200 KB
Newer Older
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   elev-500-00 (1),
   elev-200-00 (2),
   elev-100-00 (3),
   elev-050-00 (4),
   elev-020-00 (5),
   elev-010-00 (6),
   elev-005-00 (7),
   elev-002-00 (8),
   elev-001-00 (9),
   elev-000-50 (10),
   elev-000-20 (11),
   elev-000-10 (12),
   elev-000-05 (13),
   elev-000-02 (14),
   elev-000-01 (15)

### <a name="FuelType"></a>FuelType
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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FuelType ::= INTEGER (0..15)
   unknownFuel FuelType  ::= 0
   gasoline FuelType     ::= 1
   ethanol FuelType      ::= 2
   diesel FuelType       ::= 3
   electric FuelType     ::= 4
   hybrid FuelType       ::= 5
   hydrogen FuelType     ::= 6
   natGasLiquid FuelType ::= 7
   natGasComp FuelType   ::= 8
   propane FuelType      ::= 9

### <a name="GNSSstatus"></a>GNSSstatus

* **unavailable** (0)<br>
* **isHealthy** (1)<br>
* **isMonitored** (2)<br>
* **baseStationType** (3)<br>
* **aPDOPofUnder5** (4)<br>
* **inViewOfUnder5** (5)<br>
* **localCorrectionsPresent** (6)<br>
* **networkCorrectionsPresent** (7)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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GNSSstatus ::= BIT STRING {
   unavailable               (0),
   isHealthy                 (1),
   isMonitored               (2),
   baseStationType           (3),
   aPDOPofUnder5             (4),
   inViewOfUnder5            (5),
   localCorrectionsPresent   (6),
   networkCorrectionsPresent (7)
   } (SIZE(8))

### <a name="HeadingConfidenceDSRC"></a>HeadingConfidenceDSRC

* **unavailable** (0)<br>
* **prec10deg** (1)<br>
* **prec05deg** (2)<br>
* **prec01deg** (3)<br>
* **prec0-1deg** (4)<br>
* **prec0-05deg** (5)<br>
* **prec0-01deg** (6)<br>
* **prec0-0125deg** (7)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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HeadingConfidenceDSRC ::= ENUMERATED {
   unavailable   (0),
   prec10deg     (1),
   prec05deg     (2),
   prec01deg     (3),
   prec0-1deg    (4),
   prec0-05deg   (5),
   prec0-01deg   (6),
   prec0-0125deg (7)

### <a name="HeadingDSRC"></a>HeadingDSRC
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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HeadingDSRC ::= INTEGER (0..28800)

### <a name="IntersectionID"></a>IntersectionID
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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IntersectionID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

### <a name="IntersectionStatusObject"></a>IntersectionStatusObject

* **manualControlIsEnabled** (0)<br>
* **stopTimeIsActivated** (1)<br>
* **failureFlash** (2)<br>
* **preemptIsActive** (3)<br>
* **signalPriorityIsActive** (4)<br>
* **fixedTimeOperation** (5)<br>
* **trafficDependentOperation** (6)<br>
* **standbyOperation** (7)<br>
* **failureMode** (8)<br>
* **off** (9)<br>
* **recentMAPmessageUpdate** (10)<br>
* **recentChangeInMAPassignedLanesIDsUsed** (11)<br>
* **noValidMAPisAvailableAtThisTime** (12)<br>
* **noValidSPATisAvailableAtThisTime** (13)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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IntersectionStatusObject ::= BIT STRING {
  manualControlIsEnabled                (0),
  stopTimeIsActivated                   (1),
  failureFlash                          (2),
  preemptIsActive                       (3),
  signalPriorityIsActive                (4),
  fixedTimeOperation                    (5),
  trafficDependentOperation             (6),
  standbyOperation                      (7),
  failureMode                           (8),
  off                                   (9),
  recentMAPmessageUpdate                (10),
  recentChangeInMAPassignedLanesIDsUsed (11),
  noValidMAPisAvailableAtThisTime       (12),
  noValidSPATisAvailableAtThisTime      (13)
} (SIZE(16))

