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 * This DF represents the top-level DF to represent a lane position. A lane position is a transversal position on the carriageway at a specific longitudinal position, in resolution of lanes of the carriageway.
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 * @note: This DF is the most general way to represent a lane position: it provides a complete set of information regarding a transversal (dimensionless) position on the carriageway at a specific 
 * reference position, i.e. it provides different options and synonyms to represent the lane at which the reference position (the point) is located. A confidence is used to describe the probability 
 * that the object is located in the provided lane. The dimension of the object or extension of an area are not considered: See @ref OccupiedLanesWithConfidence for describing the occupation of lanes, 
 * where the dimensions of an object or the extension of an area is considered.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
 * @field lanePositionBased: lane position information for a defined reference position.
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 * @field mapBased: optional lane position information described in the context of a MAPEM as specified in ETSI TS 103 301 [15]. 
 * If present, it shall describe the same reference position using the lane identification in the MAPEM. This component can be used only if a MAPEM is available for the reference position 
 * (e.g. on an intersection): In this case it is used as a synonym to the mandatory component lanePositionBased. 
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 * @field confidence: confidence information for expressing the probability that the object is located at the indicated lane.  
 * If the value of the component lanePositionBased is generated directly from the absolute reference position and reference topology information, 
 * no sensor shall be indicated in the component usedDetectionInformation of the @ref MetaInformation.
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 * @category: Road Topology information
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 * @revision: newly created in V2.2.1. The previous DF GeneralizedLanePosition is now renamed to @ref LanePositionOptions. 
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GeneralizedLanePosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    lanePositionBased     LanePositionOptions,
    mapBased              MapPosition OPTIONAL,
    confidence            MetaInformation,

 * This DF represents set of up to `4` @ref GeneralizedLanePosition.
 * Multiple entries can be used to describe several lane positions with the associated confidence, in cases where the reference position cannot be mapped to a single lane.
 * @category: Road Topology information
 * @revision: Created in V2.2.1
GeneralizedLanePositions ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF GeneralizedLanePosition
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 * This DF represents the Heading in a WGS84 co-ordinates system.
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 * The specific WGS84 coordinate system is specified by the corresponding standards applying this DE.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field headingValue: the heading value.
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 * @field headingConfidence: the confidence value of the heading value with a predefined confidence level.
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 * @note: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use the @ref Wgs84Angle instead. 
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 * @category: Kinematic Information
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 * @revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
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Heading ::= SEQUENCE {
    headingValue         HeadingValue,
    headingConfidence    HeadingConfidence

 * This DF  provides  information  associated to heading  change indicators  such as  a  change  of  direction.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field direction: the direction of heading change value.
 * @field actionDeltaTime: the period over which a direction change action is performed. 
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 * @category: Kinematic Information
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 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
HeadingChangeIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
    direction          TurningDirection,
    actionDeltaTime    DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond,

 * This DF represents a frequency channel 
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field centreFrequency: the centre frequency of the channel in 10^(exp+2) Hz (where exp is exponent)
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 * @field channelWidth: width of the channel in 10^exp Hz (where exp is exponent)
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 * @field exponent: exponent of the power of 10 used in the calculation of the components above.
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 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
InterferenceManagementChannel ::= SEQUENCE {
    centreFrequency    INTEGER (1 .. 99999),
    channelWidth       INTEGER (0 .. 9999),
    exponent           INTEGER (0 .. 15) 

 * This DF represents a zone  inside which the ITS communication should be restricted in order to manage interference.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field zoneDefinition: contains the geographical definition of the zone.
 * @field managementInfo: contains interference management information applicable in the zone defined in the component zoneDefinition.
 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
InterferenceManagementZone ::= SEQUENCE {
	zoneDefinition    InterferenceManagementZoneDefinition,
	managementInfo    InterferenceManagementInfo

 * This DF represents the geographical definition of the zone where band sharing occurs. 
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field interferenceManagementZoneLatitude: Latitude of the centre point of the interference management zone.
 * @field interferenceManagementZoneLongitude: Longitude of the centre point of the interference management zone.
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 * @field interferenceManagementZoneId: optional identification of the interference management zone. 
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 * @field interferenceManagementZoneShape: shape of the interference management zone placed at the centre point. 
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 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
InterferenceManagementZoneDefinition::= SEQUENCE{     
    interferenceManagementZoneLatitude     Latitude, 
    interferenceManagementZoneLongitude    Longitude, 
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    interferenceManagementZoneId           ProtectedZoneId OPTIONAL,
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    interferenceManagementZoneShape        Shape (WITH COMPONENTS{..., radial ABSENT, radialShapes ABSENT}) OPTIONAL,

