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# Copyright (c) ETSI 2017.

      This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.
    type: object
      - href
        description: >
          URI of another resource referenced from a resource.
          Shall be an absolute URI (i.e. a UTI that contains {apiRoot}).
        $ref: "#/definitions/Uri"

    description: Supported protocol by CMF instance.
    type: string
      - CMP
      - CMPv2
      - EST
      - SCEP

    description: >
      This type represents a link to a resource in a notification, using an absolute or relative URI.
    type: object
      - href
        description: >
          URI of a resource referenced from a notification.
          Should be an absolute URI (i.e. a URI that contains
          {apiRoot}), however, may be a relative URI (i.e. a URI
          where the {apiRoot} part is omitted) if the {apiRoot}
          information is not available.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Uri"
      This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON,
      a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4
      of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys ("aString", "aNumber",
      "anArray" and "anObject") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of
      different type.
    description: >
      This type represents API version information.
    type: object
      - uriPrefix
      - apiVersions
        description: >
          Specifies the URI prefix for the API, in the following
          form {apiRoot}/{apiName}/{apiMajorVersion}/.
        type: string
        description: >
          Version(s) supported for the API signaled by the
          uriPrefix attribute.
        type: array
          type: object
            - version
              description: >
                Identifies a supported version. The value of the
                version attribute shall be a version identifier as
                specified in clause 9.1 (SOL013).
              type: string
              description: >
                If such information is available, this attribute indicates
                whether use of the version signaled by the version
                attribute is deprecated (true) or not (false).

                A deprecated version is still supported by the API producer but is recommended
                not to be used any longer.
                When a version is no longer supported, it does not appear in the response body.
              type: boolean
              description: >
                The date and time after which the API version will no
                longer be supported.
                This attribute may be included if the value of the
                isDeprecated attribute is set to true and shall be
                absent otherwise.
              $ref: "#/definitions/DateTime"

    description: >
      This type represents subscription filter criteria to match VNF
      * NOTE 1:	The attributes "vnfdIds" and "vnfProductsFromProviders" are alternatives to reference to VNF instances
                that are based on certain VNFDs in a filter. They should not be used both in the same filter instance,
                but one alternative should be chosen.
        NOTE 2:	The attributes "vnfInstanceIds" and "vnfInstanceNames" are alternatives to reference to particular VNF
                instances in a filter. They should not be used both in the same filter instance, but one alternative
                should be chosen.
      - oneOf:
        - required:
            - vnfdId
        - required:
            - vnfProductsFromProviders
      - oneOf:
        - required:
            - vnfInstanceIds
        - required:
            - vnfInstanceNames
        description: >
          If present, match VNF instances that were created based on a VNFD
          identified by one of the vnfdId values listed in this attribute. See note 1.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF products from
          certain providers. See note 1.
        type: array
          type: object
            - vnfProvider
              description: >
                Name of the VNF provider to match.
              type: string
              description: >
                If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF products
                with certain product names, from one particular provider.
              type: array
                type: object
                  - vnfProductName
                    description: >
                      Name of the VNF product to match.
                    type: string
                    description: >
                      If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF
                      products with certain versions and a certain product
                      name, from one particular provider.
                    type: array
                      type: object
                        - vnfSoftwareVersion
                          description: >
                            Software version to match.
                          $ref: "#/definitions/Version"
                          description: >
                            If present, match VNF instances that belong to VNF
                            products with certain VNFD versions, a certain
                            software version and a certain product name, from
                            one particular provider.
                          type: array
                            $ref: "#/definitions/Version"
        description: >
          If present, match VNF instances with an instance identifier listed
          in this attribute. See note 2.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          If present, match VNF instances with a VNF Instance Name listed in
          this attribute. See note 2.
      This type represents parameters to connect to a VIM, a CISM, a CIR or a MCIOP repository for managing
      the resources of a VNF instance.
      This structure is used to convey VIM-related, CISM-related, CIR-related, or MCIOP-repository-related
      parameters over the Or-Vnfm interface. Additional parameters for a VIM, a CISM, a CIR or a MCIOP
      repository may be configured into the VNFM by means outside the scope of the present document and
      bound to the identifier of that VIM.

