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    **Categories:** Infrastructure information 

    **Revision:** _V1.3.1_
SemiMajorAxisAccuracy ::= INTEGER (0..255)

### <a name="SemiMajorAxisOrientation"></a>SemiMajorAxisOrientation
This DE is used to orientate the angle of the semi-major axis of an
 ellipsoid representing the accuracy which can be expected from a GNSS system with respect to the coordinate system.

 Value is orientation of semi-major axis
 - relative to true north (0-359.9945078786 degrees)
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 - LSB units of 360/65535 deg = 0.0054932479
 - a value of 0 shall be 0 degrees
 - a value of 1 shall be 0.0054932479 degrees
 - a value of 65534 shall be 359.9945078786 deg
 - a value of 65535 shall be used for orientation unavailable

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _360/65535 degree_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
SemiMajorAxisOrientation ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

### <a name="SemiMinorAxisAccuracy"></a>SemiMinorAxisAccuracy
This DE is used to express the radius of the semi-minor axis of an ellipsoid
 representing the accuracy which can be expected from a GNSS system in 5cm steps, typically at a one sigma level of

 Value is semi-minor axis accuracy at one standard dev
 - range 0-12.7 meter, LSB = .05m
 - 254 = any value equal or greater than 12.70 meter
 - 255 = unavailable semi-minor axis value

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0.05m_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
SemiMinorAxisAccuracy ::= INTEGER (0..255)

### <a name="SpeedAdvice"></a>SpeedAdvice
This data element represents the recommended velocity of an object, typically a vehicle speed along a roadway,
 expressed in unsigned units of 0.1 meters per second.

 - LSB units are 0.1 m/s
 - the value 499 shall be used for values at or greater than 49.9 m/s
 - the value 500 shall be used to indicate that speed is unavailable

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0.1 m/s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
SpeedAdvice ::= INTEGER (0..500)

### <a name="SpeedConfidenceDSRC"></a>SpeedConfidenceDSRC
This DE is used to provide the 95% confidence level for the currently reported
 value of [**Speed**](#Speed), taking into account the current calibration and precision of the sensor(s) used to measure and/or
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 calculate the value. This data element is only to provide the listener with information on the limitations of the sensing
 system, not to support any type of automatic error correction or to imply a guaranteed maximum error. This data element
 should not be used for fault detection or diagnosis, but if a vehicle is able to detect a fault, the confidence interval should
 be increased accordingly.
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 - 0 - `unavailable` : Not Equipped or unavailable
 - 1 - `prec100ms`   : 100  meters / sec
 - 2 - `prec10ms`    : 10   meters / sec
 - 3 - `prec5ms`     : 5    meters / sec
 - 4 - `prec1ms`     : 1    meters / sec
 - 5 - `prec0-1ms`   : 0.1  meters / sec
 - 6 - `prec0-05ms`  : 0.05 meters / sec
 - 7 - `prec0-01ms`  : 0.01 meters / sec

* **unavailable** (0)<br>
* **prec100ms** (1)<br>
* **prec10ms** (2)<br>
* **prec5ms** (3)<br>
* **prec1ms** (4)<br>
* **prec0-1ms** (5)<br>
* **prec0-05ms** (6)<br>
* **prec0-01ms** (7)<br>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
SpeedConfidenceDSRC ::= ENUMERATED {
   unavailable (0),
   prec100ms   (1),
   prec10ms    (2),
   prec5ms     (3),
   prec1ms     (4),
   prec0-1ms   (5),
   prec0-05ms  (6),
   prec0-01ms  (7)
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### <a name="TemporaryID"></a>TemporaryID
This is the 4 octet random device identifier, called the TemporaryID. When used for a mobile OBU device, this value
 will change periodically to ensure the overall anonymity of the vehicle, unlike a typical wireless or wired 802 device ID.
 Because this value is used as a means to identify the local vehicles that are interacting during an encounter, it is used in
 the message set. Other devices, such as infrastructure (RSUs), may have a fixed value for the temporary ID value. See
 also [**StationId**](#StationId) which is used in other deployment regions.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_

NOTE:&emsp;The circumstances and times at which various DSRC devices (notably OBUs) create and change their current
        Temporary ID is a complex application level topic. It should be noted that the Temporary ID is not the same as a device
        MAC value, although when used as a means to uniquely identify a device, both have many common properties. It should
        further be noted that the MAC value for a mobile OBU device (unlike a typical wireless or wired 802 device) will
        periodically change to a new random value to ensure the overall anonymity of the vehicle.

