DSRC.asn 180 KB
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* This DE provides a means to indicate the current role that a DSRC device is playing
* This is most commonly employed when a vehicle needs to take on another role in order to send certain DSRC message
* types. As an example, when a public safety vehicle such as a police car wishes to send a signal request message (SRM)
* to an intersection to request a preemption service, the vehicle takes on the role "police" from the below list in both the
* SRM message itself and also in the type of security CERT which is sent (the SSP in the CERT it used to identify the
* requester as being of type "police" and that they are allowed to send this message in this way). The BasicVehicleRole
* entry is often used and combined with other information about the requester as well, such as details of why the request is
* being made.
* - 0 - `basicVehicle`     - Light duty passenger vehicle type
* - 1 - `publicTransport`  - Used in EU for Transit us
* - 2 - `specialTransport` - Used in EU (e.g. heavy load)
* - 3 - `dangerousGoods`   - Used in EU for any HAZMAT
* - 4 - `roadWork`         - Used in EU for State and Local DOT uses
* - 5 - `roadRescue`       - Used in EU and in the US to include tow trucks.
* - 6 - `emergency`        - Used in EU for Police, Fire and Ambulance units
* - 7 - `safetyCar`        - Used in EU for Escort vehicles
* - 8 - `none-unknown`     - added to follow current SAE style guidelines
* - 9 - `truck`            - Heavy trucks with additional BSM rights and obligations
* - 10 - `motorcycle`      - Motorcycle
* - 11 - `roadSideSource`  - For infrastructure generated calls such as fire house, rail infrastructure, roadwork site, etc.
* - 12 - `police`          - Police vehicle
* - 13 - `fire`            - Firebrigade
* - 14 - `ambulance`       - (does not include private para-transit etc.)
* - 15 - `dot`             - all roadwork vehicles
* - 16 - `transit`         - all transit vehicles
* - 17 - `slowMoving`      - to also include oversize etc.
* - 18 - `stopNgo`         - to include trash trucks, school buses and others
* - 19 - `cyclist`         - bicycles
* - 20 - `pedestrian`      - also includes those with mobility limitations
* - 21 - `nonMotorized`    - other, horse drawn, etc.
* - 22 - `military`        - military vehicles
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* @note: It should be observed that devices can at times change their roles (i.e. a fire operated by a volunteer
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*    fireman can assume a fire role for a period of time when in service, or a pedestrian may assume a cyclist role when using
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*    a bicycle). It should be observed that not all devices (or vehicles) can assume all roles, nor that a given
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*    device in a given role will be provided with a security certificate (CERT) that has suitable SSP credentials to provide the
*    ability to send a particular message or message content. The ultimate responsibility to determine what role is to be used,
*    and what CERTs would be provided for that role (which in turn controls the messages and message content that can be
*    sent within SAE-defined PSIDs) rests with the regional deployment.
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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BasicVehicleRole ::= ENUMERATED {
  basicVehicle     (0),
  publicTransport  (1),
  specialTransport (2),
  dangerousGoods   (3),
  roadWork         (4),
  roadRescue       (5),
  emergency        (6),
  safetyCar        (7),
  none-unknown     (8),
  truck            (9),
  motorcycle      (10),
  roadSideSource  (11),
  police          (12),
  fire            (13),
  ambulance       (14),
  dot             (15),
  transit         (16),
  slowMoving      (17),
  stopNgo         (18),
  cyclist         (19),
  pedestrian      (20),
  nonMotorized    (21),
  military        (22),

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* The DSRC style day is a simple value consisting of integer values from zero to 31. The value of zero shall represent an unknown value.
* @unit: days
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DDay ::= INTEGER (0..31)

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* This DE provides the final angle used in the last point of the lane path. Used to "cant" the stop line of the lane.
* With an angle range from negative 150 to positive 150 in one degree steps where zero is directly
* along the axis or the lane center line as defined by the two closest points.
* @unit: degree
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DeltaAngle ::= INTEGER (-150..150)

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* This DE provides a time definition for an object's schedule adherence (typically a transit
* vehicle) within a limited range of time. When the reporting object is ahead of schedule, a positive value is used; when
* behind, a negative value is used. A value of zero indicates schedule adherence. This value is typically sent from a vehicle
* to the traffic signal controller's RSU to indicate the urgency of a signal request in the context of being within schedule or
* not. In another use case, the traffic signal controller may advise the transit vehicle to speed up (DeltaTime > 0) or to slow
* down (DeltaTime < 0) to optimize the transit vehicle distribution driving along a specific route (e.g. a Bus route).
* Supporting a range of +/- 20 minute in steps of 10 seconds:
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* - the value of `-121` shall be used when more than -20 minutes
* - the value of `+120` shall be used when more than +20 minutes
* - the value `-122` shall be used when the value is unavailable
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DeltaTime ::= INTEGER (-122 .. 121)

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* This DE is used in maps and intersections to provide a human readable and
* recognizable name for the feature that follows. It is typically used when debugging a data flow and not in production use.
* One key exception to this general rule is to provide a human-readable string for disabled travelers in the case of
* crosswalks and sidewalk lane objects.
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DescriptiveName ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..63))