### <a name="LaneAttributes-Barrier"></a>LaneAttributes-Barrier

* **median-RevocableLane** (0)<br>
* **median** (1)<br>
* **whiteLineHashing** (2)<br>
* **stripedLines** (3)<br>
* **doubleStripedLines** (4)<br>
* **trafficCones** (5)<br>
* **constructionBarrier** (6)<br>
* **trafficChannels** (7)<br>
* **lowCurbs** (8)<br>
* **highCurbs** (9)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneAttributes-Barrier ::= BIT STRING {
  median-RevocableLane     (0),
  median                   (1),
  whiteLineHashing         (2),
  stripedLines             (3),
  doubleStripedLines       (4),
  trafficCones             (5),
  constructionBarrier      (6),
  trafficChannels          (7),
  lowCurbs                 (8),
  highCurbs                (9)
} (SIZE (16))

### <a name="LaneAttributes-Bike"></a>LaneAttributes-Bike

* **bikeRevocableLane** (0)<br>
* **pedestrianUseAllowed** (1)<br>
* **isBikeFlyOverLane** (2)<br>
* **fixedCycleTime** (3)<br>
* **biDirectionalCycleTimes** (4)<br>
* **isolatedByBarrier** (5)<br>
* **unsignalizedSegmentsPresent** (6)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneAttributes-Bike ::= BIT STRING {
  bikeRevocableLane       (0),
  pedestrianUseAllowed    (1),
  isBikeFlyOverLane       (2),
  fixedCycleTime          (3),
  biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
  isolatedByBarrier       (5),
  unsignalizedSegmentsPresent  (6)
} (SIZE (16))

### <a name="LaneAttributes-Crosswalk"></a>LaneAttributes-Crosswalk

* **crosswalkRevocableLane** (0)<br>
* **bicyleUseAllowed** (1)<br>
* **isXwalkFlyOverLane** (2)<br>
* **fixedCycleTime** (3)<br>
* **biDirectionalCycleTimes** (4)<br>
* **hasPushToWalkButton** (5)<br>
* **audioSupport** (6)<br>
* **rfSignalRequestPresent** (7)<br>
* **unsignalizedSegmentsPresent** (8)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneAttributes-Crosswalk ::= BIT STRING {
  crosswalkRevocableLane  (0),
  bicyleUseAllowed        (1),
  isXwalkFlyOverLane      (2),
  fixedCycleTime          (3),
  biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
  hasPushToWalkButton     (5),
  audioSupport            (6),
  rfSignalRequestPresent  (7),
  unsignalizedSegmentsPresent  (8)
} (SIZE (16))

### <a name="LaneAttributes-Parking"></a>LaneAttributes-Parking

* **parkingRevocableLane** (0)<br>
* **parallelParkingInUse** (1)<br>
* **headInParkingInUse** (2)<br>
* **doNotParkZone** (3)<br>
* **parkingForBusUse** (4)<br>
* **parkingForTaxiUse** (5)<br>
* **noPublicParkingUse** (6)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneAttributes-Parking ::= BIT STRING {
  parkingRevocableLane         (0),
  parallelParkingInUse         (1),
  headInParkingInUse           (2),
  doNotParkZone                (3),
  parkingForBusUse             (4),
  parkingForTaxiUse            (5),
  noPublicParkingUse           (6)
} (SIZE (16))

### <a name="LaneAttributes-Sidewalk"></a>LaneAttributes-Sidewalk

* **sidewalk-RevocableLane** (0)<br>
* **bicyleUseAllowed** (1)<br>
* **isSidewalkFlyOverLane** (2)<br>
* **walkBikes** (3)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneAttributes-Sidewalk ::= BIT STRING {
  sidewalk-RevocableLane  (0),
  bicyleUseAllowed        (1),
  isSidewalkFlyOverLane   (2),
  walkBikes               (3)
} (SIZE (16))

### <a name="LaneAttributes-Striping"></a>LaneAttributes-Striping

* **stripeToConnectingLanesRevocableLane** (0)<br>
* **stripeDrawOnLeft** (1)<br>
* **stripeDrawOnRight** (2)<br>
* **stripeToConnectingLanesLeft** (3)<br>
* **stripeToConnectingLanesRight** (4)<br>
* **stripeToConnectingLanesAhead** (5)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneAttributes-Striping ::= BIT STRING {
  stripeToConnectingLanesRevocableLane      (0),
  stripeDrawOnLeft                          (1),
  stripeDrawOnRight                         (2),
  stripeToConnectingLanesLeft               (3),
  stripeToConnectingLanesRight              (4),
  stripeToConnectingLanesAhead              (5)
} (SIZE (16))

