DSRC.asn 78.5 KB
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-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- ISO TS 19091
-- This ASN.1 was generated: 30.08.2016
-- This document contains the data element needed for the encoding the SPAT, MapData, SignalRequestMessage, SignalStatusMessage message
-- as defined in ISO TS 19091 and SAEJ2735
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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-- ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-
-- module: DSRC
-- ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-
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DSRC { iso (1) standard (0) signalizedIntersection (19091) profilec(2) dsrc (2) version (1) } 


--FIXME RGY definitions moved to module DSRC-REGION-noCircular are commented our below
StationID, Longitude, Latitude, SpeedConfidence FROM ITS-Container { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts (102894) cdd (2) version (2) }
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Reg-SPAT,Reg-SignalRequestMessage, Reg-SignalStatusMessage, Reg-MapData, Reg-AdvisorySpeed, Reg-ComputedLane, Reg-ConnectionManeuverAssist,
Reg-GenericLane, Reg-IntersectionGeometry, Reg-IntersectionState, Reg-LaneAttributes, /*Reg-LaneDataAttribute,*/ Reg-MovementEvent, Reg-MovementState,
/*Reg-NodeAttributeSetXY, Reg-NodeOffsetPointXY,*/ Reg-Position3D, Reg-RequestorDescription, Reg-RequestorType, Reg-RestrictionUserType, Reg-RoadSegment,
Reg-SignalControlZone, Reg-SignalRequestPackage, Reg-SignalRequest, Reg-SignalStatusPackage, Reg-SignalStatus FROM REGION  {iso (1) standard (0) signalizedIntersection (19091) profilec(2) region (1) version (1)}

--FIXME RGY definitions moved to DSRC-REGION-noCircular but also refernced here are re-imported
DeltaAngle, DeltaTime, LaneID, NodeSetXY, PrioritizationResponseStatus, RegionalExtension, SignalGroupID, SpeedLimitList, Velocity,
Reg-LaneDataAttribute, Reg-NodeAttributeSetXY, Reg-NodeOffsetPointXY FROM DSRC-REGION-noCircular
Iso3833VehicleType FROM ElectronicRegistrationIdentificationVehicleDataModule {iso(1) standard(0) iso24534 (24534) vehicleData (1) version (1)}

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-- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
-- Start of entries from table Messages...
-- This table typicaly contains message entries.
-- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

MessageFrame ::= SEQUENCE {
   messageId   MESSAGE-ID-AND-TYPE.&id({MessageTypes}),
   value       MESSAGE-ID-AND-TYPE.&Type({MessageTypes}{@.messageId}),

   &id    DSRCmsgID UNIQUE,

MessageTypes MESSAGE-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
   { MapData               IDENTIFIED BY mapData               } |          
   { SPAT                  IDENTIFIED BY signalPhaseAndTimingMessage } | 
   { SignalRequestMessage  IDENTIFIED BY signalRequestMessage  } |    
   { SignalStatusMessage   IDENTIFIED BY signalStatusMessage   },  
   ... -- Expansion to be used only by the SAE J2735 DSRC TC

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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-- Regional extensions support
   &id     RegionId UNIQUE,

RegionalExtension {REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE : Set} ::= SEQUENCE {
   regionId     REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE.&id( {Set} ),
   regExtValue  REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE.&Type( {Set}{@regionId} )
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75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468
   timeStamp     MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,  
   name          DescriptiveName OPTIONAL, 
                 -- human readable name for this collection 
                 -- to be used only in debug mode
   intersections IntersectionStateList,
                 -- sets of SPAT data (one per intersection)  
   -- If PrioritizationResponse data is required, it is found 
   -- in the RegionalSPAT entry below
   regional      SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                 RegionalExtension {{Reg-SPAT}} OPTIONAL,

SignalRequestMessage ::= SEQUENCE {    
   timeStamp       MinuteOfTheYear  OPTIONAL,
   second          DSecond,
   sequenceNumber  MsgCount         OPTIONAL,

   requests        SignalRequestList OPTIONAL,
                   -- Request Data for one or more signalized 
                   -- intersections that support SRM dialogs

   requestor       RequestorDescription,
                   -- Requesting Device and other User Data
                   -- contains vehicle ID (if from a vehicle)
                   -- as well as type data and current position
                   -- and may contain additional transit data

   regional        SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                   RegionalExtension {{Reg-SignalRequestMessage}} OPTIONAL,

SignalStatusMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
   timeStamp       MinuteOfTheYear  OPTIONAL,
   second          DSecond,
   sequenceNumber  MsgCount         OPTIONAL,            

   -- Status Data for one of more signalized intersections
   status          SignalStatusList,
   regional        SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                   RegionalExtension {{Reg-SignalStatusMessage}} OPTIONAL,

MapData ::= SEQUENCE {
   timeStamp         MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL, 
   msgIssueRevision  MsgCount,        
   layerType         LayerType OPTIONAL,
   layerID           LayerID  OPTIONAL,
   intersections     IntersectionGeometryList OPTIONAL,
                     -- All Intersection definitions 
   roadSegments      RoadSegmentList OPTIONAL,
                     -- All roadway descriptions
   dataParameters    DataParameters OPTIONAL,
                     -- Any meta data regarding the map contents
   restrictionList   RestrictionClassList OPTIONAL,
                     -- Any restriction ID tables which have  
                     -- established for these map entries 
   regional          SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                     RegionalExtension {{Reg-MapData}} OPTIONAL,
   -- NOTE:
   -- Other map data will be added here as it is defined
   -- Examples of the type of content to be added include
   -- curve warnings, construction routes, etc.

-- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
-- Start of entries from table Data_Frames...
-- This table typicaly contains data frame entries.
-- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

AdvisorySpeed ::= SEQUENCE {
   type        AdvisorySpeedType,
               -- the type of advisory which this is.
   speed       SpeedAdvice OPTIONAL,
               -- See Section 11 for converting and translating speed 
               -- expressed in mph into units of m/s
               -- This element is optional ONLY when superceded 
               -- by the presence of a regional speed element found in
               -- Reg-AdvisorySpeed entry
   confidence  SpeedConfidence OPTIONAL,
               -- A confidence value for the above speed
   distance    ZoneLength OPTIONAL,
               -- Unit = 1 meter,  
               -- The distance indicates the region for which the advised speed 
               -- is recommended, it is specified upstream from the stop bar  
               -- along the connected egressing lane
   class       RestrictionClassID OPTIONAL,
               -- the vehicle types to which it applies
               -- when absent, the AdvisorySpeed applies to
               -- all motor vehicle types
   regional    SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
               RegionalExtension {{Reg-AdvisorySpeed}} OPTIONAL,

AdvisorySpeedList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF AdvisorySpeed

ComputedLane ::= SEQUENCE {
   -- Data needed to created a computed lane
   referenceLaneId    LaneID,
                         -- the lane ID upon which this 
                         -- computed lane will be based 
   -- Lane Offset in X and Y direction
   offsetXaxis        CHOICE {
                         small   DrivenLineOffsetSm, 
                         large   DrivenLineOffsetLg
   offsetYaxis        CHOICE {
                         small   DrivenLineOffsetSm, 
                         large   DrivenLineOffsetLg
                         -- A path X offset value for translations of the 
                         -- path's points when creating translated lanes. 
                         -- The values found in the reference lane are 
                         -- all offset based on the X and Y values from 
                         -- the coordinates of the reference lane's 
                         -- initial path point.   
   -- Lane Rotation
   rotateXY           Angle OPTIONAL, 
                         -- A path rotation value for the entire lane
                         -- Observe that this rotates the existing orientation 
                         -- of the referenced lane, it does not replace it.
                         -- Rotation occurs about the initial path point.
   -- Lane Path Scale (zooming)
   scaleXaxis         Scale-B12 OPTIONAL, 
   scaleYaxis         Scale-B12 OPTIONAL, 
                         -- value for translations or zooming of the path's 
                         -- points. The values found in the reference lane 
                         -- are all expanded or contracted based on the X 
                         -- and Y and width values from the coordinates of 
                         -- the reference lane's initial path point.  
                         -- The Z axis remains untouched.  
   regional  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
             RegionalExtension {{Reg-ComputedLane}} OPTIONAL,
ConnectsToList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF Connection

