ITS-Container.asn 210 KB
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 * - 11 `roadOperator`: vehicle is used in road operator missions as defined in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,
 * - 12 `taxi`: vehicle is used to provide an authorized taxi service as defined
 *   in CEN/TS 16157-3 [3], annex A, table A.137,
 * - 13 `reserved`: reserved for future usage,
 * - 14 `reserved`: reserved for future usage,
 * - 15 `reserved`: reserved for future usage.
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 * @category: Vehicle Information
 * Revision: V1.3.1
VehicleRole ::= ENUMERATED {

 * This DE describes the subclass of a vehicle.
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - `0` unknown          : indicates that the type of vehicle is unknown.
 * - `1` passengerCar     : indicates a small passenger car as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 class M1.
 * - `2` bus              : indicates a large passenger vehicle as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 class M2, M3.
 * - `3` lightTruck       : indicates a light goods vehicle as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 class N1.
 * - `4` heavyTruck       : indicates a heavy goods vehicle as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 class N2, N3.
 * - `5` trailer          : indicates an unpowered vehicle that is intended to be towed by a powered vehicle as defined in UNECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4 class O.
 * - `6` specialVehicles  : indicates a vehicle which has a special purpose other than the above (e.g. moving road works vehicle).
 * - `7` tram             : indicates a vehicle running on tracks along public streets.
 * - `8` emergencyVehicle : indicates a vehicle used in an emergency situation such as an ambulance, police car or fire engine.
 * - `9` agricultural     : indicates a vehicle used for agricultural purposes.
 * - Values 10 to 255 are reserved for future use.
 * @category: Vehicle information 
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
VehicleSubclass ::= INTEGER {
    unknown             (0),    
    passengerCar        (1),    
    bus                 (2),    
    lightTruck          (3),    
    heavyTruck          (4),    
    trailer             (5),    
    specialVehicles     (6),    
    tram                (7),    
    emergencyVehicle    (8),    
    agricultural        (9)     
} (0..255)
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 * This DE represents the width of a vehicle, excluding side mirrors and possible similar extensions.

 * The following values are specified:
 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 61)` indicates the applicable value n in the range of 10 cm and 6,1 meters.
 * - `61`indicates that the vehicle width is equal to or greater than 6,1 metres.
 * - `62`indicates that the information in unavailable.
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 * @unit: 0.1 metre
 * @category: Vehicle information 
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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VehicleWidth ::= INTEGER {
} (1..62)
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 * This DE represents the vehicle acceleration at vertical direction in the centre of the mass of the empty vehicle.
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 * It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as specified in ISO 8855 [2].
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - `n (n > -160 and n < 0)` indicates the vehicle is accelerating downwards.
 * - `0`indicates that the vehicle is not accelerating vertically. 
 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 160)` that the vehicle is accelerating upwards.
 * - `160`indicates that the upwards acceleration is equal to or greater than 16 m/s<sup>2</sup>.
 * - `161`indicates that the information in unavailable.
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 * @note: The empty load vehicle is defined in ISO 1176 [i.9], clause 4.6.
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 * @category: Vehicle information
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 * @unit: 0.1 m/s<sup>2</sup>
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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VerticalAccelerationValue ::= INTEGER {
} (-160 .. 161)
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 * This DE Identifies all the VRU profile types that are believed to be within a cluster.
 * It consist of a Bitmap encoding VRU profiles, to allow multiple profiles to be indicated in a single cluster (heterogeneous cluster if more than one profile).
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 * The corresponding bit shall be set to 1 under the following conditions:
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 * - 0 `pedestrian`  : indicates that the VRU cluster contains at least one pedestrian VRU.
 * - 1 `bicycle`     : indicates that the VRU cluster contains at least one bicycle VRU member.
 * - 2 `motorcycle`  : indicates that the VRU cluster contains at least one motorcycle VRU member.
 * - 3 `animal`      : indicates that the VRU cluster contains at least one animal VRU member.
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 * Otherwise, the corresponding bit shall be set to 0.
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 * @category: VRU information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruClusterProfiles ::= BIT STRING {
} (SIZE(4))

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 * This DE represents the possible VRU usage conditions.

