@@ -172,4 +172,43 @@ DELETE subscriptions - Method not implemented
DELETE subscriptions
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is405
Check Subscription resource exist
\ No newline at end of file
POST Create a new Subscription - Unprocessable Entity
[Documentation]Test ID:
...Test title: POST Create a new Subscription - Unprocessable Entity
...Test objective: The objective is to test that content type of the payload body is supported and the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data but the data cannot be processed.
...re-conditions: none
...Reference: Clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.6.1
...Config ID: Config_prod_VE
...Applicability: none
...Post-Conditions: none
Post Create subscription
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is422
Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema IsProblemDetails
GET information about multiple subscriptions to get Paged Response
[Documentation]Test ID:
...Test title: GET information about multiple subscriptions to get Paged Response
...Test objective: The objective is to retrieve information about the subscriptions to get paged response
...Reference: Clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.6.1
...Config ID: Config_prod_VE
Get subscriptions
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is200
Check LINK in Header
GET information about multiple subscriptions for Bad Request Response too big
[Documentation]Test ID:
...Test title: GET information about multiple subscriptions for Bad Request Response too big
...Test objective: The objective is to test that GET method fail retrieving status information about subscriptions when Response is too big, and perform the JSON schema validation of the failed operation HTTP response
...Reference: Clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.6.1
...Config ID: Config_prod_VE
Get subscriptions
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is400
Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema IsProblemDetails