ConnectingLane ::= SEQUENCE {
   lane      LaneID,   -- Index of the connecting lane
   maneuver  AllowedManeuvers OPTIONAL
                       -- The Maneuver between 
                       -- the enclosing lane and this lane
                       -- at the stop line to connect them

Connection ::= SEQUENCE {
   -- The subject lane connecting to this lane is:
   connectingLane     ConnectingLane, 
                      -- The index of the connecting lane and also
                      -- the maneuver from the current lane to it
   remoteIntersection IntersectionReferenceID OPTIONAL,  
                      -- This entry is only used when the 
                      -- indicated connecting lane belongs 
                      -- to another intersection layout. This 
                      -- provides a means to create meshes of lanes
   -- SPAT mapping details at the stop line are:
   signalGroup        SignalGroupID OPTIONAL,    
                      -- The matching signal group send by 
                      -- the SPAT message for this lane/maneuver.
                      -- Shall be present unless the connectingLane 
                      -- has no signal group (is un-signalized)
   userClass          RestrictionClassID OPTIONAL, 
                      -- The Restriction Class of users this applies to
                      -- The use of some lane/maneuver and SignalGroupID 
                      -- pairings are restricted to selected users.
                      -- When absent, the SignalGroupID applies to all
   -- Movement assist details are given by:
   connectionID       LaneConnectionID OPTIONAL
                      -- An optional connection index used to 
                      -- relate this lane connection to any dynamic 
                      -- clearance data in the SPAT. Note that
                      -- the index may be shared with other 
                      -- connections if the clearance data is common

ConnectionManeuverAssist ::= SEQUENCE {
   connectionID         LaneConnectionID,
                        -- the common connectionID used by all lanes to which
                        -- this data applies 
                        -- (this value traces to ConnectsTo entries in lanes)
   -- Expected Clearance Information
   queueLength          ZoneLength OPTIONAL,
                        -- Unit = 1 meter, 0 = no queue
                        -- The distance from the stop line to the back 
                        -- edge of the last vehicle in the queue,                     
                        -- as measured along the lane center line.
   availableStorageLength ZoneLength OPTIONAL,
                        -- Unit = 1 meter, 0 = no space remains
                        -- Distance (e.g. beginning from the downstream 
                        -- stop-line up to a given distance) with a high 
                        -- probability for successfully executing the 
                        -- connecting maneuver between the two lanes 
                        -- during the current cycle. 
                        -- Used for enhancing the awareness of vehicles 
                        -- to anticipate if they can pass the stop line
                        -- of the lane. Used for optimizing the green wave, 
                        -- due to knowledge of vehicles waiting in front 
                        -- of a red light (downstream).
                        -- The element nextTime in TimeChangeDetails
                        -- in the containing data frame contains the next 
                        -- timemark at which an active phase is expected, 
                        -- a form of storage flush interval.
   waitOnStop           WaitOnStopline OPTIONAL,
                        -- If "true", the vehicles on this specific connecting 
                        -- maneuver have to stop on the stop-line and not 
                        -- to enter the collision area 
   pedBicycleDetect     PedestrianBicycleDetect OPTIONAL,
                        -- true if ANY ped or bicycles are detected crossing 
                        -- the above lanes. Set to false ONLY if there is a 
                        -- high certainty that there are none present, 
                        -- otherwise element is not sent.
   regional  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
             RegionalExtension {{Reg-ConnectionManeuverAssist}} OPTIONAL,

DataParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
   processMethod     IA5String(SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL, 
   processAgency     IA5String(SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL, 
   lastCheckedDate   IA5String(SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL, 
   geoidUsed         IA5String(SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL, 

EnabledLaneList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF LaneID
   -- The unique ID numbers for each
   -- lane object which is 'active' 
   -- as part of the dynamic map contents.

GenericLane ::= SEQUENCE { 
   laneID           LaneID, 
                    -- The unique ID number assigned 
                    -- to this lane object
   name             DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,        
                    -- often for debug use only 
                    -- but at times used to name ped crossings
   ingressApproach  ApproachID OPTIONAL, -- inbound
   egressApproach   ApproachID OPTIONAL, -- outbound
                    -- Approach IDs to which this lane belongs
   laneAttributes   LaneAttributes, 
                    -- All Attribute information about 
                    -- the basic selected lane type
                    -- Directions of use, Geometric co-sharing
                    -- and Type Specific Attributes
                    -- These Attributes are 'lane - global' that is,
                    -- they are true for the entire length of the lane
   maneuvers        AllowedManeuvers OPTIONAL,
                    -- the permitted maneuvers for this lane
   nodeList         NodeListXY,
                    -- Lane spatial path information as well as
                    -- various Attribute information along the node path  
                    -- Attributes found here are more general and may
                    -- come and go over the length of the lane.
   connectsTo       ConnectsToList OPTIONAL, 
                    -- a list of other lanes and their signal group IDs
                    -- each connecting lane and its signal group ID
                    -- is given, therefore this element provides the
                    -- information formerly in "signalGroups" in prior
                    -- editions.
   overlays         OverlayLaneList OPTIONAL, 
                    -- A list of any lanes which have spatial paths that
                    -- overlay (run on top of, and not simply cross) 
                    -- the path of this lane when used
   regional  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
             RegionalExtension {{Reg-GenericLane}} OPTIONAL,

IntersectionAccessPoint ::= CHOICE {
   lane       LaneID,
   approach   ApproachID,
   connection LaneConnectionID,

IntersectionGeometry ::= SEQUENCE {
   name        DescriptiveName OPTIONAL, 
                            -- For debug use only
   id          IntersectionReferenceID,  
                            -- A globally unique value set, 
                            -- consisting of a regionID and 
                            -- intersection ID assignment
   revision    MsgCount,    

   -- Required default values about lane descriptions follow
   refPoint    Position3D,  -- The reference from which subsequent 
                            -- data points are offset until a new
                            -- point is used. 
   laneWidth   LaneWidth OPTIONAL,   
                            -- Reference width used by all subsequent 
                            -- lanes unless a new width is given  
   speedLimits SpeedLimitList OPTIONAL, 
                            -- Reference regulatory speed limits
                            -- used by all subsequent 
                            -- lanes unless a new speed is given 
                            -- See Section 11 for converting and 
                            -- translating speed expressed in mph 
                            -- into units of m/s
   -- Complete details regarding each lane type in this intersection
   laneSet     LaneList,    -- Data about one or more lanes
                            -- (all lane data is found here)
   -- Data describing how to use and request preemption and
   -- priority services from this intersection (if supported)
   -- NOTE Additonal data may be added in the next release of the 
   -- standard at this point to handle this concept
   preemptPriorityData PreemptPriorityList OPTIONAL, 
                           -- data about one or more regional
                           -- preempt or priority zones 
   regional     SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                RegionalExtension {{Reg-IntersectionGeometry}} OPTIONAL,

IntersectionGeometryList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF IntersectionGeometry
IntersectionReferenceID ::= SEQUENCE {
   region  RoadRegulatorID OPTIONAL,
           -- a globally unique regional assignment value
           -- typical assigned to a regional DOT authority
           -- the value zero shall be used for testing needs
   id      IntersectionID
           -- a unique mapping to the intersection
           -- in question within the above region of use
IntersectionState ::= SEQUENCE {
   name         DescriptiveName OPTIONAL, 
                -- human readable name for intersection  
                -- to be used only in debug mode
   id           IntersectionReferenceID,  
                -- A globally unique value set, consisting of a 
                -- regionID and intersection ID assignment
                -- provides a unique mapping to the 
                -- intersection MAP in question
                -- which provides complete location 
                -- and approach/move/lane data
   revision     MsgCount,    
   status       IntersectionStatusObject,
                -- general status of the controller(s)
   moy          MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
                -- Minute of current UTC year
                -- used only with messages to be archived 
   timeStamp    DSecond OPTIONAL, 
                -- the mSec point in the current UTC minute that
                -- this message was constructed
   enabledLanes EnabledLaneList OPTIONAL,  
                -- a list of lanes where the RevocableLane bit 
                -- has been set which are now active and 
                -- therefore part of the current intersection
   states       MovementList,
                -- Each Movement is given in turn
                -- and contains its signal phase state, 
                -- mapping to the lanes it applies to, and
                -- point in time it will end, and it
                -- may contain both active and future states 
   maneuverAssistList  ManeuverAssistList OPTIONAL,
                -- Assist data
   regional     SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                RegionalExtension {{Reg-IntersectionState}} OPTIONAL,
IntersectionStateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF  IntersectionState

