prov_chg_uu_mbms_notification.proto 922 Bytes
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  ETSI GS MEC 030 V2X Information Service API
  ETSI GS MEC 030 V2X Information Service API described using OpenAPI.
  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1
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  Generated by OpenAPI Generator:

syntax = "proto3";

package mec030;

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import public "models/location_info.proto";
import public "models/time_stamp.proto";
import public "models/uu_mbms_neighbour_cell_info.proto";
import public "models/v2x_server_usd.proto";

message ProvChgUuMbmsNotification {

  LocationInfo location_info = 1;
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  // The information of the neighbour cells in a visiting PLMN that support V2X communication over Uu MBMS.
  repeated UuMbmsNeighbourCellInfo neighbour_cell_info = 2;
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  // Shall be set to \"ProvChgUuMbmsNotification\".
  string notification_type = 3;
  TimeStamp time_stamp = 4;
  V2xServerUsd v2x_server_usd = 5;