      * NOTE 1:	If applicable, this attribute also provides information about the resourceGroupIds
                that are accessible using a particular set of credentials. See definition of
                "resourceGroupId" in clause
      * NOTE 2:	Once the connectivity between VNFM and VIM, CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository is provided
                through a secure connection over HTTP Secure (HTTP over SSL/TLS), and the connection might also be
                established through a VPN (for example TLS-based VPN tunnelling) for site-to-site connection, the
                "accessInfo" JSON data structure, and the sensitive data related information ("username"/"password" as
                required properties for authentication purpose), will be transmitted as plain text through a TLS tunnel
                without additional encoding/encryption before transmitting it, making the sensitive data visible to the
                endpoint. The base64 encoded certificates are only used by the VNFM to verify the authenticity of the
                interface endpoint of the VIM, CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository.
      * NOTE 3: ETSI GS NFV-SOL 009 specifies the means to configure into the VNFM applicable VIM connection
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                information via the "NFV-MANO Configuration and Information Management" interface.
      * NOTE 4: Due to the possibility of configuring such information into the VNFM out-of-band, by means outside the scope of
                the present document, as well as in-band, by means specified in the present document, care should be taken to
                avoid unintended conflicts in the VNFM when managing such information.
          The identifier of the VIM, CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository instance. This identifier is managed
          by the NFVO.
          Shall be present to address additional information about the VIM, CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository
          if such information has been configured into the VNFM out-of-band by means outside the scope of
          the present document and should be absent otherwise. See note 3.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Discriminator for the different types of the VIM information. The value of this attribute
          determines the structure of the "interfaceInfo" and "accessInfo" attributes, based on the
          type of the VIM., CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository.
          The set of permitted values is expected to change over time as new types or versions of VIMs
          become available.
          The ETSI NFV registry of VIM-related information provides access to information about VimConnectionInfo
          definitions for various VIM, CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository types. The structure of the registry
          is defined in annex C.
          Information about the interface or interfaces to the VIM, CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository,
          if applicable, such as the URI of an interface endpoint to communicate with the
          VIM, CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository. The applicable keys are dependent on the content of vimType.
          Such information may have been configured into the VNFM out-of-band by means outside the scope of
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          the present document. See note 3.
          If present and VimConnectionInfo has already been configured into the VNFM out-of-band, the
          information values provided by the present attribute shall be used to perform resource management
          for the VNF instance by the VNFM. See note 4.
        $ref: "#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Authentication credentials for accessing the VIM, CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository and other
          access-related information such as tenants or infrastructure resource groups (see note 1).
          The applicable keys are dependent on the content of vimType.
          If the VimConnectionInfo structure is part of an HTTP response message content, sensitive
          attributes that are children of this attributes (such as passwords) shall not be included.
          If the VimConnectionInfo structure is part of an HTTP request message content, sensitive
          attributes that are children of this attribute (such as passwords) shall be
          present if they have not been provisioned out of band. See note 2.
          Such information may have been configured into the VNFM out-of-band by means outside the scope of the
          present document. See note 3.
          If present and VimConnectionInfo has already been configured into the VNFM out-of-band,
          the information values provided by the present attribute shall be used to perform resource
          management for the VNF instance by the VNFM. See note 4.
        $ref: "#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          VIM, CISM, CIR or MCIOP repository type specific additional information. The applicable
          structure, and whether or not this attribute is available, is dependent on the content of vimType.
          Such information may have been configured into the VNFM out-of-band by means outside the
          scope of the present document.
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          See note 3.
          If present and VimConnectionInfo has already been configured into the VNFM out-of-band,
          the information values provided by the present attribute shall be used to perform resource
          management for the VNF instance by the VNFM. See note 4.
        $ref: "#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
      - resourceId
    type: object
      This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance.
      Information about the resource is available from the VIM.

      * NOTE 1: The value set of the "vimLevelResourceType" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or CISM or the resource 
                provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from 
                the value set of the "type" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause When the container 
                infrastructure service management is a Kubernetes® instance the vimLevelResourceType is the type of 
                resource, as would correspond to the 'kind' field if the resource is declared in its own Kubernetes® manifest, 
                e.g.: Pod, PersistentVolumeClaim, NetworkAttachmentDefinition.

      * NOTE 2: When the container infrastructure service management is a Kubernetes® instance the resourceId shall be 
                populated in the following way:
                - For a compute MCIO, it is the instance identifier that Kubernetes® assigns, which is unique cluster wide 
                per resource type.
                - For a storage MCIO modelled as a persistent volume claim, it is the name of the persistent volume claim, 
                i.e. the value of the 'claimName' field in the Kubernetes® manifest, or a compound name built by 
                Kubernetes® if the persistent volume claim is defined inline in another template instead of in its own 
                - For a network MCIO representing a NetworkAttachmentDefinition, a Service or an Ingress, it is the value of 
                the '' field in Kubernetes® manifest.
        description: >
          Identifier of the VIM or CISM connection to manage the resource.
          This attribute shall be supported when the resource is managed by a CISM.
          When the resource is managed by a VIM, this attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF--related
          resource management in direct mode is applicable.
          The applicable "VimConnectionInfo" structure, which is referenced by vimConnectionId, can be obtained from
          the "vimConnectionInfo" attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the entity responsible for the management of the
          resource. This attribute shall only be supported and present when
          VNF-related resource management in indirect mode is applicable. The
          identification scheme is outside the scope of the present document.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the
          CISM or the resource provider. See note 2.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"
        description: >
          Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the CISM
          or the resource provider. See note 1.
        type: string
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        description: >
          Additional resource information which is specific to this
          resource and its type, and which is available from the
          VIM or the CISM or the resource provider.
        $ref: "#/definitions/AdditionalResourceInfo"
        description: >
          The value of the namespace in which the MCIO
          corresponding to the resource is deployed.
          This attribute shall be present if the resource is managed
          by a CISM and it shall be absent otherwise.
      This type represents configuration information for external CPs created.
      * NOTE 1: 	In case this identifier refers to a CPD with trunking enabled, the external CP instances created
                  from this CPD will represent ports in a trunk.
      * NOTE 2: 	Within one VNF instance, all VNFC instances created from a particular VDU have the same external
                  connectivity. Thus, given a particular value of the "cpdId" attribute, there shall be one
                  "cpConfig" entry for each VNFC instance that has been or can be created from a VDU which includes
                  a CPD identified by the "cpdId" attribute. If the cpConfig represents a subport in a trunk,
                  all "cpConfig" entries in this list shall have the same segmentationId, which means they are
                  connected to the same set of external VLs via the trunk.
      * NOTE 3: 	The map entry value shall be set to "null" in order to delete a "VnfExtCpConfig" entry identified
                  by a particular key value from the map, i.e. for the disconnection of an existing external
                  CP instance addressed by cpInstanceId in the deleted map entry from a particular external
                  virtual link, and deletion of that instance in case it represents a subport. Deleting the
                  last key from the map removes the affected instance of the "VnfExtCpData" structure from
                  its parent data structure.
      * NOTE 4:   If, as defined by the input parameters of a "ChangeVnfFlavour", "ChangeExtVnfConnectivity" or
                  "ChangeCurrentVnfPkg" operation or as part of the Grant response for any of these operations, a cpConfig
                  map entry identified by a particular map key value is moved into another "ExtVirtualLinkData" or
                  "VnfExtCpData" structure, this particular cpConfig map entry may be used by an external CP instance
                  different than the one that has used it before the operation, or by no external CP instance at all.
                  Renaming a CPD identifier during the "changeCurrentVnfPkg" operation does not count as moving the related
                  "cpConfig" map entries to a new "extCpData" structure.
      * NOTE 5:   Subports need not be used for containerized VNFCs. The application container can send and receive IP 
                  packets with any VLAN tag as long as the network interface to connect to the secondary container cluster 
                  network has been configured appropriately. Thus, no individual cpConfig, except the one representing the 
                  trunk, need be modelled to allow traffic tagged with a particular VLAN through the connection point.
      * NOTE 6:   In the case that the cloud native template included in the MCIOP describes the set of VNFC instances, for 
                  containerized VNFCs individual connection points need not be configured for each VNFC instance. It is only 
                  required to configure one cpConfig per cpdId, not per VNFC instance. The case of using, for a scalable VDU, a 
                  cloud native template in the MCIOP that describes one single VNFC instance is not specified in the present 
                  document version.
    type: object
      - cpdId
        description: >
          The identifier of the CPD in the VNFD. See note 1.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Map of instance data that need to be configured on the CP instances
          The key of the map which identifies the individual VnfExtCpConfig entries is of type "IdentifierInVnf"
          and is managed by the NFVO.
          The entries shall be applied by the VNFM according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396).
        type: object
          $ref: "#/definitions/VnfExtCpConfig"
      This type represents an externally provided link port, or a network attachment definition resource of secondary
      container cluster network, or network address information per instance of an external connection point.
      In the case of VM-based deployment of the VNFC exposing the external CP:
        1.  In case a link port is provided, the VNFM shall use that link port when connecting the external CP to the
            external VL.
        2.  In case a link port is not provided, the VNFM shall create a link port on the external VL and use that link port
            to connect the external CP to the external VL.
      In the case of container-based deployment of the VNFC exposing the external CP, the VNFM shall use the network
      attachment definition resource of secondary container cluster network when connecting the CP to the external VL.

      * NOTE 1: The following conditions apply to the attributes "linkPortId" and "cpProtocolData" for an external CP
                instance connected or to be connected to a virtual network not categorized as secondary container cluster network:
                1) Void.
                2) At least one of the "linkPortId" and "cpProtocolData" attributes shall be present for an external CP instance
                representing a subport that is to be created, or an external CP instance that is to be created by creating the
                corresponding VNFC or VNF instance during the current or a subsequent LCM operation, or for an existing
                external CP instance that is to be re-configured or added to a particular external virtual link.
                3) If the "linkPortId" attribute is absent, the VNFM shall create a link port.
                4) If the "cpProtocolData" attribute is absent, the "linkPortId" attribute shall be provided referencing a
                precreated link port, and the VNFM can use means outside the scope of the present document to obtain the
                pre-configured address information for the connection point from the resource representing the link port.
                5) If both "cpProtocolData" and "linkportId" are provided, the NFVO shall ensure that the
                cpProtocolData can be used with the pre-created link port referenced by "linkPortId".

      * NOTE 2: The following conditions apply to the attributes “netAttDefResourceId” and “cpProtocolData” for an external CP
                instance connected or to be connected to a secondary container cluster network:
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                1) Void.
                2) The "netAttDefResourceId" attribute shall be present and the "cpProtocolData" attribute may be present for
                a to-be-created external CP instance or an existing external CP instance.
      * NOTE 3: Cardinality greater than 1 is only applicable for specific cases where more than one network attachment
                definition resource is needed to fulfil the connectivity requirements of the external CP, e.g. to build a link
                redundant mated pair in SR-IOV cases. When more than one netAttDefResourceId is indicated, all shall belong
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                to the same namespace as defined by the corresponding "containerNamespace" attribute in the "resourceHandle" a attribute in the
      * NOTE 4: Either linkPortId or netAttDefResourceId may be included, but not both.
      - required:
        - linkPortId
      - required:
        - cpProtocolData
        description: >
          Value of the key that identifies the  "VnfExtCpConfig" map entry which corresponds to the parent port of the
          trunk. Reference to the "VnfExtCpConfig" entry that corresponds to the parent port of the trunk. Only present
          in "VnfExtCpConfig" structures that provide configuration information for a CP which represents a sub-port in
          a trunk, and if parent ports are supported.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf"
        description: >
          Identifier of a pre-configured link port to which the external CP
          will be associated. See notes 1 and 4.
Sana Zulfiqar's avatar
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        description: >
          Indicates to the VNFM the need to create a dedicated link port for the external CP.
          If set to True, the VNFM shall create a link port.
          If set to False, the VNFM shall not create a link port.
          This attribute is only applicable for external CP instances without a floating IP address that expose a VIP CP
          instance for which a dedicated IP address is allocated. It shall be present in that case and shall be absent otherwise.
        type: boolean