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* The DSRC hour consists of integer values from zero to 23 representing the hours within a day. The value of 31 shall
* represent an unknown value. The range 24 to 30 is used in some transit applications to represent schedule adherence.
* @unit: hours
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DHour ::= INTEGER (0..31)

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* The DSRC style minute is a simple value consisting of integer values from zero to 59 representing the minutes
* within an hour. The value of 60 shall represent an unknown value.
* @unit: minutes
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DMinute ::= INTEGER (0..60)

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* The DSRC month consists of integer values from one to 12, representing the month within a year. The value of 0
* shall represent an unknown value.
* @unit: months
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DMonth ::= INTEGER (0..12)

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* The DSRC (time zone) offset consists of a signed integer representing an hour and minute value set from -14:00 to
* +14:00, representing all the world’s local time zones in units of minutes. The value of zero (00:00) may also represent an
* unknown value. Note some time zones are do not align to hourly boundaries.
* @unit: minutes from UTC time
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DOffset ::= INTEGER (-840..840)

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* This DE is an integer value expressing the offset in a defined axis from a
* reference lane number from which a computed lane is offset. The measurement is taken from the reference lane center
* line to the new center line, independent of any width values. The units are a signed value with an LSB of 1 cm.
* @unit: cm
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DrivenLineOffsetLg ::= INTEGER (-32767..32767)

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* The DrivenLineOffsetSmall data element is an integer value expressing the offset in a defined axis from a reference
* lane number from which a computed lane is offset. The measurement is taken from the reference lane center line to the
* new center line, independent of any width values. The units are a signed value with an LSB of 1 cm.
* @unit: cm
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DrivenLineOffsetSm ::= INTEGER (-2047..2047)

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* The DSRC second expressed in this DE consists of integer values from zero to 60999, representing the
* milliseconds within a minute. A leap second is represented by the value range 60000 to 60999. The value of 65535 shall
* represent an unavailable value in the range of the minute. The values from 61000 to 65534 are reserved.
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* @unit: milliseconds
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DSecond ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

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* The DSRC year consists of integer values from zero to 4095 representing the year according to the Gregorian
* calendar date system. The value of zero shall represent an unknown value.
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* @unit: years
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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DYear ::= INTEGER (0..4095)

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* This DE represents the geographic position above or below the reference ellipsoid (typically WGS-84).
* The number has a resolution of 1 decimeter and represents an asymmetric range of positive and negative
* values. Any elevation higher than +6143.9 meters is represented as +61439.
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* Any elevation lower than -409.5 meters is represented as -4095.
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* If the sending device does not know its elevation, it shall encode the Elevation data element with -4096.
* @note: When a vehicle is being measured, the elevation is taken from the horizontal spatial center of the vehicle
*        projected downward, regardless of vehicle tilt, to the point where the vehicle meets the road surface.
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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Elevation ::= INTEGER (-4096..61439)

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* This DE is used to provide the 95% confidence level for the currently reported value of @ref Elevation,
* taking into account the current calibration and precision of the sensor(s) used to measure and/or
* calculate the value. This data element is only to provide the listener with information on the limitations of the sensing
* system, not to support any type of automatic error correction or to imply a guaranteed maximum error. This data element
* should not be used for fault detection or diagnosis, but if a vehicle is able to detect a fault, the confidence interval should
* be increased accordingly. The frame of reference and axis of rotation used shall be in accordance with that defined in Section 11.
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* - `unavailable` - 0:   B'0000 Not Equipped or unavailable
* - `elev-500-00` - 1:   B'0001 (500 m)
* - `elev-200-00` - 2:   B'0010 (200 m)
* - `elev-100-00` - 3:   B'0011 (100 m)
* - `elev-050-00` - 4:   B'0100 (50 m)
* - `elev-020-00` - 5:   B'0101 (20 m)
* - `elev-010-00` - 6:   B'0110 (10 m)
* - `elev-005-00` - 7:   B'0111 (5 m)
* - `elev-002-00` - 8:   B'1000 (2 m)
* - `elev-001-00` - 9:   B'1001 (1 m)
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* - `elev-000-50` - 10:  B'1010 (50 cm)
* - `elev-000-20` - 11:  B'1011 (20 cm)
* - `elev-000-10` - 12:  B'1100 (10 cm)
* - `elev-000-05` - 13:  B'1101 (5 cm)
* - `elev-000-02` - 14:  B'1110 (2 cm)
* - `elev-000-01` - 15:  B'1111 (1 cm)
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* @note: Encoded as a 4 bit value
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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ElevationConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
   unavailable (0),
   elev-500-00 (1),
   elev-200-00 (2),
   elev-100-00 (3),
   elev-050-00 (4),
   elev-020-00 (5),
   elev-010-00 (6),
   elev-005-00 (7),
   elev-002-00 (8),
   elev-001-00 (9),
   elev-000-50 (10),
   elev-000-20 (11),
   elev-000-10 (12),
   elev-000-05 (13),
   elev-000-02 (14),
   elev-000-01 (15)
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* This DE provides the type of fuel used by a vehicle.
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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FuelType ::= INTEGER (0..15)
   unknownFuel FuelType  ::= 0
   gasoline FuelType     ::= 1
   ethanol FuelType      ::= 2
   diesel FuelType       ::= 3
   electric FuelType     ::= 4
   hybrid FuelType       ::= 5
   hydrogen FuelType     ::= 6
   natGasLiquid FuelType ::= 7
   natGasComp FuelType   ::= 8
   propane FuelType      ::= 9

