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# <a name="IVIM-PDU-Descriptions"></a>ASN.1 module IVIM-PDU-Descriptions
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) ivim (2) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) }_
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Thomas Ritter committed
draft 001 of the IVIM-PDU-Descriptions module for TS 103 301 V2.2.1 integrating:
 initial revision based on ASN.1 files of [ISO TS 19091] and [SAE J2735]

## Imports:
* **[IVI](** *{ iso (1) standard (0) ivi (19321) major-version-3 (3) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
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* **[ETSI-ITS-CDD](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
## Data Elements:
### <a name="IVIM"></a>IVIM
In vehicle information Message Message
 This DF includes DEs for the IVIM protocolVersion, the IVI message type identifier _messageID_,
 the station identifier _stationID_ of the originating ITS-S and the IVI data from ISO TS 19321.

* _header_ of type [**ItsPduHeader**]( <br>
  The DE _protocolVersion_ is used to select the appropriate protocol decoder at the receiving ITS-S. It shall be set to 2.
                  The DE _messageID_ shall be ivim(6).

* _ivi_ of type [**IviStructure**]( <br>
  The DE _ivi_ contains the IVI data as defined in ISO TS 19321.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
    header  ItsPduHeader,
    ivi     IviStructure

# <a name="MAPEM-PDU-Descriptions"></a>ASN.1 module MAPEM-PDU-Descriptions
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) mapem (1) version2 (2) }_
draft 001 of the MAPEM-PDU-Descriptions module for TS 103 831 V2.2.1 integrating:
 initial revision based on ASN.1 files of [ISO TS 19091] and [SAE J2735]

## Imports:
* **[ETSI-ITS-DSRC](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
Thomas Ritter's avatar
Thomas Ritter committed
   Includes from ETSI-ITS-DSRC* **[ETSI-ITS-CDD](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
   Include ETSI TS 102 894-2 (ETSI-ITS-CDD)## Data Elements:
### <a name="MAPEM"></a>MAPEM
Map (lane topology) extended Message
 This DF includes DEs for the MAPEM: protocolVersion, the MAPEM message type identifier _messageID_, 
 the station identifier _stationID_ of the originating ITS-S and the Map data from ETSI-ITS-DSRC.

* _header_ of type [**ItsPduHeader**]( <br>
  The DE _protocolVersion_ is used to select the appropriate protocol decoder at the receiving ITS-S. It shall be set to 2.
                   The DE _messageID_ shall be mapem(5).

* _map_ of type [**MapData**]( <br>
  The DE _map_ contains the MAP data as defined in ETSI-ITS-DSRC.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
    header  ItsPduHeader,
    map	    MapData

# <a name="SPATEM-PDU-Descriptions"></a>ASN.1 module SPATEM-PDU-Descriptions
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) spatem (0) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) }_
draft 001 of the SPATEM-PDU-Descriptions module for TS 103 301 V2.2.1 integrating:
 initial revision based on ASN.1 files of [ISO TS 19091] and [SAE J2735]

## Imports:
* **[ETSI-ITS-DSRC](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
Thomas Ritter's avatar
Thomas Ritter committed
   Includes from ETSI-ITS-DSRC* **[ETSI-ITS-CDD](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
   Include ETSI TS 102 894-2 (ETSI-ITS-CDD)## Data Elements:
### <a name="SPATEM"></a>SPATEM
Signal phase and timing extended Message

 Signal phase and timing extended Message Root
 This DF includes DEs for the SPATEM: protocolVersion, the SPATEM message type identifier _messageID_,
 the station identifier _stationID_ of the originating ITS-S and the SPaT data from ETSI-ITS-DSRC module.

* _header_ of type [**ItsPduHeader**]( <br>
  The DE _protocolVersion_ used to select the appropriate protocol decoder at the receiving ITS-S. It shall be set to 2.
                   The DE _messageID_ shall be spatem(4).

* _spat_ of type [**SPAT**]( <br>
  The DE _spat_ contains the SPaT data as defined in ETSI-ITS-DSRC.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
    header  ItsPduHeader,
    spat    SPAT

# <a name="SREM-PDU-Descriptions"></a>ASN.1 module SREM-PDU-Descriptions
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) srem (3) version2 (2) }_
draft 001 of the SREM-PDU-Descriptions module for TS 103 831 V2.2.1 integrating:
 initial revision based on ASN.1 files of [ISO TS 19091] and [SAE J2735]

## Imports:
* **[ETSI-ITS-DSRC](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
Thomas Ritter's avatar
Thomas Ritter committed
   Includes from ETSI-ITS-DSRC* **[ETSI-ITS-CDD](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
   Include ETSI TS 102 894-2 (ETSI-ITS-CDD)## Data Elements:
### <a name="SREM"></a>SREM
Signal request extended Message Message
 This DF includes DEs for the SREM: protocolVersion, the SREM message type identifier _messageID_,
 the station identifier _stationID_ of the originating ITS-S and the signal request data from ETSI-ITS-DSRC.

* _header_ of type [**ItsPduHeader**]( <br>
  The DE _protocolVersion_ is used to select the appropriate protocol decoder at the receiving ITS-S. It shall be set to 2.
                  The DE _messageID_ shall be srem(9).

* _srm_ of type [**SignalRequestMessage**]( <br>
  The DE _srm_ contains the Signal request data as defined in ETSI-ITS-DSRC.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
    header  ItsPduHeader,
    srm     SignalRequestMessage

# <a name="SSEM-PDU-Descriptions"></a>ASN.1 module SSEM-PDU-Descriptions
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) ssem (4) version2 (2) }_
draft 001 of the SSEM-PDU-Descriptions module for TS 103 831 V2.2.1 integrating:
 initial revision based on ASN.1 files of [ISO TS 19091] and [SAE J2735]

## Imports:
* **[ETSI-ITS-DSRC](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
Thomas Ritter's avatar
Thomas Ritter committed
   Includes from ETSI-ITS-DSRC* **[ETSI-ITS-CDD](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
   Include ETSI TS 102 894-2 (ETSI-ITS-CDD)## Data Elements:
### <a name="SSEM"></a>SSEM
Signal status extended Message
 This DF includes DEs for the SSEM: protocolVersion, the SSEM message type identifier _messageID_ and
 the station identifier _stationID_ of the originating ITS-S and the signal status data from ETSI-ITS-DSRC.

* _header_ of type [**ItsPduHeader**]( <br>
  The DE _protocolVersion_ is used to select the appropriate protocol decoder at the receiving ITS-S. It shall be set to 2.
                  The DE _messageID_ shall be ssem(10).

* _ssm_ of type [**SignalStatusMessage**]( <br>
  The DE _ssm_ contains the Signal status data as defined in ETSI-ITS-DSRC.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
    header  ItsPduHeader,
    ssm     SignalStatusMessage

# <a name="RTCMEM-PDU-Descriptions"></a>ASN.1 module RTCMEM-PDU-Descriptions
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) rtcmem (5) version1 (1) }_
draft 001 of the RTCMEM-PDU-Descriptions module for TS 103 831 V2.2.1 integrating:
 initial revision based on ASN.1 files of [ISO TS 19091] and [SAE J2735]

## Imports:
* **[ETSI-ITS-DSRC](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
Thomas Ritter's avatar
Thomas Ritter committed
   Includes from ETSI-ITS-DSRC* **[ETSI-ITS-CDD](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
   Include ETSI TS 102 894-2 (ETSI-ITS-CDD)## Data Elements:
### <a name="RTCMEM"></a>RTCMEM
RTCM corrections extended extended Message
 This DF includes DEs for the RTCMEM: protocolVersion, the RTCMEM message type identifier _messageID_,
 the station identifier _stationID_ of the originating ITS-S and the RTCM corrections as of ETSI-ITS-DSRC.

* _header_ of type [**ItsPduHeader**]( <br>
  The DE _protocolVersion_ is used to select the appropriate protocol decoder at the receiving ITS-S. It shall be set to 1.
                  The DE _messageID_ shall be rtcmem(13).

* _rtcmc_ of type [**RTCMcorrections**]( <br>
* srm<br>
  The DE _rtcmc_ contains the RTCM corrections data as defined in ETSI-ITS-DSRC.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
    header  ItsPduHeader,
    rtcmc   RTCMcorrections

# <a name="ETSI-ITS-DSRC"></a>ASN.1 module ETSI-ITS-DSRC
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) }_
Thomas Ritter's avatar
Thomas Ritter committed
draft 001 of the ETSI-ITS-DSRC module for TS 103 301 V2.2.1 integrating:
 initial revision based on ASN.1 files of [ISO TS 19091] and [SAE J2735]

## Imports:
* **[ETSI-ITS-CDD](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
* **[ETSI-ITS-DSRC-REGION](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) region (1) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
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217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717
## Data Elements:
This information object class is an abstract template to instantiate region extension.

* _id_ of type [**RegionId**](#RegionId)  UNIQUE<br>
  the identifier of the region type.

* Type<br>
  the extension content

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
  &id     RegionId UNIQUE,

### <a name="RegionalExtension"></a>RegionalExtension
This DF represents a Region extension preceded by its type identifier and a lenght indicator.

 It shall include the following components:

* _regionId_ of type [**REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE**]( .&id( {Set} )<br>
  the identifier of the region.

* _regExtValue_ of type [**REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE**]( .&Type( {Set}{@regionId} )<br>
  the extension content consistent with the region type.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Basic Information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
RegionalExtension {REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE : Set} ::= SEQUENCE {
  regionId     REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE.&id( {Set} ),
  regExtValue  REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE.&Type( {Set}{@regionId} )

### <a name="MapData"></a>MapData
This DF is used to convey many types of geographic road information. At the current time its primary
 use is to convey one or more intersection lane geometry maps within a single message. The map message content
 includes such items as complex intersection descriptions, road segment descriptions, high speed curve outlines (used in
 curve safety messages), and segments of roadway (used in some safety applications). A given single MapData message
 may convey descriptions of one or more geographic areas or intersections. The contents of this message involve defining
 the details of indexing systems that are in turn used by other messages to relate additional information (for example, the
 signal phase and timing via the SPAT message) to events at specific geographic locations on the roadway.

