bss_capabilities.proto 677 Bytes
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Michel Roy committed
  ETSI GS MEC 028 - WLAN Access Information API
  The ETSI MEC ISG MEC028 WLAN Access Information API described using OpenAPI
  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.2.1
  Generated by OpenAPI Generator:

syntax = "proto3";

package mec028;

message BssCapabilities {

  // APSD Option implemented
  bool apsd = 1;

  // Delayed Block Ack Option implemented
  bool delayedBACK = 2;

  // Immediate Block Ack Option implemented
  bool immediateBACK = 3;

  // QoS Option implemented
  bool qos = 4;

  // Radio Measurement Activated
  bool radioMeasurements = 5;

  // Spectrum Management required
  bool spectrumManagement = 6;
