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# QKD Control Interface for SDN

wardmart's avatar
wardmart committed
YANG models for 
[ETSI GS QKD 015 V2.1.1 (2022-04)]( 
"Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Control Interface for Software Defined Networks", which specifies management interfaces between SDN-enabled QKD node and SDN controller, developed by 

**An update to this Group Specification is under development in work item [RGS/QKD-015ed3_ContIntSDN](**

**IMPORTANT: Draft updates to the YANG models are being developed in branch [edition3]( of this repository and these revisions are subject to change**
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admin_forge committed

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wardmart committed
Note: The default branch in this repository has been renamed `main` as per QKD(23)033d002.

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## Related ISG QKD Repositories

- [YANG models]( for
  ETSI GS QKD 018 "Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); QKD Orchestration Interface for SDN"
- [Draft YANG models]( for
  draft ETSI GS QKD 021 "Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Orchestration Interface of Software Defined Networks for Interoperable key management system"

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admin_forge committed
## Contact

For inquiries, contact `isgsupport` at `etsi` dot `org`.

## License

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See LICENSE file and