* _timeStamp_ of type [**MinuteOfTheYear**](#MinuteOfTheYear)  OPTIONAL<br>
  time reference

* _msgIssueRevision_ of type [**MsgCount**](#MsgCount) <br>
  The MapData revision is defined by the data element `revision` for each intersection
                            geometry (see [ISO TS 19091] G. Therefore, an additional revision indication of the overall
                            MapData message is not used in this profile. It shall be set to "0" for this profile.

* _layerType_ of type [**LayerType**](#LayerType)  OPTIONAL<br>
  There is no need to additionally identify the topological content by an additional identifier. The ASN.1
                     definition of the data frames `intersections` and `roadSegments` are clearly defined and need no
                     additional identifier. Therefore, this optional data element shall not be used in this profile.

* _layerID_ of type [**LayerID**](#LayerID)   OPTIONAL<br>
  This profile extends the purpose of the `layerID` data element as defined in SAE J2735 as follows: For
                   large intersections, the length of a MapData description may exceed the maximum data length of the
                   communication message. Therefore, a fragmentation of the MapData message (at application layer) in
                   two or more MapData fragments may be executed. If no MapData fragmentation is needed, the `layerID`
                   shall not be used. For more details, see the definition of the data element [**LayerID**](#LayerID).

* _intersections_ of type [**IntersectionGeometryList**](#IntersectionGeometryList)  OPTIONAL<br>
  All Intersection definitions.

* _roadSegments_ of type [**RoadSegmentList**](#RoadSegmentList)  OPTIONAL<br>
  All roadway descriptions.

* _dataParameters_ of type [**DataParameters**](#DataParameters)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Any meta data regarding the map contents.

* _restrictionList_ of type [**RestrictionClassList**](#RestrictionClassList)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Any restriction ID tables which have established for these map entries

* _regional_ of type **SEQUENCE**  (SIZE(1..4)) OF<br>
  This profile extends the MapData message with the regional data element [**MapData-addGrpC**](

* **RegionalExtension** {{Reg-MapData}} OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Road topology information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
MapData ::= SEQUENCE {
  timeStamp         MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
  msgIssueRevision  MsgCount,
  layerType         LayerType OPTIONAL,
  layerID           LayerID  OPTIONAL,
  intersections     IntersectionGeometryList OPTIONAL,
  roadSegments      RoadSegmentList OPTIONAL,
  dataParameters    DataParameters OPTIONAL,
  restrictionList   RestrictionClassList OPTIONAL,
  regional          SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF
                    RegionalExtension {{Reg-MapData}} OPTIONAL,

### <a name="RTCMcorrections"></a>RTCMcorrections
This DF is used to encapsulate RTCM differential corrections for GPS and other radio
 navigation signals as defined by the RTCM (Radio Technical Commission For Maritime Services) special committee
 number 104 in its various standards. Here, in the work of DSRC, these messages are "wrapped" for transport on the
 DSRC media, and then can be re-constructed back into the final expected formats defined by the RTCM standard and
 used directly by various positioning systems to increase the absolute and relative accuracy estimates produced.

* _msgCnt_ of type [**MsgCount**](#MsgCount) <br>
  monotonic incrementing identifier.

* _rev_ of type [**RTCM-Revision**](#RTCM-Revision) <br>
  the specific edition of the standard that is being sent.

* _timeStamp_ of type [**MinuteOfTheYear**](#MinuteOfTheYear)   OPTIONAL<br>
  time reference

* _anchorPoint_ of type [**FullPositionVector**](#FullPositionVector)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Observer position, if needed.

* _rtcmHeader_ of type [**RTCMheader**](#RTCMheader)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Precise antenna position and noise data for a rover

* _msgs_ of type [**RTCMmessageList**](#RTCMmessageList) <br>
  one or more RTCM messages.

* _regional_ of type **SEQUENCE**  (SIZE(1..4)) OF<br>
  optional region specific data.

* **RegionalExtension** {{Reg-RTCMcorrections}} OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
RTCMcorrections ::= SEQUENCE {
   msgCnt      MsgCount,
   rev         RTCM-Revision,
   timeStamp   MinuteOfTheYear  OPTIONAL,
   anchorPoint FullPositionVector OPTIONAL,
   rtcmHeader  RTCMheader OPTIONAL,
   msgs        RTCMmessageList,
   regional    SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF
               RegionalExtension {{Reg-RTCMcorrections}} OPTIONAL,

### <a name="SPAT"></a>SPAT
This DF is used to convey the current status of one or more signalized
 intersections. Along with the MapData message (which describes a full geometric layout of an intersection) the
 receiver of this message can determine the state of the signal phasing and when the next expected phase will occur.
 The SPAT message sends the current movement state of each active phase in the system as needed (such as values of
 what states are active and values at what time a state has begun/does begin earliest, is expected to begin most likely and
 will end latest). The state of inactive movements is not normally transmitted. Movements are mapped to specific
 approaches and connections of ingress to egress lanes and by use of the SignalGroupID in the MapData message

 The current signal preemption and priority status values (when present or active) are also sent. A more complete
 summary of any pending priority or preemption events can be found in the Signal Status message.