        description: >
          Identifier of the “NetAttDefResourceData” structure that
          provides the specification of the interface to attach the
          external CP to a secondary container cluster network.
          It is only applicable if the external CP is connected or to
          be connected to a secondary container cluster network. It
          shall not be present if the external CP is related to a
          virtual network not categorized as secondary container
          cluster network.
          See notes 2, 3 and 4.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
          Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the
          link port that connects the CP to a VL. See notes 1 and 2.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/CpProtocolData"
    description: >
      This type represents network protocol data.
      * NOTE:	This attribute allows to signal the addition of further types of layer and protocol
                in future versions of the present document in a backwards-compatible way. In the current
                version of the present document, only IP over Ethernet is supported.
      - layerProtocol
        description: >
          Identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s).
          Permitted values:
            - IP_OVER_ETHERNET.
            - IP_FOR_VIRTUAL_CP
          See note
          - IP_OVER_ETHERNET
          - IP_FOR_VIRTUAL_CP
        description: >
          Network address data for IP over Ethernet to assign to the external CP
          instance. Shall be present if layerProtocol is equal to
          "IP_OVER_ETHERNET", and shall be absent otherwise.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IpOverEthernetAddressData"
        description: >
          IP address data to assign to an external CP
          instance exposing a virtual CP. It shall be
          present if layerProtocol is equal to
          “IP_FOR_VIRTUAL_CP” and the external CP
          instance exposes a virtual CP and shall not be
          present otherwise.
        $ref: "#/definitions/VirtualCpAddressData"
    description: >
      This type represents network address data for IP over Ethernet.
      * NOTE 1:	At least one of "macAddress" or "ipAddresses" shall be present.
      * NOTE 2:	Exactly one of "fixedAddresses", "numDynamicAddresses" or "ipAddressRange" shall be present.
      * NOTE 3:	If the CP instance represents a subport in a trunk, segmentationId shall be present.
                Otherwise it shall not be present.
      * NOTE 4:	Depending on the NFVI networking infrastructure, the segmentationId may indicate the actual
                network segment value (e.g. vlan Id, Vxlan segmentation id, etc.) used in the transport header
                of the packets or it may be an identifier used between the application and the NFVI networking
                infrastructure to identify the network sub-interface of the trunk port in question. In the latter
                case the NFVI infrastructure will map this local segmentationId to whatever segmentationId is
                actually used by the NFVI's transport technology.
      - required:
          - macAddress
      - required:
          - ipAddresses
        description: >
          MAC address. If this attribute is not present, it shall be chosen by
          the VIM. See note 1.
        description: >
          Specifies the encapsulation type for the traffics coming in and out of the trunk subport.
            -	VLAN: the subport uses VLAN as encapsulation type.
            -	INHERIT: the subport gets its segmentation type from the network it's connected to.
          This attribute may be present for CP instances that represent subports in a trunk and shall be
          absent otherwise. If this attribute is not present for a subport CP instance, default value VLAN shall be used.
        description: >
          Identification of the network segment to which the CP instance connects to. See note 3 and note 4.
        description: >
          List of IP addresses to assign to the CP instance. Each entry
          represents IP address data for fixed or dynamic IP address
          assignment per subnet.
          If this attribute is not present, no IP address shall be assigned. See note 1.
            - required:
              - fixedAddresses
            - required:
              - numDynamicAddresses
            - required:
              description: >
                The type of the IP addresses.
                Permitted values: IPV4, IPV6.
              type: string
                - IPV4
                - IPV6
              description: >
                Fixed addresses to assign (from the subnet defined by
                "subnetId" if provided). See note 2.
              type: array
                $ref: "#/definitions/IpAddress"
              description: >
                Number of dynamic addresses to assign (from the subnet defined
                by "subnetId" if provided). See note 2.
              type: integer
              description: >
                An IP address range to be used, e.g. in case of egress
                In case this attribute is present, IP addresses from the range
                will be used. See note 2.
              type: object
                - minAddress
                - maxAddress
                  description: >
                    Lowest IP address belonging to the range.
                  $ref: "#/definitions/IpAddress"
                  description: >
                    Highest IP address belonging to the range.
                  $ref: "#/definitions/IpAddress"
              description: >
                Subnet defined by the identifier of the subnet resource in the
                In case this attribute is present, IP addresses from that
                subnet will be assigned; otherwise, IP addresses not bound to
                a subnet will be assigned.
              $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"
    description: >
      This type represents network address data for a virtual CP.
      * NOTE 1: If the container cluster is set up to be able to configure an external load balancer this address will be used,
                otherwise it will be ignored by the CISM.
      * NOTE 2: In case the cluster can configure an external load balancer but no loadBalancerIp is provided the container
                cluster will assign an IP address.
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      * NOTE 3: The attribute is only relevant if the virtual CP is instantiated in a cluster that supports configuration of IP
                address pools for virtual CPs. Otherwise it shall be ignored. MetalLB is an example of a solution for
                Kubernetes® that supports configuration of address pools for load balancer services.
      * NOTE 4: The loadBalancerIp and the addressPoolName attributes shall not be present at the same time.                
    type: object
      - type
        description: >
          The type of the IP addresses.
          Permitted values: IPV4, IPV6.
        type: string
          - IPV4
          - IPV6 
        description: >
          Fixed address to assign to an external load balancer.
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          See notes 1,2 and 4.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IpAddress"
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        description: >
            Name of an address pool from which the container
            cluster will assign an IP address to the virtual CP. See
            notes 3 and 4.
        type: string
      This type represents an external VL.
      * NOTE 1:	A link port is not needed for an external CP instance that exposes a VIP CP in the following cases:
                1)  For a VIP CP directly exposed as an external CP:
                    1.1)  No dedicated IP address is allocated as VIP address, as indicated in the VNFD.
                    1.2)  A dedicated IP address is allocated as VIP address, but the NFVO indicates that no port is needed
                          (createExtLinkPort in VnfExtCpConfig set to false).
                2)  For a VIP CP exposed as an external CP via a floating IP address:
                    2.1)  No dedicated IP address is allocated as VIP address, as indicated in the VNFD, and the VNFC CP
                          associated to the VIP CP is also exposed via a floating IP address.
                3)  For a VIRTUAL CP exposed as an external CP.
                4)  For a VNFC CP exposed as an external CP in a secondary container cluster external network or a
                    secondary container cluster internal network.
      * NOTE 2: An example of the network attachment definition resource when the container infrastructure service
                management is a Kubernetes® instance is a network attachment definition (NAD).
          The identifier of the external VL instance. The identifier is
          assigned by the NFV-MANO entity that manages this VL instance.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
          Identifier of the VIM connection to manage this resource. This
          attribute shall only be supported and present if VNF-related
          resource management in direct mode is applicable. See note 1.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifies the entity responsible for the management of this
          resource. This attribute shall only be supported and present
          if VNF-related resource management in indirect mode is applicable.
          The identification scheme is outside the scope of the present
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          The identifier of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the
          resource provider.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"
        description: >
          External CPs of the VNF to be connected to this external VL. Entries in the list of external
          CP data that are unchanged need not be supplied if the ExtVirtualLinkData structure is part
          of a request or response that modifies the external connectivity.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/VnfExtCpData"
        description: >
          Externally provided link ports to be used to connect
          external connection points to this external VL. If this
          attribute is not present, the VNFM shall create the link
          ports on the external VL except in the cases defined
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ExtLinkPortData"
        description: >
          Externally provided network attachment definition
          resource(s) that provide the specification of the interface
          to attach external CPs to this external VL. See note 2.
          It is only applicable if the external VL is realized by a
          secondary container cluster network. It shall not be
          present otherwise.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/NetAttDefResourceData"
      This type provides information enabling the access and use of the PaaS Service by the VNF instance.
      The type and format of the handle depends on the form that the PaaS Service is formed.
    type: object
      - id
        description: >
          Identifier of this PaaS Service handle.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Information of the interface or interfaces to the PaaS Service instance, if applicable, such
          as the URI of an interface endpoint to communicate with the PaaS Service instance.
        $ref: "#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Authentication credentials for accessing the PaaS Service instance.

