Plugtest 2021: MEC013: ClientCorrelator error in UELOCSUB
There seem to be a check for an optional parameter, clientCorrelator, but it seems not defined somehow so it cannot look at the response and do the comparison. The parameter is an optional parameter, not sure if this is where the problem is, but cannot understand why this error pops out. It seem to be defined properly in the schema....
KEYWORD BuiltIn . Exit For Loop If ${item[${json_field}]} == ${json_value}
Stops executing the enclosing for loop if the condition is true.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20210210 16:49:11.827 / 20210210 16:49:11.831 / 00:00:00.004
16:49:11.828 **FAIL Resolving variable '${item[clientCorrelator]}' failed: NameError: name 'clientCorrelator' is not defined **
16:49:11.826 TRACE Arguments: [ ${expr}={'address': 'acr:', 'callbackReference': {'notifyURL': ''}, 'clientCorrelator': '0125', 'resourceURL': 'http://ourserver/simon/location/v2/subscriptions/userTracking/4', 'userEventCriteria': ['Transferring']} | ${json_field}='clientCorrelator' | ${json_value}='0125' ]
Edited by Michele Carignani