### <a name="LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle"></a>LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle

* **spec-RevocableLane** (0)<br>
* **spec-commuterRailRoadTrack** (1)<br>
* **spec-lightRailRoadTrack** (2)<br>
* **spec-heavyRailRoadTrack** (3)<br>
* **spec-otherRailType** (4)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle ::= BIT STRING {
  spec-RevocableLane         (0),
  spec-commuterRailRoadTrack (1),
  spec-lightRailRoadTrack    (2),
  spec-heavyRailRoadTrack    (3),
  spec-otherRailType         (4)
} (SIZE (16))

### <a name="LaneAttributes-Vehicle"></a>LaneAttributes-Vehicle

* **isVehicleRevocableLane** (0)<br>
* **isVehicleFlyOverLane** (1)<br>
* **hovLaneUseOnly** (2)<br>
* **restrictedToBusUse** (3)<br>
* **restrictedToTaxiUse** (4)<br>
* **restrictedFromPublicUse** (5)<br>
* **hasIRbeaconCoverage** (6)<br>
* **permissionOnRequest** (7)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneAttributes-Vehicle ::= BIT STRING {
  isVehicleRevocableLane       (0),
  isVehicleFlyOverLane         (1),
  hovLaneUseOnly               (2),
  restrictedToBusUse           (3),
  restrictedToTaxiUse          (4),
  restrictedFromPublicUse      (5),
  hasIRbeaconCoverage          (6),
  permissionOnRequest          (7)
} (SIZE (8,...))

### <a name="LaneConnectionID"></a>LaneConnectionID
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneConnectionID ::= INTEGER (0..255)

### <a name="LaneDirection"></a>LaneDirection

* **ingressPath** (0)<br>
* **egressPath** (1)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneDirection ::= BIT STRING {
  ingressPath     (0),
  egressPath      (1)
} (SIZE (2))

### <a name="LaneID"></a>LaneID
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneID ::= INTEGER (0..255)

### <a name="LayerID"></a>LayerID
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Large MapData descriptions are not possible to be broadcast with a single message and have to be
fragmented using two or more messages over the air. Therefore, the `DE_layerID` allows defining an
index for fragmentation of large MapData descriptions. The fragmentation of the messages shall be
executed on application layer. The fragmentation occurs on an approach base. This means that almost a
complete approach (e.g. lanes, connectsTo, etc.) has to be included within a fragment.
The decimal value of the `layerID` is used to define the amount of maximum MapData fragments. The
lower value defines the actual fragment.
© ISO 2018 – All rights reservedISO/PRF TS 19091:2019 (E)
If a MapData consists of three fragments (e.g. three approaches), the fragments are identified as follows:
—31 first fragment of three (e.g. approach south);
—33 third fragment of three (e.g. approach north).
32 second fragment of three (e.g. approach west);
If there are only two fragments, the fragment identification will be 21, 22.

* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LayerID ::= INTEGER (0..100)

### <a name="LayerType"></a>LayerType
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LayerType ::= ENUMERATED {

### <a name="LaneWidth"></a>LaneWidth
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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LaneWidth ::= INTEGER (0..32767)

### <a name="MergeDivergeNodeAngle"></a>MergeDivergeNodeAngle
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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MergeDivergeNodeAngle ::= INTEGER (-180..180)

### <a name="MinuteOfTheYear"></a>MinuteOfTheYear
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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MinuteOfTheYear ::= INTEGER (0..527040)

### <a name="MovementPhaseState"></a>MovementPhaseState
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The MovementPhaseState data element provides the overall current state of the movement (in many cases a
 signal state), including its core phase state and an indication of whether this state is permissive or protected.