* _timeStamp_ of type [**MinuteOfTheYear**](#MinuteOfTheYear)  OPTIONAL<br>
  time reference

* _name_ of type [**DescriptiveName**](#DescriptiveName)  OPTIONAL<br>
  human readable name for this collection. to be used only in debug mode.

* _intersections_ of type [**IntersectionStateList**](#IntersectionStateList) <br>
  sets of SPAT data (one per intersection)

* _regional_ of type **SEQUENCE**  (SIZE(1..4)) OF<br>
  optional region specific data.

* **RegionalExtension** {{Reg-SPAT}} OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
  timeStamp     MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
  name          DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
  intersections IntersectionStateList,
  regional      SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF
                RegionalExtension {{Reg-SPAT}} OPTIONAL,

### <a name="SignalRequestMessage"></a>SignalRequestMessage
This DF is a message sent by a DSRC equipped entity (such as a vehicle) to the RSU in a
 signalized intersection. It is used for either a priority signal request or a preemption signal request depending on the way
 each request is set. Each request defines a path through the intersection which is desired in terms of lanes and
 approaches to be used. Each request can also contain the time of arrival and the expected duration of the service.
 Multiple requests to multiple intersections are supported. The requestor identifies itself in various ways (using methods
 supported by the RequestorDescription data frame), and its current speed, heading and location can be placed in this
 structure as well. The specific request for service is typically based on previously decoding and examining the list of lanes
 and approaches for that intersection (sent in MAP messages). The outcome of all of the pending requests to a signal can
 be found in the Signal Status Message (SSM), and may be reflected in the SPAT message contents if successful.

* _timeStamp_ of type [**MinuteOfTheYear**](#MinuteOfTheYear)   OPTIONAL<br>
  time reference

* _second_ of type [**DSecond**](#DSecond) <br>
  time reference

* _sequenceNumber_ of type [**MsgCount**](#MsgCount)          OPTIONAL<br>
  monotonic incrementing identifier

* _requests_ of type [**SignalRequestList**](#SignalRequestList)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Request Data for one or more signalized intersections that support SRM dialogs

* _requestor_ of type [**RequestorDescription**](#RequestorDescription) <br>
  Requesting Device and other User Data contains vehicle ID (if from a vehicle) as well as type data and current
                     position and may contain additional transit data

* _regional_ of type **SEQUENCE**  (SIZE(1..4)) OF<br>
  optional region specific data.

* **RegionalExtension** {{Reg-SignalRequestMessage}} OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
SignalRequestMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
  timeStamp       MinuteOfTheYear  OPTIONAL,
  second          DSecond,
  sequenceNumber  MsgCount         OPTIONAL,
  requests        SignalRequestList OPTIONAL,
  requestor       RequestorDescription,
  regional        SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF
                  RegionalExtension {{Reg-SignalRequestMessage}} OPTIONAL,

### <a name="SignalStatusMessage"></a>SignalStatusMessage
This DF is a message sent by an RSU in a signalized intersection. It is used to relate the current
 status of the signal and the collection of pending or active preemption or priority requests acknowledged by the controller.
 It is also used to send information about preemption or priority requests which were denied. This in turn allows a dialog
 acknowledgment mechanism between any requester and the signal controller. The data contained in this message allows
 other users to determine their "ranking" for any request they have made as well as to see the currently active events.
 When there have been no recently received requests for service messages, this message may not be sent. While the
 outcome of all pending requests to a signal can be found in the Signal Status Message, the current active event (if any)
 will be reflected in the SPAT message contents.

* _timeStamp_ of type [**MinuteOfTheYear**](#MinuteOfTheYear)   OPTIONAL<br>
  time reference

* _second_ of type [**DSecond**](#DSecond) <br>
  time reference

* _sequenceNumber_ of type [**MsgCount**](#MsgCount)          OPTIONAL<br>
  monotonic incrementing identifier

* _status_ of type [**SignalStatusList**](#SignalStatusList) <br>
  Status Data for one of more signalized intersections.

* _regional_ of type **SEQUENCE**  (SIZE(1..4)) OF<br>
  optional region specific data.

* **RegionalExtension** {{Reg-SignalStatusMessage}} OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
SignalStatusMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
  timeStamp       MinuteOfTheYear  OPTIONAL,
  second          DSecond,
  sequenceNumber  MsgCount         OPTIONAL,
  status          SignalStatusList,
  regional        SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF
                  RegionalExtension {{Reg-SignalStatusMessage}} OPTIONAL,

### <a name="AdvisorySpeed"></a>AdvisorySpeed
This DF is used to convey a recommended traveling approach speed to an intersection
 from the message issuer to various travelers and vehicle types. Besides support for various eco-driving applications, this
 allows transmitting recommended speeds for specialty vehicles such as transit buses.

* _type_ of type [**AdvisorySpeedType**](#AdvisorySpeedType) <br>
  the type of advisory which this is.

