LibItsPki_TestSystem.ttcn 4.18 KB
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 *    @author     ETSI / STF545
 *    @version     $URL$
 *                $Id$
 *    @desc        Test System module for ITS PKI
 *    @copyright   ETSI Copyright Notification
 *                 No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.
 *                 The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
 *                 All rights reserved.
module LibItsPki_TestSystem {
  // LibCommon
  import from LibCommon_Sync all;
  import from LibCommon_Time all;
  // LibIts
  import from IEEE1609dot2BaseTypes language "ASN.1:1997" all;
  import from IEEE1609dot2 language "ASN.1:1997" all;
  import from EtsiTs102941BaseTypes language "ASN.1:1997" all;
  import from EtsiTs102941TypesEnrolment language "ASN.1:1997" all; 
  import from EtsiTs102941TypesAuthorization language "ASN.1:1997" all;
  import from EtsiTs102941TypesAuthorizationValidation language "ASN.1:1997" all;
  import from EtsiTs102941MessagesCa language "ASN.1:1997" all;
  import from EtsiTs103097Module language "ASN.1:1997" all;
  // LibItsCommon
  import from LibItsCommon_TestSystem all;
  import from LibItsCommon_TypesAndValues all;
  // LibItsPki
  import from LibItsPki_TypesAndValues all;
  // LibItsGeoNetworking
  import from LibItsGeoNetworking_TestSystem all;
  // LibItsSecurity
  import from LibItsSecurity_TestSystem all;
  // LibItsHttp
  import from LibItsHttp_TestSystem all;
  group portDefinitions {
     * @desc Adapter control port
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    type port AdapterControlPkiPort message {
      out AcPkiPrimitive;
      in AcPkiResponse;
    } // End of AdapterControlPort
     * @desc Upper Tester port
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    type port UpperTesterPkiPort message {
      out UtPkiInitialize, UtPkiTrigger;
      in UtPkiResults;
    } // End of UpperTesterPort
  } // End of group portDefinitions

  group interfacePorts {
    type port PkiPort message {
      inout InnerEcRequest, InnerEcResponse, AuthorizationValidationRequest, AuthorizationValidationResponse;
    } // End of PkiPort
  } // End of group interfacePorts
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  group componentDefinitions {
    type component ItsPkiSystem {
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      port AdapterControlPkiPort acPort;
      port PkiPort pkiPort;
    } // End of component ItsPkiSystem
    type component ItsPkiHttpSystem extends HttpTestAdapter{
    } // End of component ItsPkiHttpSystem
    type component ItsPkiItssSystem extends ItsPkiSystem {
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      port UpperTesterPkiPort utPort;
      port GeoNetworkingPort geoNetworkingPort;
    } // End of component ItsPkiItssSystem
  } // End of group componentDefinitions
  type component ItsPki extends ItsSecurityBaseComponent, ItsBaseMtc {
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    port AdapterControlPkiPort acPort;
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    port PkiPort pkiPort;
    var Certificate vc_eaCertificate;       /** Test Adapter EA certificate */
    var HashedId8   vc_eaHashedId8;         /** Test Adapter EA HashedId8 for decryption of IUT's response */
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Yann Garcia committed
  } // End of component ItsPki
  type component ItsPkiHttp extends ItsSecurityBaseComponent, HttpComponent {
    var Certificate vc_eaCertificate;       /** Test Adapter EA certificate */
    var octetstring vc_eaPrivateKey;        /** Test Adapter EA private key for signature */
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    var Certificate vc_ecCertificate;       /** Test Adapter EC certificate */
    var octetstring vc_ecPrivateKey;        /** Test Adapter EC private key for signature */
    var octetstring vc_eaPrivateEncKey;     /** Test Adapter EA private key for encryption */
    var HashedId8   vc_eaHashedId8;         /** Test Adapter EA HashedId8 for decryption of IUT's response */
    var octetstring vc_eaWholeHash;         /** TS EA whole-hash for signature check */
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    var HashedId8   vc_ecHashedId8;         /** Test Adapter EC HashedId8 for decryption of IUT's response */
    var Certificate vc_peerEaCertificate;   /** IUT EA certificate for signature check */
    var octetstring vc_eaPeerWholeHash;     /** IUT EA whole-hash for signature check */
  } // End of component ItsPki
  type component ItsPkiItss extends ItsPki {
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    port UpperTesterPkiPort utPort;
    port GeoNetworkingPort geoNetworkingPort;
  } // End of component ItsPkiItss
} // End of module LibItsPki_TestSystem