 * - The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable`      : indicates that the usage conditions are unavailable. 
 * - 0 `other (1)`        : indicates that the VRU is in a state not defined below.
 * - 0 `idle (2)`         : indicates that the human is currently not interacting with the device.
 * - 0 `listeningToAudio` : indicates that any audio source other than calling is in use.
 * - 0 `typing (4)`       : indicates that the human is texting, entering addresses and other manual input activity.
 * - 0 `calling (5)`      : indicates that the VRU device is currently received a call. 
 * - 0 `playingGames (6)` : indicates that the human spoiling his time by playing games. 
 * - 0 `reading (7)`      : indicates that the human is reading on the VRU device.
 * - 0 `viewing (8)`      : indicates that the human is watching dynamic content, including following navigation prompts, viewing videos or other visual contents that are not static,
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 * - value 9 to 255: reserved for future usage. Value 255 set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.
 * @category: VRU information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruDeviceUsage ::= ENUMERATED {
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 * This DE represents the possible VRU environment conditions.
 * - The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable`            : indicates that the information on the type of environment is unavailable,
 * - 1 `intersectionCrossing`   : indicates that the VRU is on an intersection or crossing. 
 * - 2 `zebraCrossing`          : indicates that the VRU is on a  zebra crossing (crosswalk).
 * - 3 `sidewalk`               : indicates that the VRU is on a sidewalk.
 * - 4 `onVehicleRoad`          : indicates that the VRU is on a traffic lane. 
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 * - value 6 to 255: reserved for future usage. Value 255 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.
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 * @category: VRU information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruEnvironment ::= ENUMERATED {
    unavailable (0), 
    sidewalk (3), 
    max (255)
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 *  This DE indicates the status of the possible human control over a VRU vehicle.
 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable`                 : indicates that the information on is unavailable.
 * - 1 `braking`                     : indicates that the VRU is braking.
 * - 2 `hardBraking`                 : indicates that the VRU is braking hard.
 * - 3 `stopPedaling`                : indicates that the VRU stopped pedaling.
 * - 4 `brakingAndStopPedaling`      : indicates that the VRU stopped pedaling an is braking. 
 * - 5 `hardBrakingAndStopPedaling`  : indicates that the VRU stopped pedaling an is braking hard.
 * - 6 `noReaction`                  : indicates that the VRU is not changing its behavior.
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 * - value 5 to 255: reserved for future usage. Value 255 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.
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 * @category: VRU information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruMovementControl ::= ENUMERATED {
    unavailable (0), 
    stopPedaling (3), 
    hardBrakingAndStopPedaling (5), 
    max (255)
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 * This DE indicates the profile of a pedestrian.
 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable`             : indicates that the information on is unavailable.
 * - 1 `ordinary-pedestrian`     : indicates a pedestrian to which no more-specific profile applies.
 * - 2 `road-worker`             : indicates a pedestrian with the role of a road worker.
 * - 3 `first-responder`         : indicates a pedestrian with the role of a first responder. 
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 * - value 4 to 15: reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.
 * @category: VRU information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruSubProfilePedestrian ::= ENUMERATED {
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 * This DE indicates the profile of a VRU and its light VRU vehicle / animal. 
 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable`           : indicates that the information  is unavailable.
 * - 1 `bicyclist `            : indicates a cycle and bicyclist.
 * - 2 `wheelchair-user`       : indicates a wheelchair and its user.
 * - 3 `horse-and-rider`       : indicates a horse and rider.
 * - 4 `rollerskater`          : indicates a rolleskater and skater.
 * - 5 `e-scooter`             : indicates an e-scooter and rider.
 * - 6 `personal-transporter`  : indicates a personal-transporter.
 * - 7 `pedelec`               : indicates a pedelec and rider.
 * - 8 `speed-pedelec`         : indicates a speed-pedelec rider. 
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 * - value 9 to 15: reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.
 * @category: VRU information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruSubProfileBicyclist ::= ENUMERATED {
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 * This DE indicates the profile of a motorcyclist and corresponding vehicle.
 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable `                  : indicates that the information  is unavailable.
 * - 1 `moped (1)`                     : indicates a moped and rider.
 * - 2 `motorcycle`                    : indicates a motorcycle and rider.
 * - 3 `motorcycle-and-sidecar-right`  : indicates a motorcycle with sidecar on the right and rider.
 * - 4 `motorcycle-and-sidecar-left`   : indicates  a motorcycle with sidecar on the left and rider.
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 * - value 5 to 15: reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.
 * @category: VRU information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruSubProfileMotorcyclist ::= ENUMERATED { 
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 * This DE indicates the profile of a animal
 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable`     : indicates that the information  is unavailable.
 * - 1 `wild-animal`     : indicates a animal living in the wildness. 
 * - 2 `farm-animal`     : indicates an animal beloning to a farm.
 * - 3 `service-animal`  : indicates an animal that supports a human being. 
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 * - value 4 to 15: reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.
 * @category: VRU information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruSubProfileAnimal ::= ENUMERATED {

