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SOL005 NFVI Capacity Information - Implementation of deltas between v3.5.1 and v3.3.1

Merged Giacomo Bernini requested to merge 3.5.1-dev-SOL005-NFVI-Cap into 3.5.1-dev
6 files
+ 45
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@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ ${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN} Bearer 0b79bab50daca910b000d4f1a2b675d604257e42
${ACCEPT_JSON} application/json
${CONTENT_TYPE_JSON} application/json
${NEG_AUTHORIZATION} Bearer negativetoken
${CONTENT_TYPE_PATCH} application/merge-patch+json
@@ -19,75 +17,19 @@ ${apiRoot} /
${apiMajorVersion} v1
${apiName} nfvici
${NFVO_CHECKS_NOTIF_ENDPOINT} 1 ## If true, during subscription, the FUT performs a get to the notification endpoint
${response} httpresponse
${MOCK_SERVER_JAR} ../../../bin/mockserver-netty-5.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
${callback_uri} http://localhost
${callback_port} 9091
${callback_endpoint} /endpoint
${callback_endpoint_fwd} /endpoint/check
${callback_endpoint_error} /endpoint_404
${sleep_interval} 20s
${total_polling_time} 2 min
${polling_interval} 10 sec
${new_callback_uri} http://newcallbackuri/for/modifications
${unreachable_callback_uri} http://unreachable/endpoint
${notification_request} []
${notification_response} []
${NFVO_non-MANO_OK} 1 # If 1 means that non-MANO artifacts are supported by the NFVO
${subscriptionId} f3ae6df7-07e1-47c9-8924-9ebe10343586
${erroneousSubscriptionId} 442e3ee5-0499-4849-9b31-eb91ce1638f1 # Not existing ID on the subscriptions
${newSubscriptionId} newSubsciptionId
${origResponse} httpresponse
${filter_ok} callbackUri=
${filter_ko} nfvId=f9f130e4-05eb-4082-a676-4c97d13a883d # Not existant filter attribute-based
${ACCEPT_PLAIN} text/plain
${CONTENT_TYPE_PLAIN} text/plain
${vnfPkgPlainVNFD} c26ad7fb-072b-48c4-a663-7d71646d9e98 # The VNF Pakcage contains a VNFD which is a Single Plain File
${ACCEPT_ZIP} application/zip
${ACCEPT_OCTET} application/octet-stream
${CONTENT_TYPE_ZIP} application/zip
${vnfPkgZipVNFD} f5b220d4-6177-4ebb-a554-a43311e16075 # The VNF Package contains a VNFD composed by multiple files
${erroneousVnfPkgId} erroneousVnfPackageId # Given ID for vnfPkg not present in database
${vndIdZipVnfd} f5b220d4-6177-4ebb-a554-a43311e16075
${artifactPath} artifactPath
${CONTENT_TYPE_OCTET} application/octet-stream
${NFVO_RANGE_OK} 1 # If 1 means that Range is supported by the NFVO
${range} bytes=0-1023
${full_size} 2000 # Size of the requested artifact to be downloaded via partial downloads
${erroneousRange} bytes=10000000-1000000000 # Requesting a out of range number of bytes
${vnfPackageOctetStreamId} octetStreamPkgId
${vnfdOctetStreamId} octetStreamVnfdId
${vndEncryptedArtifactID} encryptedId
${length} 1024
${POS_FILTER_info} vimId=41fdd38a-3d4c-465c-83e0-f80e014425f8 ,resourceType=VR_COMPUTE # Positive case, suing compiant fields name for filtering get request
${POS_FILTER_threshold} id=41fdd38a-3d4c-465c-83e0-f80e014425f8 # Positive case, suing compiant fields name for filtering get request
${NEG_FILTER} nfvId=41fdd38a-3d4c-465c-83e0-f80e014425f8 # Negative case, using wrong name of field
${fields_capacityInfo} timeInterval
${fields_capacityThreshold} subObjectInstanceIds
${callbackResp} localhost