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* This DE is used to relate the current state of a GPS/GNSS rover or base system in terms
* of its general health, lock on satellites in view, and use of any correction information. Various bits can be asserted (made
* to a value of one) to reflect these values. A GNSS set with unknown health and no tracking or corrections would be
* represented by setting the unavailable bit to one. A value of zero shall be used when a defined data element is
* unavailable. The term "GPS" in any data element name in this standard does not imply that it is only to be used for GPS-
* type GNSS systems.
* - `unavailable`              - 0: Not Equipped or unavailable
* - `isHealthy`                - 1:
* - `isMonitored`              - 2:
* - `baseStationType`          - 3: Set to zero if a moving base station, or if a rover device (an OBU), Set to one if it is a fixed base station
* - `aPDOPofUnder5`            - 4: A dilution of precision greater than 5
* - `inViewOfUnder5`           - 5: Less than 5 satellites in view
* - `localCorrectionsPresent`  - 6: DGPS type corrections used
* - `networkCorrectionsPresen` - 7: RTK type corrections used
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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GNSSstatus ::= BIT STRING {
   unavailable               (0),
   isHealthy                 (1),
   isMonitored               (2),
   baseStationType           (3),
   aPDOPofUnder5             (4),
   inViewOfUnder5            (5),
   localCorrectionsPresent   (6),
   networkCorrectionsPresent (7)
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 } (SIZE(8))

* The DE_HeadingConfidence data element is used to provide the 95% confidence level for the currently reported
* calculate the value. This data element is only to provide the listener with information on the limitations of the sensing
* value of DE_Heading, taking into account the current calibration and precision of the sensor(s) used to measure and/or
* system, not to support any type of automatic error correction or to imply a guaranteed maximum error. This data element
* should not be used for fault detection or diagnosis, but if a vehicle is able to detect a fault, the confidence interval should
* be increased accordingly. The frame of reference and axis of rotation used shall be in accordance with that defined Section 11.
* - `unavailable`   - 0: B'000 Not Equipped or unavailable
* - `prec10deg`     - 1: B'010 10 degrees
* - `prec05deg`     - 2: B'011 5 degrees
* - `prec01deg`     - 3: B'100 1 degrees
* - `prec0-1deg`    - 4: B'101 0.1 degrees
* - `prec0-05deg`   - 5: B'110 0.05 degrees
* - `prec0-01deg`   - 6: B'110 0.01 degrees
* - `prec0-0125deg` - 7: B'111 0.0125 degrees, aligned with heading LSB
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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HeadingConfidenceDSRC ::= ENUMERATED {
   unavailable   (0),
   prec10deg     (1),
   prec05deg     (2),
   prec01deg     (3),
   prec0-1deg    (4),
   prec0-05deg   (5),
   prec0-01deg   (6),
   prec0-0125deg (7)
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* This DE provides the current heading of the sending device, expressed in unsigned units of
* 0.0125 degrees from North such that 28799 such degrees represent 359.9875 degrees. North shall be defined as the axis
* prescribed by the WGS-84 coordinate system and its reference ellipsoid. Headings "to the east" are defined as the
* positive direction. A value of 28800 shall be used when unavailable. This element indicates the direction of motion of the
* device. When the sending device is stopped and the trajectory (path) over which it traveled to reach that location is well
* known, the past heading may be used.
* Value provides a range of 0 to 359.9875 degrees
* @unit: Note that other heading data elements of various sizes and precisions are found in other parts of this standard
*        and in ITS. This element should no longer be used for new work: the @ref Angle entry is preferred.
* @unit: 0.0125 degrees
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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HeadingDSRC ::= INTEGER (0..28800)

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* This DE is used within a region to uniquely define an intersection within that country or region in a 16-bit
* field. Assignment rules are established by the regional authority associated with the RoadRegulatorID under which this
* IntersectionID is assigned. Within the region the policies used to ensure an assigned value’s uniqueness before that value
* is reused (if ever) is the responsibility of that region. Any such reuse would be expected to occur over a long epoch (many years).
* The values zero through 255 are allocated for testing purposes
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* @note:  Note that the value assigned to an intersection will be unique within a given regional ID only
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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IntersectionID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