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 * This DE indicates the approximate size of a VRU including the VRU vehicle used.
 * The following values are specified:
 * - 0 `unavailable(0): There is no matched size class or due to privacy reasons in profile 1. 
 * - 1 `low (1): the VRU size class is low depending on the VRU profile..
 * - 2 `medium (2): the VRU size class is medium depending on the VRU profile.
 * - 3 `high (3): the VRU size class is high depending on the VRU profile.
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 * - value 4 to 15: reserved for future usage. Value 15 is set to "max" in order to bound the size of the encoded field.
 * @category: VRU information
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 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruSizeClass ::= ENUMERATED {
    unavailable (0), 
    high (3), 

 * This DE describes the status of the exterior light switches of a vehicle or a VRU.
 * The DE is an extension of the existing vehicular DE ExteriorLight.
 * The value of each bit indicates the state of the switch, which commands the corresponding light. 
 * The bit corresponding to a specific light is set to 1, when the corresponding switch is turned on, either manually by the driver or VRU or automatically by a vehicle or VRU system. 
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 * - 0 `unavailable`     : indicates no information available. 
 * - 1 `backFlashLight ` : indicates the status of the back flash light.
 * - 2 `helmetLight`     : indicates the status of the helmet light.
 * - 3 `armLight`        : indicates the status of the arm light.
 * - 4 `legLight`        : indicates the status of the leg leight.
 * - 5 `wheelLight`      : indicates the status of the wheel light. 
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 * - Bits 6 to 8: reserved for future use. 
 * The bit values do not indicate if the corresponding lamps are alight or not.
 * If  VRU is not equipped with a certain light or if the light switch status information is not available, the corresponding bit shall be set to 0.
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 * @category: VRU information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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VruSpecificExteriorLights ::= BIT STRING {
        unavailable (0),
        backFlashLight (1),
        helmetLight (2),
        armLight (3),
        legLight (4),
        wheelLight (5)
    } (SIZE(8))

 * Perpendicular distance between front and rear axle of the wheel base of vehicle.
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 126)` if the value is equal to or less than `n x 0.1 metres`  and more than `(n-1) x 0.1 metres`.
 * - `126` indicates that the wheel base distance is equal to or greater than 12.6 metres.
 * - `127` indicates that the information is unavailable.
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 * @unit 0.1 metre
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 * @category: Vehicle information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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WheelBaseVehicle ::= INTEGER {
    unavailable(127)} (1..127)
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 * This DE represents the absolute accuracy of a reported angle value for a confidence level of 95 %.
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 * The required confidence level is defined by the corresponding standards applying this DE.
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 * The following values are specified:
 * - `1` if the angle accuracy is equal to or less than `0,1 degrees`.
 * - `n (n > 1 and n < 126)` if the speed accuracy is equal to or less than `n degrees`.
 * - `126` if the angle accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than `12,5 degrees`.
 * - `127` if the angle accuracy information is not available.
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 * @unit 0,1 degrees
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 * @category: GeoReference Information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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Wgs84AngleConfidence ::= INTEGER {
    zeroPointOneDegree  (1),
    oneDegree           (10),
    outOfRange          (126), 
    unavailable         (127)  
} (1..127)