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 * This DF shall contain a list of up to 16 definitions containing interference management information, per affected frequency channels.
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 * @category: Communication information.
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
InterferenceManagementInfo::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16,...)) OF InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel

 * This DF contains interference management information for one affected frequency channel.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field interferenceManagementChannel: frequency channel for which the zone should be applied interference management 
 * @field interferenceManagementZoneType: type of the interference management zone. 
 * @field interferenceManagementMitigationType: optional type of the mitigation to be used in the interference management zone. 
 * In the case where no mitigation should be applied by the ITS-S, this is indicated by the field interferenceManagementMitigationType being absent.
 * @field expiryTime: optional time at which the validity of the interference management communication zone will expire. 
 * This component is present when the interference management is temporarily valid
 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel ::= SEQUENCE {
    interferenceManagementChannel           InterferenceManagementChannel,
    interferenceManagementZoneType          InterferenceManagementZoneType,
    interferenceManagementMitigationType    MitigationForTechnologies OPTIONAL,
    expiryTime                              TimestampIts OPTIONAL, 

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 * This DF shall contain a list of up to 16 interference  management zones.  
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 * **EXAMPLE**: An interference management communication zone may be defined around a CEN DSRC road side equipment or an urban rail operational area.
 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
InterferenceManagementZones ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16), ...) OF InterferenceManagementZone

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 * This DF represents a unique id for an intersection, in accordance with ETSI TS 103 301 [15].
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field region: the optional identifier of the entity that is responsible for the region in which the intersection is placed.
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 * It is the duty of that entity to guarantee that the @ref Id is unique within the region.
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 * @field id: the identifier of the intersection
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 * @note: when the component region is present, the IntersectionReferenceId is guaranteed to be globally unique.
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 * @category: Road topology information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
IntersectionReferenceId ::= SEQUENCE {
    region    Identifier2B OPTIONAL,
    id        Identifier2B

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 * This DF shall contain  a list of waypoints @ref ReferencePosition.
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 * @category: GeoReference information
 * @revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
ItineraryPath ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..40) OF ReferencePosition

 * This DF represents a common message header for application and facilities layer messages.
 * It is included at the beginning of an ITS message as the message header.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field protocolVersion: version of the ITS message.
 * @field messageId: type of the ITS message.
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 * @field stationId: the identifier of the ITS-S that generated the ITS message.
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 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision:  update in V2.1.1: messageID and stationID changed to messageId and stationId; messageId is of type MessageId.
ItsPduHeader ::= SEQUENCE {
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    protocolVersion    OrdinalNumber1B,
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    messageId          MessageId,
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    stationId          StationId
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 * This DF indicates a transversal position in resolution of lanes and other associated details.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field transversalPosition: the transversal position.
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 * @field laneType: the type of the lane identified in the component transversalPosition. By default set to `traffic`.
 * @field direction: the traffic direction for the lane position relative to a defined reference direction. By default set to `sameDirection`, i.e. following the reference direction.
 * @field laneWidth: the width of the lane, optional.
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 * @category Road topology information
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 * @revision: direction and laneWidth added in V2.2.1
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LanePositionAndType::= SEQUENCE {
    transversalPosition    LanePosition,
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    laneType               LaneType DEFAULT traffic,
    direction              Direction DEFAULT sameDirection,
    laneWidth              LaneWidth OPTIONAL,

 * This DF represents a set of options to describe a lane position and is the second level DF to represent a lane position. The top-level DFs are @ref GeneralizedLanePosition or @ref OccupiedLanesWithConfidence. 
 * A lane position is a transversal position on the carriageway at a specific longitudinal position, in resolution of lanes of the carriageway.
 * The following options are available:
 * @field simplelanePosition: a single lane position without any additional context information.
 * @field simpleLaneType: a lane type, to be used when the lane position is unknown but the type of lane is known. This can be used in scenarios where a certain confidence about the used lane type is given 
 * but no or limited knowledge about the absolute lane number is available. For example, a cyclist on a cycle-lane or vehicles on a specific lane that is unique for the part of the road (e.g. a bus lane).
 * @field detailedlanePosition: a single lane position with additional lane details.
 * @field lanePositionWithLateralDetails: a single lane position with additional details and the lateral position within the lane.
 * @field trafficIslandPosition: a position on a traffic island, i.e. between two lanes. 
 * @category: Road Topology information
 * @revision: Created in V2.2.1 from the DF GeneralizedLanePosition of V2.1.1. 
LanePositionOptions ::= CHOICE {
    simplelanePosition                   LanePosition,
    simpleLaneType                       LaneType,
    detailedlanePosition                 LanePositionAndType,
    lanePositionWithLateralDetails       LanePositionWithLateralDetails,
    trafficIslandPosition                TrafficIslandPosition,

