1. 06 Apr, 2013 8 commits
  2. 04 Apr, 2013 7 commits
  3. 03 Apr, 2013 1 commit
  4. 31 Mar, 2013 3 commits
  5. 29 Mar, 2013 2 commits
  6. 28 Mar, 2013 4 commits
  7. 26 Mar, 2013 6 commits
  8. 24 Mar, 2013 1 commit
  9. 19 Mar, 2013 4 commits
  10. 18 Mar, 2013 4 commits
    • Andy Polyakov's avatar
    • Dr. Stephen Henson's avatar
      Use enc_flags when deciding protocol variations. · cbd64894
      Dr. Stephen Henson authored
      Use the enc_flags field to determine whether we should use explicit IV,
      signature algorithms or SHA256 default PRF instead of hard coding which
      versions support each requirement.
    • Dr. Stephen Henson's avatar
    • Dr. Stephen Henson's avatar
      DTLS revision. · 173e72e6
      Dr. Stephen Henson authored
      Revise DTLS code. There was a *lot* of code duplication in the
      DTLS code that generates records. This makes it harder to maintain and
      sometimes a TLS update is omitted by accident from the DTLS code.
      Specifically almost all of the record generation functions have code like
      some_pointer = buffer + HANDSHAKE_HEADER_LENGTH;
      ... Record creation stuff ...
      set_handshake_header(ssl, SSL_MT_SOMETHING, message_len);
      Where the "Record creation stuff" is identical between SSL/TLS and DTLS or
      in some cases has very minor differences.
      By adding a few fields to SSL3_ENC to include the header length, some flags
      and function pointers for handshake header setting and handshake writing the
      code can cope with both cases.
      Note: although this passes "make test" and some simple DTLS tests there may
      be some minor differences in the DTLS code that have to be accounted for.