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 * This DE represents an angle value in degrees described in the WGS84 reference system with respect to the WGS84 north.
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 * @unit 0,1 degrees
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 * @category: GeoReference Information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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Wgs84AngleValue ::= INTEGER {
    wgs84North          (0),
    wgs84East           (900),
    wgs84South          (1800),
    wgs84West           (2700),
    unavailable         (3601)
} (0..3601)
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 * This DE represents the World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI). The values are assigned according to ISO 3779 [i.7].
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 * @category: Vehicle information
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WMInumber ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..3))
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 * This DE represents the sub cause codes of the @?CauseCode `wrongWayDriving` .
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 * The following values are specified:
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 * - 0 `unavailable`: in case further detailed information on wrong way driving event is unavailable,
 * - 1 `wrongLane`: in case vehicle is driving on a lane for which it has no authorization to use,
 * - 2 `wrongDirection`: in case vehicle is driving in a direction that it is not allowed,
 * - 3-255 reserved for future usage.
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 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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WrongWayDrivingSubCauseCode ::= INTEGER {
} (0..255)
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 * This DE denotes the absolute accuracy range for reported yaw rate value for a confidence level of 95%.
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 * The following value are specified:
 * - `0` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,01 degree/second.
 * - `1` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,05 degrees/second.
 * - `2` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 0,1 degree/second.
 * - `3` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 1 degree/second.
 * - `4` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 5 degrees/second.
 * - `5` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 10 degrees/second.
 * - `6` indicates that the accuracy is equal to or less than 100 degrees/second.
 * - `7` indicates that the accuracy is out of range, i.e. greater than 100 degrees/second.
 * - `8` indicates that the accuracy information is unavailable
 * NOTE: The fact that a yaw rate value is received with confidence set to `unavailable(8)` can be caused by
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 * several reasons, such as:
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 * - the sensor cannot deliver the accuracy at the defined confidence level because it is a low-end sensor,
 * - the sensor cannot calculate the accuracy due to lack of variables, or
 * - there has been a vehicle bus (e.g. CAN bus) error.
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 * In all 3 cases above, the reported yaw rate value may be valid and used by the application.
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 * If a yaw rate value is received and its confidence is set to `outOfRange(7)`, it means that the reported
 * yaw rate value is not valid and therefore cannot be trusted. Such value is not useful the application.
 * @category: Traffic information
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 * Revision: Description revised in V2.1.1
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YawRateConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {
    degSec-000-01 (0),
    degSec-000-05 (1),
    degSec-000-10 (2),
    degSec-001-00 (3),
    degSec-005-00 (4),
    degSec-010-00 (5),
    degSec-100-00 (6),
    outOfRange (7),
    unavailable (8)
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 * This DE represents the vehicle rotation around z-axis of coordinate system centred on the centre of mass of the empty-loaded
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 * vehicle. It corresponds to the vehicle coordinate system as specified in ISO 8855 [2].
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 * The following value are specified:
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 * - The leading sign denotes the direction of rotation.
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 * - `-32 766` indicates that the yaw rate is equal to or greater than 327,66 degrees/second to the right.
 * - `n (n > -32 766 and n < 0)` indicates that the rotation is clockwise (i.e. to the right).
 * - `0` indicates that there is no rotation. 
 * - `n (n > 0 and n < 32 766)` indicates that the rotation is anti-clockwise (i.e. to the left).
 * - `32 766` indicates that the yaw rate is equal to or greater than 327.66 degrees/second to the left.
 * - `32 767` indicates that the information is not available.
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 * The yaw rate value shall be a raw data value, i.e. not filtered, smoothed or otherwise modified.
 * The reading instant should be the same as for the vehicle acceleration.
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 * @note: The empty load vehicle is defined in ISO 1176 [i.9], clause 4.6.
 * @unit: 0,01 degree per second. 
 * @category: Vehicle Information
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 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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YawRateValue ::= INTEGER {
} (-32766..32767)
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-- Specification of CDD Data Frames:

 * This DF represents general Data Frame to describe an acceleration component along with a confidence with a predefined confidence level of 95% for the component.
 * @details value: the acceleration value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.
 * @details value confidence: the accuracy associated to the provided value at a predefined confidence level of 95% for the component.
 * @category: Kinematic Information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
Acceleration1d ::= SEQUENCE {
    value       AccelerationValue,
    confidence  AccelerationConfidence

 * This DF represents information associated to changes in acceleration. 
 * @details accelOrDecel: the indication of an acceleration change.
 * @details value actionDeltaTime: the period in which the acceleration change action is performed.
 * @category: Kinematic Information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
AccelerationChangeIndication ::= SEQUENCE {
    accelOrDecel    AccelerationChange,
    actionDeltaTime DeltaTimeTenthOfSecond,
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 * This DF represents an identifier used to describe a protocol action taken by an ITS-S.
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 * @field originatingStationID: ID of the ITS-S that takes the action. 
 * @field sequenceNumber: a sequence number. 
 * @category: Communication information
 * Revision: V1.3.1
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ActionID ::= SEQUENCE {
    originatingStationID StationID,
    sequenceNumber SequenceNumber
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 * This DF provides the altitude and accuracy of an altitude information in a WGS84 co-ordinate system.
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 * @field altitudeValue: altitude of a geographical point.
 * @field altitudeConfidence: accuracy of the reported altitudeValue within a specific confidence level.
 * @category: GeoReference information
 * Revision: V1.3.1
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Altitude ::= SEQUENCE {
    altitudeValue AltitudeValue,
    altitudeConfidence AltitudeConfidence
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 * This DF provides the definition of a geographical area, based on different options.
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 * @field rectangle: definition of an area of rectangular shape.
 * @field circle: definition of an area of cicrular shape.
 * @field polygon: definition of an area of polygonal shape.
 * @field ellipse: definition of an area of ellipse shape.
 * @category: GeoReference information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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Area::= CHOICE {
   rectangle        RectangularArea,
   circle           CircularArea, 
   polygon          PolygonalArea,
   ellipse          EllipticalArea,
   radial           RadialArea,
  -- radialVehicle    