 It is expected that the allowed transitions from one state to another will be defined by regional deployments. Not all
 regions will use all states; however, no new states are to be defined. In most regions a regulatory body provides precise
 legal definitions of these state changes. For example, in the US the MUTCD is used, as is indicated in the US regional
 variant of the above image. In various regions and modes of transportation, the visual expression of these states varies
 (the precise meaning of various color combinations, shapes, and/or flashing etc.). The below definition is designed to to
 be independent of these regional conventions.

unavailable (0),
-- This state is used for unknown or error
dark (1),
-- The signal head is dark (unlit)
-- Reds
stop-Then-Proceed (2),
-- Often called 'flashing red' in US
-- Driver Action:
Stop vehicle at stop line.
Do not proceed unless it is safe.
-- Note that the right to proceed either right or left when
-- it is safe may be contained in the lane description to
-- handle what is called a 'right on red'
stop-And-Remain (3),
-- e.g. called 'red light' in US
-- Driver Action:
Stop vehicle at stop line.
Do not proceed.
-- Note that the right to proceed either right or left when
-- it is safe may be contained in the lane description to
-- handle what is called a 'right on red'
-- Greens
pre-Movement (4),
-- Not used in the US, red+yellow partly in EU
-- Driver Action:
Stop vehicle.
Prepare to proceed (pending green)
(Prepare for transition to green/go)
permissive-Movement-Allowed (5),
-- Often called 'permissive green' in US
-- Driver Action:
Proceed with caution,
must yield to all conflicting traffic
-- Conflicting traffic may be present
-- in the intersection conflict area
protected-Movement-Allowed (6),
-- Often called 'protected green' in US
-- Driver Action:
Proceed, tossing caution to the wind,
in indicated (allowed) direction.
-- Yellows / Ambers
-- The vehicle is not allowed to cross the stop bar if it is possible
-- to stop without danger.
permissive-clearance (7),
-- Often called 'permissive yellow' in US
-- Driver Action:
Prepare to stop.
Proceed if unable to stop,
Clear Intersection.
-- Conflicting traffic may be present
-- in the intersection conflict area

protected-clearance (8),
-- Often called 'protected yellow' in US
-- Driver Action:
Prepare to stop.
Proceed if unable to stop,
in indicated direction (to connected lane)
Clear Intersection.
caution-Conflicting-Traffic (9)
-- Often called 'flashing yellow' in US
-- Often used for extended periods of time
-- Driver Action:
Proceed with caution,
-- Conflicting traffic may be present
-- in the intersection conflict area
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* **unavailable** (0)<br>
* **dark** (1)<br>
* **stop-Then-Proceed** (2)<br>
* **stop-And-Remain** (3)<br>
* **pre-Movement** (4)<br>
* **permissive-Movement-Allowed** (5)<br>
* **protected-Movement-Allowed** (6)<br>
* **permissive-clearance** (7)<br>
* **protected-clearance** (8)<br>
* **caution-Conflicting-Traffic** (9)<br>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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MovementPhaseState ::= ENUMERATED {
  unavailable (0),
  dark (1),
  stop-Then-Proceed (2),
  stop-And-Remain (3),
  pre-Movement (4),
  permissive-Movement-Allowed (5),
  protected-Movement-Allowed (6),
  permissive-clearance (7),
  protected-clearance (8),
  caution-Conflicting-Traffic (9)

### <a name="MsgCount"></a>MsgCount
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The DE_MsgCount data element is used to provide a sequence number within a stream of messages with the same
DSRCmsgID and from the same sender. A sender may initialize this element to any value in the range 0-127 when
sending the first message with a given DSRCmsgID, or if the sender has changed identity (e.g. by changing its
TemporaryID) since sending the most recent message with that DSRCmsgID. Depending on the application the sequence
number may change with every message or may remain fixed during a stream of messages when the content within each
message has not changed from the prior message sent. For this element, the value after 127 is zero.
The receipt of a non-sequential MsgCount value (from the same sending device and message type) implies that one or
more messages from that sending device may have been lost, unless MsgCount has been re-initialized due to an identity