TemporaryID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4))

### <a name="ThrottleConfidence"></a>ThrottleConfidence
This DE is used to provide the 95% confidence level for the currently reported
 value of DE [**Throttle**](#Throttle), taking into account the current calibration and precision of the sensor(s) used to measure and/or
 calculate the value. This data element is only to provide information on the limitations of the sensing system, not to
 support any type of automatic error correction or to imply a guaranteed maximum error. This data element should not be
 used for fault detection or diagnosis, but if a vehicle is able to detect a fault, the confidence interval should be increased
 accordingly. If a fault that triggers the MIL is of a nature to render throttle performance unreliable, then ThrottleConfidence
 should be represented as "notEquipped."

 - 0 - `unavailable`:    B'00 Not Equipped or unavailable
 - 1 - `prec10percent`:  B'01 10 percent Confidence level
 - 2 - `prec1percent`:   B'10 1 percent Confidence level
 - 3 - `prec0-5percent`: B'11 0.5 percent Confidence level

* **unavailable** (0)<br>
* **prec10percent** (1)<br>
* **prec1percent** (2)<br>
* **prec0-5percent** (3)<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ThrottleConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
   unavailable     (0),
   prec10percent   (1),
   prec1percent    (2),
   prec0-5percent  (3)

### <a name="TimeConfidence"></a>TimeConfidence
This DE is used to provide the 95% confidence level for the currently reported value
 of time, taking into account the current calibration and precision of the sensor(s) used to measure and/or calculate the
 value. This data element is only to provide information on the limitations of the sensing system, not to support any type of
 automatic error correction or to imply a guaranteed maximum error. This data element should not be used for fault
 detection or diagnosis, but if a vehicle is able to detect a fault, the confidence interval should be increased accordingly.

 - 0 - `unavailable`  : Not Equipped or unavailable
 - 1 - `time-100-000` : Better than 100 Seconds
 - 2 - `time-050-000` : Better than 50 Seconds
 - 3 - `time-020-000` : Better than 20 Seconds
 - 4 - `time-010-000` : Better than 10 Seconds
 - 5 - `time-002-000` : Better than 2 Seconds
 - 6 - `time-001-000` : Better than 1 Second
 - 7 - `time-000-500` : Better than 0.5 Seconds
 - 8 - `time-000-200` : Better than 0.2 Seconds
 - 9 - `time-000-100` : Better than 0.1 Seconds
 - 10 - `time-000-050` : Better than 0.05 Seconds
 - 11 - `time-000-020` : Better than 0.02 Seconds
 - 12 - `time-000-010` : Better than 0.01 Seconds
 - 13 - `time-000-005` : Better than 0.005 Seconds
 - 14 - `time-000-002` : Better than 0.001 Seconds
 - 15 - `time-000-001` : Better than 0.001 Seconds
 - 16 - `time-000-000-5` : Better than 0.000,5 Seconds
 - 17 - `time-000-000-2` : Better than 0.000,2 Seconds
 - 18 - `time-000-000-1` : Better than 0.000,1 Seconds
 - 19 - `time-000-000-05` : Better than 0.000,05 Seconds
 - 20 - `time-000-000-02` : Better than 0.000,02 Seconds
 - 21 - `time-000-000-01` : Better than 0.000,01 Seconds
 - 22 - `time-000-000-005` : Better than 0.000,005 Seconds
 - 23 - `time-000-000-002` : Better than 0.000,002 Seconds
 - 24 - `time-000-000-001` : Better than 0.000,001 Seconds
 - 25 - `time-000-000-000-5` : Better than 0.000,000,5 Seconds
 - 26 - `time-000-000-000-2` : Better than 0.000,000,2 Seconds
 - 27 - `time-000-000-000-1` : Better than 0.000,000,1 Seconds
 - 28 - `time-000-000-000-05` : Better than 0.000,000,05 Seconds
 - 29 - `time-000-000-000-02` : Better than 0.000,000,02 Seconds
 - 30 - `time-000-000-000-01` : Better than 0.000,000,01 Seconds
 - 31 - `time-000-000-000-005` : Better than 0.000,000,005 Seconds
 - 32 - `time-000-000-000-002` : Better than 0.000,000,002 Seconds
 - 33 - `time-000-000-000-001` : Better than 0.000,000,001 Seconds
 - 34 - `time-000-000-000-000-5` : Better than 0.000,000,000,5 Seconds
 - 35 - `time-000-000-000-000-2` : Better than 0.000,000,000,2 Seconds
 - 36 - `time-000-000-000-000-1` : Better than 0.000,000,000,1 Seconds
 - 37 - `time-000-000-000-000-05` : Better than 0.000,000,000,05 Seconds
 - 38 - `time-000-000-000-000-02` : Better than 0.000,000,000,02 Seconds
 - 39 - `time-000-000-000-000-01` : Better than 0.000,000,000,01 Seconds