 * This DF is a third-level DF that represents a lane position and is an extended version of @ref LanePositionAndType that adds the distances to the left and right lane border.
 * It shall additionally include the following components: 
 * @field distanceToLeftBorder: the distance of the transversal position to the left lane border. The real value shall be rounded to the next lower encoding-value.
 * @field distanceToRightBorder: the distance of the transversal position to the right lane border. The real value shall be rounded to the next lower encoding-value.
 * @category: Road Topology information
 * @revision: Created in V2.2.1
LanePositionWithLateralDetails ::= SEQUENCE {
    COMPONENTS OF               LanePositionAndType,
    distanceToLeftBorder        StandardLength9b,
    distanceToRightBorder       StandardLength9b,
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 * This DF indicates the vehicle acceleration at lateral direction and the confidence value of the lateral acceleration.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field lateralAccelerationValue: lateral acceleration value at a point in time.
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 * @field lateralAccelerationConfidence: confidence value of the lateral acceleration value.
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 * @note: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use @ref AccelerationComponent instead.
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 * @category Vehicle information
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 * @revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
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LateralAcceleration ::= SEQUENCE {
    lateralAccelerationValue         LateralAccelerationValue,
    lateralAccelerationConfidence    AccelerationConfidence

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 * This DF indicates the vehicle acceleration at longitudinal direction and the confidence value of the longitudinal acceleration.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field longitudinalAccelerationValue: longitudinal acceleration value at a point in time.

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 * @field longitudinalAccelerationConfidence: confidence value of the longitudinal acceleration value.
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 * @note: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use @ref AccelerationComponent instead. 
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 * @category: Vehicle information
 * @revision: V1.3.1
LongitudinalAcceleration ::= SEQUENCE {
    longitudinalAccelerationValue         LongitudinalAccelerationValue,
    longitudinalAccelerationConfidence    AccelerationConfidence

 * This DF represents the estimated position along the longitudinal length of a particular lane. 
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field  longitudinalLanePositionValue: the mean value of the longitudinal position within a particular length.
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 * @field  longitudinalLanePositionConfidence: The confidence value associated to the value.
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 * @category: Road topology information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
LongitudinalLanePosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    longitudinalLanePositionValue         LongitudinalLanePositionValue,
    longitudinalLanePositionConfidence    LongitudinalLanePositionConfidence

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 * This DF shall contain a list of a lower triangular positive semi-definite matrices.
 * @category: Sensing information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrices::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..4) OF LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix

 * This DF represents a lower triangular positive semi-definite matrix. 
 * It shall include the following components: 
 * @field componentsIncludedIntheMatrix: the indication of which components of a @ref PerceivedObject are included in the matrix. 
 * This component also implicitly indicates the number n of included components which defines the size (n x n) of the full correlation matrix "A".
 * @field matrix: the list of cells of the lower triangular positive semi-definite matrix ordered by columns and by rows. 
 * The number of columns to be included "k" is equal to the number of included components "n" indicated by componentsIncludedIntheMatrix minus 1: k = n-1.
 * These components shall be included in the order or their appearance in componentsIncludedIntheMatrix.
 * Each column "i" of the lowerTriangularCorrelationMatrixColumns contains k-(i-1) values.
 * @category: Sensing information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix ::= SEQUENCE{
    componentsIncludedIntheMatrix   MatrixIncludedComponents,
    matrix                          LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrixColumns

 * This DF represents the columns of a lower triangular positive semi-definite matrix, each column not including the main diagonal cell of the matrix.
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 * Given a matrix "A" of size n x n, the number of @ref CorrelationColumn to be included in the lower triangular matrix is k=n-1.
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 * @category: Sensing information
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 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1, extension indicator added in V2.2.1
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LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrixColumns ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..13,...) OF CorrelationColumn
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 * This DF provides information about the configuration of a road section in terms of MAPEM lanes or connections using a list of @ref MapemExtractedElementReference. 