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* The Intersection Status Object contains Advanced Traffic Controller (ATC) status information that may be sent to
* local OBUs as part of the SPAT process.
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* With bits as defined:
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* - `manualControlIsEnabled`                - 0: Timing reported is per programmed values, etc. but person at cabinet can manually request that certain intervals are terminated early (e.g. green).
* - `stopTimeIsActivated`                   - 1: And all counting/timing has stopped.
* - `failureFlash`                          - 2: Above to be used for any detected hardware failures, e.g. conflict monitor as well as for police flash
* - `fixedTimeOperation`                    - 5: Schedule of signals is based on time only (i.e. the state can be calculated)
* - `trafficDependentOperation`             - 6: Operation is based on different levels of traffic parameters (requests, duration of gaps or more complex parameters)
* - `standbyOperation`                      - 7: Controller: partially switched off or partially amber flashing
* - `failureMode`                           - 8: Controller has a problem or failure in operation
* - `off`                                   - 9: Controller is switched off
* - `recentMAPmessageUpdate`                - 10: Map revision with content changes
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* - `recentChangeInMAPassignedLanesIDsUsed` - 11: Change in MAP's assigned lanes used (lane changes) Changes in the active lane list description
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* - `noValidMAPisAvailableAtThisTime`       - 12: MAP (and various lanes indexes) not available
* - `noValidSPATisAvailableAtThisTime`      - 13: SPAT system is not working at this time
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* - Bits 14,15 reserved at this time and shall be zero
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* @note: All zeros indicate normal operating mode with no recent changes. The duration of the term 'recent' is defined by the system performance requirement in use.
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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IntersectionStatusObject ::= BIT STRING {
  manualControlIsEnabled                (0),
  stopTimeIsActivated                   (1),
  failureFlash                          (2),
  preemptIsActive                       (3),
  signalPriorityIsActive                (4),
  fixedTimeOperation                    (5),
  trafficDependentOperation             (6),
  standbyOperation                      (7),
  failureMode                           (8),
  off                                   (9),
  recentMAPmessageUpdate                (10),
  recentChangeInMAPassignedLanesIDsUsed (11),
  noValidMAPisAvailableAtThisTime       (12),
  noValidSPATisAvailableAtThisTime      (13)
} (SIZE(16))

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* This DE relates specific properties found in a Barrier or Median lane type (a type of lane object used to separate traffic lanes).
* It should be noted that various common lane attribute properties (such as travel directions and allowed movements or maneuvers) can be found in other entries.
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* With bits as defined:
* - `median-RevocableLane` - 0: this lane may be activated or not based on the current SPAT message contents if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
* - Bits 10-15 reserved and set to zero
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneAttributes-Barrier ::= BIT STRING {
  median-RevocableLane     (0),
  median                   (1),
  whiteLineHashing         (2),
  stripedLines             (3),
  doubleStripedLines       (4),
  trafficCones             (5),
  constructionBarrier      (6),
  trafficChannels          (7),
  lowCurbs                 (8),
  highCurbs                (9)
} (SIZE (16))

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* This DE relates specific properties found in a bicycle lane type. It should be noted that various common lane attribute properties
* (such as travel directions and allowed movements or maneuvers) can be found in other entries.
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* With bits as defined:
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* - `bikeRevocableLane`       - 0: this lane may be activated or not based on the current SPAT message contents if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
* - `pedestrianUseAllowed`    - 1: The path allows pedestrian traffic, if not set, this mode is prohibited
* - `isBikeFlyOverLane`       - 2: path of lane is not at grade
* - `fixedCycleTime`          - 3: the phases use preset times, i.e. there is not a 'push to cross' button
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* - `biDirectionalCycleTimes` - 4: ped walk phases use different SignalGroupID for each direction. The first SignalGroupID in the first Connection
*                                  represents 'inbound' flow (the direction of travel towards the first node point) while second SignalGroupID in the
*                                  next Connection entry represents the 'outbound' flow. And use of RestrictionClassID entries in the Connect follow this same pattern in pairs.
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* -`isolatedByBarrier`           - 5: The lane path is isolated by a fixed barrier
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* -`unsignalizedSegmentsPresent` - 6: The lane path consists of one of more segments which are not part of a signal group ID
* - Bits 7-15 reserved and set to zero
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneAttributes-Bike ::= BIT STRING {
  bikeRevocableLane       (0),
  pedestrianUseAllowed    (1),
  isBikeFlyOverLane       (2),
  fixedCycleTime          (3),
  biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
  isolatedByBarrier       (5),
  unsignalizedSegmentsPresent  (6)
} (SIZE (16))

