How to report a bug

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Where to report a bug

Depending on the project you want to work you may want to file an issue in our Bugzilla or Gitlab installations.

To learn which application to use, contact the maintainer of the repository, the Chairman of the reference TB or contact

Below you may find the information on how to file an issue on the different platforms.

Report a bug on Bugzilla

  1. Visit
  2. Click on New on Bugzilla menu bar.
    • Bugzilla-new-issue-1.png
  3. Choose the product which is the project you want to report to' (e.g. "TestProduct"). The product called Forge should be used to report bugs and issues on the Forge platform itself.
  4. Complete the bug form. Fill in as many information as possible.
    • Bugzilla-new-issue-2.png
  5. Enter the bug summary, description, attachement,' etc.
  6. Click on the "Submit Bug" button to confirm.
  7. A bug id is generated and the appropriate notifications are sent.
    • Bugzilla-new-issue-3.png

Report a bug on Gitlab

File issue.gif
More information is available at