* _speed_ of type [**SpeedAdvice**](#SpeedAdvice)  OPTIONAL<br>
  See [**SpeedAdvice**](#SpeedAdvice) for converting and translating speed expressed in mph into units of m/s.
                 This element is optional ONLY when superceded by the presence of a regional speed element found in Reg-AdvisorySpeed entry

* _confidence_ of type [**SpeedConfidenceDSRC**](#SpeedConfidenceDSRC)  OPTIONAL<br>
  A confidence value for the above speed

* _distance_ of type [**ZoneLength**](#ZoneLength)  OPTIONAL<br>
  The distance indicates the region for which the advised speed is recommended, it is specified upstream from the stop bar
                    along the connected egressing lane. Unit = 1 meter 

* _class_ of type [**RestrictionClassID**](#RestrictionClassID)  OPTIONAL<br>
  the vehicle types to which it applies when absent, the AdvisorySpeed applies to all motor vehicle types

* _regional_ of type **SEQUENCE**  (SIZE(1..4)) OF<br>
  optional region specific data.

* **RegionalExtension** {{Reg-AdvisorySpeed}} OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
AdvisorySpeed ::= SEQUENCE {
  type        AdvisorySpeedType,
  speed       SpeedAdvice OPTIONAL,
  confidence  SpeedConfidenceDSRC OPTIONAL,
  distance    ZoneLength OPTIONAL,
  class       RestrictionClassID OPTIONAL,
  regional    SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF
              RegionalExtension {{Reg-AdvisorySpeed}} OPTIONAL,

### <a name="AdvisorySpeedList"></a>AdvisorySpeedList
This DF consists of a list of [**AdvisorySpeed**](#AdvisorySpeed) entries.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
AdvisorySpeedList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF AdvisorySpeed

### <a name="AntennaOffsetSet"></a>AntennaOffsetSet
This DF is a collection of three offset values in an orthogonal coordinate system
 which describe how far the electrical phase center of an antenna is in each axis from a nearby known anchor point in units of 1 cm.

 When the antenna being described is on a vehicle, the signed offset shall be in the coordinate system defined in section 11.4.

* _antOffsetX_ of type [**Offset-B12**](#Offset-B12) <br>
  a range of +- 20.47 meters.

* _antOffsetY_ of type [**Offset-B09**](#Offset-B09) <br>
  a range of +- 2.55 meters.

* _antOffsetZ_ of type [**Offset-B10**](#Offset-B10) <br>
  a range of +- 5.11 meters.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
AntennaOffsetSet ::= SEQUENCE {
   antOffsetX  Offset-B12,
   antOffsetY  Offset-B09,
   antOffsetZ  Offset-B10

### <a name="ComputedLane"></a>ComputedLane
This DE is used to contain information needed to compute one lane from another
 (hence the name). This concept is used purely as a means of saving size in the message payload. The new lane is
 expressed as an X,Y offset from the first point of the source lane. It can be optionally rotated and scaled. Any attribute
 information found within the node of the source lane list cannot be changed and must be reused.

* _referenceLaneId_ of type [**LaneID**]( <br>
  the lane ID upon which this computed lane will be based Lane Offset in X and Y direction

* _offsetXaxis_ of type [**CHOICE**](#CHOICE)  {
                        small   DrivenLineOffsetSm,
                        large   DrivenLineOffsetLg
  A path X offset value for translations of the path's points when creating translated lanes.

* _offsetYaxis_ of type [**CHOICE**](#CHOICE)  {
                        small   DrivenLineOffsetSm,
                        large   DrivenLineOffsetLg
  The values found in the reference lane are all offset based on the X and Y values from
                       the coordinates of the reference lane's initial path point.

* _rotateXY_ of type [**Angle**](#Angle)  OPTIONAL<br>
  A path rotation value for the entire lane
                    Observe that this rotates the existing orientation
                    of the referenced lane, it does not replace it.
                    Rotation occurs about the initial path point.

* _scaleXaxis_ of type [**Scale-B12**](#Scale-B12)  OPTIONAL<br>
  value for translations or zooming of the path's points. The values found in the reference lane

* _scaleYaxis_ of type [**Scale-B12**](#Scale-B12)  OPTIONAL<br>
  are all expanded or contracted based on the X and Y and width values from the coordinates of  the reference lane's initial path point.
                      The Z axis remains untouched.

* _regional_ of type **SEQUENCE**  (SIZE(1..4)) OF<br>
  optional region specific data.

* **RegionalExtension** {{Reg-ComputedLane}} OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_

NOTE:&emsp;The specified transformation shall be applied to the reference lane without any intermediary loss of precision
        (truncation). The order of the transformations shall be: the East-West and North-South offsets, the scaling factors, and
        finally the rotation.