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* This DE relates specific properties found in a crosswalk lane type. It should be noted that various common lane attribute properties
* (such as travel directions and allowed movements or maneuvers) can be found in other entries.
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* With bits as defined:
* - `crosswalkRevocableLane`  - 0:  this lane may be activated or not based on the current SPAT message contents if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
* - `bicyleUseAllowed`        - 1: The path allows bicycle traffic, if not set, this mode is prohibited
* - `isXwalkFlyOverLane`      - 2: path of lane is not at grade
* - `fixedCycleTime`          - 3: ped walk phases use preset times. i.e. there is not a 'push to cross' button
* - `biDirectionalCycleTimes` - 4:  ped walk phases use different SignalGroupID for each direction. The first SignalGroupID
*                                   in the first Connection represents 'inbound' flow (the direction of travel towards the first
*                                   node point) while second SignalGroupID in the next Connection entry represents the 'outbound'
*                                   flow. And use of RestrictionClassID entries in the Connect follow this same pattern in pairs.
* - `hasPushToWalkButton`     - 5: Has a demand input
* - `audioSupport`            - 6:  audio crossing cues present
* - `rfSignalRequestPresent`  - 7: Supports RF push to walk technologies
* - `unsignalizedSegmentsPresent` - 8: The lane path consists of one of more segments which are not part of a signal group ID
* - Bits 9-15 reserved and set to zero
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneAttributes-Crosswalk ::= BIT STRING {
  crosswalkRevocableLane  (0),
  bicyleUseAllowed        (1),
  isXwalkFlyOverLane      (2),
  fixedCycleTime          (3),
  biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
  hasPushToWalkButton     (5),
  audioSupport            (6),
  rfSignalRequestPresent  (7),
  unsignalizedSegmentsPresent  (8)
} (SIZE (16))

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* This DE relates specific properties found in a vehicle parking lane type. It should be noted that various common lane attribute
* properties can be found in other entries.
* With bits as defined:
* - `parkingRevocableLane` - 0: this lane may be activated or not based on the current SPAT message contents if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
* - `doNotParkZone`        - 3: used to denote fire hydrants as well as short disruptions in a parking zone
* - `noPublicParkingUse`   - 6: private parking, as in front of private property
* - Bits 7-15 reserved and set to zero*
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneAttributes-Parking ::= BIT STRING {
  parkingRevocableLane         (0),
  parallelParkingInUse         (1),
  headInParkingInUse           (2),
  doNotParkZone                (3),
  parkingForBusUse             (4),
  parkingForTaxiUse            (5),
  noPublicParkingUse           (6)
} (SIZE (16))

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* This DE relates specific properties found in a sidewalk lane type. It should be noted that various common lane attribute properties
* (such as travel directions and allowed movements or maneuvers) can be found in other entries.
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* With bits as defined:
* - `sidewalk-RevocableLane`- 0: this lane may be activated or not based on the current SPAT message contents if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present.
* - `bicyleUseAllowed`      - 1: The path allows bicycle traffic, if not set, this mode is prohibited
* - `isSidewalkFlyOverLane` - 2: path of lane is not at grade
* - `walkBikes`             - 3: bike traffic must dismount and walk
* - Bits 4-15 reserved and set to zero
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneAttributes-Sidewalk ::= BIT STRING {
  sidewalk-RevocableLane  (0),
  bicyleUseAllowed        (1),
  isSidewalkFlyOverLane   (2),
  walkBikes               (3)
} (SIZE (16))

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* This DE relates specific properties found in various types of ground striping lane
* types. This includes various types of painted lane ground striping and iconic information needs to convey information in a
* complex intersection. Typically, this consists of visual guidance for drivers to assist them to connect across the
* intersection to the correct lane. Such markings are typically used with restraint and only under conditions when the
* geometry of the intersection makes them more beneficial than distracting. It should be noted that various common lane
* attribute properties (such as travel directions and allowed movements or maneuvers) can be found in other entries.
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* With bits as defined:
* - `stripeToConnectingLanesRevocableLane` - 0: this lane may be activated or not activated based on the current SPAT message contents if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
* - `stripeToConnectingLanesAhead` - 5: the stripe type should be presented to the user visually to reflect stripes in the intersection for the type of movement indicated.
* - Bits 6-15 reserved and set to zero
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneAttributes-Striping ::= BIT STRING {
  stripeToConnectingLanesRevocableLane      (0),
  stripeDrawOnLeft                          (1),
  stripeDrawOnRight                         (2),
  stripeToConnectingLanesLeft               (3),
  stripeToConnectingLanesRight              (4),
  stripeToConnectingLanesAhead              (5)
} (SIZE (16))

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* This DE relates specific properties found in a tracked vehicle lane types (trolley
* and train lanes). The term “rail vehicle” can be considered synonymous. In this case, the term does not relate to vehicle
* types with tracks or treads. It should be noted that various common lane attribute properties (such as travel directions and
* allowed movements or maneuvers) can be found in other entries. It should also be noted that often this type of lane object
* does not clearly relate to an approach in the traditional traffic engineering sense, although the message set allows
* assigning a value when desired.
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* With bits as defined:
* - `spec-RevocableLane` - 0: this lane may be activated or not based on the current SPAT message contents if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present.
* - Bits 5-15 reserved and set to zero
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle ::= BIT STRING {
  spec-RevocableLane         (0),
  spec-commuterRailRoadTrack (1),
  spec-lightRailRoadTrack    (2),
  spec-heavyRailRoadTrack    (3),
  spec-otherRailType         (4)
} (SIZE (16))

