2 merge requests!199Merge "3.3.1 dev" into "release 3" master,!162SOL003 Virtualised Resource Quota - Implementation of deltas between v3.3.1 and v2.7.1
...Test title: Virtual Quota Available Notification
...Test objective: The objective is to test the dispatch of Virtual Quota Available Notification, and perform a JSON schema and content validation of the delivered notification. The action that triggers the notification under test is an explicit test step, but it is not performed by the test system.
...Pre-conditions: A subscription for Virtual Quota Available Notification is available in the VNFM.
...Test title: Virtualised Resource Quota Available Notification
...Test objective: The objective is to test the dispatch of Virtualised Resource Quota Available Notification, and perform a JSON schema and content validation of the delivered notification. The action that triggers the notification under test is an explicit test step, but it is not performed by the test system.
...Pre-conditions: A subscription for Virtualised Resource Quota Available Notification is available in the VNFM.
...Reference: Clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 [1] v3.3.1
...Config ID: Config_prod_VNFM
...Applicability: none
...Post-Conditions: none
Trigger a dispatch of virtual quota available notification (external action)
Check Virtual Quota Available Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema IsVrQuotaAvailNotification
Check Virtual Quota Available Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute IsVrQuotaAvailNotification
Trigger a dispatch of virtualised resource quota available notification (external action)
Check Virtualised Resource Quota Available Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema IsVrQuotaAvailNotification
Check Virtualised Resource Quota Available Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute IsVrQuotaAvailNotification
*** Keywords ***
Trigger a dispatch of virtual quota available notification (external action)
Trigger a dispatch of virtualised resource quota available notification (external action)
#do nothing
Logdo nothing
Check Virtual Quota Available Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is
Check Virtualised Resource Quota Available Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is