}    ${descriptor_id}
    Set Global Variable    ${Provider}    ${provider}
    Set Global Variable    ${Product_Name}    ${product_name}
    Set Global Variable    ${Software_Version}    ${software_version}
    Set Global Variable    ${Descriptor_Version}    ${descriptor_version}
    Set Global Variable    ${Flavour_ID}    ${flavour_id}

Fetch Information from SOL006 descriptor file
    ${descriptor_id}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0].id}
    ${provider}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0].provider}
    ${product_name}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0]['product-name']}
    ${software_version}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0]['software-version']}
    ${descriptor_version}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0].version}    
    ${VDUcount}=    Get Length    ${nfv.vnfd[0].vdu}
    ${extCP_count}=    Get Length    ${nfv.vnfd[0]['ext-cpd']}
    ${virtualLink_count}=    Get length    ${nfv.vnfd[0]['int-virtual-link-desc']}
    ${instantiation_levels}=    Get Length    ${nfv.vnfd[0].df['instantiation-level']}    
    FOR    ${key}    IN    @{nfv.vnfd[0].keys()}
        ${VDU_check}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${key}    vdu
        Run Keyword If    ${VDU_check}    Get VDU IDs    ${VDUcount}
        ${extCP_check}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${key}    ext-cpd
        Run Keyword If    ${extCP_check}    Get External CP IDs    ${extCP_count}
        ${virtualLink_check}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${key}    int-virtual-link-desc
        Run Keyword If    ${virtualLink_check}    Get Virtual Link IDs   ${virtualLink_count}    
        ${DF_check}=    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${key}    df
        Run Keyword If    ${DF_check}    Get Instantiation Levels    ${instantiation_levels}    
    Set Global Variable    ${Descriptor_ID}    ${descriptor_id}
    Set Global Variable    ${Provider}    ${provider}
    Set Global Variable    ${Product_Name}    ${product_name}
    Set Global Variable    ${Software_Version}    ${software_version}
    Set Global Variable    ${Descriptor_Version}    ${descriptor_version}

    [Arguments]    ${count}    
    @{VDU_labels}=    Create List
    ${Storage_labels}=    Create List
    FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    ${count}
        Append To List    ${VDU_labels}    ${nfv.vnfd[0].vdu[${i}]['id']}
        Append To List    ${Storage_labels}    ${nfv.vnfd[0].vdu[${i}]['virtual-storage-desc']} 
        Get Internal CPs for each VDU    ${i}   
    Set Global Variable    ${VDU_IDs}    ${VDU_labels}
    Set Global Variable    ${Storage_IDs}    ${Storage_labels}
Get Internal CPs for each VDU
    [Arguments]    ${vdu}
    ${count}=    Get Length    ${nfv.vnfd[0].vdu[${vdu}]['int-cpd']}    
    ${internal_CPs}=    Create List
    FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    ${count}
        Append To List    ${internal_CPs}    ${nfv.vnfd[0].vdu[${vdu}]['int-cpd'][${i}]['id']} 
    Set Global Variable    ${internalCP_IDs}    ${internal_CPs}
Get External CP IDs
    [Arguments]    ${count}    
    @{external_CPs}=    Create List
    FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    ${count}
        Append To List    ${external_CPs}    ${nfv.vnfd[0]['ext-cpd'][${i}]['id']} 
    Set Global Variable    ${externalCP_IDs}    ${external_CPs}

Get Virtual Link IDs
    [Arguments]    ${count}    
    ${VirtualLink_labels}=    Create List
    FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    ${count}
        Append To List    ${VirtualLink_labels}    ${nfv.vnfd[0]['int-virtual-link-desc'][${i}]['id']} 
    Set Global Variable    ${VirtualLink_IDs}    ${VirtualLink_labels}

Get Instantiation Levels
    [Arguments]    ${count}
    @{Instantiation_Levels}=    Create List
    FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    ${count}
        Append To List    ${Instantiation_Levels}    ${nfv.vnfd[0].df['instantiation-level'][${i}]['id']} 
    Set Global Variable    ${InstantiationLevel_IDs}    ${Instantiation_Levels}

Match the VNF Instance Response Attributes with Descriptors
    #Checking Response attributes with VNF Descriptors
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfdId']}    ${Descriptor_ID}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfProvider']}    ${Provider}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfProductName']}    ${Product_Name}
zafar's avatar
zafar committed
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfSoftwareVersion']}    ${Software_Version}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfdVersion']}    ${Descriptor_Version}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['instantiatedVnfInfo']['flavourId']}    ${Flavour_ID}
    List Should Contain Value    ${VDU_IDs}    ${response['body']['instantiatedVnfInfo']['vnfcResourceInfo']['vduId']}        
    Run Keyword If  '${descriptorType}'=='SOL006'    List Should Contain Value    ${externalCP_IDs}    ${response['body']['instantiatedVnfInfo']['extCpInfo']['cpdId']}
    Run Keyword If  '${descriptorType}'=='SOL006'    List Should Contain Value    ${internalCP_IDs}    ${response['body']['instantiatedVnfInfo']['vnfcResourceInfo']['vnfcCpInfo']['cpdId']}
    Run Keyword If  '${descriptorType}'=='SOL001'    List Should Contain Value    @{CP_IDs}    ${response['body']['instantiatedVnfInfo']['extCpInfo']['cpdId']}
    Run Keyword If  '${descriptorType}'=='SOL001'    List Should Contain Value    @{CP_IDs}    ${response['body']['instantiatedVnfInfo']['vnfcResourceInfo']['vnfcCpInfo']['cpdId']}
    List Should Contain value    ${Storage_IDs}    ${response['body']['instantiatedVnfInfo']['virtualStorageResourceInfo']['virtualStorageDescId']}
    List Should Contain Value    ${VirtualLink_IDs}    ${response['body']['instantiatedVnfInfo']['extManagedVirtualLinkInfo']['vnfVirtualLinkDescId']}
Check HTTP Response Body vnf LCM OpOCCs content against VNF Descriptor
    #{check_multiple_instances} flag, set to 1 to check multiple instances against descriptors
    Run Keyword If    ${check_multiple_instances} == 1    Check Multiple VNF LCM OpOCCs Content
Check Multiple VNF LCM OpOCCs Content
    #${number_of_instances}=    Get Length    ${response['body']}
    #FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    ${number_of_instances}
    ${response['body']}=    Get Variable Value    ${response['body'][0]}    #Gets the first instance at index 0
    Check Individual VNF LCM Operation Occurence Content

Check HTTP Response Body vnf LCM OpOCC content against VNF Descriptor
    Run Keyword If    ${check_descriptors} == 1    Check Individual VNF LCM Operation Occurence Content

Check Individual VNF LCM Operation Occurence Content
    PARSE the Descriptor File
    Match the VNF LCM Operation Occurence Response Attributes with Descriptors  

Match the VNF LCM Operation Occurence Response Attributes with Descriptors  
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['changedInfo']['vnfdId']}    ${Descriptor_ID}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['changedInfo']['vnfdVersion']}    ${Descriptor_Version}
    List Should Contain Value    ${VDU_IDs}    ${response['body']['resourceChanges']['affectedVnfcs']['vduId']}    
    List Should Contain value    ${Storage_IDs}    ${response['body']['resourceChanges']['affectedVirtualStorages']['virtualStorageDescId']}
    List Should Contain Value    ${VirtualLink_IDs}    ${response['body']['resourceChanges']['affectedVirtualLinks']['vnfVirtualLinkDescId']}