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* This DE relates specific properties found in a vehicle lane type. This data element provides a means to denote that the use of a lane
* is restricted to certain vehicle types. Various common lane attribute properties (such as travel directions and allowed movements or maneuvers)
* can be found in other entries.
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* With bits as defined:
* - `isVehicleRevocableLane` - 0: this lane may be activated or not based on the current SPAT message contents if not asserted, the lane is ALWAYS present
* - `isVehicleFlyOverLane`   - 1: path of lane is not at grade
* - `permissionOnRequest`    - 7: e.g. to inform about a lane for e-cars
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneAttributes-Vehicle ::= BIT STRING {
  isVehicleRevocableLane       (0),
  isVehicleFlyOverLane         (1),
  hovLaneUseOnly               (2),
  restrictedToBusUse           (3),
  restrictedToTaxiUse          (4),
  restrictedFromPublicUse      (5),
  hasIRbeaconCoverage          (6),
  permissionOnRequest          (7)
} (SIZE (8,...))

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* This DE is used to state a connection index for a lane to lane connection. It is used to
* relate this connection between the lane (defined in the MAP) and any dynamic clearance data sent in the SPAT. It should
* be noted that the index may be shared with other lanes (for example, two left turn lanes may share the same dynamic
* clearance data). It should also be noted that a given lane to lane connection may be part of more than one GroupID due
* to signal phase considerations, but will only have one ConnectionID. The ConnectionID concept is not used (is not
* present) when dynamic clearance data is not provided in the SPAT.
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* @note: It should be noted that the LaneConnectionID is used as a means to index to a connection description
*        between two lanes. It is not the same as the laneID, which is the unique index to each lane itself.
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneConnectionID ::= INTEGER (0..255)

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* This DE is used to denote the allowed direction of travel over a lane object. By convention, the lane object is always described
* from the stop line outwards away from the intersection. Therefore, the ingress direction is from the end of the path to the stop
* line and the egress direction is from the stop line outwards.
* It should be noted that some lane objects are not used for travel and that some lane objects allow bi-directional travel.
* With bits as defined:
* - Allowed directions of travel in the lane object
* - All lanes are described from the stop line outwards
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* @field ingressPath: travel from rear of path to front is allowed
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* @field egressPath: travel from front of path to rear is allowed
* @note: No Travel, i.e. the lane object type does not support travel (medians, curbs, etc.) is indicated by not
*        asserting any bit value Bi-Directional Travel (such as a ped crosswalk) is indicated by asserting both of the bits.
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneDirection ::= BIT STRING {
  ingressPath     (0),
  egressPath      (1)
} (SIZE (2))

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* This DE conveys an assigned index that is unique within an intersection. It is used to refer to
* that lane by other objects in the intersection map data structure. Lanes may be ingress (inbound traffic) or egress
* (outbound traffic) in nature, as well as barriers and other types of specialty lanes. Each lane (each lane object) is
* assigned a unique ID. The Lane ID, in conjunction with the intersection ID, forms a regionally unique way to address a
* specific lane in that region.
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* - the value 0 shall be used when the lane ID is not available or not known
* - the value 255 is reserved for future use
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneID ::= INTEGER (0..255)

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* Large @ref MapData descriptions are not possible to be broadcast with a single message and have to be
* fragmented using two or more messages over the air. Therefore, the LayerID allows defining an
* index for fragmentation of large @ref MapData descriptions. The fragmentation of the messages shall be
* executed on application layer. The fragmentation occurs on an approach base. This means that almost a
* complete approach (e.g. lanes, connectsTo, etc.) has to be included within a fragment.
* The decimal value of the `layerID` is used to define the amount of maximum @ref MapData fragments. The
* lower value defines the actual fragment.
* Example:
* If a MapData consists of three fragments (e.g. three approaches), the fragments are identified as follows:
* - `31` - first fragment of three (e.g. approach south);
* - `33` - third fragment of three (e.g. approach north).
* - `32` - second fragment of three (e.g. approach west);
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* If there are only two fragments, the fragment identification will be 21, 22.
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LayerID ::= INTEGER (0..100)

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* This DE is used to uniquely identify the type of information to be found in a layer of a geographic map fragment such as an intersection.
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* @field `mixedContent`: two or more of the below types
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LayerType ::= ENUMERATED {

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* This DE conveys the width of a lane in LSB units of 1 cm. Maximum value for a lane is 327.67 meters in width
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* @units: cm
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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LaneWidth ::= INTEGER (0..32767)

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* The angle at which another lane path meets the current lanes at the node point. Typically found in the node
* attributes and used to describe the angle of the departing or merging lane. Note that oblique and obtuse angles are allowed.
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* The value `-180` shall be used to represent data is not available or unknown
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* @unit: 1.5 degrees from north
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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MergeDivergeNodeAngle ::= INTEGER (-180..180)