          If the PaasServiceHandle structure is part of an HTTP GET response payload body, sensitive attributes
          that are children of this attribute (such as passwords) shall not be included.
        $ref: "#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
          PaaS Service instance specific additional information. The applicable structure, and whether
          or not this attribute is available, is dependent on the type of the PaaS Service.
    description: >
      This type represents the scale level of a VNF instance related to a scaling aspect.
    type: object
      - aspectId
      - scaleLevel
        description: >
          Identifier of the scaling aspect.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNFD.
          Shall be present in case the value differs from the vnfdId
          attribute of the VnfInstance (e.g. during a "Change
          current VNF package" operation or due to its final
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Indicates the scale level. The minimum value shall be 0
          and the maximum value shall be ≤ maxScaleLevel as
          described in the VNFD.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
    description: >
      This type represents additional resource information which resource and resource type
      specific, and which is available from the VIM or the CISM or the resource provider.
      * NOTE: At least one attribute shall be present.
    type: object
        description: >
          Name of the host where the resource is allocated. It shall
          be present for compute resources in the scope of the
          CISM and shall be absent otherwise. See note.
        type: string
        description: >
          Name of the persistent volume to which the persistent
          volume claim representing the storage resource is bound.
          It may be present for storage resources in the scope of
          the CISM and shall be absent otherwise. See note.
        type: string
        description: >
          Information related to other properties directly owned by
          the resource and available from the VIM or CISM or the
          resource provider. See note.
        $ref: "#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    description: >
      This type represents a network attachment definition resource that provides the specification of
      the interface to be used to connect one or multiple connection points to a secondary container
      cluster network realizing a VL.
    type: object
    - netAttDefResourceId
    - resourceHandle
        description: >
          Identifier of this network attachment definition resource
          as provided by the entity that has created it.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Resource handle of the resource identifying the network
          attachment definition resource that provides the
          specification of the interface to attach the connection
          points to a secondary container cluster network.
        $ref: "#/definitions/ResourceHandle"
      An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
    type: string

    description: Signals the type of change.
    type: string
      - ADD
      - REMOVE
      - MODIFY

    description: >
      Date-time stamp.
      Representation: String formatted according to IETF RFC 3339.
    type: string
    format: date-time

    description: >
      String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.
    type: string

    description: >
      The Boolean is a data type having two values (true and false).
    type: boolean