* **unavailable** (0)<br>
* **time-100-000** (1)<br>
* **time-050-000** (2)<br>
* **time-020-000** (3)<br>
* **time-010-000** (4)<br>
* **time-002-000** (5)<br>
* **time-001-000** (6)<br>
* **time-000-500** (7)<br>
* **time-000-200** (8)<br>
* **time-000-100** (9)<br>
* **time-000-050** (10)<br>
* **time-000-020** (11)<br>
* **time-000-010** (12)<br>
* **time-000-005** (13)<br>
* **time-000-002** (14)<br>
* **time-000-001** (15)<br>
* **time-000-000-5** (16)<br>
* **time-000-000-2** (17)<br>
* **time-000-000-1** (18)<br>
* **time-000-000-05** (19)<br>
* **time-000-000-02** (20)<br>
* **time-000-000-01** (21)<br>
* **time-000-000-005** (22)<br>
* **time-000-000-002** (23)<br>
* **time-000-000-001** (24)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-5** (25)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-2** (26)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-1** (27)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-05** (28)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-02** (29)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-01** (30)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-005** (31)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-002** (32)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-001** (33)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-000-5** (34)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-000-2** (35)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-000-1** (36)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-000-05** (37)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-000-02** (38)<br>
* **time-000-000-000-000-01** (39)<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
TimeConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
   unavailable              (0),
   time-100-000             (1),
   time-050-000             (2),
   time-020-000             (3),
   time-010-000             (4),
   time-002-000             (5),
   time-001-000             (6),
   time-000-500             (7),
   time-000-200             (8),
   time-000-100             (9),
   time-000-050            (10),
   time-000-020            (11),
   time-000-010            (12),
   time-000-005            (13),
   time-000-002            (14),
   time-000-001            (15),
   time-000-000-5          (16),
   time-000-000-2          (17),
   time-000-000-1          (18),
   time-000-000-05         (19),
   time-000-000-02         (20),
   time-000-000-01         (21),
   time-000-000-005        (22),
   time-000-000-002        (23),
   time-000-000-001        (24),
   time-000-000-000-5      (25),
   time-000-000-000-2      (26),
   time-000-000-000-1      (27),
   time-000-000-000-05     (28),
   time-000-000-000-02     (29),
   time-000-000-000-01     (30),
   time-000-000-000-005    (31),
   time-000-000-000-002    (32),
   time-000-000-000-001    (33),
   time-000-000-000-000-5  (34),
   time-000-000-000-000-2  (35),
   time-000-000-000-000-1  (36),
   time-000-000-000-000-05 (37),
   time-000-000-000-000-02 (38),
   time-000-000-000-000-01 (39)

### <a name="TimeIntervalConfidence"></a>TimeIntervalConfidence
This is the statistical confidence for the predicted time of signal group state change. For evaluation, the formula
 10<sup>(x/a)</sup>-b with a=82.5 and b=1.3 was used. The values are encoded as probability classes with proposed values listed in
 the below table in the ASN.1 specification.