ComputedLane ::= SEQUENCE {
  referenceLaneId    LaneID,
  offsetXaxis        CHOICE {
                        small   DrivenLineOffsetSm,
                        large   DrivenLineOffsetLg
  offsetYaxis        CHOICE {
                        small   DrivenLineOffsetSm,
                        large   DrivenLineOffsetLg
  rotateXY           Angle OPTIONAL,
  scaleXaxis         Scale-B12 OPTIONAL,
  scaleYaxis         Scale-B12 OPTIONAL,
  regional  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF
            RegionalExtension {{Reg-ComputedLane}} OPTIONAL,

### <a name="ConnectsToList"></a>ConnectsToList
This DE is used in the generic lane descriptions to provide a sequence of other defined
 lanes to which each lane connects beyond its stop point. See the Connection data frame entry for details. Note that this
 data frame is not used in some lane object types.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_

NOTE:&emsp;The assignment of lanes in the Connection structure shall start with the leftmost lane from the vehicle
   perspective (the u-turn lane in some cases) followed by subsequent lanes in a clockwise assignment order. Therefore, the
   rightmost lane to which this lane connects would always be listed last. Note that this order is observed regardless of which
   side of the road vehicles use. If this structure is used in the lane description, then all valid lanes to which the subject lane
   connects shall be listed.

ConnectsToList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF Connection

### <a name="ConnectingLane"></a>ConnectingLane
The data concept ties a single lane to a single maneuver needed to reach it from another lane.
 It is typically used to connect the allowed maneuver from the end of a lane to the outbound lane so that these can be
 mapped to the SPAT message to which both lanes apply.

* _lane_ of type [**LaneID**]( <br>
  Index of the connecting lane.

* _maneuver_ of type [**AllowedManeuvers**](#AllowedManeuvers)  OPTIONAL<br>
  This data element allows only the description of a subset of possible manoeuvres and therefore
      represents an incomplete list of possible travel directions. The connecting `lane` data element gives the
      exact information about the manoeuvre relation from ingress to egress lane. Therefore the "maneuver"
      data element may be used only additionally if the travel direction of the manoeuvre is unanmbigoulsy
      represented (e.g. left, right, straight, etc.).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ConnectingLane ::= SEQUENCE {
  lane      LaneID,
  maneuver  AllowedManeuvers OPTIONAL

### <a name="Connection"></a>Connection
This DF is used to combine/connect multiple physical lanes (i.e. within intersections or road
 segments). For signalized movements, the `connectsTo` data frame defines e.g. the relation between
 ingress and egress lanes within an intersection. It describes the allowed manoeuvres and includes the
 link (`signalGroup` identifier) between the [**MapData**](#MapData) and the [**PAT**](#PAT) message. The data frame is also used
 to describe the relation of lanes within a non signalized intersection (e.g. ingress lanes which are
 bypassing the conflict area and ending in an egress lane without signalization). Within a road segment,
 it is used to combine two or multiple physical lanes into a single lane object.

* _connectingLane_ of type [**ConnectingLane**](#ConnectingLane) <br>
* _remoteIntersection_ of type [**IntersectionReferenceID**](#IntersectionReferenceID)  OPTIONAL<br>
  When the data element `remoteIntersection` is used, it indicates
                              that the connecting lane belongs to another intersection. 
                              (see clause [ISO TS 19091] G.9.1 for further explainations).
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* _signalGroup_ of type [**SignalGroupID**](  OPTIONAL<br>
* _userClass_ of type [**RestrictionClassID**](#RestrictionClassID)  OPTIONAL<br>
* _connectionID_ of type [**LaneConnectionID**](  OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
Connection ::= SEQUENCE {
  connectingLane     ConnectingLane,
  remoteIntersection IntersectionReferenceID OPTIONAL,
  signalGroup        SignalGroupID OPTIONAL,
  userClass          RestrictionClassID OPTIONAL,
  connectionID       LaneConnectionID OPTIONAL

### <a name="ConnectionManeuverAssist"></a>ConnectionManeuverAssist
This DF contains information about the the dynamic flow of traffic for the lane(s)
 and maneuvers in question (as determined by the [**LaneConnectionID**]( Note that this information can be sent regarding
 any lane-to-lane movement; it need not be limited to the lanes with active (non-red) phases when sent.

* _connectionID_ of type [**LaneConnectionID**]( <br>
  the common connectionID used by all lanes to which this data applies
                       (this value traces to ConnectsTo entries in lanes)

* _queueLength_ of type [**ZoneLength**](#ZoneLength)  OPTIONAL<br>
  The distance from the stop line to the back edge of the last vehicle in the queue,
                       as measured along the lane center line. (Unit = 1 meter, 0 = no queue)

* _availableStorageLength_ of type [**ZoneLength**](#ZoneLength)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Distance (e.g. beginning from the downstream stop-line up to a given distance) with a high
                       probability for successfully executing the connecting maneuver between the two lanes
                       during the current cycle.
                       Used for enhancing the awareness of vehicles to anticipate if they can pass the stop line
                       of the lane. Used for optimizing the green wave, due to knowledge of vehicles waiting in front
                       of a red light (downstream).
                       The element nextTime in [**TimeChangeDetails**](#TimeChangeDetails) in the containing data frame contains the next
                       timemark at which an active phase is expected, a form of storage flush interval.
                       (Unit = 1 meter, 0 = no space remains)

* _waitOnStop_ of type [**WaitOnStopline**](#WaitOnStopline)  OPTIONAL<br>
  If true, the vehicles on this specific connecting
                       maneuver have to stop on the stop-line and not to enter the collision area

* _pedBicycleDetect_ of type [**PedestrianBicycleDetect**](#PedestrianBicycleDetect)  OPTIONAL<br>
  true if ANY ped or bicycles are detected crossing the above lanes. Set to false ONLY if there is a
                       high certainty that there are none present, otherwise element is not sent.

