Commit 1b0fe00e authored by Dr. Matthias St. Pierre's avatar Dr. Matthias St. Pierre Committed by Matt Caswell
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drbg: ensure fork-safety without using a pthread_atfork handler

When the new OpenSSL CSPRNG was introduced in version 1.1.1,
it was announced in the release notes that it would be fork-safe,
which the old CSPRNG hadn't been.

The fork-safety was implemented using a fork count, which was
incremented by a pthread_atfork handler. Initially, this handler
was enabled by default. Unfortunately, the default behaviour
had to be changed for other reasons in commit b5319bdb

, so
the new OpenSSL CSPRNG failed to keep its promise.

This commit restores the fork-safety using a different approach.
It replaces the fork count by a fork id, which coincides with
the process id on UNIX-like operating systems and is zero on other
operating systems. It is used to detect when an automatic reseed
after a fork is necessary.

To prevent a future regression, it also adds a test to verify that
the child reseeds after fork.


Reviewed-by: default avatarPaul Dale <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarMatt Caswell <>
(Merged from
parent 73a683b7
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