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* This DE expresses the number of elapsed minutes of the current year in the time system being used (typically UTC time).
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* It is typically used to provide a longer range time stamp indicating when a message was created.
* Taken together with the DSecond data element, it provides a range of one full year with a resolution of 1 millisecond.
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* The value 527040 shall be used for invalid.
* @note: It should be noted that at the yearly roll-over point there is no "zero" minute, in the same way that there was
*        never a "year zero" at the very start of the common era (BC -> AD). By using the number of elapsed whole minutes here
*        this issue is avoided and the first valid value of every new year is zero, followed by one, etc. Leap years are
*        accommodated, as are leap seconds in the DSecond data concept.
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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MinuteOfTheYear ::= INTEGER (0..527040)

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* This DE provides the overall current state of the movement (in many cases a signal state), including its core phase state
*  and an indication of whether this state is permissive or protected.
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* It is expected that the allowed transitions from one state to another will be defined by regional deployments. Not all
* regions will use all states; however, no new states are to be defined. In most regions a regulatory body provides precise
* legal definitions of these state changes. For example, in the US the MUTCD is used, as is indicated in the US regional
* variant of the above image. In various regions and modes of transportation, the visual expression of these states varies
* (the precise meaning of various color combinations, shapes, and/or flashing etc.). The below definition is designed to to
* be independent of these regional conventions.
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* Values:
* - `unavailable` - 0:         This state is used for unknown or error
* - `dark` - 1:                The signal head is dark (unlit)
* - `stop-Then-Proceed` - 2:   Often called 'flashing red'
*                              Driver Action:
*                              - Stop vehicle at stop line.
*                              - Do not proceed unless it is safe.
*                              Note that the right to proceed either right or left when it is safe may be contained in the lane description to
*                              handle what is called a 'right on red'
* - `stop-And-Remain` - 3:     e.g. called 'red light'
*                              Driver Action:
*                              - Stop vehicle at stop line.
*                              - Do not proceed.
*                              Note that the right to proceed either right or left when it is safe may be contained in the lane description to
*                              handle what is called a 'right on red'
* - `pre-Movement` - 4:        Not used in the US, red+yellow partly in EU
*                              Driver Action:
*                              - Stop vehicle.
*                              - Prepare to proceed (pending green)
*                              - (Prepare for transition to green/go)
* - `permissive-Movement-Allowed` - 5: Often called 'permissive green'
*                              Driver Action:
*                              - Proceed with caution,
*                              - must yield to all conflicting traffic
*                              Conflicting traffic may be present in the intersection conflict area
* - `protected-Movement-Allowed` - 6: Often called 'protected green'
*                              Driver Action:
*                              - Proceed, tossing caution to the wind, in indicated (allowed) direction.
* - `permissive-clearance` - 7: Often called 'permissive yellow'.
*                              The vehicle is not allowed to cross the stop bar if it is possible
*                              to stop without danger.
*                              Driver Action:
*                              - Prepare to stop.
*                              - Proceed if unable to stop,
*                              - Clear Intersection.
*                              Conflicting traffic may be present in the intersection conflict area
* - `protected-clearance` - 8:  Often called 'protected yellow'
*                              Driver Action:
*                              - Prepare to stop.
*                              - Proceed if unable to stop, in indicated direction (to connected lane)
*                              - Clear Intersection.
* - `caution-Conflicting-Traffic` - 9: Often called 'flashing yellow'
*                              Often used for extended periods of time
*                              Driver Action:
*                              - Proceed with caution,
*                              Conflicting traffic may be present in the intersection conflict area
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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MovementPhaseState ::= ENUMERATED {
  unavailable (0),
  dark (1),
  stop-Then-Proceed (2),
  stop-And-Remain (3),
  pre-Movement (4),
  permissive-Movement-Allowed (5),
  protected-Movement-Allowed (6),
  permissive-clearance (7),
  protected-clearance (8),
  caution-Conflicting-Traffic (9)

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* This DE is used to provide a sequence number within a stream of messages with the same DSRCmsgID and from the same sender.
* A sender may initialize this element to any value in the range 0-127 when sending the first message with a given DSRCmsgID,
* or if the sender has changed identity (e.g. by changing its TemporaryID) since sending the most recent message with that DSRCmsgID.
* Depending on the application the sequence number may change with every message or may remain fixed during a stream of messages when the content within each
* message has not changed from the prior message sent. For this element, the value after 127 is zero.
* The receipt of a non-sequential MsgCount value (from the same sending device and message type) implies that one or
* more messages from that sending device may have been lost, unless MsgCount has been re-initialized due to an identity
* change.
* @note: In the absence of additional requirements defined in a standard using this data element, the follow guidelines shall be used.
* In usage, some devices change their Temporary ID frequently, to prevent identity tracking, while others do not. A change
* in Temporary ID data element value (which also changes the message contents in which it appears) implies that the
* MsgCount may also change value.
* If a sender is composing a message with new content with a given DSRCmsgID, and the TemporaryID has not changed
* since it sent the previous message, the sender shall increment the previous value.
* If a sender is composing a message with new content with a given DSRCmsgID, and the TemporaryID has changed since
* it sent the previous message, the sender may set the MsgCount element to any valid value in the range (including
* incrementing the previous value).
* If a sender is composing a message with the same content as the most recent message with the same DSRCmsgID, and
* less than 10 seconds have elapsed since it sent the previous message with that DSRCmsgID, the sender will use the
* same MsgCount as sent in the previous message.
* If a sender is composing a message with the same content as the most recent message with the same DSRCmsgID, and
* at least 10 seconds have elapsed since it sent the previous message with that DSRCmsgID, the sender may set the
* MsgCount element to any valid value in the range; this includes the re-use of the previous value.
* If a sending device sends more than one stream of messages from message types that utilize the MsgCount element, it
* shall maintain a separate MsgCount state for each message type so that the MsgCount value in a given message
* identifies its place in the stream of that message type. The MsgCount element is a function only of the message type in a
* given sending device, not of the one or more applications in that device which may be sending the same type of message.
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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MsgCount ::= INTEGER (0..127)