* _regional_ of type **SEQUENCE**  (SIZE(1..4)) OF<br>
  This data element includes additional data content [**ConnectionManeuverAssist-addGrpC**]( defined in
                       this profile (see [ISO TS 19091] G.5.1.1). The content is included using the regional extension framework as defined in

* **RegionalExtension** {{Reg-ConnectionManeuverAssist}} OPTIONAL<br>
[**ConnectionManeuverAssist-addGrpC**]( is used for position feedback to moving ITS stations for executing
                     safe manoeuvres and is included for this purpose in the data element "intersectionState"

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ConnectionManeuverAssist ::= SEQUENCE {
  connectionID         LaneConnectionID,
  queueLength          ZoneLength OPTIONAL,
  availableStorageLength ZoneLength OPTIONAL,
  waitOnStop           WaitOnStopline OPTIONAL,
  pedBicycleDetect     PedestrianBicycleDetect OPTIONAL,
  regional  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF
            RegionalExtension {{Reg-ConnectionManeuverAssist}} OPTIONAL,

### <a name="DataParameters"></a>DataParameters
This DF is used to provide basic (static) information on how a map fragment was processed or determined.

* _processMethod_ of type [**IA5String**](#IA5String) (SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL<br>
* _processAgency_ of type [**IA5String**](#IA5String) (SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL<br>
* _lastCheckedDate_ of type [**IA5String**](#IA5String) (SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL<br>
* _geoidUsed_ of type [**IA5String**](#IA5String) (SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
DataParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
  processMethod     IA5String(SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL,
  processAgency     IA5String(SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL,
  lastCheckedDate   IA5String(SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL,
  geoidUsed         IA5String(SIZE(1..255)) OPTIONAL,

### <a name="DDateTime"></a>DDateTime
The DSRC style date is a compound value consisting of finite-length sequences of integers (not characters) of the
 form: "yyyy, mm, dd, hh, mm, ss (sss+)" - as defined below.

* _year_ of type [**DYear**](#DYear)     OPTIONAL<br>
* _month_ of type [**DMonth**](#DMonth)    OPTIONAL<br>
* _day_ of type [**DDay**](#DDay)      OPTIONAL<br>
* _hour_ of type [**DHour**](#DHour)     OPTIONAL<br>
* _minute_ of type [**DMinute**](#DMinute)   OPTIONAL<br>
* _second_ of type [**DSecond**](#DSecond)   OPTIONAL<br>
* _offset_ of type [**DOffset**](#DOffset)   OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_

NOTE:&emsp;Note that some elements of this structure may not be sent when not needed. At least one element shall be present.

DDateTime ::= SEQUENCE {
   year    DYear    OPTIONAL,
   month   DMonth   OPTIONAL,
   day     DDay     OPTIONAL,
   hour    DHour    OPTIONAL,
   minute  DMinute  OPTIONAL,
   second  DSecond  OPTIONAL,
   offset  DOffset  OPTIONAL

### <a name="EnabledLaneList"></a>EnabledLaneList
This DF is a sequence of lane IDs for lane objects that are activated in the current map
 configuration. These lanes, unlike most lanes, have their RevocableLane bit set to one (asserted). Such lanes are not
 considered to be part of the current map unless they are in the Enabled Lane List. This concept is used to describe all the
 possible regulatory states for a given physical lane. For example, it is not uncommon to enable or disable the ability to
 make a right hand turn on red during different periods of a day. Another similar example would be a lane which is used for
 driving during one period and where parking is allowed at another. Traditionally, this information is conveyed to the vehicle
 driver by local signage. By using the Enabled Lane List data frame in conjunction with the RevocableLane bit and
 constructing a separate lane object in the intersection map for each different configuration, a single unified map can be
 developed and used.

 Contents are the unique ID numbers for each lane object which is 'active' as part of the dynamic map contents.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
EnabledLaneList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF LaneID

### <a name="FullPositionVector"></a>FullPositionVector
A complete report of the vehicle's position, speed, and heading at an instant in time. Used in the probe vehicle
 message (and elsewhere) as the initial position information. Often followed by other data frames that may provide offset
 path data.

* _utcTime_ of type [**DDateTime**](#DDateTime)  OPTIONAL<br>
  time with mSec precision

* _long_ of type [**Longitude**]( <br>
  Longitude in 1/10th microdegree

* _lat_ of type [**Latitude**]( <br>
  Latitude in 1/10th microdegree

* _elevation_ of type [**Elevation**](#Elevation)   OPTIONAL<br>
  Elevation in units of 0.1 m

* _heading_ of type [**HeadingDSRC**](#HeadingDSRC)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Heading value 

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* _speed_ of type [**TransmissionAndSpeed**](#TransmissionAndSpeed)  OPTIONAL<br>
  Speed value

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* _posAccuracy_ of type [**PositionalAccuracy**](#PositionalAccuracy)  OPTIONAL<br>
  position accuracy