LaneAttributes ::= SEQUENCE {
   directionalUse  LaneDirection,      -- directions of lane use
   sharedWith      LaneSharing,        -- co-users of the lane path
   laneType        LaneTypeAttributes, -- specific lane type data
   regional        RegionalExtension {{Reg-LaneAttributes}} OPTIONAL

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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LaneDataAttribute ::= CHOICE {
    -- Segment attribute types and the data needed for each
    pathEndPointAngle        DeltaAngle,  
                             -- adjusts final point/width slant
                             -- of the lane to align with the stop line
    laneCrownPointCenter     RoadwayCrownAngle,  
                             -- sets the canter of the road bed      
                             -- from centerline point
    laneCrownPointLeft       RoadwayCrownAngle,  
                             -- sets the canter of the road bed
                             -- from left edge
    laneCrownPointRight      RoadwayCrownAngle,  
                             -- sets the canter of the road bed
                             -- from right edge
    laneAngle                MergeDivergeNodeAngle,  
                             -- the angle or direction of another lane
                             -- this is required to support Japan style
                             -- when a merge point angle is required
    speedLimits              SpeedLimitList,
                             -- Reference regulatory speed limits
                             -- used by all segments
    -- Add others as needed, in regional space
    regional  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
              RegionalExtension {{Reg-LaneDataAttribute}}, 

LaneDataAttributeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF LaneDataAttribute
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LaneList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..255)) OF GenericLane

LaneSharing ::= BIT STRING {
    -- With bits as defined:
    overlappingLaneDescriptionProvided  (0),
    -- Assert when another lane object is present to describe the
    -- path of the overlapping shared lane
    -- this construct is not used for lane objects which simply cross
    multipleLanesTreatedAsOneLane       (1),
    -- Assert if the lane object path and width details represents
    -- multiple lanes within it that are not further described

    -- Various modes and type of traffic that may share this lane:
    otherNonMotorizedTrafficTypes       (2), -- horse drawn etc.
    individualMotorizedVehicleTraffic   (3),
    busVehicleTraffic                   (4),  
    taxiVehicleTraffic                  (5),
    pedestriansTraffic                  (6),
    cyclistVehicleTraffic               (7),
    trackedVehicleTraffic               (8),
    pedestrianTraffic                   (9)
    } (SIZE (10))
    -- All zeros would indicate 'not shared' and 'not overlapping'

LaneTypeAttributes ::= CHOICE {
   vehicle        LaneAttributes-Vehicle,        -- motor vehicle lanes
   crosswalk      LaneAttributes-Crosswalk,      -- pedestrian crosswalks
   bikeLane       LaneAttributes-Bike,           -- bike lanes
   sidewalk       LaneAttributes-Sidewalk,       -- pedestrian sidewalk paths
   median         LaneAttributes-Barrier,        -- medians & channelization
   striping       LaneAttributes-Striping,       -- roadway markings
   trackedVehicle LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle, -- trains and trolleys
   parking        LaneAttributes-Parking,        -- parking and stopping lanes

ManeuverAssistList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF ConnectionManeuverAssist

MovementEventList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF MovementEvent

MovementEvent ::= SEQUENCE {
   eventState   MovementPhaseState,
                -- Consisting of:
                -- Phase state (the basic 11 states)
                -- Directional, protected, or permissive state
   timing       TimeChangeDetails OPTIONAL,
                -- Timing Data in UTC time stamps for event
                -- includes start and min/max end times of phase
                -- confidence and estimated next occurrence
   speeds       AdvisorySpeedList OPTIONAL,
                -- various speed advisories for use by
                -- general and specific types of vehicles
                -- supporting green-wave and other flow needs
                -- See Section 11 for converting and translating 
                -- speed expressed in mph into units of m/s

   regional     SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                RegionalExtension {{Reg-MovementEvent}} OPTIONAL,

MovementList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..255)) OF MovementState

MovementState ::= SEQUENCE {
   movementName       DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
                      -- uniquely defines movement by name   
                      -- human readable name for intersection  
                      -- to be used only in debug mode
   signalGroup        SignalGroupID,    
                      -- the group id is used to map to lists 
                      -- of lanes (and their descriptions) 
                      -- which this MovementState data applies to 
                      -- see comments in the Remarks for usage details 
   state-time-speed   MovementEventList,   
                      -- Consisting of sets of movement data with:
                      -- a)  SignalPhaseState
                      -- b)  TimeChangeDetails,  and 
                      -- c)  AdvisorySpeeds      (optional )
                      -- Note one or more of the movement events may be for 
                      -- a future time and that this allows conveying multiple 
                      -- predictive phase and movement timing for various uses
                      -- for the current signal group
   maneuverAssistList ManeuverAssistList OPTIONAL,
                      -- This information may also be placed in the 
                      -- IntersectionState when common information applies to
                      -- different lanes in the same way
   regional           SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                      RegionalExtension {{Reg-MovementState}} OPTIONAL,

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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NodeAttributeSetXY ::= SEQUENCE {
   localNode    NodeAttributeXYList OPTIONAL,
                -- Attribute states which pertain to this node point
   disabled     SegmentAttributeXYList OPTIONAL,
                -- Attribute states which are disabled at this node point
   enabled      SegmentAttributeXYList OPTIONAL,
                -- Attribute states which are enabled at this node point
                -- and which remain enabled until disabled or the lane ends
   data         LaneDataAttributeList OPTIONAL,
                -- Attributes which require an additional data values
                -- some of these are local to the node point, while others
                -- persist with the provided values until changed
                -- and this is indicated in each entry
   dWidth       Offset-B10 OPTIONAL,
                -- A value added to the current lane width
                -- at this node and from this node onwards, in 1cm steps
                -- lane width between nodes are a linear taper between pts
                -- the value of zero shall not be sent here
   dElevation   Offset-B10 OPTIONAL,
                -- A value added to the current Elevation 
                -- at this node from this node onwards, in 10cm steps
                -- elevations between nodes are a linear taper between pts
                -- the value of zero shall not be sent here
   regional     SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                RegionalExtension {{Reg-NodeAttributeSetXY}} OPTIONAL,

NodeAttributeXYList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF NodeAttributeXY

NodeAttributeXY ::= ENUMERATED {
   -- Various values which pertain only to the current node point
   -- General Items
   stopLine,             -- point where a mid-path stop line exists
                         -- See also 'do not block' for segments

   -- Path finish details 
   roundedCapStyleA,      -- Used to control final path rounded end shape
                          -- with edge of curve at final point in a circle
   roundedCapStyleB,      -- Used to control final path rounded end shape
                          -- with edge of curve extending 50% of width past
                          -- final point in a circle
   -- Topography Points (items with no concept of a distance along the path)
   mergePoint,           -- Japan merge with 1 or more lanes
   divergePoint,         -- Japan diverge with 1 or more lanes
   downstreamStopLine,   -- Japan style downstream intersection 
                                   -- (a 2nd intersection) stop line
   downstreamStartNode,  -- Japan style downstream intersection 
                                   -- (a 2nd intersection) start node
   -- Pedestrian Support Attributes
   closedToTraffic,      -- where a pedestrian may NOT go
                         -- to be used during construction events
   safeIsland,           -- a pedestrian safe stopping point
                         -- also called a traffic island
                         -- This usage described a point feature on a path, 
                         -- other entries can describe a path
   curbPresentAtStepOff, -- the sidewalk to street curb is NOT 
                         -- angled where it meets the edge of the 
                         -- roadway (user must step up/down)
   -- Lane geometry details  (see standard for defined shapes)
   hydrantPresent,       -- Or other services access 
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Node-LLmD-64b ::= SEQUENCE {
   lon  Longitude,
   lat  Latitude

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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   Node-XY-20b ::= SEQUENCE {
   x  Offset-B10,
   y  Offset-B10