 * @category: Road topology information
 * @revision: Created in V2.2.1
MapemConfiguration::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..16,...)) OF MapemElementReference

 * This DF provides references to an element described in a MAPEM according to ETSI TS 103 301 [i.15], such as a lane or connection at a specific intersection or road segment. 
 * It shall include the following components: 
 * @field mapReference: the optional reference to a MAPEM that describes the intersection or road segment. It is absent if the MAPEM topology is known from the context.
 * @field laneIds: the optional list of the identifiers of the lanes to be referenced. 
 * @field connectionIds: the optional list of the identifiers of the connections to be referenced. 
 * @category: Road topology information
 * @revision: Created in V2.2.1

MapemElementReference::= SEQUENCE {
  mapReference      MapReference OPTIONAL,
  laneIds           MapemLaneList  OPTIONAL,
  connectionIds	    MapemConnectionList  OPTIONAL,		
 (WITH COMPONENTS {..., connectionIds PRESENT }))

 * This DF provides references to MAPEM lanes using a list of @ref Identifier1B.
 * @category: Road topology information
 * @revision: Created in 2.2.1
MapemLaneList ::=  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8,...)) OF Identifier1B

 * This DF provides references to MAPEM connections using a list of @ref Identifier1B.
 * Note: connections are  allowed “maneuvers” (e.g. an ingress / egress relation) on an intersection.
 * @category: Road topology information
 * @revision: Created in ?2.2.1
MapemConnectionList ::=  SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8,...)) OF Identifier1B

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 * This DF indicates a position on a topology description transmitted in a MAPEM according to ETSI TS 103 301 [15].
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field mapReference: optionally identifies the MAPEM containing the topology information.
 * It is absent if the MAPEM topology is known from the context.
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 * @field laneId: optionally identifies the lane in the road segment or intersection topology on which the position is located.
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 * @field connectionId: optionally identifies the connection inside the conflict area of an intersection, i.e. it identifies a trajectory for travelling through the
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 * conflict area of an intersection which connects e.g an ingress with an egress lane.
 * @field longitudinalLanePosition: optionally indicates the longitudinal offset of the map-matched position of the object along the lane or connection.
 * @category: Road topology information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
MapPosition ::= SEQUENCE {
    mapReference                MapReference OPTIONAL,
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    laneId                      Identifier1B OPTIONAL,
    connectionId                Identifier1B OPTIONAL, 
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    longitudinalLanePosition    LongitudinalLanePosition OPTIONAL,
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   ((WITH COMPONENTS {..., laneId PRESENT, connectionId ABSENT }) |
    (WITH COMPONENTS {..., laneId ABSENT, connectionId PRESENT }))
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 * This DF provides the reference to the information contained in a MAPEM according to ETSI TS 103 301 [15]. 
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 * The following options are provided:
 * @field roadsegment: option that identifies the description of a road segment contained in a MAPEM.
 * @field intersection: option that identifies the description of an intersection contained in a MAPEM.
 * @category: Road topology information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
MapReference::= CHOICE {
	roadsegment     RoadSegmentReferenceId,
	intersection    IntersectionReferenceId

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 * This DE indicates a message rate.
 * @field mantissa: indicates the mantissa.
 * @field exponent: indicates the exponent.
 * The specified message rate is: mantissa*(10^exponent) 
 * @unit: Hz
 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
MessageRateHz::= SEQUENCE {
    mantissa    INTEGER (1..100),
    exponent    INTEGER (-5..2)

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 * This DF provides information about a message with respect to the segmentation process on facility layer at the sender.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field totalMsgNo: indicates the total number of messages that have been assembled on the transmitter side to encode the information 
 * during the same messsage generation process.
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 * @field thisMsgNo: indicates the position of the message within of the total set of messages generated during the same message generation process.
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 * @category: Communication information
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 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1, description revised in V2.2.1
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MessageSegmentationInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
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    totalMsgNo  CardinalNumber3b,
    thisMsgNo   OrdinalNumber3b
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 * This DF provides information about the source of and confidence in information.
 * It shall include the following components: 
 * @field usedDetectionInformation: the type of sensor(s) that is used to provide the detection information.
 * @field usedStoredInformation: the type of source of the stored information 
 * @field confidenceValue: an optional confidence value associated to the information. 
 * @category: Basic information
 * @revision: Created in V2.2.1
  usedDetectionInformation   SensorTypes, 
  usedStoredInformation      StoredInformationType,
  confidenceValue            ConfidenceLevel OPTIONAL,