 Value: Probability
 - 0 - 21%
 - 1 - 36%
 - 2 - 47%
 - 3 - 56%
 - 4 - 62%
 - 5 - 68%
 - 6 - 73%
 - 7 - 77%
 - 8 - 81%
 - 9 - 85%
 - 10 - 88%
 - 11 - 91%
 - 12 - 94%
 - 13 - 96%
 - 14 - 98%
 - 15 - 100%

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _percent_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
TimeIntervalConfidence ::= INTEGER (0..15)

### <a name="TourNumber"></a>TourNumber
This DE is used to provide the R09 tour information.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V2.2.1_
TourNumber ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)

### <a name="TrainLength"></a>TrainLength
This DE is used to provide the R09 train length.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V2.2.1_
TrainLength ::= INTEGER (0..7)

### <a name="TransitDirection"></a>TransitDirection
This DE is used to provide the R09 direction information.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V2.2.1_
TransitDirection ::= INTEGER (0..255)

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### <a name="TransitVehicleOccupancy"></a>TransitVehicleOccupancy
This DE is used to relate basic level of current ridership.

* **occupancyUnknown** (0)<br>
* **occupancyEmpty** (1)<br>
* **occupancyVeryLow** (2)<br>
* **occupancyLow** (3)<br>
* **occupancyMed** (4)<br>
* **occupancyHigh** (5)<br>
* **occupancyNearlyFull** (6)<br>
* **occupancyFull** (7)<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
TransitVehicleOccupancy ::= ENUMERATED {
  occupancyUnknown    (0),
  occupancyEmpty      (1),
  occupancyVeryLow    (2),
  occupancyLow        (3),
  occupancyMed        (4),
  occupancyHigh       (5),
  occupancyNearlyFull (6),
  occupancyFull       (7)

### <a name="TransitVehicleStatus"></a>TransitVehicleStatus
This DE is used to relate basic information about the transit run in progress. This is
 typically used in a priority request to a signalized system and becomes part of the input processing for how that system
 will respond to the request.

 - 0 - `loading`:     parking and unable to move at this time
 - 1 - `anADAuse`:    an ADA access is in progress (wheelchairs, kneeling, etc.)
 - 2 - `aBikeLoad`:   loading of a bicycle is in progress
 - 3 - `doorOpen`:    a vehicle door is open for passenger access
 - 4 - `charging`:    a vehicle is connected to charging point
 - 5 - `atStopLine`:  a vehicle is at the stop line for the lane it is in

* **loading** (0)<br>
* **anADAuse** (1)<br>
* **aBikeLoad** (2)<br>
* **doorOpen** (3)<br>
* **charging** (4)<br>
* **atStopLine** (5)<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_

NOTE:&emsp;Most of these values are used to detect that the transit vehicle in not in a state where movement can occur
 (and that therefore any priority signal should be ignored until the vehicle is again ready to depart).

TransitVehicleStatus ::= BIT STRING {
  loading     (0),
  anADAuse    (1),
  aBikeLoad   (2),
  doorOpen    (3),
  charging    (4),
  atStopLine  (5)
} (SIZE(8))

### <a name="TransmissionState"></a>TransmissionState
This DE is used to provide the current state of the vehicle transmission.

* **neutral** (0)<br>
* **park** (1)<br>
* **forwardGears** (2)<br>
* **reverseGears** (3)<br>
* **reserved1** (4)<br>
* **reserved2** (5)<br>
* **reserved3** (6)<br>
* **unavailable** (7)<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
TransmissionState ::= ENUMERATED {
  neutral      (0),
  park         (1),
  forwardGears (2),
  reverseGears (3),
  reserved1    (4),
  reserved2    (5),
  reserved3    (6),
  unavailable  (7)

### <a name="VehicleHeight"></a>VehicleHeight
The height of the vehicle, measured from the ground to the highest surface, excluding any antenna(s), and
 expressed in units of 5 cm. In cases of vehicles with adjustable ride heights, camper shells, and other devices which may
 cause the overall height to vary, the largest possible height will be used.

 Value is the height of the vehicle, LSB units of 5 cm, range to 6.35 meters

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _5cm_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
VehicleHeight ::= INTEGER (0..127)

### <a name="VehicleType"></a>VehicleType
This DE is a type list (i.e., a classification list) of the vehicle in terms of overall size. The
 data element entries follow the definitions defined in the US DOT Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).
 Many infrastructure roadway operators collect and classify data according to this list for regulatory reporting needs.
 Within the ITS industry and within the DSRC message set standards work, there are many similar lists of types for
 overlapping needs and uses.