Node-XY-22b ::= SEQUENCE {
   x  Offset-B11,
   y  Offset-B11

Node-XY-24b ::= SEQUENCE {
   x  Offset-B12,
   y  Offset-B12

Node-XY-26b ::= SEQUENCE {
   x  Offset-B13,
   y  Offset-B13

Node-XY-28b ::= SEQUENCE {
   x  Offset-B14,
   y  Offset-B14

Node-XY-32b ::= SEQUENCE {
   x  Offset-B16,
   y  Offset-B16
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NodeListXY ::= CHOICE {
   nodes     NodeSetXY,
             -- a lane made up of two or more
             -- XY node points and any attributes 
             -- defined in those nodes
   computed  ComputedLane,
             -- a lane path computed by translating 
             -- the data defined by another lane

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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NodeOffsetPointXY ::= CHOICE {
   -- Nodes with X,Y content
   node-XY1         Node-XY-20b,    -- node is within   5.11m of last node
   node-XY2         Node-XY-22b,    -- node is within  10.23m of last node
   node-XY3         Node-XY-24b,    -- node is within  20.47m of last node
   node-XY4         Node-XY-26b,    -- node is within  40.96m of last node
   node-XY5         Node-XY-28b,    -- node is within  81.91m of last node
   node-XY6         Node-XY-32b,    -- node is within 327.67m of last node
   node-LatLon      Node-LLmD-64b,  -- node is a full 32b Lat/Lon range
   regional         RegionalExtension {{Reg-NodeOffsetPointXY}}
                                    -- node which follows is of a 
                                    -- regional definition type 

NodeSetXY ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(2..63)) OF NodeXY

   delta       NodeOffsetPointXY,
               -- A choice of which X,Y offset value to use  
               -- this includes various delta values as well a regional choices
   attributes  NodeAttributeSetXY OPTIONAL,
               -- Any optional Attributes which are needed
               -- This includes changes to the current lane width and elevation
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OverlayLaneList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..5)) OF LaneID
   -- The unique ID numbers for any lane object which have
   -- spatial paths that overlay (run on top of, and not
   -- simply cross with) the current lane.
   -- Such as a train path that overlays a motor vehicle
   -- lane object for a roadway segment.

Position3D ::= SEQUENCE {
   lat        Latitude,                -- in 1/10th micro degrees
   long       Longitude,               -- in 1/10th micro degrees
   elevation  Elevation  OPTIONAL,     -- in 10 cm units
   regional   SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
              RegionalExtension {{Reg-Position3D}} OPTIONAL,

PreemptPriorityList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF SignalControlZone

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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RegulatorySpeedLimit ::= SEQUENCE {
   type        SpeedLimitType, 
               -- The type of regulatory speed which follows
   speed       Velocity
               -- The speed in units of 0.02 m/s
               -- See Section 11 for converting and translating 
               -- speed expressed in mph into units of m/s
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RequestorDescription ::= SEQUENCE {
   id                VehicleID, 
                     -- The ID used in the BSM or CAM of the requestor
                     -- This ID is presumed not to change 
                     -- during the exchange
   type              RequestorType OPTIONAL,
                     -- Information regarding all type and class data
                     -- about the requesting vehicle 
   position          RequestorPositionVector OPTIONAL,
                     -- The location of the requesting vehicle
   name              DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
                     -- A human readable name for debugging use
   -- Support for Transit requests
   routeName         DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
                     -- A string for transit operations use
   transitStatus     TransitVehicleStatus OPTIONAL,
                     -- current vehicle state (loading, etc.)
   transitOccupancy  TransitVehicleOccupancy OPTIONAL,
                     -- current vehicle occupancy 
   transitSchedule   DeltaTime OPTIONAL, 
                     -- current vehicle schedule adherence 

   regional          SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                     RegionalExtension {{Reg-RequestorDescription}} OPTIONAL,

RequestorPositionVector ::= SEQUENCE {
   position           Position3D,
   heading            Angle OPTIONAL, 
   speed              TransmissionAndSpeed OPTIONAL,

RequestorType ::= SEQUENCE {
   -- Defines who is requesting
   role         BasicVehicleRole, -- Basic role of this user at this time
   subrole      RequestSubRole OPTIONAL, -- A local list with role based items 
   -- Defines what kind of request (a level of importance in the Priority Scheme)
   request      RequestImportanceLevel OPTIONAL, -- A local list with request items 
   -- Additional classification details 
   iso3883      Iso3833VehicleType OPTIONAL,
   hpmsType     VehicleType OPTIONAL,  -- HPMS classification types

   regional     RegionalExtension {{Reg-RequestorType}} OPTIONAL,

RestrictionClassAssignment ::= SEQUENCE {
   id       RestrictionClassID,
            -- the unique value (within an intersection or local region)
            -- that is assigned to this group of users
   users    RestrictionUserTypeList 
            -- The list of user types/classes 
            -- to which this restriction ID applies

RestrictionClassList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..254)) OF RestrictionClassAssignment

RestrictionUserTypeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF  RestrictionUserType

RestrictionUserType ::= CHOICE {
   basicType   RestrictionAppliesTo,
               -- a set of the most commonly used types
   regional    SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
               RegionalExtension {{Reg-RestrictionUserType}}, 

RoadLaneSetList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..255)) OF GenericLane

RoadSegmentReferenceID ::= SEQUENCE {
   region  RoadRegulatorID OPTIONAL,
           -- a globally unique regional assignment value
           -- typically assigned to a regional DOT authority
           -- the value zero shall be used for testing needs
   id      RoadSegmentID
           -- a unique mapping to the road segment
           -- in question within the above region of use
           -- during its period of assignment and use
           -- note that unlike intersectionID values, 
           -- this value can be reused by the region

RoadSegment ::= SEQUENCE {
   name        DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
   id          RoadSegmentReferenceID,
                           -- a globally unique value for the segment
   revision    MsgCount,    
   -- Required default values about the descriptions to follow
   refPoint    Position3D, -- the reference from which subsequent
                           -- data points are offset until a new
                           -- point is used.
   laneWidth   LaneWidth OPTIONAL,   
                            -- Reference width used by all subsequent 
                            -- lanes unless a new width is given  
   speedLimits SpeedLimitList OPTIONAL, 
                            -- Reference regulatory speed limits
                            -- used by all subsequent 
                            -- lanes unless a new speed is given   
                            -- See Section 11 for converting and  
                            -- translating speed expressed in mph 
                            -- into units of m/s
   -- Data describing disruptions in the RoadSegment
   -- such as work zones etc will be added here;
   -- in the US the SAE ITIS codes would be used here
   -- The details regarding each lane type in the RoadSegment
   roadLaneSet RoadLaneSetList,   
   regional    SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
               RegionalExtension {{Reg-RoadSegment}} OPTIONAL,

RoadSegmentList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF RoadSegment
/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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SegmentAttributeXYList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF SegmentAttributeXY
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SignalControlZone ::=  SEQUENCE {
  zone  RegionalExtension {{Reg-SignalControlZone}},

SignalRequesterInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
   -- These three items serve to uniquely identify the requester
   -- and the specific request to all parties
   id             VehicleID,
   request        RequestID,
   sequenceNumber MsgCount,
   role           BasicVehicleRole OPTIONAL,

   typeData       RequestorType OPTIONAL, 
                  -- Used when addition data besides the role
                  -- is needed, at which point the role entry
                  -- above is not sent.