    description: >
      A MAC address. Representation: string that consists of groups of two hexadecimal digits,
      separated by hyphens or colons.
    type: string
    format: MAC

    description: >
      An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation: In case of an IPV4 address, string that consists of four decimal
      integers separated by dots, each integer ranging from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6 address, string that
      consists of groups of zero to four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons.
    type: string
    format: IP

    description: >
      A version.
    type: string

    description: >
      A string defined in IETF RFC 8259.
    type: string

    description: >
      A number defined in IETF RFC 8259.
    type: number

    description: >
      Unsigned integer number
    type: integer
    minimum: 0

    description: >
      An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.
    type: string

    description: >
      An identifier maintained by the VIM  or the CISM or other resource provider. It is
      expected to be unique within the VIM instance.
    type: string

    description: >
      An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a VNF
      instance, but may not be globally unique.
    type: string

    description: >
      An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers,
      such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair.
      Representation: string of variable length.
    type: string

  Checksum: #no definition found
    description: >
      Cheksum description
    type: string

    description: >
      This type represents an externally provided link port to be used to connect a VNFC connection point 
      to an exernally managed VL.
    type: object
    - vnfLinkPortId
    - resourceHandle
        description: >
          Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has created the link port.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Resource handle of the virtualised resource that realizes the link port.
        $ref: "#/definitions/ResourceHandle"

    description: >
      This type represents an externally provided link port to be used to
      connect an external connection point to an external VL.
      * NOTE:	The value of "trunkResourceId" is scoped by the value of "vimConnectionId" in the "resourceHandle" attribute.
    type: object
      - id
          Identifier of this link port as provided by the entity that has
          created the link port.
        $ref: "#/definitions/Identifier"
          Reference to the virtualised resource realizing this link port.
        $ref: "#/definitions/ResourceHandle"
        description: >
          Identifier of the trunk resource in the VIM.
          Shall be present if the present link port corresponds to the parent
          port that the trunk resource is associated with. See note.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInVim"

    description: >
      The enumeration GrantedLcmOperationType defines the permitted values 
      to represent VNF lifecycle operation types in grant requests.
      Value | Description
      INSTANTIATE | Represents the "Instantiate VNF" LCM operation.
      SCALE | Represents the "Scale VNF" LCM operation.
      SCALE_TO_LEVEL | Represents the "Scale VNF to Level" LCM operation.
      CHANGE_FLAVOUR | Represents the "Change VNF Flavour" LCM operation.
      TERMINATE | Represents the "Terminate VNF" LCM operation.
      HEAL | Represents the "Heal VNF" LCM operation.
      OPERATE | Represents the "Operate VNF" LCM operation.
      CHANGE_EXT_CONN | Represents the "Change external VNF connectivity" LCM operation.     
      CHANGE_VNFPKG | Represents the "Change current VNF package" LCM operation.
      CREATE_SNAPSHOT | Represents the "Create VNF snapshot" LCM operation.
      REVERT_TO_SNAPSHOT | Represents the "Revert to VNF snapshot" LCM operation.
      SELECT_DEPL_MODS | Represents the “Select VNF deployable modules” LCM operation.
    type: string
      - SCALE
      - HEAL
      - OPERATE
    description: >
Francesca Moscatelli's avatar
Francesca Moscatelli committed
      The enumeration LcmOpType defines the permitted values to represent 
      VNF lifecycle operation types in VNF lifecycle management operation 
      occurrence resources and VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence 
Francesca Moscatelli's avatar
Francesca Moscatelli committed