 - 0 - `none`:       Not Equipped, Not known or unavailable
 - 1 - `unknown`:    Does not fit any other category
 - 2 - `special`:    Special use
 - 3 - `moto`:       Motorcycle
 - 4 - `car`:        Passenger car
 - 5 - `carOther`:   Four tire single units
 - 6 - `bus`:        Buses
 - 7 - `axleCnt2`:   Two axle, six tire single units
 - 8 - `axleCnt3`:   Three axle, single units
 - 9 - `axleCnt4`:   Four or more axle, single unit
 - 10 - `axleCnt4Trailer`:        Four or less axle, single trailer
 - 11 - `axleCnt5Trailer`:        Five or less axle, single trailer
 - 12 - `axleCnt6Trailer`:        Six or more axle, single trailer
 - 13 - `axleCnt5MultiTrailer`:   Five or less axle, multi-trailer
 - 14 - `axleCnt6MultiTrailer`:   Six axle, multi-trailer
 - 15 - `axleCnt7MultiTrailer`:   Seven or more axle, multi-trailer

* **none** (0)<br>
* **unknown** (1)<br>
* **special** (2)<br>
* **moto** (3)<br>
* **car** (4)<br>
* **carOther** (5)<br>
* **bus** (6)<br>
* **axleCnt2** (7)<br>
* **axleCnt3** (8)<br>
* **axleCnt4** (9)<br>
* **axleCnt4Trailer** (10)<br>
* **axleCnt5Trailer** (11)<br>
* **axleCnt6Trailer** (12)<br>
* **axleCnt5MultiTrailer** (13)<br>
* **axleCnt6MultiTrailer** (14)<br>
* **axleCnt7MultiTrailer** (15)<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
VehicleType ::= ENUMERATED {
  none                 (0),
  unknown              (1),
  special              (2),
  moto                 (3),
  car                  (4),
  carOther             (5),
  bus                  (6),
  axleCnt2             (7),
  axleCnt3             (8),
  axleCnt4             (9),
  axleCnt4Trailer      (10),
  axleCnt5Trailer      (11),
  axleCnt6Trailer      (12),
  axleCnt5MultiTrailer (13),
  axleCnt6MultiTrailer (14),
  axleCnt7MultiTrailer (15),

### <a name="Velocity"></a>Velocity
This DE represents the velocity of an object, typically a vehicle speed or the recommended speed of
 travel along a roadway, expressed in unsigned units of 0.02 meters per second. When used with motor vehicles it may be
 combined with the transmission state to form a data frame for use. A value of 8191 shall be used when the speed is
 unavailable. Note that Velocity as used here is intended to be a scalar value and not a vector.

 The value 8191 indicates that velocity is unavailable

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _0.02 m/s_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
Velocity ::= INTEGER (0..8191)

### <a name="VersionId"></a>VersionId
This DE is used to provide the R09 version information.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V2.2.1_
VersionId ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)

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### <a name="WaitOnStopline"></a>WaitOnStopline
This DE is used to indicate to the vehicle that it must stop at the stop line and not move past.

 If "true", the vehicles on this specific connecting maneuver have to stop on the stop-line and not to enter the collision area

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
WaitOnStopline ::= BOOLEAN

### <a name="ZoneLength"></a>ZoneLength
This DE is used to provide an estimated distance from the stop bar, along the lane
 centerline back in the lane to which it pertains. It is used in various ways to relate this distance value. When used with
 clearance zones, it represents the point at which the driver can successfully execute the connection maneuver. It is used
 in the Clearance Maneuver Assist data frame to relate dynamic data about the lane. It is also used to relate the distance
 from the stop bar to the rear edge of any queue. It is further used within the context of a vehicle's traveling speed to
 advise on preferred dynamic approach speeds.