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 * This DF shall contain a list of @ref MitigationPerTechnologyClass.
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 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
MitigationForTechnologies ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF MitigationPerTechnologyClass 

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 * This DF represents a set of mitigation parameters for a specific technology, as specified in ETSI TS 103 724 [24], clause 7.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field accessTechnologyClass:  channel access technology to which this mitigation is intended to be applied.
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 * @field lowDutyCycle: duty cycle limit.
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 * @unit: 0,01 % steps
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 * @field powerReduction: the delta value of power to be reduced.
 * @unit: dB
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 * @field dmcToffLimit: idle time limit as defined in ETSI TS 103 175 [19].
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 * @unit: ms
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 * @field dmcTonLimit: Transmission duration limit, as defined in ETSI EN 302 571 [20].
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 * @unit: ms
 * @note: All parameters are optional, as they may not apply to some of the technologies or
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 * interference management zone types. Specification details are in ETSI TS 103 724 [24], clause 7. 
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 * @category: Communication information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
MitigationPerTechnologyClass ::= SEQUENCE {
   accessTechnologyClass    AccessTechnologyClass, 
   lowDutyCycle             INTEGER (0 .. 10000) OPTIONAL, 
   powerReduction           INTEGER (0 .. 30) OPTIONAL,
   dmcToffLimit             INTEGER (0 .. 1200) OPTIONAL,   
   dmcTonLimit              INTEGER (0 .. 20) OPTIONAL,   

 * This DF indicates both the class and associated subclass that best describes an object.
 * The following options are available:
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 * @field vehicleSubClass: the object is a road vehicle and the specific subclass is specified.
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 * @field vruSubClass: the object is a VRU and the specific subclass is specified.
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 * @field groupSubClass: the object is a VRU group or cluster and the cluster information is specified.
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 * @field otherSubClass: the object is of a different type than the above and the specific subclass is specified.
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 * @category: Sensing information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
ObjectClass ::= CHOICE {
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    vehicleSubClass      TrafficParticipantType (unknown|passengerCar..tram|agricultural),
    vruSubClass          VruProfileAndSubprofile,
    groupSubClass        VruClusterInformation (WITH COMPONENTS{..., clusterBoundingBoxShape ABSENT}),
    otherSubClass        OtherSubClass,
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 * This DF shall contain a list of object classes.
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 * @category: Sensing information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
ObjectClassDescription ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF ObjectClassWithConfidence

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 * This DF represents the classification of a detected object together with a confidence level.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field objectClass: the class of the object.
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 * @field Confidence: the associated confidence level.
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 * @category: Sensing information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
ObjectClassWithConfidence ::= SEQUENCE {
    objectClass    ObjectClass,
    confidence     ConfidenceLevel
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 * This DF represents a dimension of an object together with a confidence value.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field value: the object dimension value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.
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 * @field confidence: the associated confidence value.
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 * @category: Sensing information
 * @revision: Created in V2.1.1
ObjectDimension ::= SEQUENCE {
    value         ObjectDimensionValue,
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    confidence    ObjectDimensionConfidence
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 * This DF represents a set of lanes which are partially or fully occupied by an object or event. 
 * @note: In contrast to @ref GeneralizedLanePosition, the dimension of the object or event area (width and length) is taken into account to determine the occupancy, 
 * i.e. this DF describes the lanes which are blocked by an object or event and not the position of the object / event itself. A confidence is used to describe the 
 * probability that exactly all the provided lanes are occupied. 
 * It shall include the following components: 
 * @field lanePositionBased: a set of up to `4` lanes that are partially or fully occupied by an object or event, ordered by increasing value of @ref LanePosition. 
 * Lanes that are partially occupied can be described using the component lanePositionWithLateralDetails of @ref  Options, with the following constraints: 
 * The distance to lane borders which are covered by the object / event shall be set to 0. Only the distances to the leftmost and/or rightmost border which are not covered by 
 * the object / event shall be provided with values > 0. Those values shall be added to the respective instances of @ref LanePositionOptions, i.e. the first entry shall contain the component distanceToLeftBorder > 0 , 
 * and/or the last entry shall contain the component distanceToRightBorder > 0; the respective other components of these entries shall be set to 0.
 * @field mapBased: optional lane information described in the context of a MAPEM as specified in ETSI TS 103 301 [15]. 
 * If present, it shall describe the same lane(s) as listed in the component lanePositionBased, but using the lane identification of the MAPEM. This component can be used only if a 
 * MAPEM is available for the reference position (e.g. on an intersection): In this case it is used as a synonym to the mandatory component lanePositionBased. 
 * @field confidence: mandatory confidence information for expressing the probability that all the provided lanes are occupied. It also provides information on how the lane 
 * information were generated. If none of the sensors were used, the lane information is assumed to be derived directly from the absolute reference position and the related dimension.
 * @category: Road Topology information
 * @revision: Created in V2.2.1
OccupiedLanesWithConfidence::= SEQUENCE {
    lanePositionBased     SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF LanePositionOptions,
    mapBased              SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF MapPosition  OPTIONAL,
    confidence            MetaInformation,