      Value | Description
      INSTANTIATE | Represents the "Instantiate VNF" LCM operation.   
      SCALE | Represents the "Scale VNF" LCM operation.
      SCALE_TO_LEVEL | Represents the "Scale VNF to Level" LCM operation.
      CHANGE_FLAVOUR | Represents the "Change VNF Flavour" LCM operation.
      TERMINATE | Represents the "Terminate VNF" LCM operation.
      HEAL | Represents the "Heal VNF" LCM operation.
      OPERATE | Represents the "Operate VNF" LCM operation.
      CHANGE_EXT_CONN | Represents the "Change external VNF connectivity" LCM operation.
      MODIFY_INFO | Represents the "Modify VNF Information" LCM operation.
      CREATE_SNAPSHOT | Represents the "Create VNF Snapshot" LCM operation.
      REVERT_TO_SNAPSHOT | Represents the “Revert-To VNF Snapshot" LCM operation.
      CHANGE_VNFPKG | Represents the "Change current VNF package" LCM operation.
      SELECT_DEPL_MODS | Represents the “Select VNF deployable modules” LCM operation
    type: string
      - SCALE
      - HEAL
      - OPERATE
    #SOL003 location:
    description: >
      The definition of the general "ProblemDetails" data structure from
      IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the
      general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the "status" and
      "detail" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document,
      to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about
      an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the
      "ProblemDetails" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present
      document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define
      additional attributes that provide more information about the error.
      The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to
      Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see
    type: object
      - status
      - detail
        description: >
          A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the
          problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable
          documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced.
          When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be
        type: string
        format: URI
        description: >
          A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not
          change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for
          purposes of localization. If type is given and other than
          "about:blank", this attribute shall also be provided.
          A short, human-readable summary of the problem
          type.  It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the
          problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using
          proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).
        type: string
        description: >
          The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem.
          The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin
          server for this occurrence of the problem.
        type: integer
        description: >
          A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the
        type: string
        description: >
          A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the
          problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.
        type: string
        format: URI
      #TODO: How to express "any additional attributes"?

    description: >
      * NOTE: The clientId and clientPassword passed in a subscription shall not be the same as the clientId and
              clientPassword that are used to obtain authorization for API requests. Client credentials may differ between
              subscriptions. The value of clientPassword should be generated by a random process
        description: >
          Defines the types of Authentication / Authorization which the API
          consumer is willing to accept when receiving a notification.
          Permitted values:
          * OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS: In every HTTP request to the
            notification endpoint, use an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token, obtained
            using the client credentials grant type.
        type: array
          type: string
        description: >
          Parameters for authentication/authorization using BASIC.
          Shall be present if authType is "BASIC" and the contained
          information has not been provisioned out of band.
          Shall be absent otherwise.
        type: object
            description: >
              Username to be used in HTTP Basic authentication. Shall be
              present if it has not been provisioned out of band.
            type: string
            description: >
              Password to be used in HTTP Basic authentication. Shall be
              present if it has not been provisioned out of band.
            type: string
        description: >
          Parameters for authentication/authorization using
          Shall be present if authType is "OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS" and the
          contained information has not been provisioned out of band.
          Shall be absent otherwise.
        type: object
            description: >
              Client identifier to be used in the access token request of the
              OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type. 
              Shall be present if it has not been provisioned out of band. See note.
            type: string
            description: >
              Client password to be used in the access token request of the
              OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type. 
              Shall be present if it has not been provisioned out of band. See note.
            type: string
            description: >
              The token endpoint from which the access token can be obtained.
              Shall be present if it has not been provisioned out of band.
            $ref: "#/definitions/Uri"
    description: >
      The enumeration LcmCoordResultType defines the permitted values
      to represent the result of executing an LCM coordination action.
      The coordination result also implies the action to be performed by
      the VNFM as the follow-up to this coordination.
      Value | Description
      CONTINUE | The related LCM operation shall be continued, staying in the state "PROCESSING".
      ABORT | The related LCM operation shall be aborted by transitioning into the state "FAILED_TEMP".
      CANCELLED | The coordination action has been cancelled upon request of the API consumer, i.e. the VNFM.
      The related LCM operation shall be aborted by transitioning into the state "FAILED_TEMP".
    type: string
      - CONTINUE
      - ABORT

    description: >
      The enumeration LcmOperationForCoordType defines the permitted values to
      represent VNF lifecycle operation types in VNF LCM operation coordination actions.
      * INSTANTIATE: Represents the "Instantiate VNF" LCM operation.
      * SCALE: Represents the "Scale VNF" LCM operation.
      * SCALE_TO_LEVEL: Represents the "Scale VNF to Level" LCM operation.
      * CHANGE_FLAVOUR: Represents the "Change VNF Flavour" LCM operation.
      * TERMINATE: Represents the "Terminate VNF" LCM operation.
      * HEAL: Represents the "Heal VNF" LCM operation.
      * OPERATE: Represents the "Operate VNF" LCM operation.
      * CHANGE_EXT_CONN: Represents the "Change external VNF connectivity" LCM operation.
      * MODIFY_INFO: Represents the "Modify VNF Information" LCM operation.
      * CREATE_SNAPSHOT: Represents the "Create VNF Snapshot" LCM operation.
      * REVERT_TO_SNAPSHOT: Represents the "Revert To VNF Snapshot" LCM operation.
      * CHANGE_VNFPKG: Represents the "Change current VNF package" LCM operation.
    type: string
      - SCALE
      - HEAL
      - OPERATE