 * This DE represents a general container for usage in various types of messages.
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 * @details stationType: The type of station that has generated the message that contains the basic container.
 * @details referencePosition: the reference position of the station that has generated the message that contains the basic container.
 * @category: Basic information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
BasicContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
	stationType StationType,
	referencePosition ReferencePosition,
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 * This DF represents a general Data Frame to describe an angle component along with a confidence with a predefined
 * confidence level of 95% for the component in a Cartesian coordinate system.
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 * @details value: The angle value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.
 * @details confidence: The accuracy associated to the provided value at a predefined confidence level of 95% for the component.
 * @category: Kinematics information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
CartesianAngle ::= SEQUENCE {
    value       CartesianAngleValue,
    confidence  AngleConfidence

 * This DF represents a general Data Frame to describe an angular speed component along with a confidence with a predefined
 * confidence level of 95% for the component in a Cartesian coordinate system.
 * @details value: The angular speed (rate) value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.
 * @details confidence: The accuracy associated to the provided value at a predefined confidence level of 95% for the component.
 * @category: Kinematics information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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CartesianAngularSpeed ::= SEQUENCE {
    value       CartesianAngularSpeedValue,
    confidence  AngularSpeedConfidence
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 * This DF represents a general Data Frame to describe an angular acceleration component along with a confidence with a predefined
 * confidence level of 95% for the component in a Cartesian coordinate system.
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 * @details value: The angular acceleration value which can be estimated as the mean of the current distribution.
 * @details confidence: The accuracy associated to the provided value at a predefined confidence level of 95% for the component.
 * @category: Kinematics information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1 
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CartesianAngularAcceleration ::= SEQUENCE {
    value       CartesianAngularAccelerationValue,
    confidence  AngularAccelerationConfidence
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 * This DF is a representation of the cause code value of a traffic event. 
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 * @field causeCode: the main cause of a detected event. 
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 * @field subCauseCode: the subordinate cause of a detected event. 
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 * The semantics of the entire DF are completely defined by the component causeCode. 
 * The interpretation of the subCauseCode may provide additional information that is not strictly necessary to understand the causeCode itself, and is therefore optional.
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 * @category: Traffic information
 * Revision: Editorial update in V2.1.1
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CauseCode ::= SEQUENCE {
    causeCode CauseCodeType,
    subCauseCode SubCauseCodeType,

 * This DF is an alternative representation of the cause code value of a traffic event. 
 * @field causeCode: the main cause of a detected event. Each choice is of a different type and represents the sub cause code.
 * The semantics of the entire DF are completely defined by the component causeCode. 
 * The interpretation of the subCauseCode may provide additional information that is not strictly necessary to understand the causeCode itself, and is therefore optional.
 * @category: Traffic information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1