SignalRequestList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF SignalRequestPackage

SignalRequestPackage ::= SEQUENCE {
   request        SignalRequest,
                  -- The specific request to the intersection
                  -- contains IntersectionID, request type,
                  -- requested action (approach/lane request)

   -- The Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) when the service is requested
   minute         MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
   second         DSecond OPTIONAL,
   duration       DSecond OPTIONAL,
                  -- The duration value is used to provide a short interval that
                  -- extends the ETA so that the requesting vehicle can arrive at 
                  -- the point of service with uncertainty or with some desired
                  -- duration of service. This concept can be used to avoid needing 
                  -- to frequently update the request.
                  -- The requester must update the ETA and duration values if the
                  -- period of services extends beyond the duration time.  
                  -- It should be assumed that if the vehicle does not clear the
                  -- intersection when the duration is reached, the request will 
                  -- be cancelled and the intersection will revert to 
                  -- normal operation.
   regional       SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                  RegionalExtension {{Reg-SignalRequestPackage}} OPTIONAL,

SignalRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
   -- the unique ID of the target intersection 
   id            IntersectionReferenceID,  
   -- The unique requestID used by the requestor
   requestID     RequestID, 
   -- The type of request or cancel for priority or preempt use
   -- when a prior request is canceled, only the requestID is needed
   requestType   PriorityRequestType,   
   -- In typical use either an approach or a lane number would
   -- be given, this indicates the requested 
   -- path through the intersection to the degree it is known.
   inBoundLane   IntersectionAccessPoint,       
                 -- desired entry approach or lane
   outBoundLane  IntersectionAccessPoint OPTIONAL,       
                 -- desired exit approach or lane
                 -- the values zero is used to indicate 
                 -- intent to stop within the intersection
   regional      SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                 RegionalExtension {{Reg-SignalRequest}} OPTIONAL,

SignalStatusList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF SignalStatus

SignalStatusPackageList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF SignalStatusPackage

SignalStatusPackage ::= SEQUENCE {
   -- The party that made the initial SRM request
   requester    SignalRequesterInfo OPTIONAL,
   -- The lanes or approaches used in the request
   inboundOn    IntersectionAccessPoint, -- estimated lane / approach of vehicle
   outboundOn   IntersectionAccessPoint OPTIONAL,

   -- The Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) when the service is requested
   -- This data echos the data of the request 
   minute       MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
   second       DSecond OPTIONAL,
      duration     DSecond OPTIONAL,

   -- the SRM status for this request
   status       PrioritizationResponseStatus,
                -- Status of request, this may include rejection

   regional     SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                RegionalExtension {{Reg-SignalStatusPackage}} OPTIONAL,

SignalStatus ::= SEQUENCE {
   sequenceNumber MsgCount,
                  -- changed whenever the below contents have change
   id             IntersectionReferenceID,
                  -- this provides a unique mapping to the 
                  -- intersection map in question
                  -- which provides complete location 
                  -- and approach/movement/lane data
                  -- as well as zones for priority/preemption
   sigStatus      SignalStatusPackageList,
                  -- a list of detailed status containing all
                  -- priority or preemption state data, both
                  -- active and pending, and who requested it
                  -- requests which are denied are also listed
                  -- here for a short period of time
   regional       SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF 
                  RegionalExtension {{Reg-SignalStatus}} OPTIONAL,
/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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SpeedLimitList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..9)) OF RegulatorySpeedLimit

SpeedLimitType ::= ENUMERATED {
    unknown,                    -- Speed limit type not available
    maxSpeedInSchoolZone,       -- Only sent when the limit is active
    maxSpeedInSchoolZoneWhenChildrenArePresent, -- Sent at any time
    maxSpeedInConstructionZone, -- Used for work zones, incident zones, etc.
                                -- where a reduced speed is present
    vehicleMaxSpeed,            -- Regulatory speed limit for general traffic


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TimeChangeDetails ::= SEQUENCE {
   startTime   TimeMark           OPTIONAL,
               -- When this phase 1st started
   minEndTime  TimeMark,
               -- Expected shortest end time
   maxEndTime  TimeMark           OPTIONAL,
               -- Expected longest end time
   likelyTime  TimeMark           OPTIONAL,
               -- Best predicted value based on other data              
   confidence  TimeIntervalConfidence OPTIONAL,
               -- Applies to above time element only
   nextTime    TimeMark           OPTIONAL
               -- A rough estimate of time when 
               -- this phase may next occur again
               -- used to support various ECO driving power 
               -- management needs.

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TimeMark ::= INTEGER (0..36001)
   -- Tenths of a second in the current or next hour
   -- In units of 1/10th second from UTC time
   -- A range of 0~36000 covers one hour
   -- The values 35991..36000 are used when a leap second occurs
   -- The value 36001 is used to indicate time >3600 seconds
   -- 36002 is to be used when value undefined or unknown
   -- Note that this is NOT expressed in GPS time
   -- or in local time
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TransmissionAndSpeed ::= SEQUENCE {
   transmisson   TransmissionState,
   speed         Velocity

VehicleID ::= CHOICE {
   entityID     TemporaryID,
   stationID    StationID
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-- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
-- Start of entries from table Data_Elements...
-- This table typicaly contains data element entries.
-- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

AdvisorySpeedType ::= ENUMERATED {
    none       (0),
    greenwave  (1),
    ecoDrive   (2),
    transit    (3),
    } -- Note: subject to further growth

AllowedManeuvers ::= BIT STRING {
    -- With bits as defined:
    -- Allowed maneuvers at path end (stop line)
    -- All maneuvers with bits not set are therefore prohibited !
    -- A value of zero shall be used for unknown, indicating no Maneuver
    maneuverStraightAllowed      (0), 
                                  -- a Straight movement is allowed in this lane
    maneuverLeftAllowed          (1),  
                                 -- a Left Turn movement is allowed in this lane
    maneuverRightAllowed         (2), 
                                 -- a Right Turn movement is allowed in this lane
    maneuverUTurnAllowed         (3), 
                                 -- a U turn movement is allowed in this lane
    maneuverLeftTurnOnRedAllowed (4), 
                                 -- a Stop, and then proceed when safe movement 
                                 -- is allowed in this lane  
    maneuverRightTurnOnRedAllowed (5), 
                                 -- a Stop, and then proceed when safe movement 
                                 -- is allowed in this lane  
    maneuverLaneChangeAllowed    (6), 
                                 -- a movement which changes to an outer lane 
                                 -- on the egress side is allowed in this lane
                                 -- (example: left into either outbound lane)
    maneuverNoStoppingAllowed    (7), 
                                 -- the vehicle should not stop at the stop line
                                 -- (example: a flashing green arrow)
    yieldAllwaysRequired         (8), 
                                 -- the allowed movements above are not protected 
                                 -- (example: an permanent yellow condition)
    goWithHalt                   (9), 
                                 -- after making a full stop, may proceed
    caution                      (10), 
                                 -- proceed past stop line with caution
    reserved1                    (11)
                                 -- used to align to 12 Bit Field
   } (SIZE(12))

Angle ::= INTEGER (0..28800) 
   -- LSB of 0.0125 degrees
   -- A range of 0 to 359.9875 degrees

ApproachID ::= INTEGER (0..15) -- zero to be used when valid value is unknown
BasicVehicleRole ::= ENUMERATED {
    -- Values used in the EU and in the US
    basicVehicle     (0), -- Light duty passenger vehicle type
    publicTransport  (1), -- Used in EU for Transit us
    specialTransport (2), -- Used in EU (e.g. heavy load)
    dangerousGoods   (3), -- Used in EU for any HAZMAT
    roadWork         (4), -- Used in EU for State and Local DOT uses
    roadRescue       (5), -- Used in EU and in the US to include tow trucks.
    emergency        (6), -- Used in EU for Police, Fire and Ambulance units
    safetyCar        (7), -- Used in EU for Escort vehicles
    -- Begin US unique numbering
    none-unknown     (8), -- added to follow current SAE style guidelines
    truck            (9), -- Heavy trucks with additional BSM rights and obligations
    motorcycle      (10), --
    roadSideSource  (11), -- For infrastructure generated calls such as
                          -- fire house, rail infrastructure, roadwork site, etc.
    police          (12), --
    fire            (13), --
    ambulance       (14), -- (does not include private para-transit etc.)
    dot             (15), -- all roadwork vehicles
    transit         (16), -- all transit vehicles 
    slowMoving      (17), -- to also include oversize etc.
    stopNgo         (18), -- to include trash trucks, school buses and others
                          -- that routinely disturb the free flow of traffic
    cyclist         (19), --
    pedestrian      (20), -- also includes those with mobility limitations
    nonMotorized    (21), -- other, horse drawn, etc.
    military        (22), --

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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DeltaAngle ::= INTEGER (-150..150) 
   -- With an angle range from 
   -- negative 150 to positive 150 
   -- in one degree steps where zero is directly
   -- along the axis or the lane center line as defined by the
   -- two closest points

DeltaTime ::= INTEGER (-122 .. 121) 
   -- Supporting a range of +/- 20 minute in steps of 10 seconds
   -- the value of -121 shall be used when more than -20 minutes
   -- the value of +120 shall be used when more than +20 minutes
   -- the value -122 shall be used when the value is unavailable
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DescriptiveName ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..63))

DrivenLineOffsetLg ::= INTEGER (-32767..32767) 
   -- LSB units are 1 cm.