 0 = unknown,
 The value 10000 to be used for Distances >=10000 m (e.g. from known point to another point along a
 known path, often against traffic flow direction when used for measuring queues)

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Unit:** _meter_

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ZoneLength ::= INTEGER (0..10000)

## References:
 1. [ISO TS 19091]: "Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative ITS - Using V2I and I2V communications for applications related to signalized intersections".
 2. [SAE J2735]: "SURFACE VEHICLE STANDARD - V2X Communications Message Set Dictionary"
 3. [OCIT]: "OCIT Developer Group."
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OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) region (1) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) }_
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draft 001 of the ETSI-ITS-DSRC-REGION module for TS 103 301 V2.2.1 integrating:
 initial revision based on ASN.1 files of [ISO TS 19091] and [SAE J2735]

## Imports:
* **[ETSI-ITS-DSRC](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) major-version-2 (2) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
* **[ETSI-ITS-DSRC-AddGrpC](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) addgrpc (0) major-version-2 (2) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
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## Data Elements:
### <a name="Reg-AdvisorySpeed"></a>Reg-AdvisorySpeed
Reg-AdvisorySpeed	            REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-ComputedLane"></a>Reg-ComputedLane
Reg-ComputedLane	            REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-ConnectionManeuverAssist"></a>Reg-ConnectionManeuverAssist
Reg-ConnectionManeuverAssist	REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
	{ConnectionManeuverAssist-addGrpC  IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC},

### <a name="Reg-GenericLane"></a>Reg-GenericLane
Reg-GenericLane	                REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
	{ConnectionTrajectory-addGrpC	IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC} ,

### <a name="Reg-IntersectionGeometry"></a>Reg-IntersectionGeometry
Reg-IntersectionGeometry  	    REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-IntersectionState"></a>Reg-IntersectionState
Reg-IntersectionState           REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
	{IntersectionState-addGrpC IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC},

### <a name="Reg-LaneAttributes"></a>Reg-LaneAttributes
Reg-LaneAttributes	            REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
   {LaneAttributes-addGrpC IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC} ,
Reg-LaneDataAttribute           REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-MapData"></a>Reg-MapData
Reg-MapData	                    REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
	{MapData-addGrpC  IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC},

### <a name="Reg-MovementEvent"></a>Reg-MovementEvent
Reg-MovementEvent	            REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
   {MovementEvent-addGrpC IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC} ,
Reg-MovementState               REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-NodeAttributeSetXY"></a>Reg-NodeAttributeSetXY
Reg-NodeAttributeSetXY          REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
	{NodeAttributeSet-addGrpC   IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC},

### <a name="Reg-NodeOffsetPointXY"></a>Reg-NodeOffsetPointXY
Reg-NodeOffsetPointXY	        REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-Position3D"></a>Reg-Position3D
Reg-Position3D	                REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
	{Position3D-addGrpC  IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC} ,

### <a name="Reg-RequestorDescription"></a>Reg-RequestorDescription
Reg-RequestorDescription        REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
   { RequestorDescription-addGrpC IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC} ,

### <a name="Reg-RequestorType"></a>Reg-RequestorType
Reg-RequestorType	            REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-RestrictionUserType"></a>Reg-RestrictionUserType
Reg-RestrictionUserType	        REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
  {RestrictionUserType-addGrpC IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC} ,

### <a name="Reg-RoadSegment"></a>Reg-RoadSegment
Reg-RoadSegment	                REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-RTCMcorrections"></a>Reg-RTCMcorrections
Reg-RTCMcorrections             REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-SignalControlZone"></a>Reg-SignalControlZone
Reg-SignalControlZone           REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-SignalRequest"></a>Reg-SignalRequest
Reg-SignalRequest               REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-SignalRequestMessage"></a>Reg-SignalRequestMessage
Reg-SignalRequestMessage        REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-SignalRequestPackage"></a>Reg-SignalRequestPackage
Reg-SignalRequestPackage        REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-SignalStatus"></a>Reg-SignalStatus
Reg-SignalStatus	            REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-SignalStatusMessage"></a>Reg-SignalStatusMessage
Reg-SignalStatusMessage	        REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

### <a name="Reg-SignalStatusPackage"></a>Reg-SignalStatusPackage
Reg-SignalStatusPackage	        REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= {
	{ SignalStatusPackage-addGrpC IDENTIFIED BY addGrpC },