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 * This DF represents a path with a set of path points.
 * It shall contain up to `40` @ref PathPoint. 
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 * The first PathPoint presents an offset delta position with regards to an external reference position.
 * Each other PathPoint presents an offset delta position and optionally an offset travel time with regards to the previous PathPoint. 
 * @category: GeoReference information, Vehicle information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1 based on PathHistory
Path::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..40)) OF PathPoint

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 * This DF represents a path history with a set of path points.
 * It shall contain up to `40` @ref PathPoint. 
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 * The first PathPoint presents an offset delta position with regards to an external reference position.
 * Each other PathPoint presents an offset delta position and optionally an offset travel time with regards to the previous PathPoint. 
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 * @note: this DF is kept for backwards compatibility reasons only. It is recommended to use @ref Path instead.
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 * @category: GeoReference information, Vehicle information
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 * @revision: semantics updated in V2.1.1, size corrected to 0..40 in V2.2.1
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PathHistory::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..40)) OF PathPoint
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 * This DF represents a predicted path with a set of path points.
 * It shall contain up to `15` @ref PathPoint. 
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 * The first PathPoint presents an offset delta position with regards to an external reference position.
 * Each other PathPoint presents an offset delta position and optionally an offset travel time with regards to the previous PathPoint. 
 * @category: GeoReference information
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 * @revision: created in V2.1.1 
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PathPredicted::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..15,...)) OF PathPointPredicted

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 * This DF defines an offset waypoint position within a path.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field pathPosition: The waypoint position defined as an offset position with regards to a pre-defined reference position. 
 * @field pathDeltaTime: The optional travel time separated from a waypoint to the predefined reference position.
 * @category GeoReference information
 * @revision: semantics updated in V2.1.1
PathPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
    pathPosition     DeltaReferencePosition,
    pathDeltaTime    PathDeltaTime OPTIONAL