DrivenLineOffsetSm ::= INTEGER (-2047..2047) 
   -- LSB units are 1 cm.

DSecond ::= INTEGER (0..65535) -- units of milliseconds
DSRCmsgID ::= INTEGER (0..32767)
   mapData                           DSRCmsgID ::=   18 -- MAP, intersections 
   signalPhaseAndTimingMessage       DSRCmsgID ::=   19 -- SPAT
   signalRequestMessage              DSRCmsgID ::=   29 -- SRM
   signalStatusMessage               DSRCmsgID ::=   30 -- SSM

Elevation ::= INTEGER (-4096..61439) 
  -- In units of 10 cm steps above or below the reference ellipsoid 
  -- Providing a range of -409.5 to + 6143.9 meters 
  -- The value -4096 shall be used when Unknown is to be sent
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IntersectionID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
   -- The values zero through 255 are allocated for testing purposes
   -- Note that the value assigned to an intersection will be
   -- unique within a given regional ID only

IntersectionStatusObject ::= BIT STRING {
    manualControlIsEnabled                (0),
      -- Timing reported is per programmed values, etc. but person
      -- at cabinet can manually request that certain intervals are
      -- terminated early (e.g. green).
    stopTimeIsActivated                   (1),
      -- And all counting/timing has stopped.
    failureFlash                          (2), 
      -- Above to be used for any detected hardware failures, 
      -- e.g. conflict monitor as well as for police flash 
    preemptIsActive                       (3),
    signalPriorityIsActive                (4),   
   -- Additional states
    fixedTimeOperation                    (5),
      -- Schedule of signals is based on time only 
      -- (i.e. the state can be calculated)
    trafficDependentOperation             (6),
      -- Operation is based on different levels of traffic parameters 
      -- (requests, duration of gaps or more complex parameters)
    standbyOperation                      (7),
      -- Controller: partially switched off or partially amber flashing
    failureMode                           (8),
      -- Controller has a problem or failure in operation
    off                                   (9),
      -- Controller is switched off
   -- Related to MAP and SPAT bindings
    recentMAPmessageUpdate                (10),
      -- Map revision with content changes
    recentChangeInMAPassignedLanesIDsUsed (11),
      -- Change in MAP's assigned lanes used (lane changes)
      -- Changes in the active lane list description
    noValidMAPisAvailableAtThisTime       (12),
      -- MAP (and various lanes indexes) not available
    noValidSPATisAvailableAtThisTime      (13)
      -- SPAT system is not working at this time
    -- Bits 14,15 reserved at this time and shall be zero
    } (SIZE(16))

LaneAttributes-Barrier ::= BIT STRING {
   -- With bits as defined:
   median-RevocableLane     (0),
                            -- this lane may be activated or not based
                            -- on the current SPAT message contents
                            -- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
   median                   (1),
   whiteLineHashing         (2),
   stripedLines             (3),
   doubleStripedLines       (4),
   trafficCones             (5),
   constructionBarrier      (6),
   trafficChannels          (7),
   lowCurbs                 (8),
   highCurbs                (9)
   -- Bits 10~15 reserved and set to zero
   } (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Bike ::= BIT STRING {
   -- With bits as defined:
   bikeRevocableLane       (0),
                           -- this lane may be activated or not based
                           -- on the current SPAT message contents
                           -- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
   pedestrianUseAllowed    (1),
                           -- The path allows pedestrian traffic, 
                           -- if not set, this mode is prohibited
   isBikeFlyOverLane       (2),
                           -- path of lane is not at grade
   fixedCycleTime          (3),
                           -- the phases use preset times
                           -- i.e. there is not a 'push to cross' button
   biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
                           -- ped walk phases use different SignalGroupID
                           -- for each direction. The first SignalGroupID
                           -- in the first Connection represents 'inbound'
                           -- flow (the direction of travel towards the first 
                           -- node point) while second SignalGroupID in the 
                           -- next Connection entry represents the 'outbound'
                           -- flow. And use of RestrictionClassID entries
                           -- in the Connect follow this same pattern in pairs.
   isolatedByBarrier       (5),
   unsignalizedSegmentsPresent  (6)
                           -- The lane path consists of one of more segments
                           -- which are not part of a signal group ID

   -- Bits 7~15 reserved and set to zero
   } (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Crosswalk ::= BIT STRING { 
   -- With bits as defined:
   -- MUTCD provides no suitable "types" to use here
   crosswalkRevocableLane  (0),
                           -- this lane may be activated or not based
                           -- on the current SPAT message contents
                           -- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
   bicyleUseAllowed        (1),
                           -- The path allows bicycle traffic, 
                           -- if not set, this mode is prohibited
   isXwalkFlyOverLane      (2),
                           -- path of lane is not at grade
   fixedCycleTime          (3),
                           -- ped walk phases use preset times
                           -- i.e. there is not a 'push to cross' button
   biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
                           -- ped walk phases use different SignalGroupID
                           -- for each direction. The first SignalGroupID
                           -- in the first Connection represents 'inbound'
                           -- flow (the direction of travel towards the first 
                           -- node point) while second SignalGroupID in the 
                           -- next Connection entry represents the 'outbound'
                           -- flow. And use of RestrictionClassID entries
                           -- in the Connect follow this same pattern in pairs.
   hasPushToWalkButton     (5),
                           -- Has a demand input
   audioSupport            (6),
                           -- audio crossing cues present
   rfSignalRequestPresent  (7),
                           -- Supports RF push to walk technologies
   unsignalizedSegmentsPresent  (8)
                           -- The lane path consists of one of more segments
                           -- which are not part of a signal group ID
   -- Bits 9~15 reserved and set to zero
   } (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Parking ::= BIT STRING { 
    -- With bits as defined:
    -- Parking use details, note that detailed restrictions such as 
    -- allowed hours are sent by way of ITIS codes in the TIM message
    parkingRevocableLane         (0),
                                 -- this lane may be activated or not based
                                 -- on the current SPAT message contents
                                 -- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
    parallelParkingInUse         (1),
    headInParkingInUse           (2),
    doNotParkZone                (3),
                                 -- used to denote fire hydrants as well as
                                 -- short disruptions in a parking zone
    parkingForBusUse             (4),
    parkingForTaxiUse            (5),
    noPublicParkingUse           (6)
                                 -- private parking, as in front of
                                 -- private property
   -- Bits 7~15 reserved and set to zero
   } (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Sidewalk ::= BIT STRING { 
   -- With bits as defined:
   sidewalk-RevocableLane  (0),
                           -- this lane may be activated or not based
                           -- on the current SPAT message contents
                           -- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
   bicyleUseAllowed        (1),
                           -- The path allows bicycle traffic, 
                           -- if not set, this mode is prohibited
   isSidewalkFlyOverLane   (2),
                           -- path of lane is not at grade
   walkBikes               (3)
                           -- bike traffic must dismount and walk
   -- Bits 4~15 reserved and set to zero
   } (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Striping ::= BIT STRING { 
   -- With bits as defined:
    stripeToConnectingLanesRevocableLane      (0),
       -- this lane may be activated or not activated based
       -- on the current SPAT message contents
       -- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
    stripeDrawOnLeft                          (1),
    stripeDrawOnRight                         (2),
        -- which side of lane to mark
    stripeToConnectingLanesLeft               (3),
    stripeToConnectingLanesRight              (4),
    stripeToConnectingLanesAhead              (5)
        -- the stripe type should be
        -- presented to the user visually
        -- to reflect stripes in the 
        -- intersection for the type of
        -- movement indicated
   -- Bits 6~15 reserved and set to zero
   } (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle ::= BIT STRING { 
   -- With bits as defined:
   spec-RevocableLane         (0),
                               -- this lane may be activated or not based
                               -- on the current SPAT message contents
                               -- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
   spec-commuterRailRoadTrack (1), 
   spec-lightRailRoadTrack    (2),
   spec-heavyRailRoadTrack    (3),
   spec-otherRailType         (4)
   -- Bits 5~15 reserved and set to zero
   } (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Vehicle ::= BIT STRING {  
   -- With bits as defined:
   isVehicleRevocableLane       (0),
                                 -- this lane may be activated or not based
                                 -- on the current SPAT message contents
                                 -- if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
   isVehicleFlyOverLane         (1),
                                 -- path of lane is not at grade
   hovLaneUseOnly               (2),
   restrictedToBusUse           (3),
   restrictedToTaxiUse          (4),
   restrictedFromPublicUse      (5),
   hasIRbeaconCoverage          (6),
   permissionOnRequest          (7) -- e.g. to inform about a lane for e-cars

   } (SIZE (8,...))