Remarks: In the absence of additional requirements defined in a standard using this data element, the follow guidelines
shall be used.
In usage, some devices change their Temporary ID frequently, to prevent identity tracking, while others do not. A change
in Temporary ID data element value (which also changes the message contents in which it appears) implies that the
MsgCount may also change value.
If a sender is composing a message with new content with a given DSRCmsgID, and the TemporaryID has not changed
since it sent the previous message, the sender shall increment the previous value.
If a sender is composing a message with new content with a given DSRCmsgID, and the TemporaryID has changed since
it sent the previous message, the sender may set the MsgCount element to any valid value in the range (including
incrementing the previous value).
If a sender is composing a message with the same content as the most recent message with the same DSRCmsgID, and
less than 10 seconds have elapsed since it sent the previous message with that DSRCmsgID, the sender will use the
same MsgCount as sent in the previous message.
If a sender is composing a message with the same content as the most recent message with the same DSRCmsgID, and
at least 10 seconds have elapsed since it sent the previous message with that DSRCmsgID, the sender may set the
MsgCount element to any valid value in the range; this includes the re-use of the previous value.
If a sending device sends more than one stream of messages from message types that utilize the MsgCount element, it
shall maintain a separate MsgCount state for each message type so that the MsgCount value in a given message
identifies its place in the stream of that message type. The MsgCount element is a function only of the message type in a
given sending device, not of the one or more applications in that device which may be sending the same type of message.

* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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MsgCount ::= INTEGER (0..127)

### <a name="Offset-B09"></a>Offset-B09
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A 9-bit delta offset in X, Y or Z direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
indicate an unknown value.
-- a range of +- 2.55 meters

* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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Offset-B09 ::= INTEGER (-256..255)

### <a name="Offset-B10"></a>Offset-B10
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A 10-bit delta offset in X, Y or Z direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
indicate an unknown value.
a range of +- 5.11 meters

* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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Offset-B10 ::= INTEGER (-512..511)

### <a name="Offset-B11"></a>Offset-B11
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An 11-bit delta offset in X or Y direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
indicate an unknown value.
 a range of +- 10.23 meters

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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Offset-B11 ::= INTEGER (-1024..1023)

### <a name="Offset-B12"></a>Offset-B12
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A 12-bit delta offset in X, Y or Z direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
reference, non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y)
directions. The most negative value shall be used to indicate an unknown value.
a range of +- 20.47 meters

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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Offset-B12 ::= INTEGER (-2048..2047)

### <a name="Offset-B13"></a>Offset-B13
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A 13-bit delta offset in X or Y direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
indicate an unknown value.
 a range of +- 40.95 meters

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
ritterth's avatar
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Offset-B13 ::= INTEGER (-4096..4095)

### <a name="Offset-B14"></a>Offset-B14
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A 14-bit delta offset in X or Y direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions.
 a range of +- 81.91 meters

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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Offset-B14 ::= INTEGER (-8192..8191)

### <a name="Offset-B16"></a>Offset-B16
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A 16-bit delta offset in X, Y or Z direction from some known point. For non-vehicle centric coordinate frames of
reference, offset is positive to the East (X) and to the North (Y) directions. The most negative value shall be used to
indicate an unknown value.
 a range of +- 327.68 meters

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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Offset-B16 ::= INTEGER (-32768..32767)

### <a name="PedestrianBicycleDetect"></a>PedestrianBicycleDetect
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The PedestrianBicycleDetect data element is used to provide an indication of whether Pedestrians and/or Bicyclists
have been detected in the crossing lane.
-- true if ANY Pedestrians or Bicyclists are
-- detected crossing the target lane or lanes

* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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PedestrianBicycleDetect ::= BOOLEAN

### <a name="PositionConfidence"></a>PositionConfidence
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The DE_PositionConfidence entry is used to provide the 95% confidence level for the currently reported value of
entries such as the DE_Position entries, taking into account the current calibration and precision of the sensor(s) used to
measure and/or calculate the value. It is used in the horizontal plane. This data element is only to provide the listener with
information on the limitations of the sensing system; not to support any type of automatic error correction or to imply a
guaranteed maximum error. This data element should not be used for fault detection or diagnosis, but if a vehicle is able
to detect a fault, the confidence interval should be increased accordingly. The frame of reference and axis of rotation used
shall be accordance with that defined in Section 11 of this standard.

