VNFPackageManagementKeywords.robot 99.3 KB
Newer Older
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfdId}/vnfd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 
Get VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content with conflict due to onboarding state 
    Log    Trying to get a VNFD from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfdId}/vnfd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send POST Request for VNFD in individual OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    POST    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 

Send PUT Request for VNFD in individual OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PUT    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 
Send PATCH Request for VNFD in individual OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PATCH    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 

Send DELETE Request for VNFD in individual OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    DELETE    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndIdZipVnfd}/vnfd
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 
GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content  
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Content
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/package_content
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content with Range Request
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Content using RANGE using an NFVO that can handle it
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Set Headers    {"Range": "${range}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/package_content
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Unset Headers  ["Range"]
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content with invalid Range Request
    Log    Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the VNF Package
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Set Headers    {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/package_content
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Unset Headers  ["Range"]
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Content with invalid resource identifier
    Log    Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfdId}/package_content
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Content for OnBoarded VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package content present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfdId}/package_content
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact in octet stream format  
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfdOctetStreamId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with Range Request
    Log    Trying to get an Artifact using RANGE Header and using an NFVO that can handle it
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Range": "${range}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Unset Headers  ["Range"]
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with invalid Range Request
    Log    Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the VNF Package
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Set Headers    {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Unset Headers  ["Range"]
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with invalid resource identifier
    Log    Trying to perform a negative get, using an erroneous package ID
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${erroneousVnfdId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

GET Artifact for OnBoarded VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package artifact present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfdId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Send POST Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    POST    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Send PUT Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PUT    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send PATCH Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PATCH    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Send DELETE Request for individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    DELETE    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get multi file VNFD in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package with security information
    Log    Trying to get a VNFD from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/vnfd/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get multi file VNFD in Individual VNF Package with security information
    Log    Trying to get a VNFD from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPkgZipVNFD}/vnfd/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual VNF Package Artifact with security information 
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with security information  
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual VNF Package Artifact with encrypted artifact
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vndEncryptedArtifactID}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with encrypted artifact
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndEncryptedArtifactID}/artifacts/${artifactPath}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Individual VNF Package Artifact with incompatable header
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

GET Individual OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with incompatable header  
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package Artifact
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/artifacts/${artifactPath}/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Manifest in Individual VNF Package
    Log    Trying to get content of manifest file from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Manifest in Individual VNF Package with security information
    Log    Trying to get a manifest from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue with security certificates
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Manifest in Individual VNF Package with conflict due to onboarding state
    Log    Trying to get a manifest from a given VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send POST Request for Manifest in individual VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    POST    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 

Send PUT Request for Manifest in individual VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PUT    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 
Send PATCH Request for Manifest in individual VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PATCH    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 

Send DELETE Request for Manifest in individual VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    DELETE    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 
Get Manifest in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to get content of manifest file from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Manifest in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package with security information
    Log    Trying to get a manifest from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue with security certificates
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndIdZipVnfd}/manifest/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Manifest in Individual OnBoarded VNF Package with conflict due to onboarding state
    Log    Trying to get a manifest from a given OnBoarded VNF Package present in the NFVO Catalogue
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_PLAIN}"}
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfdId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send POST Request for Manifest in individual OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    POST    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 

Send PUT Request for Manifest in individual OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PUT    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 
Send PATCH Request for Manifest in individual OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PATCH    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 