CauseCodeV2 ::= SEQUENCE {
 causeCode CHOICE {
    reserved                                         SubCauseCodeType,
    trafficCondition                                 TrafficConditionSubCauseCode,
    accident                                         AccidentSubCauseCode,
    roadworks-3                                      RoadworksSubCauseCode,
    reserved4                                        SubCauseCodeType,
    impassability                                    SubCauseCodeType,
    adverseWeatherCondition-Adhesion                 AdverseWeatherCondition-AdhesionSubCauseCode,
    aquaplannning                                    SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved8                                        SubCauseCodeType,
    hazardousLocation-SurfaceCondition               HazardousLocation-SurfaceConditionSubCauseCode,
    hazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoad              HazardousLocation-ObstacleOnTheRoadSubCauseCode,
    hazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoad                HazardousLocation-AnimalOnTheRoadSubCauseCode,
    humanPresenceOnTheRoad                           HumanPresenceOnTheRoadSubCauseCode,
    reserved13                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    wrongWayDriving                                  WrongWayDrivingSubCauseCode,
    rescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgress                  RescueAndRecoveryWorkInProgressSubCauseCode,
    reserved16                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    adverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherCondition  AdverseWeatherCondition-ExtremeWeatherConditionSubCauseCode,
    adverseWeatherCondition-Visibility               AdverseWeatherCondition-VisibilitySubCauseCode,
    adverseWeatherCondition-Precipitation            AdverseWeatherCondition-PrecipitationSubCauseCode,
    violence                                         SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved21                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved22                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved23                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved24                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved25                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    slowVehicle                                      SlowVehicleSubCauseCode,
    dangerousEndOfQueue                              DangerousEndOfQueueSubCauseCode,
    reserved28                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved29                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved30                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved31                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved32                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved33                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved34                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved35                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved36                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved37                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved38                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved39                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved40                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved41                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved42                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved43                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved44                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved45                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved46                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved47                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved48                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved49                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved50                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved51                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved52                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved53                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved54                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved55                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved56                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved57                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved58                                       SubCauseCodeType,   
    reserved59                                       SubCauseCodeType, 
    reserved60                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved61                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved62                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved63                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved64                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved65                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved66                                       SubCauseCodeType,    
    reserved67                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved68                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved69                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved70                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved71                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved72                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved73                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved74                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved75                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved76                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved77                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved78                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved79                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved80                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved81                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved82                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved83                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved84                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved85                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved86                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved87                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved88                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved89                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved90                                       SubCauseCodeType,
    vehicleBreakdown                                 VehicleBreakdownSubCauseCode,
    postCrash                                        PostCrashSubCauseCode,
    humanProblem                                     HumanProblemSubCauseCode,
    stationaryVehicle                                StationaryVehicleSubCauseCode,
    emergencyVehicleApproaching                      EmergencyVehicleApproachingSubCauseCode,
    hazardousLocation-DangerousCurve                 HazardousLocation-DangerousCurveSubCauseCode,
    collisionRisk                                    CollisionRiskSubCauseCode,
    signalViolation                                  SignalViolationSubCauseCode,
    dangerousSituation                               DangerousSituationSubCauseCode,
    reserved100                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved101                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved102                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved103                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved104                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved105                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved106                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved107                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved108                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved109                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved110                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved111                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved112                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved113                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved114                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved115                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved116                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved117                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved118                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved119                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved120                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved121                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved122                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved123                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved124                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved125                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved126                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved127                                      SubCauseCodeType,
    reserved128                                      SubCauseCodeType
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 * The DF describes the position of a CEN DSRC road side equipment.
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 * @field protectedZoneLatitude: the latitude of the CEN DSRC road side equipment.
 * @field protectedZoneLongitude: the latitude of the CEN DSRC road side equipment. 
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 * @field cenDsrcTollingZoneID: the optional ID of the CEN DSRC road side equipment.
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 * @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information
 * Revision: V1.3.1
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CenDsrcTollingZone ::= SEQUENCE {
    protectedZoneLatitude Latitude,
    protectedZoneLongitude Longitude,
    cenDsrcTollingZoneID CenDsrcTollingZoneID OPTIONAL,
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 * This DF defines a circular area that is centred on a reference position defined outside of the context of this DF. 
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 * @field centerPoint: optional offset point which the rectangle is centred on with respect to the reference position.
 * @field radius: the radius of the circular area, using the DE StandardLength.
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 * @category: GeoReference information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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CircularArea ::= SEQUENCE {
    nodeCenterPoint      CartesianPosition3d OPTIONAL,
    radius               StandardLength
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 * This DF indicates the opening/closure status of a lane or a set of lanes.
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 * @field innerhardShoulderStatus: this information is optional and shall be included if the information is known.
 * It indicates the open/closing status of inner hard shoulder lanes. 
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 * @field outerhardShoulderStatus: this information is optional and shall be included if the information is known.
 * It indicates the open/closing status of outer hard shoulder lanes. 
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 * @field drivingLaneStatus: this information is optional and shall be included if the information is known.
 * It indicates the open/closing status of driving lanes. 
 * For roads with more than 13 driving lanes, the drivingLaneStatus DE shall not be set.
 * @category: GeoReference information, Road topology information
 * Revision: V1.3.1
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ClosedLanes ::= SEQUENCE {
    innerhardShoulderStatus HardShoulderStatus OPTIONAL,
    outerhardShoulderStatus HardShoulderStatus OPTIONAL,
    drivingLaneStatus DrivingLaneStatus OPTIONAL,
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 * The DF provides information about the breakup of a cluster.
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 * @field clusterBreakupReason: indicates the reason for breakup.
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 * @field breakupTime: indicates the time of breakup. 
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 * @category: Cluster Information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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ClusterBreakupInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
        clusterBreakupReason  ClusterBreakupReason,
        breakupTime           ClusterOpTimestamp,
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 * The DF provides information about the joining of a cluster.
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 * @field clusterId: indicates the identifier of the cluster.
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 * @field joinTime: indicates the time of joining. 
 * @category: Cluster Information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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ClusterJoinInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
        clusterId       ClusterId,
        joinTime        ClusterOpTimestamp,
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 * The DF provides information about the leaving of a cluster.
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 * @field clusterId: indicates the cluster.
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 * @field clusterLeaveReason: indicates the reason for leaving. 
 * @category: Cluster Information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
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ClusterLeaveInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
        clusterId               ClusterId,
        clusterLeaveReason      ClusterLeaveReason,
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 * This DF represents the column of the lower triangular positive semi-definite matrix and consists of a list of correlation row values.
 * Given a matrix "A" of size n x n, the number of columns to be included in the lower triangular matrix is k=n-1.
 * Each column "i" of the lower triangular then contains k-(i-1) values, where "i" refers to the column number count
 * starting at 1 from the left.
 * @category: Sensing Information
 * Revision: Created in V2.1.1
CorrelationColumn ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..17) OF CorrelationRowValue  -- tbd extension to be defined?