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* A 9-bit delta offset in X, Y or Z direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
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* reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
* indicate an unknown value.
* a range of +- 2.55 meters
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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Offset-B09 ::= INTEGER (-256..255)

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* A 10-bit delta offset in X, Y or Z direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
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* reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
* indicate an unknown value.
* a range of +- 5.11 meters
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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Offset-B10 ::= INTEGER (-512..511)

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* An 11-bit delta offset in X or Y direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
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* reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
* indicate an unknown value.
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* a range of +- 10.23 meters
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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Offset-B11 ::= INTEGER (-1024..1023)

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* A 12-bit delta offset in X, Y or Z direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
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* reference, non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y)
* directions. The most negative value shall be used to indicate an unknown value.
* a range of +- 20.47 meters
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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Offset-B12 ::= INTEGER (-2048..2047)

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* A 13-bit delta offset in X or Y direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
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* reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
* indicate an unknown value.
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* a range of +- 40.95 meters
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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Offset-B13 ::= INTEGER (-4096..4095)

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* A 14-bit delta offset in X or Y direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
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* reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions.
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* a range of +- 81.91 meters
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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Offset-B14 ::= INTEGER (-8192..8191)

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* A 16-bit delta offset in X, Y or Z direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
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* reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
* indicate an unknown value.
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* a range of +- 327.68 meters
* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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Offset-B16 ::= INTEGER (-32768..32767)

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* This DE is used to provide an indication of whether Pedestrians and/or Bicyclists have been detected in the crossing lane.
* true if ANY Pedestrians or Bicyclists are detected crossing the target lane or lanes
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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PedestrianBicycleDetect ::= BOOLEAN

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* This DE entry is used to provide the 95% confidence level for the currently reported value of
* entries such as the DE_Position entries, taking into account the current calibration and precision of the sensor(s) used to
* measure and/or calculate the value. It is used in the horizontal plane. This data element is only to provide the listener with
* information on the limitations of the sensing system; not to support any type of automatic error correction or to imply a
* guaranteed maximum error. This data element should not be used for fault detection or diagnosis, but if a vehicle is able
* to detect a fault, the confidence interval should be increased accordingly. The frame of reference and axis of rotation used
* shall be accordance with that defined in Section 11 of this standard.
* - `unavailable` - 0: B'0000 Not Equipped or unavailable
* - `a500m`       - 1: B'0001 500m or about 5 * 10 ^ -3 decimal degrees
* - `a200m`       - 2: B'0010 200m or about 2 * 10 ^ -3 decimal degrees
* - `a100m`       - 3: B'0011 100m or about 1 * 10 ^ -3 decimal degrees
* - `a50m`        - 4: B'0100 50m or about 5 * 10 ^ -4 decimal degrees
* - `a20m`        - 5: B'0101 20m or about 2 * 10 ^ -4 decimal degrees
* - `a10m`        - 6: B'0110 10m or about 1 * 10 ^ -4 decimal degrees
* - `a5m`         - 7: B'0111 5m or about 5 * 10 ^ -5 decimal degrees
* - `a2m`         - 8: B'1000 2m or about 2 * 10 ^ -5 decimal degrees
* - `a1m`         - 9: B'1001 1m or about 1 * 10 ^ -5 decimal degrees
* - `a50cm`       - 10: B'1010 0.50m or about 5 * 10 ^ -6 decimal degrees
* - `a20cm`       - 11: B'1011 0.20m or about 2 * 10 ^ -6 decimal degrees
* - `a10cm`       - 12: B'1100 0.10m or about 1 * 10 ^ -6 decimal degrees
* - `a5cm`        - 13: B'1101 0.05m or about 5 * 10 ^ -7 decimal degrees
* - `a2cm`        - 14: B'1110 0.02m or about 2 * 10 ^ -7 decimal degrees
* - `a1cm`        - 15) B'1111 0.01m or about 1 * 10 ^ -7 decimal degrees
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* - Encoded as a 4 bit value
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* @category: Infrastructure information
* @revision: V1.3.1
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PositionConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
   unavailable (0),
   a500m   (1),
   a200m   (2),
   a100m   (3),
   a50m    (4),