### <a name="Reg-SPAT"></a>Reg-SPAT
Reg-SPAT	                    REG-EXT-ID-AND-TYPE ::= { ... }

# <a name="ETSI-ITS-DSRC-AddGrpC"></a>ASN.1 module ETSI-ITS-DSRC-AddGrpC
OID: _{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) addgrpc (0) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) }_
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draft 001 of the ETSI-ITS-DSRC-AddGrpC module for TS 103 301 V2.2.1 integrating:
 initial revision based on ASN.1 files of [ISO TS 19091] and [SAE J2735]

## Imports:
* **[ETSI-ITS-DSRC](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103301 (103301) dsrc (6) major-version-2 (2) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
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* **[ETSI-ITS-CDD](** *{ itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-4 (4) minor-version-1 (1) } WITH SUCCESSORS*<br/>
## Data Elements:
### <a name="ConnectionManeuverAssist-addGrpC"></a>ConnectionManeuverAssist-addGrpC
This DF adds positioning support from the infrastructure to the vehicle.
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* _itsStationPosition_ of type [**ItsStationPositionList**](#ItsStationPositionList)  OPTIONAL<br>
* itsStationPositions<br>
  defines a list of ITS stations (e.g. vehicles) and their corresponding position on
                               the driving lane as defined in the lane topology of the MapData message or the GNSS position
                               deviation of the ITS Station from the high precision reference position in X/Y coordinates. It
                               enables accurate, real-time positioning support to the moving ITS entities by the infrastructure.*

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ConnectionManeuverAssist-addGrpC ::=	SEQUENCE {
  itsStationPosition ItsStationPositionList OPTIONAL,

### <a name="ConnectionTrajectory-addGrpC"></a>ConnectionTrajectory-addGrpC
This DF defines the trajectory for travelling through the conflict area of an intersection and connects 
 e.g an ingress with an egress lane. The trajectory is defined by two or more nodes. 
 The starting node overlaps e.g. with the node of the ingress lane towards the
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 conflict zone. The ending node overlaps e.g. with the first node of the connected egress lane. 
 See the example in clause [ISO TS 19091] G.8.2.5.

* _nodes_ of type [**NodeSetXY**]( <br>
  defines a list of nodes for the trajectory. It defines e.g. a geometric trajectory from an ingressing
                 to a connected egressing lane and the X/Y position value of the first node of the trajectory is the same as
                 the node of the ingress lane. The X/Y position of the last node is the same as the X/Y position of the first
                 node of the egressing lane.

* _connectionID_ of type [**LaneConnectionID**]( <br>
  defines the identifier of an allowed `maneuver` (e.g. ingress / egress relation). 
                 A generic Lane offers one or more allowed `maneuvers`, therefore the trajectory is reference to the related `maneuver`.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_

NOTE:&emsp;[**Reg-GenericLane**](#Reg-GenericLane) allows providing up to 4 connecting trajectories. In case a lane has more than 4 connecting trajectories,
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 priority should be given to connecting trajectories of motorized traffic and complex manoeuvres.

ConnectionTrajectory-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE {
  nodes         NodeSetXY,
  connectionID  LaneConnectionID,

### <a name="IntersectionState-addGrpC"></a>IntersectionState-addGrpC
This DF defines a list of prioritization responses e.g. public transport acceleration.
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 The signal prioritization (e.g. public transport) procedure in this profile follows two strategies.
 - For simple prioritization requests, the CAM/SPAT messages are used. 
   This allows the migration of old legal systems towards C-ITS.
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   In this case, the CAM message is used to trigger the request towards the traffic light controller. 
   The traffic light controller checks the request and broadcasts the status for the priority request with this DF (see [ISO TS 19091] G.5.1.9).
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 - For more complex signal requests, the SignalRequestMessage/SignalStatusMessage messages are to be used.

