wai_service.proto 3.92 KB
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  ETSI GS MEC 028 - WLAN Access Information API
  The ETSI MEC ISG MEC028 WLAN Access Information API described using OpenAPI
  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1
  Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech

syntax = "proto3";

package mec028;

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import public "models/ap_info.proto";
import public "models/inline_subscription.proto";
import public "models/problem_details.proto";
import public "models/sta_info.proto";
import public "models/subscription_link_list.proto";

service WaiService {
  rpc ApInfoGET (ApInfoGETRequest) returns (ApInfoGETResponse);

  rpc StaInfoGET (StaInfoGETRequest) returns (StaInfoGETResponse);

  rpc SubscriptionLinkListSubscriptionsGET (SubscriptionLinkListSubscriptionsGETRequest) returns (SubscriptionLinkList);

  rpc SubscriptionsDELETE (SubscriptionsDELETERequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

  rpc SubscriptionsGET (SubscriptionsGETRequest) returns (InlineSubscription);

  rpc SubscriptionsPOST (SubscriptionsPOSTRequest) returns (InlineSubscription);

  rpc SubscriptionsPUT (SubscriptionsPUTRequest) returns (InlineSubscription);


message ApInfoGETRequest {
  // Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 6.19 of ETSI GS MEC 009. .
  string filter = 1;
  // Include all complex attributes in the response. See clause 6.18 of ETSI GS MEC 009 for details.
  string all_fields = 2;
  // Complex attributes to be included into the response. See clause 6.18 of ETSI GS MEC 009 for details.
  repeated string fields = 3;
  // Complex attributes to be excluded from the response. See clause 6.18 of ETSI GS MEC 009 for details.
  repeated string exclude_fields = 4;
  // Indicates to exclude the following complex attributes from the response. See clause 6.18 of ETSI GS MEC 009 for details. The following attributes shall be excluded from the structure in the response body if this parameter is provided, or none of the parameters \"all_fields\", \"fields\", \"exclude_fields\", \"exclude_default\" are provided: Not applicable
  repeated string exclude_default = 5;


message ApInfoGETResponse {
  repeated ApInfo data = 1;

message StaInfoGETRequest {
  // Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 6.19 of ETSI GS MEC 009. .
  string filter = 1;
  // Include all complex attributes in the response. See clause 6.18 of ETSI GS MEC 009 for details.
  string all_fields = 2;
  // Complex attributes to be included into the response. See clause 6.18 of ETSI GS MEC 009 for details.
  repeated string fields = 3;
  // Complex attributes to be excluded from the response. See clause 6.18 of ETSI GS MEC 009 for details.
  repeated string exclude_fields = 4;
  // Indicates to exclude the following complex attributes from the response. See clause 6.18 of ETSI GS MEC 009 for details. The following attributes shall be excluded from the structure in the response body if this parameter is provided, or none of the parameters \"all_fields\", \"fields\", \"exclude_fields\", \"exclude_default\" are provided: Not applicable
  repeated string exclude_default = 5;


message StaInfoGETResponse {
  repeated StaInfo data = 1;

message SubscriptionLinkListSubscriptionsGETRequest {
  // Filter on a specific subscription type. Permitted values: assoc_sta, sta_data_rate.
  string subscription_type = 1;


message SubscriptionsDELETERequest {
  // Subscription Id, specifically the \"self\" returned in the subscription request
  string subscription_id = 1;


message SubscriptionsGETRequest {
  // Subscription Id, specifically the \"self\" returned in the subscription request
  string subscription_id = 1;


message SubscriptionsPOSTRequest {
  // Subscription to be created
  InlineSubscription inline_subscription = 1;


message SubscriptionsPUTRequest {
  // Subscription Id, specifically the \"self\" returned in the subscription request
  string subscription_id = 1;
  // Subscription to be modified
  InlineSubscription inline_subscription = 2;