unavailable (0), -- B'0000 Not Equipped or unavailable
(1), -- B'0001 500m or about 5 * 10 ^ -3 decimal degrees
(2), -- B'0010 200m or about 2 * 10 ^ -3 decimal degrees
(3), -- B'0011 100m or about 1 * 10 ^ -3 decimal degrees
(4), -- B'0100 50m
or about 5 * 10 ^ -4 decimal degrees
(5), -- B'0101 20m
or about 2 * 10 ^ -4 decimal degrees
(6), -- B'0110 10m
or about 1 * 10 ^ -4 decimal degrees
(7), -- B'0111 5m
or about 5 * 10 ^ -5 decimal degrees
(8), -- B'1000 2m
or about 2 * 10 ^ -5 decimal degrees
(9), -- B'1001 1m
or about 1 * 10 ^ -5 decimal degrees
a50cm (10), -- B'1010 0.50m or about 5 * 10 ^ -6 decimal degrees
a20cm (11), -- B'1011 0.20m or about 2 * 10 ^ -6 decimal degrees
a10cm (12), -- B'1100 0.10m or about 1 * 10 ^ -6 decimal degrees
(13), -- B'1101 0.05m or about 5 * 10 ^ -7 decimal degrees
(14), -- B'1110 0.02m or about 2 * 10 ^ -7 decimal degrees
(15) -- B'1111 0.01m or about 1 * 10 ^ -7 decimal degrees
- Encoded as a 4 bit value
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* **unavailable** (0)<br>
* **a500m** (1)<br>
* **a200m** (2)<br>
* **a100m** (3)<br>
* **a50m** (4)<br>
* **a20m** (5)<br>
* **a10m** (6)<br>
* **a5m** (7)<br>
* **a2m** (8)<br>
* **a1m** (9)<br>
* **a50cm** (10)<br>
* **a20cm** (11)<br>
* **a10cm** (12)<br>
* **a5cm** (13)<br>
* **a2cm** (14)<br>
* **a1cm** (15)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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PositionConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
   unavailable (0),
   a500m   (1),
   a200m   (2),
   a100m   (3),
   a50m    (4),
   a20m    (5),
   a10m    (6),
   a5m     (7),
   a2m     (8),
   a1m     (9),
   a50cm  (10),
   a20cm  (11),
   a10cm  (12),
   a5cm   (13),
   a2cm   (14),
   a1cm   (15)
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### <a name="PrioritizationResponseStatus"></a>PrioritizationResponseStatus
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The PrioritizationResponseStatus data element is used in the PrioritizationResponse data frame to indicate the
general status of a prior prioritization request.

-- Unknown state
-- This prioritization request was detected
-- by the traffic controller
-- Checking request
-- (request is in queue, other requests are prior)
watchOtherTraffic (3),
-- Cannot give full permission,
-- therefore watch for other traffic
-- Note that other requests may be present
-- Intervention was successful
-- and now prioritization is active
-- The prioritization or preemption request was
-- rejected by the traffic controller
-- The Request has exceeded maxPresence time
-- Used when the controller has determined that
-- the requester should then back off and
-- request an alternative.
-- Prior conditions have resulted in a reservice
-- locked event: the controller requires the
-- passage of time before another similar request
-- will be accepted
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* **unknown** (0)<br>
* **requested** (1)<br>
* **processing** (2)<br>
* **watchOtherTraffic** (3)<br>
* **granted** (4)<br>
* **rejected** (5)<br>
* **maxPresence** (6)<br>
* **reserviceLocked** (7)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information 

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Revision:** _V1.3.1_
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PrioritizationResponseStatus ::= ENUMERATED {
  unknown           (0),
  requested         (1),
  processing        (2),
  watchOtherTraffic (3),
  granted           (4),
  rejected          (5),
  maxPresence       (6),
  reserviceLocked   (7),

### <a name="PriorityRequestType"></a>PriorityRequestType
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The PriorityRequestType data element provides a means to indicate if a request (found in the Signal Request
Message) represents a new service request, a request update, or a request cancellation for either preemption or priority
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* **priorityRequestTypeReserved** (0)<br>
* **priorityRequest** (1)<br>
* **priorityRequestUpdate** (2)<br>
* **priorityCancellation** (3)<br>
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* xxxxx<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;**Categories:** Infrastructure information