* _activePrioritizations_ of type [**PrioritizationResponseList**](#PrioritizationResponseList) 	OPTIONAL<br>
  list of Prioritizations.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
IntersectionState-addGrpC ::=	SEQUENCE {
  activePrioritizations  PrioritizationResponseList	OPTIONAL,

### <a name="LaneAttributes-addGrpC"></a>LaneAttributes-addGrpC
Lanes may have limitations regarding vehicle height (e.g. due to a tunnel) and vehicle weight (e.g. due to a bridge).
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* _maxVehicleHeight_ of type [**VehicleHeight**](  OPTIONAL<br>
  maximum allowed vehicle height

* _maxVehicleWeight_ of type [**VehicleMass**](    OPTIONAL<br>
  maximum allowed vehicle mass

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
LaneAttributes-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE {
  maxVehicleHeight  VehicleHeight OPTIONAL,
  maxVehicleWeight  VehicleMass   OPTIONAL,

### <a name="MapData-addGrpC"></a>MapData-addGrpC
This DF defines a list of three-dimensional positions of signal heads in an intersection. 
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 It enables vehicles to identify the signal head location for optical evaluation of the traffic light. 
 Combined with the SPAT/MapData messages, it enables e.g. driving vehicles to enhance safety decision in critical situations.

* _signalHeadLocations_ of type [**SignalHeadLocationList**](#SignalHeadLocationList) 	OPTIONAL<br>
  list of geo positions

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
MapData-addGrpC ::=	SEQUENCE {
  signalHeadLocations  SignalHeadLocationList	OPTIONAL,

### <a name="MovementEvent-addGrpC"></a>MovementEvent-addGrpC
Priority and preemption have a considerable impact to the timing parameters in the SPAT message (eventState).
 User acceptance is expected to increase if the reason for sudden changes in timing parameters is communicated to them.

* _stateChangeReason_ of type [**ExceptionalCondition**](#ExceptionalCondition)  OPTIONAL<br>
  reason code

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
MovementEvent-addGrpC ::= SEQUENCE {
  stateChangeReason  ExceptionalCondition OPTIONAL,

### <a name="NodeAttributeSet-addGrpC"></a>NodeAttributeSet-addGrpC
This DF defines additional attributes to support public transport and to enable a simple way of defining lane links.
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* _ptvRequest_ of type [**PtvRequestType**](#PtvRequestType)   OPTIONAL<br>
  defines control types attached to a node on a lane used by public transport for triggering
                      the transmission of messages (e.g. prioritization request). It includes control points for public transport prioritization. 
                      These control points are currently implemented by legacy systems using hardware sensors mounted on the roadside.

* _nodeLink_ of type [**NodeLink**](#NodeLink)         OPTIONAL<br>
  defines a link to one or to a set of another node/lane from this node. The nodeLink allows to set a link between specific nodes 
                      of generic lanes or trajectories. This supports e.g. lane merging/diverging situations ([ISO TS 19091] G.8.2.7) and the linking of trajectories 
                      in the conflict zone to lanes (see example [ISO TS 19091] G.8.2.5).

* _node_ of type [**Node**](#Node)             OPTIONAL<br>
  defines an identifier of this node.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
NodeAttributeSet-addGrpC  ::=	SEQUENCE {
  ptvRequest  PtvRequestType  OPTIONAL,
  nodeLink    NodeLink        OPTIONAL,
  node        Node            OPTIONAL,

### <a name="Position3D-addGrpC"></a>Position3D-addGrpC
This DF includes the altitude data element defined in the common data dictionary [ETSI CDD].
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* _altitude_ of type [**Altitude**]( <br>
* elevation<br>
  the data element is replaced by the ETSI `altitude` data element using the regional extension. 
                     The `altitude` data element is defined in Position3D-addGrpC of this profile.
                     Position3D-addGrpC extends the [**Position3D**](#Position3D) using the regional extension framework.
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
Position3D-addGrpC ::=	SEQUENCE {
  altitude  Altitude,

### <a name="RestrictionUserType-addGrpC"></a>RestrictionUserType-addGrpC
This DF defines the driving restriction based on toxic emission type. 
 The meaning of the word `restriction` is ambiguous as it may have a double interpretation, being:
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  - only these vehicles are allowed OR 
  - these vehicles are not allowed and all others are. 
 The former is what is intended by the base standard.

* _emission_ of type [**EmissionType**](#EmissionType)  OPTIONAL<br>
  restriction baesed on emission.

* _fuel_ of type [**FuelType**](      OPTIONAL<br>
  restriction baesed on fuel.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
RestrictionUserType-addGrpC ::=	SEQUENCE {
  emission  EmissionType OPTIONAL,
  fuel      FuelType     OPTIONAL,