Commit 4a5aa668 authored by Yang Tse's avatar Yang Tse
Browse files

Revert changes relative to lib/*.[ch] recent renaming

This reverts renaming and usage of lib/*.h header files done
28-12-2012, reverting 2 commits:

  f871de00... build: make use of 76 lib/*.h renamed files
  ffd8e127... build: rename 76 lib/*.h files

This also reverts removal of redundant include guard (redundant thanks
to changes in above commits) done 2-12-2013, reverting 1 commit:

  c087374c... curl_setup.h: remove redundant include guard

This also reverts renaming and usage of lib/*.c source files done
3-12-2013, reverting 3 commits:

  13606bbf... build: make use of 93 lib/*.c renamed files
  5b6e7927... build: rename 93 lib/*.c files
  7d83dfff... build: commit 13606bbf follow-up 1

Start of related discussion thread:

Asking for confirmation on pushing this revertion commit:

Confirmation summary:

NOTICE: The list of 2 files that have been modified by other
intermixed commits, while renamed, and also by at least one
of the 6 commits this one reverts follows below. These 2 files
will exhibit a hole in history unless git's '--follow' option
is used when viewing logs.

parent e0ba958e
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