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 * This DF defines a predicted offset waypoint position within a path.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field deltaLatitude: an offset latitude with regards to a pre-defined reference position. 
 * @field deltaLongitude: an offset longitude with regards to a pre-defined reference position. 
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 * @field horizontalPositionConfidence: the confidence value associated to the horizontal geographical position.
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 * @field deltaAltitude: an offset altitude with regards to a pre-defined reference position. 
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 * @field altitudeConfidence: the confidence value associated to the altitude value of the geographical position.
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 * @field pathDeltaTime: The  travel time separated from the waypoint to the predefined reference position.
 * @category GeoReference information
 * @revision: semantics updated in V2.1.1
PathPointPredicted::= SEQUENCE {
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  deltaLatitude                 DeltaLatitude,      
  deltaLongitude                DeltaLongitude, 
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  horizontalPositionConfidence  PosConfidenceEllipse OPTIONAL,   
  deltaAltitude                 DeltaAltitude DEFAULT unavailable, 
  altitudeConfidence            AltitudeConfidence DEFAULT unavailable,
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  pathDeltaTime                 DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond,
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 * This DF contains information about a perceived object including its kinematic state and attitude vector in a pre-defined coordinate system and with respect to a reference time.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field objectId: optional identifier assigned to a detected object.
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 * @field measurementDeltaTime: the time difference from a reference time to the time of the  measurement of the object. 
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 * Negative values indicate that the provided object state refers to a point in time before the reference time.
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 * @field position: the position of the geometric centre of the object's bounding box within the pre-defined coordinate system.
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 * @field velocity: the velocity vector of the object within the pre-defined coordinate system.
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 * @field acceleration: the acceleration vector of the object within the pre-defined coordinate system.
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 * @field angles: optional Euler angles of the object bounding box at the time of measurement. 
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 * @field zAngularVelocity: optional angular velocity of the object around the z-axis at the time of measurement.
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 * The angular velocity is measured with positive values considering the object orientation turning around the z-axis using the right-hand rule.
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 * @field lowerTriangularCorrelationMatrices: optional set of lower triangular correlation matrices for selected components of the provided kinematic state and attitude vector.
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 * @field objectDimensionZ: optional z-dimension of object bounding box. 
 * This dimension shall be measured along the direction of the z-axis after all the rotations have been applied. 
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 * @field objectDimensionY: optional y-dimension of the object bounding box. 
 * This dimension shall be measured along the direction of the y-axis after all the rotations have been applied. 
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 * @field objectDimensionX: optional x-dimension of object bounding box.
 * This dimension shall be measured along the direction of the x-axis after all the rotations have been applied.
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 * @field objectAge: optional age of the detected and described object, i.e. the difference in time between the moment 
 * it has been first detected and the reference time of the message. Value `1500` indicates that the object has been observed for more than 1.5s.
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 * @field objectPerceptionQuality: optional confidence associated to the object. 
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 * @field sensorIdList: optional list of sensor-IDs which provided the measurement data. 
 * @field classification: optional classification of the described object
 * @field matchedPosition: optional map-matched position of an object.
 * @category Sensing information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
PerceivedObject ::= SEQUENCE {
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    objectId                                          Identifier2B OPTIONAL,
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    measurementDeltaTime                              DeltaTimeMilliSecondSigned,
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    position                                          CartesianPosition3dWithConfidence, 
    velocity                                          Velocity3dWithConfidence OPTIONAL,
    acceleration                                      Acceleration3dWithConfidence OPTIONAL,
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    angles                                            EulerAnglesWithConfidence OPTIONAL,
    zAngularVelocity                                  CartesianAngularVelocityComponent OPTIONAL,
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    lowerTriangularCorrelationMatrices                LowerTriangularPositiveSemidefiniteMatrices OPTIONAL,
    objectDimensionZ                                  ObjectDimension OPTIONAL,
    objectDimensionY                                  ObjectDimension OPTIONAL,
    objectDimensionX                                  ObjectDimension OPTIONAL,
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    objectAge                                         DeltaTimeMilliSecondSigned (0..2047) OPTIONAL,
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    objectPerceptionQuality                           ObjectPerceptionQuality OPTIONAL,
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    sensorIdList                                      SequenceOfIdentifier1B OPTIONAL,
    classification                                    ObjectClassDescription OPTIONAL,
    mapPosition                                       MapPosition OPTIONAL,

 * This DF represents the shape of a polygonal area or of a right prism.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field shapeReferencePoint: the optional reference point used for the definition of the shape, relative to an externally specified reference position. 
 * If this component is absent, the externally specified reference position represents the shape's reference point. 
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 * @field polygon: the polygonal area represented by a list of minimum `3` to maximum `16` @ref CartesianPosition3d.
 * All nodes of the polygon shall be considered relative to the shape's reference point.
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 * @field height: the optional height, present if the shape is a right prism extending in the positive z-axis.
 * @category GeoReference information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1
PolygonalShape ::= SEQUENCE {
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   shapeReferencePoint    CartesianPosition3d OPTIONAL,
   polygon                SequenceOfCartesianPosition3d (SIZE(3..16,...)),
   height                 StandardLength12b OPTIONAL
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 * This DF indicates the horizontal position confidence ellipse which represents the estimated accuracy with a 
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 * confidence level of 95  %. The centre of the ellipse shape corresponds to the reference
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 * position point for which the position accuracy is evaluated.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field semiMajorConfidence: half of length of the major axis, i.e. distance between the centre point
 * and major axis point of the position accuracy ellipse. 
 * @field semiMinorConfidence: half of length of the minor axis, i.e. distance between the centre point
 * and minor axis point of the position accuracy ellipse. 
 * @field semiMajorOrientation: orientation direction of the ellipse major axis of the position accuracy
 * ellipse with regards to the WGS84 north. 
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 * The specific WGS84 coordinate system is specified by the corresponding standards applying this DE.
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 * @category GeoReference information
 * @revision: V1.3.1
PosConfidenceEllipse ::= SEQUENCE {
    semiMajorConfidence     SemiAxisLength,
    semiMinorConfidence     SemiAxisLength,
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    semiMajorOrientation    HeadingValue

