SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml 116 KB
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          lifecycle operation or the result of a lifecycle operation.
          Permitted values:
          * START: Informs about the start of the VNF LCM operation
          * RESULT: Informs about the final or intermediate result of the VNF
            LCM operation occurrence.
        type: string
          - START
          - RESULT
        description: >
          The state of the VNF LCM operation occurrence.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/LcmOperationStateType"
        description: >
          The identifier of the VNF instance affected.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          The lifecycle management operation.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/LcmOperationType"
        description: >
          Set to true if this VNF LCM operation occurrence has been triggered
          by an automated procedure inside the VNFM
          (i.e. ScaleVnf / ScaleVnfToLevel triggered by auto-scale, or HealVnf
          triggered by auto-heal).
          Set to false otherwise.
        type: boolean
        description: >
          This attribute signals the verbosity of the notification. If it is not present, it shall default to the value "FULL".
          If the value is "SHORT", full change details can be obtained by performing a GET request on the "Individual LCM
          operation occurrence" resource that is signalled by the "vnfLcmOpOcc" child attribute of the "_links" attribute.
        $ref: '../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/LcmOpOccNotificationVerbosityType'
        description: >
          The identifier of the VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence associated to the notification. Shall be
          set to the value of the "id" attribute of the "VnfLcmOpOcc" representing the associate "Individual VNF lifecycle
          management operation occurrence" resource.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Information about VNFC instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation. See note 1.
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        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/AffectedVnfc"
        description: >
          Information about VL instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation. See note 1 and note 2.
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        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/AffectedVirtualLink"
        description: >
          Information about external VNF link ports that were affected during the lifecycle operation. See note 1.
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        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/AffectedExtLinkPort"
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        description: >
          Information about virtualised storage instances that were affected during the lifecycle operation. See note 1.
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        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/AffectedVirtualStorage"
        description: >
          Information about the changed VNF instance information, including
          changed VNF configurable properties.
          Shall be present if the "notificationStatus" is set to "RESULT",
          the "operation" attribute is not equal to "CHANGE_VNFPKG", the
          "verbosity" attribute is set to "FULL" and the operation has performed
          any changes to VNF instance information, including VNF configurable
          properties. Shall be absent otherwise.
        $ref: "#/definitions/VnfInfoModifications"

        description: >
          Information about virtual IP CP instances that were affected during the execution of the lifecycle management
          operation, if this notification represents the result of a lifecycle management operation occurrence.

          Shall be present if the "notificationStatus" is set to "RESULT", the "verbosity" attribute is set to "FULL"
          and the operation has made any changes to the VIP CP instances of the VNF instance. Shall be absent otherwise.
          Only information about VIP CP instances that have been added, deleted or modified shall be provided.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/AffectedVipCp"

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        description: >
          Information about changed external connectivity, if this notification
          represents the result of a lifecycle operation occurrence.
          Shall be present if the "notificationStatus" is set to "RESULT",
          the "verbosity" attribute is set to "FULL" and the operation has made
          any changes to the external connectivity of the VNF instance. Shall be
          absent otherwise. Only information about external VL instances that
          have been added or modified shall be provided.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkInfo"
        description: >
          Information about performed changes of "VnfInstance" attributes triggered by changing the current VNF package.
          Shall be present if the "notificationStatus" is set to "RESULT", the "operation" attribute is equal to
          "CHANGE_VNFPKG", the "verbosity" attribute is set to "FULL" and the operation has performed any changes to VNF
          instance information, including VNF configurable properties. Shall be absent otherwise.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ModificationsTriggeredByVnfPkgChange"
        description: >
          Details of the latest error, if one has occurred during executing
          the LCM operation (see clause 6.3 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013).
          Shall be present if the "operationState" attribute is "FAILED_TEMP", "FAILED"
          or "ROLLED_BACK" and shall be absent otherwise.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ProblemDetails"
        description: >
          Links to resources related to this notification.
          The link URIs in this structure shall be set to point to the
          resources identified by the corresponding identifier attributes
          in this notification.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/LccnLinks"