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* _timeConfidence_ of type [**TimeConfidence**](#TimeConfidence)  OPTIONAL<br>
  time confidence

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* _posConfidence_ of type [**PositionConfidenceSet**](#PositionConfidenceSet)  OPTIONAL<br>
  position confidence

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* _speedConfidence_ of type [**SpeedandHeadingandThrottleConfidence**](#SpeedandHeadingandThrottleConfidence)  OPTIONAL<br>
  speed confidence 

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
FullPositionVector ::= SEQUENCE {
   utcTime             DDateTime OPTIONAL,
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   long                Longitude,
   lat                 Latitude,
   elevation           Elevation  OPTIONAL,
   heading             HeadingDSRC OPTIONAL,
   speed               TransmissionAndSpeed OPTIONAL,
   posAccuracy         PositionalAccuracy OPTIONAL,
   timeConfidence      TimeConfidence OPTIONAL,
   posConfidence       PositionConfidenceSet OPTIONAL,
   speedConfidence     SpeedandHeadingandThrottleConfidence OPTIONAL,

### <a name="GenericLane"></a>GenericLane
This DF is used for all types of lanes, e.g. motorized vehicle lanes, crosswalks, medians. The
 GenericLane describes the basic attribute information of the lane. The LaneID value for each lane is unique within an
 intersection. One use for the LaneID is in the SPAT message, where a given signal or movement phase is mapped to a
 set of applicable lanes using their respective LaneIDs. The NodeList2 data frame includes a sequence of offset points (or
 node points) representing the center line path of the lane. As described in this standard, node points are sets of variable
 sized delta orthogonal offsets from the prior point in the node path. (The initial point is offset from the LLH anchor point
 used in the intersection.) Each node point may convey optional attribute data as well. The use of attributes is described
 further in the Node definition, and in a later clause, but an example use would be to indicate a node point where the lane
 width changes.

 It should be noted that a "lane" is an abstract concept that can describe objects other than motorized vehicle lanes, and
 that the generic lane structure (using features drawn from Japanese usage) also allows combining multiple physical lanes
 into a single lane object. In addition, such lanes can describe connectivity points with other lanes beyond a single
 intersection, extending such a lane description over multiple nearby physical intersections and side streets which
 themselves may not be equipped or assigned an index number in the regional intersection numbering system. (See the
 ConnectsTo entry for details) This has value when describing a broader service area in terms of the roadway network,
 probably with less precision and detail.

* _laneID_ of type [**LaneID**]( <br>
  The unique ID number assigned to this lane object

* _name_ of type [**DescriptiveName**](#DescriptiveName)  OPTIONAL<br>
  often for debug use only but at times used to name ped crossings

* _ingressApproach_ of type [**ApproachID**](#ApproachID)  OPTIONAL<br>
  inbound Approach ID to which this lane belongs

* _egressApproach_ of type [**ApproachID**](#ApproachID)  OPTIONAL<br>
  outbound Approach ID to which this lane belongs

* _laneAttributes_ of type [**LaneAttributes**](#LaneAttributes) <br>
  All Attribute information about the basic selected lane type
                          Directions of use, Geometric co-sharing and Type Specific Attributes
                          These Attributes are 'lane - global' that is, they are true for the entire length of the lane

* _maneuvers_ of type [**AllowedManeuvers**](#AllowedManeuvers)  OPTIONAL<br>
  This data element allows only the description of a subset of possible manoeuvres and therefore
                      reperesents an incomplete list of possible travel directions. The connecting `lane` data element gives
                      the exact information about the manoeuvre relation from ingress to egress lane. Therefore the
                      "maneuver" data element is used only additionally if the travel direction of the manoeuvre is

* _nodeList_ of type [**NodeListXY**](#NodeListXY) <br>
  Lane spatial path information as well as various Attribute information along the node path
                      Attributes found here are more general and may come and go over the length of the lane.

* _connectsTo_ of type [**ConnectsToList**](#ConnectsToList)  OPTIONAL<br>
  a list of other lanes and their signal group IDs each connecting lane and its signal group ID
                      is given, therefore this element provides the information formerly in "signalGroups" in prior editions.

* _overlays_ of type [**OverlayLaneList**](#OverlayLaneList)  OPTIONAL<br>
  A list of any lanes which have spatial paths that overlay (run on top of, and not simply cross)
                      the path of this lane when used

* _regional_ of type **SEQUENCE**  (SIZE(1..4)) OF<br>
  optional region specific data.

* **RegionalExtension** {{Reg-GenericLane}} OPTIONAL<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_

NOTE:&emsp;The data elements `ingressApproach` and `egressApproach` are used for grouping lanes whin an
       approach (e.g. lanes defined in travel direction towards the intersection, lanes in exiting direction and
       cross walks). For a bidirectrional lane (e.g. bike lane) both dataelements are used for the same lane. The
       integer value used for identifying the `ingressApproach` and the `egressAproach`, based on the
       topology, may be e.g. the same for all lanes within an approach of an intersection.

GenericLane ::= SEQUENCE {
  laneID           LaneID,
  name             DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
  ingressApproach  ApproachID OPTIONAL,
  egressApproach   ApproachID OPTIONAL,