LaneConnectionID ::= INTEGER (0..255)

LaneDirection ::= BIT STRING {
   -- With bits as defined:
   -- Allowed directions of travel in the lane object
   -- All lanes are described from the stop line outwards
   ingressPath     (0), 
                   -- travel from rear of path to front 
                   -- is allowed
   egressPath      (1)
                   -- travel from front of path to rear 
                   -- is allowed
   -- Notes:  No Travel, i.e. the lane object type does not support
   --         travel (medians, curbs, etc.) is indicated by not 
   --         asserting any bit value
   --         Bi-Directional Travel (such as a ped crosswalk) is 
   --         indicated by asserting both of the bits
   } (SIZE (2))

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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LaneID ::= INTEGER (0..255)
   -- the value 0 shall be used when the lane ID is
   -- not available or not known
   -- the value 255 is reserved for future use
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LayerID ::= INTEGER (0..100)

LayerType ::= ENUMERATED {
     mixedContent, -- two or more of the below types
LaneWidth ::= INTEGER (0..32767) -- units of 1 cm

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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MergeDivergeNodeAngle ::= INTEGER (-180..180) 
   -- In units of 1.5 degrees from north
   -- the value -180 shall be used to represent 
   -- data is not available or unknown
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MinuteOfTheYear ::= INTEGER (0..527040) 
   -- the value 527040 shall be used for invalid

MovementPhaseState ::= ENUMERATED {
    -- Note that based on the regions and the operating mode not every 
    -- phase will be used in all transportation modes and that not 
    -- every phase will be used in all transportation modes
    unavailable (0), 
      -- This state is used for unknown or error 
    dark (1),   
      -- The signal head is dark (unlit)

   -- Reds
    stop-Then-Proceed (2), 
      -- Often called 'flashing red' in US
      -- Driver Action:                     
      --   Stop vehicle at stop line. 
      --   Do not proceed unless it is safe.
      -- Note that the right to proceed either right or left when 
      -- it is safe may be contained in the lane description to 
      -- handle what is called a 'right on red'
    stop-And-Remain (3),
      -- e.g. called 'red light' in US
      -- Driver Action:                     
      --   Stop vehicle at stop line. 
      --   Do not proceed.                     
      -- Note that the right to proceed either right or left when 
      -- it is safe may be contained in the lane description to 
      -- handle what is called a 'right on red'
   -- Greens
    pre-Movement (4), 
      -- Not used in the US, red+yellow partly in EU
      -- Driver Action:                     
      --   Stop vehicle. 
      --   Prepare to proceed (pending green)
      --   (Prepare for transition to green/go)
    permissive-Movement-Allowed (5), 
      -- Often called 'permissive green' in US
      -- Driver Action:                     
      --   Proceed with caution, 
      --   must yield to all conflicting traffic 
      -- Conflicting traffic may be present
      -- in the intersection conflict area
    protected-Movement-Allowed (6), 
      -- Often called 'protected green' in US
      -- Driver Action:                     
      --   Proceed, tossing caution to the wind, 
      --   in indicated (allowed) direction.
   -- Yellows / Ambers
   -- The vehicle is not allowed to cross the stop bar if it is possible 
   -- to stop without danger. 
    permissive-clearance (7), 
      -- Often called 'permissive yellow' in US
      -- Driver Action:                     
      --   Prepare to stop.
      --   Proceed if unable to stop,
      --   Clear Intersection.
      -- Conflicting traffic may be present
      -- in the intersection conflict area
    protected-clearance (8),  
      -- Often called 'protected yellow' in US
      -- Driver Action: 
      --   Prepare to stop.
      --   Proceed if unable to stop,
      --   in indicated direction (to connected lane)
      --   Clear Intersection.
    caution-Conflicting-Traffic (9)
      -- Often called 'flashing yellow' in US
      -- Often used for extended periods of time
      -- Driver Action: 
      --   Proceed with caution, 
      -- Conflicting traffic may be present
      -- in the intersection conflict area
    -- The above number assignments are not used with UPER encoding
    -- and are only to be used with DER or implicit encoding

MsgCount ::= INTEGER (0..127)

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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Offset-B10 ::= INTEGER (-512..511)
   -- a range of +- 5.11 meters

Offset-B11 ::= INTEGER (-1024..1023)
   -- a range of +- 10.23 meters

Offset-B12 ::= INTEGER (-2048..2047)
   -- a range of +- 20.47 meters

Offset-B13 ::= INTEGER (-4096..4095)
   -- a range of +- 40.95 meters

Offset-B14 ::= INTEGER (-8192..8191)
   -- a range of +- 81.91 meters

Offset-B16 ::= INTEGER (-32768..32767)
   -- a range of +- 327.68 meters
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PedestrianBicycleDetect ::= BOOLEAN 
                 -- true if ANY Pedestrians or Bicyclists are 
                 -- detected crossing the target lane or lanes
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PrioritizationResponseStatus ::= ENUMERATED {
   unknown           (0),
                      -- Unknown state
   requested         (1),
                      -- This prioritization request was detected 
                      -- by the traffic controller  
   processing        (2),
                      -- Checking request 
                      -- (request is in queue, other requests are prior)
   watchOtherTraffic (3),
                      -- Cannot give full permission, 
                      -- therefore watch for other traffic
                      -- Note that other requests may be present
   granted           (4),
                      -- Intervention was successful 
                      -- and now prioritization is active
   rejected          (5),
                      -- The prioritization or preemption request was 
                      -- rejected by the traffic controller
   maxPresence       (6),
                      -- The Request has exceeded maxPresence time
                      -- Used when the controller has determined that
                      -- the requester should then back off and 
                      -- request an alternative.  
   reserviceLocked   (7),
                      -- Prior conditions have resulted in a reservice 
                      -- locked event: the controller requires the 
                      -- passage of time before another similar request 
                      -- will be accepted
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PriorityRequestType ::= ENUMERATED {
     priorityRequestTypeReserved (0),  
     priorityRequest             (1),   
     priorityRequestUpdate       (2), 
     priorityCancellation        (3),  

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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RegionId ::= INTEGER (0..255)
   noRegion     RegionId ::= 0  -- Use default supplied stubs
   addGrpA      RegionId ::= 1  -- USA
   addGrpB      RegionId ::= 2  -- Japan
   addGrpC      RegionId ::= 3  -- EU
   -- NOTE: new registered regional IDs will be added here
   -- The values 128 and above are for local region use
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RequestID ::= INTEGER (0..255)

RequestImportanceLevel ::= ENUMERATED {
    requestImportanceLevelUnKnown  (0),
    requestImportanceLevel1        (1), -- The least important request
    requestImportanceLevel2        (2), -- The values here shall be assigned
    requestImportanceLevel3        (3), -- Meanings based on regional needs
    requestImportanceLevel4        (4), -- for each of the basic roles which
    requestImportanceLevel5        (5), -- are defined elsewhere
    requestImportanceLevel6        (6),
    requestImportanceLevel7        (7),
    requestImportanceLevel8        (8),
    requestImportanceLevel9        (9),
    requestImportanceLevel10      (10),
    requestImportanceLevel11      (11),
    requestImportanceLevel12      (12),
    requestImportanceLevel13      (13),
    requestImportanceLevel14      (14), -- The most important request
    requestImportanceReserved     (15)  -- Reserved for future use

RequestSubRole ::= ENUMERATED {
    requestSubRoleUnKnown    (0),
    requestSubRole1          (1), -- The first type of sub role
    requestSubRole2          (2), -- The values here shall be assigned
    requestSubRole3          (3), -- Meanings based on regional needs
    requestSubRole4          (4), -- to refine and expand the basic
    requestSubRole5          (5), -- roles which are defined elsewhere
    requestSubRole6          (6),
    requestSubRole7          (7),
    requestSubRole8          (8),
    requestSubRole9          (9),
    requestSubRole10        (10),
    requestSubRole11        (11),
    requestSubRole12        (12),
    requestSubRole13        (13),
    requestSubRole14        (14), -- The last type of sub role
    requestSubRoleReserved  (15)  -- Reserved for future use

RestrictionAppliesTo ::= ENUMERATED {
    none,              -- applies to nothing
    equippedTransit,   -- buses etc.
    equippedOther,     -- other vehicle types with
                       -- necessary signal phase state
                       -- reception equipment
    emissionCompliant, -- regional variants with more
                       -- definitive items also exist
    -- Items dealing with traveler needs serviced by the infrastructure
    -- These end users (which are not vehicles) are presumed to be suitably equipped
    audioDisabilities,  -- hearing

RestrictionClassID ::= INTEGER (0..255)
   -- An index value to identify data about classes of users
   -- the value used varies with each intersection's
   -- needs and is defined in the map to the assigned 
   -- classes of supported users.