    description: >
      This type provides information about added, deleted, modified and
      temporary VLs, and added or removed VNF link ports.
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      NOTE 1:	When signalling the addition (LINK_PORT_ADDED) or removal (LINK_PORT_REMOVED) of VNF link ports, 
              the "networkResource" and "resourceDefinitionId" attributes refer to the affected virtual link 
              instance, not the link port instance. The resource handles of the affected VNF link ports can be 
              found by dereferencing the identifiers in the "vnfLinkPortIds" attribute.
      NOTE 2:	The "resourceDefinitionId" attribute provides information to the API consumer (i.e. the NFVO) to 
              assist in correlating the resource changes performed during the LCM operation with the granted 
              resources in a specific Grant exchange, which is identified by the "grantId" available in the 
              "Individual VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence" and the "id" in the "Individual Grant".
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    type: object
      - id
      - vnfVirtualLinkDescId
      - changeType
      - networkResource
        description: >
          Identifier of the virtual link instance, identifying the applicable
          "vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo" or "extManagedVirtualLinkInfo" entry in the "VnfInstance" data type.
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        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf"
        description: >
          Identifier of the related VLD in the VNFD.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNFD.
          Shall be present in case of a "change current VNF Package" to identify whether the affected VL instance is
          associated to a VLD which is referred from the source or destination VNFD.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
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          Signals the type of change.
          Permitted values:
          -	ADDED
          -	REMOVED
          -	MODIFIED
          -	TEMPORARY
          -	LINK_PORT_ADDED
          For a temporary resource, an AffectedVirtualLink structure exists as long as the temporary resource exists. 
          See note 1.
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        type: string
          - ADDED
          - REMOVED
          - MODIFIED
          - TEMPORARY
          - LINK_PORT_ADDED
        description: >
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          Reference to the VirtualNetwork resource. 
          Detailed information is (for new and modified resources) or has been (for removed resources) available from the VIM. 
          See note 1.
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        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceHandle"
        description: >
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          Identifiers of the link ports of the affected VL related to the change. Each identifier references a "VnfLinkPortInfo" 
          Shall be set when changeType is equal to "LINK_PORT_ADDED" or "LINK_PORT_REMOVED", and the related "VnfLinkPortInfo" 
          structures are present (case "added") or have been present (case "removed") in the "VnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo" or 
          "ExtManagedVirtualLinkInfo" structures that are represented by the "vnfVirtualLinkResource¬Info" or "extManagedVirtualLinkInfo" 
          attribute in the "VnfInstance" structure. See note 1.
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        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
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          The identifier of the "ResourceDefinition" in the granting exchange related to the LCM operation occurrence. 
          It shall be present when an applicable GrantInfo for the granted resource exists. See note 1 and note 2.
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Francesca Moscatelli committed
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierLocal"
        description: >
          The identifier of the resource zone, as managed by the resource
          management layer (typically, the VIM), where the referenced VirtualNetwork
          resource is placed. Shall be provided if this information is available from the VIM.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Metadata about this resource.
          The content of this attribute shall be a copy of the content of the
          "metadata" attribute of the applicable "vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo”
          structure if such structure is referenced by the "id" attribute and it has metadata.
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        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    description: >
      This type provides information about added, deleted, modified and temporary virtual storage resources. 
      It shall comply with the provisions in table

      NOTE:	The "resourceDefinitionId" attribute provides information to the API consumer (i.e. the NFVO) to 
            assist in correlating the resource changes performed during the LCM operation with the granted 
            resources in a specific Grant exchange, which is identified by the "grantId" available in the 
            "Individual VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence" and the "id" in the "Individual Grant".
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    type: object
      - id
      - virtualStorageDescId
      - changeType
      - storageResource
        description: >
          Identifier of the storage instance, identifying the applicable
          "virtualStorageResourceInfo" entry in the "VnfInstance" data type.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf"
        description: >
          Identifier of the related VirtualStorage descriptor in the VNFD.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNFD.
          Shall be present in case of a "change current VNF Package" to identify whether the affected virtual storage
          instance is associated to a VirtualStorage descriptor which is referred from the source or destination VNFD.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Signals the type of change. Permitted values:
          * ADDED
          * REMOVED
          * MODIFIED
          * TEMPORARY
          For a temporary resource, an AffectedVirtualStorage structure exists
          as long as the temporary resource exists.
        type: string
          - ADDED
          - REMOVED
          - MODIFIED
          - TEMPORARY
        description: >
          Reference to the VirtualStorage resource. Detailed information is
          (for new and modified resources) or has been (for removed
          resources) available from the VIM.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ResourceHandle"
        description: >
          The identifier of the "ResourceDefinition" in the granting exchange related to the LCM operation occurrence. 
          It shall be present when an applicable GrantInfo for the granted resource exists. See note.
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        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierLocal"
        description: >
          The identifier of the resource zone, as managed by the resource
          management layer (typically, the VIM), where the referenced VirtualNetwork
          resource is placed. Shall be provided if this information is available from the VIM.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Metadata about this resource.
          The content of this attribute shall be a copy of the content of the
          "metadata" attribute of the VirtualStorageResourceInfo structure.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"