 * This DF indicates the horizontal position confidence ellipse which represents the estimated accuracy with a 
 * confidence level of 95 %. The centre of the ellipse shape corresponds to the reference
 * position point for which the position accuracy is evaluated.
 * It shall include the following components: 
 * @field semiMajorAxisLength: half of length of the major axis, i.e. distance between the centre point
 * and major axis point of the position accuracy ellipse. 
 * @field semiMinorAxisLength: half of length of the minor axis, i.e. distance between the centre point
 * and minor axis point of the position accuracy ellipse. 
 * @field semiMajorAxisOrientation: orientation direction of the ellipse major axis of the position accuracy
 * ellipse with regards to the WGS84 north. 
 * The specific WGS84 coordinate system is specified by the corresponding standards applying this DE.
 * @category GeoReference information
 * @revision: created in V2.1.1 based on @ref PosConfidenceEllipse
PositionConfidenceEllipse ::= SEQUENCE {
    semiMajorAxisLength         SemiAxisLength,
    semiMinorAxisLength         SemiAxisLength,
    semiMajorAxisOrientation    Wgs84AngleValue
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 * This DF shall contain a list of distances @ref PosPillar that refer to the perpendicular distance between centre of vehicle front bumper
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 * and vehicle pillar A, between neighbour pillars until the last pillar of the vehicle.
 * Vehicle pillars refer to the vertical or near vertical support of vehicle,
 * designated respectively as the A, B, C or D and other pillars moving in side profile view from the front to rear.
 * The first value of the DF refers to the perpendicular distance from the centre of vehicle front bumper to 
 * vehicle A pillar. The second value refers to the perpendicular distance from the centre position of A pillar
 * to the B pillar of vehicle and so on until the last pillar.
 * @category: Vehicle information
 * @revision: V1.3.1
PositionOfPillars ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..3, ...)) OF PosPillar

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 * This DF describes a zone of protection inside which the ITS communication should be restricted.
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 * It shall include the following components: 
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 * @field protectedZoneType: type of the protected zone. 
 * @field expiryTime: optional time at which the validity of the protected communication zone will expire.
 * @field protectedZoneLatitude: latitude of the centre point of the protected communication zone.
 * @field protectedZoneLongitude: longitude of the centre point of the protected communication zone.
 * @field protectedZoneRadius: optional radius of the protected communication zone in metres.
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 * @field protectedZoneId: the optional ID of the protected communication zone.
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 * @note: A protected communication zone may be defined around a CEN DSRC road side equipment.
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
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 * @revision: revised in V2.1.1 (changed protectedZoneID to protectedZoneId)
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ProtectedCommunicationZone ::= SEQUENCE {
    protectedZoneType         ProtectedZoneType,
    expiryTime                TimestampIts OPTIONAL,
    protectedZoneLatitude     Latitude,
    protectedZoneLongitude    Longitude,
    protectedZoneRadius       ProtectedZoneRadius OPTIONAL,
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    protectedZoneId           ProtectedZoneId OPTIONAL,
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 * This DF shall contain a list of @ref ProtectedCommunicationZone provided by a road side ITS-S (Road Side Unit RSU).
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 * It may provide up to 16 protected communication zones information.
 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
 * @revision: V1.3.1
ProtectedCommunicationZonesRSU ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF ProtectedCommunicationZone 

 * This DF represents activation data for real-time systems designed for operations control, traffic light priorities, track switches, barriers, etc.
 * using a range of activation devices equipped in public transport vehicles.
 * The activation of the corresponding equipment is triggered by the approach or passage of a public transport
 * vehicle at a certain point (e.g. a beacon).
 * @field ptActivationType: type of activation. 
 * @field ptActicationData: data of activation. 
 * Today there are different payload variants defined for public transport activation-data. The R09.x is one of
 * the industry standard used by public transport vehicles (e.g. buses, trams) in Europe (e.g. Germany Austria)
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 * for controlling traffic lights, barriers, bollards, etc. This DF shall include information like route, course,
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 * destination, priority, etc.
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 * The R09.x content is defined in VDV recommendation 420 [7]. It includes following information:
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 * - Priority Request Information (pre-request, request, ready to start)
 * - End of Prioritization procedure
 * - Priority request direction
 * - Public Transport line number
 * - Priority of public transport
 * - Route line identifier of the public transport
 * - Route number identification
 * - Destination of public transport vehicle