RoadRegulatorID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
   -- The value zero shall be used for testing only

RoadSegmentID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
   -- The values zero to 255 shall be used for testing only
   -- Note that the value assigned to an RoadSegment will be
   -- unique within a given regional ID only during its use

/*FIXME RGY moved to IS-DSRC-REGION-noCircular to cut circular import loop
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RoadwayCrownAngle ::= INTEGER (-128..127) 
    -- In LSB units of 0.3 degrees of angle
    -- over a range of -38.1 to + 38.1 degrees
    -- The value -128 shall be used for unknown
    -- The value zero shall be used for angles 
    -- which are between -0.15 and +0.15
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Scale-B12 ::= INTEGER (-2048..2047)  -- in steps of 0.05 percent

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SignalGroupID ::= INTEGER (0..255) 
    -- The value 0 shall be used when the ID is
    -- not available or not known
    -- the value 255 is reserved to indicate a 
    -- permanent green movement state
    -- therefore a simple 8 phase signal controller 
    -- device might use 1..9 as its groupIDs
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SegmentAttributeXY ::= ENUMERATED {
   -- Various values which can be Enabled and Disabled for a lane segment
   -- General Items
   reserved                  ,  
   doNotBlock                ,  -- segment where a vehicle 
                                -- may not come to a stop
   whiteLine                 ,  -- segment where lane crossing not allowed
                                -- such as the final few meters of a lane
   -- Porous Lane states, merging, turn outs, parking etc.
   mergingLaneLeft           ,  -- indicates porous lanes
   mergingLaneRight          ,
   curbOnLeft                ,  -- indicates presence of curbs
   curbOnRight               ,
   loadingzoneOnLeft         ,  -- loading or drop off zones
   loadingzoneOnRight        ,
   turnOutPointOnLeft        ,  -- opening to adjacent street/alley/road
   turnOutPointOnRight       ,
   adjacentParkingOnLeft     , -- side of road parking
   adjacentParkingOnRight    ,
   -- Bike Lane Needs
   adjacentBikeLaneOnLeft    , -- presence of marked bike lanes
   adjacentBikeLaneOnRight   ,
   sharedBikeLane            , -- right of way is shared with bikes
                               -- who may occupy entire lane width
   bikeBoxInFront            ,
   -- Transit Needs
   transitStopOnLeft         , -- any form of bus/transit loading
                               -- with pull in-out access to lane on left
   transitStopOnRight        , -- any form of bus/transit loading
                               -- with pull in-out access to lane on right
   transitStopInLane         , -- any form of bus/transit loading
                               -- in mid path of the lane
   sharedWithTrackedVehicle  , -- lane is shared with train or trolley 
                               -- not used for crossing tracks
   -- Pedestrian Support Attributes
   safeIsland                , -- begin/end a safety island in path
   lowCurbsPresent           , -- for ADA support
   rumbleStripPresent        , -- for ADA support
   audibleSignalingPresent   , -- for ADA support
   adaptiveTimingPresent     , -- for ADA support
   rfSignalRequestPresent    , -- Supports RF push to walk technologies
   partialCurbIntrusion      , -- path is blocked by a median or curb 
                               -- but at least 1 meter remains open for use
                               -- and at-grade passage
   -- Lane geometry details  (see standard for defined shapes)
   taperToLeft               , -- Used to control final path shape
   taperToRight              , -- Used to control final path shape
   taperToCenterLine         , -- Used to control final path shape

   -- Parking Lane and Curb Attributes
   parallelParking           , -- 
   headInParking             , -- Parking at an angle with the street
   freeParking               , -- no restriction on use of parking
   timeRestrictionsOnParking , -- Parking is not permitted at all times
                               -- typically used when the 'parking' lane 
                               -- becomes a driving lane at times
   costToPark                , -- Used where parking has a cost
   midBlockCurbPresent       , -- a protruding curb near lane edge
   unEvenPavementPresent     , -- a disjoint height at lane edge
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SpeedAdvice ::= INTEGER (0..500) 
    -- LSB units are 0.1 m/s^2
    -- the value 499 shall be used for values at or greater than 49.9 m/s
    -- the value 500 shall be used to indicate that speed is unavailable

TemporaryID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4))

TimeIntervalConfidence ::= INTEGER (0..15)   
   -- Value   Probability
   --   0         21%
   --   1         36%
   --   2         47%
   --   3         56%
   --   4         62%
   --   5         68%
   --   6         73%
   --   7         77%
   --   8         81%
   --   9         85%
   --   10        88%
   --   11        91%
   --   12        94%
   --   13        96%
   --   14        98%
   --   15        100%

TransitVehicleOccupancy ::= ENUMERATED {
    occupancyUnknown    (0),  
    occupancyEmpty      (1),  
    occupancyVeryLow    (2),  
    occupancyLow        (3),  
    occupancyMed        (4),  
    occupancyHigh       (5),  
    occupancyNearlyFull (6),  
    occupancyFull       (7)

TransitVehicleStatus ::= BIT STRING {
    loading     (0), -- parking and unable to move at this time
    anADAuse    (1), -- an ADA access is in progress (wheelchairs, kneeling, etc.)
    aBikeLoad   (2), -- loading of a bicycle is in progress
    doorOpen    (3), -- a vehicle door is open for passenger access
    charging    (4), -- a vehicle is connected to charging point
    atStopLine  (5)  -- a vehicle is at the stop line for the lane it is in
    } (SIZE(8))

TransmissionState ::= ENUMERATED {
   neutral      (0), -- Neutral
   park         (1), -- Park 
   forwardGears (2), -- Forward gears
   reverseGears (3), -- Reverse gears 
   reserved1    (4),      
   reserved2    (5),      
   reserved3    (6),      
   unavailable  (7)  -- not-equipped or unavailable value,
   -- Any related speed is relative to the vehicle reference frame used

VehicleType ::= ENUMERATED {
   none                 (0),  -- Not Equipped, Not known or unavailable
   unknown              (1),  -- Does not fit any other category    
   special              (2),  -- Special use    
   moto                 (3),  -- Motorcycle    
   car                  (4),  -- Passenger car    
   carOther             (5),  -- Four tire single units    
   bus                  (6),  -- Buses    
   axleCnt2             (7),  -- Two axle, six tire single units    
   axleCnt3             (8),  -- Three axle, single units    
   axleCnt4             (9),  -- Four or more axle, single unit    
   axleCnt4Trailer      (10), -- Four or less axle, single trailer    
   axleCnt5Trailer      (11), -- Five or less axle, single trailer    
   axleCnt6Trailer      (12), -- Six or more axle, single trailer    
   axleCnt5MultiTrailer (13), -- Five or less axle, multi-trailer    
   axleCnt6MultiTrailer (14), -- Six axle, multi-trailer    
   axleCnt7MultiTrailer (15),  -- Seven or more axle, multi-trailer    

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Velocity ::= INTEGER (0..8191) -- Units of 0.02 m/s
    -- The value 8191 indicates that 
    -- velocity is unavailable
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WaitOnStopline ::= BOOLEAN -- 
         -- True or False
         -- If "true", the vehicles on this specific connecting 
         -- maneuver have to stop on the stop-line
         -- and not to enter the collision area

ZoneLength ::= INTEGER (0..10000)
    -- Unit = 1 meter, 0 = unknown, 
    -- The value 10000 to be used for Distances >=10000 m
    -- (e.g. from known point to another point along a 
    -- known path, often against traffic flow direction 
    -- when used for measuring queues)