 * This DF represents the curvature of the vehicle trajectory and the accuracy.
 * The curvature detected by a vehicle represents the curvature of actual vehicle trajectory.
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 * @field curvatureValue: Detected curvature of the vehicle trajectory.
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 * @field curvatureConfidence: Accuracy of the reported curvature value with a predefined confidence level. 
 * @category: Vehicle information
 * Revision: V1.3.1
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Curvature ::= SEQUENCE {
 curvatureValue CurvatureValue,
 curvatureConfidence CurvatureConfidence
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 * This DF provides a description of dangerous goods being carried by a heavy vehicle.
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 * @field dangerousGoodsType: Type of dangerous goods, I
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 * @field unNumber: a 4-digit number that identifies the substance of the dangerous goods as specified in
 * United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations [i.5],
 * @field elevatedTemperature: whether the carried dangerous goods are transported at high temperature.
 * If yes, the value shall be set to TRUE,
 * @field tunnelsRestricted: whether the heavy vehicle carrying dangerous goods is restricted to enter tunnels.
 * If yes, the value shall be set to TRUE,
 * @field limitedQuantity: whether the carried dangerous goods are packed with limited quantity.
 * If yes, the value shall be set to TRUE,
 * @field emergencyActionCode: physical signage placard at the vehicle that carries information on how an emergency
 * service should deal with an incident. This DE is optional; it shall be present if the information is available,
 * @field phoneNumber: contact phone number of assistance service in case of incident or accident.
 * This DE is optional, it shall be present if the information is available.
 * It shall be presented as defined in clause A.135,
 * @field companyName: name of company that manages the transportation of the dangerous goods.
 * This DE is optional; it shall be present if the information is available.
 * @category Vehicle information
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 * Revision: V1.3.1
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Denis Filatov's avatar
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DangerousGoodsExtended ::= SEQUENCE {
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    dangerousGoodsType DangerousGoodsBasic,
    unNumber INTEGER (0..9999),
    elevatedTemperature BOOLEAN,
    tunnelsRestricted BOOLEAN,
    limitedQuantity BOOLEAN,
    emergencyActionCode IA5String (SIZE (1..24)) OPTIONAL,
    phoneNumber PhoneNumber OPTIONAL,
    companyName UTF8String (SIZE (1..24)) OPTIONAL,
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 * This DF represents a  position in a two- or three-dimensional cartesian coordinate system.
 * @details xCoordinate: the X coordinate value using the DE CartesianCoordinate.