Send DELETE Request for Manifest in individual OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    DELETE    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vndId}/manifest
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output} 
Get Artifact in VNF Package
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_mano_artifacts parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_mano_artifacts
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_mano_artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in VNF Package with include_external_artifacts parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with include_external_artifacts
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/include_external_artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with security certificates
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in VNF Package with select_non_mano_artifact_sets parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with security certificates
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_non-MANO_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/select_non_mano_artifact_sets=${non_mano_artifact_sets}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in VNF Package with include_signatures parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package with security certificates
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in VNF Package with Range Request
    Log    Trying to get an Artifact using RANGE Header and using an NFVO that can handle it
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Range": "${range}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Unset Headers  ["Range"]
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts and select_non_mano_artifact_sets
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package 
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts&select_non_mano_artifact_sets=${non_mano_artifact_sets}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts and exclude_all_mano_artifacts
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in VNF Package 
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts&exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Artifact of VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED
    Log    Trying to get a VNF Package artifact present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET VNF Package Artifact with invalid Range Request
    Log    Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the VNF Package
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Set Headers    {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Unset Headers  ["Range"]
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send POST Request for VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    POST    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Send PUT Request for VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PUT    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send PATCH Request for VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PATCH    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Send DELETE Request for VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    DELETE    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_mano_artifacts parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_mano_artifacts
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_mano_artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with security certificates
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with include_external_artifacts parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with include_external_artifacts
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/include_external_artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with select_non_mano_artifact_sets parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with security certificates
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_non-MANO_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/select_non_mano_artifact_sets=${non_mano_artifact_sets}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with include_signatures parameter
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with security certificates
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/include_signatures
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with Range Request
    Log    Trying to get an Artifact using RANGE Header and using an NFVO that can handle it
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Range": "${range}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Unset Headers  ["Range"]
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts and select_non_mano_artifact_sets
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package 
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts&select_non_mano_artifact_sets=${non_mano_artifact_sets}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package with exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts and exclude_all_mano_artifacts
    Log    Trying to get Artifact in OnBoarded VNF Package 
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts/exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts&exclude_all_non_mano_artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET Artifact of OnBoarded VNF Package in onboarding state different from ONBOARDED
    Log    Trying to get a OnBoarded VNF Package artifact present in the NFVO Catalogue, but not in ONBOARDED operationalStatus
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${onboardingStateVnfPkgId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact with invalid Range Request
    Log    Trying to get a range of bytes of the limit of the OnBoarded VNF Package
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_RANGE_OK} == 0    Skipping this test as NFVO is not able to handle partial Requests.
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_ZIP}"}
    Set Headers    {"Range": "${erroneousRange}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Unset Headers  ["Range"]
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send POST Request for OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a POST (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    POST    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Send PUT Request for OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a PUT (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PUT    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send PATCH Request for OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a PATCH (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    PATCH    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Send DELETE Request for OnBoarded VNF Package Artifact
    Log    Trying to perform a DELETE (method should not be implemented)
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    DELETE    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages/${vnfPackageId}/artifacts
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
GET OnBoarded VNF Packages with fields and exclude_default attribute selector
    Log    Trying to get all OnBoarded VNF Packages present in the NFVO Catalogue, using fields
    Pass Execution If    ${NFVO_FIELDS} == 0    The NFVO is not able to use fields parameter
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"${AUTHORIZATION_HEADER}":"${AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN}"}
    GET    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiMajorVersion}/onboarded_vnf_packages?fields=${fields}&exclude_default
    ${output}=    Output    response
uihassan's avatar
uihassan committed
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Check Postcondition VNF Package Subscription is Deleted
    Log    Check Postcondition Subscription is deleted
    GET individual VNF Package Subscription
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    404 
Check HTTP Response Body of Individual VNF Package content against VNF Descriptor
    Run Keyword If    ${check_descriptors} == 1    Check Individual VNF Package Content
Check Individual VNF Package Content
    PARSE the Descriptor File
    Match the VNF Package Response Attributes with Descriptors
PARSE the Descriptor File
    Run Keyword If  '${descriptorType}'=='SOL001'    Fetch Information from SOL001 descriptor file    ELSE    Fetch Information from SOL006 descriptor file    
Fetch Information from SOL001 descriptor file
    Import Variables    ${CURDIR}/descriptors/SOL001/VNFD/vnfd_SOL001.yaml
    ${descriptor_id}=    Get Variable Value    ${}
    ${provider}=    Get Variable Value    ${}
    ${product_name}=    Get Variable Value    ${}
    ${software_version}=    Get Variable Value    ${}
    ${descriptor_version}=    Get Variable Value    ${}    
    Set Global Variable    ${Descriptor_ID}    ${descriptor_id}
    Set Global Variable    ${Provider}    ${provider}
    Set Global Variable    ${Product_Name}    ${product_name}
    Set Global Variable    ${Software_Version}    ${software_version}
    Set Global Variable    ${Descriptor_Version}    ${descriptor_version}
Fetch Information from SOL006 descriptor file
    Import Variables    ${CURDIR}/descriptors/SOL006/VNFD/vnfd_SOL006.yaml
    ${descriptor_id}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0].id}
    ${provider}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0].provider}
    ${product_name}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0]['product-name']}
    ${software_version}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0]['software-version']}
    ${descriptor_version}=    Get Variable Value    ${nfv.vnfd[0].version}    
    Set Global Variable    ${Descriptor_ID}    ${descriptor_id}
    Set Global Variable    ${Provider}    ${provider}
    Set Global Variable    ${Product_Name}    ${product_name}
    Set Global Variable    ${Software_Version}    ${software_version}
    Set Global Variable    ${Descriptor_Version}    ${descriptor_version}
Match the VNF Package Response Attributes with Descriptors
    #Checking Response attributes with VNF Descriptors
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfdId']}    ${Descriptor_ID}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfProvider']}    ${Provider}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfProductName']}    ${Product_Name}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfSoftwareVersion']}    ${Software_Version}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['vnfdVersion']}    ${Descriptor_Version}

Check HTTP Response Body of Individual Subscription content against VNF Descriptor
    Run Keyword If    ${check_descriptors} == 1    Check Individual VNF Subscription Content
Check Individual VNF Subscription Content
    PARSE the Descriptor File
    Match the VNF subscription Response Attributes with Descriptors
Match the VNF subscription Response Attributes with Descriptors
    #Checking Response attributes with VNF Descriptors
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['filter']['vnfdId']}    ${Descriptor_ID}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['filter']['vnfProductsFromProviders'][0]['vnfProvider']}    ${Provider}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['filter']['vnfProductsFromProviders'][0]['vnfProducts'][0]['vnfProductName']}    ${Product_Name}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['filter']['vnfProductsFromProviders'][0]['vnfProducts']['versions'][0]['vnfSoftwareVersion']}    ${Software_Version}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${response['body']['filter']['vnfProductsFromProviders'][0]['vnfProducts']['versions'][0]['vnfdVersion']}    ${Descriptor_Version}
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed