Resource environment/configuration.txt
Library OperatingSystem
Library BuiltIn
Library JSONLibrary
Library JSONSchemaLibrary schemas/
*** Keywords ***
Get Vnf Instance
[Arguments] ${vnfInstanceId}
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}
${body}= Output response body
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is
[Arguments] ${expected_status}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${response['status']} ${expected_status}
Log Status code validated
${vnfLcmOpOccId}= Get Value From Json ${response.headers} $..Location
Should Not Be Empty ${vnfLcmOpOccId}
${vnfLcmOpOccId}= Get Value From Json ${response.headers} $..Location
Should Not Be Empty ${vnfLcmOpOccId}
Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is
[Arguments] ${input}
${schema} = Catenate ${input} .schema.json
Log Json Schema Validation OK
Check VNF Instance ${vnfInstanceId}
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200
Check VNF Status ${response.body.instantiationState} INSTANTIATED
Check resource not Instantiated
Check VNF Instance ${vnfInstanceId}
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is 200
Check VNF Status ${response.body.instantiationState} NOT_INSTANTIATED
Check VNF Instance
[Arguments] ${vnfId}
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfId}
Check VNF Status
[Arguments] ${current} ${expected}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${current} ${expected}
Log VNF Status in the correct status
Check operation resource state is FAILED_TEMP
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}
String response body instantiationState FAILED_TEMP
Check operation resource state is FINALLY_FAILED
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}
String response body instantiationState FINALLY_FAILED
Get Vnf Scale Info
[Arguments] ${vnfInstanceId}
${vnfInstance}= Get Vnf Instance ${vnfInstanceId}
${scaleInfo}= Get Value From Json ${vnfInstance} $..scaleStatus
[Return] ${scaleInfo}
Get Vnf Flavour Info
[Arguments] ${vnfInstanceId}
${vnfInstance}= Get Vnf Instance ${vnfInstanceId}
${flavourInfo}= Get Value From Json ${vnfInstance} $..flavourId
[Return] ${flavourInfo}
Get Vnf Operational State Info
[Arguments] ${vnfInstanceId}
${vnfInstance}= Get Vnf Instance ${vnfInstanceId}
${stateInfo}= Get Value From Json ${vnfInstance} $..vnfState
[Return] ${stateInfo}
Get Vnf Ext Link Id
[Arguments] ${vnfInstanceId}
${vnfInstance}= Get Vnf Instance ${vnfInstanceId}
[Return] ${}
Check HTTP Response Header Contains
[Arguments] ${CONTENT_TYPE}
Should Contain ${response.headers} ${CONTENT_TYPE}
Log Header is present
Send VNF Scale Out Request
Log Trying to scale a vnf Instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${json}= evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json
${aspectId}= Set Variable ${json.aspectId}
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale ${body}
Send VNF Scale To Level Request
[Documentation] Instantiate VNF The POST method instantiates a VNF instance.
Log Trying to Instantiate a vnf Instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${json}= evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json
${aspectId}= Set Variable ${json.aspectId}
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale_to_level ${body}
Log Create VNF instance by POST to ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances ${body}
log Delete an individual VNF instance
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}
Send Change VNF Flavour Request
Log Trying to change the deployment flavour of a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_flavour ${body}
Send Change VNF Operational State Request
Log Trying to change the operational state of a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/operateVnfRequest.json
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/operate ${body}
Send Heal VNF Request
Log Trying to heal a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Elian Kraja
${body}= Get File jsons/healVnfRequest.json
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/heal ${body}
Send Change Ext Connectivity Request
Log Trying to change the external connectivity of a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_ext_conn ${body}
Send Terminate VNF Request
Log Trying to terminate a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Elian Kraja
${body}= Get File jsons/terminateVnfRequest.json
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/terminate ${body}
Send Info Modification Request
Log Trying to update information of a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId} ${body}
Send Retry Operation Request
Log Retry a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/retry
Send Roll back Operation Request
Log Rollback a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/rollback
Send Fail Operation Request
Log Fail a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/fail
Send Cancel Operation Request
Log Cancel an ongoing VNF lifecycle operation
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${response}= Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/cancel ${CancelMode}
[Arguments] ${vnfInstanceId} ${vnfLcmOpOccId} ${operation}
Log Request a new Grant for a VNF LCM operation by POST to ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/grants
Pass Execution If ${SYNC_MODE} == 0 The Granting process is asynchronous mode. Skipping the test
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${json_body}= evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json
Set To Dictionary ${json_body} vnfInstanceId=${vnfInstanceId} vnfLcmOpOccId=${vnfLcmOpOccId} operation=${operation}
${body}= evaluate json.dumps(${json_body}) json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/grants ${body}
Integer response status 201
Log Status code validated
${headers}= Output response headers
Should Contain ${headers} Location
${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type
Should Contain ${contentType} ${CONTENT_TYPE}
${result}= Output response body
Log Validation OK
Create a new Grant - Asynchronous mode
[Arguments] ${vnfInstanceId} ${vnfLcmOpOccId} ${operation}
Log Request a new Grant for a VNF LCM operation by POST to ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/grants
Pass Execution If ${SYNC_MODE} == 1 The Granting process is synchronous mode. Skipping the test
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${json_body}= evaluate json.loads('''${body}''') json
Set To Dictionary ${json_body} vnfInstanceId=${vnfInstanceId} vnfLcmOpOccId=${vnfLcmOpOccId} operation=${operation}
${body}= evaluate json.dumps(${json_body}) json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/grants ${body}
Output response
Integer response status 202
Log Status code validated
${headers}= Output response headers
Should Contain ${headers} Location
${contentType}= Output response headers Content-Type
Should Contain ${contentType} ${CONTENT_TYPE}
Log Validation OK
POST Cancel operation task
Log Cancel an ongoing VNF lifecycle operation
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Cancel a VNF lifecycle operation
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/cancel ${CancelMode}
Log Validate Status code
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET Cancel operation task
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/cancel
${outputResponse}= Output response
PUT Cancel operation task
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/cancel
${outputResponse}= Output response
PATCH Cancel operation task
Log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/cancel
${outputResponse}= Output response
DELETE Cancel operation task
Log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/cancel
${outputResponse}= Output response
POST Change External VNF Connectivity
Log Trying to change the external connectivity of a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/changeExtVnfConnectivityRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_ext_conn ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET Change External VNF Connectivity
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_ext_conn
${outputResponse}= Output response
PUT Change External VNF Connectivity
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_ext_conn
${outputResponse}= Output response
PATCH Change External VNF Connectivity
Log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_ext_conn
${outputResponse}= Output response
DELETE Change External VNF Connectivity
Log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_ext_conn
${outputResponse}= Output response
POST Change VNF deployment flavour
Log Trying to change the deployment flavour of a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/changeVnfFlavourRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_flavour ${body}
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_flavour
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_flavour
Log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_flavour
Log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/change_flavour
POST Create a new vnfInstance
Log Create VNF instance by POST to /vnf_instances
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/createVnfRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET multiple vnfInstances
Log Query VNF The GET method queries information about multiple VNF instances.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET multiple vnfInstances with bad attribute
Log Query VNF The GET method queries information about multiple VNF instances.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances?attribute_not_exist=some_value
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET multiple vnfInstances with bad filter
Log Query VNF The GET method queries information about multiple VNF instances.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances?attribute_not_exist=some_value
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET multiple vnfInstances with all_fields attribute selector
Log Query status information about multiple VNF instances, using fields
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances?exclude_default
${output}= Output response
Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}
GET multiple vnfInstances with exclude_default attribute selector
Log Query status information about multiple VNF instances using fields
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances?exclude_default
${output}= Output response
Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}
GET multiple vnfInstances with fields attribute selector
Log Query status information about multiple VNF instances, using fields
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances?fields=${fields}
${output}= Output response
Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}
GET multiple vnfInstances with exclude_fields attribute selector
Log Query status information about multiple VNF instances, using fields
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances?exclude_fields=${fields}
${output}= Output response
Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}
PUT VNFInstances - Method not implemented
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances
Log Validate Status code
Integer response status 405
PATCH VNFInstances - Method not implemented
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances
Log Validate Status code
Integer response status 405
DELETE VNFInstances - Method not implemented
log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances
Log Validate Status code
Integer response status 405
log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET individual vnfInstance
log Trying to get information about an individual VNF instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}
${outputResponse}= Output response
PUT individual vnfInstance
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}
${outputResponse}= Output response
PATCH individual vnfInstance
log Trying to modify an individual VNF instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE_PATCH}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/patchBodyRequest.json
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId} ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
DELETE individual vnfInstance
log Trying to delete an individual VNF instance
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}
${outputResponse}= Output response
POST instantiate individual vnfInstance
Log Trying to Instantiate a vnf Instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/instantiateVnfRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/instantiate ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET instantiate individual vnfInstance
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/instantiate
${outputResponse}= Output response
PUT instantiate individual vnfInstance
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/instantiate
${outputResponse}= Output response
PATCH instantiate individual vnfInstance
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/instantiate
${outputResponse}= Output response
DELETE instantiate individual vnfInstance
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/instantiate
${outputResponse}= Output response
POST Scale vnfInstance
Log Trying to Instantiate a vnf Instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/scaleVnfRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale ${body}
GET Scale vnfInstance
Log Trying to get a scale a vnf Instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/scaleVnfRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale
${outputResponse}= Output response
PUT Scale vnfInstance
Log Trying to modify a scale vnf Instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/scaleVnfRequest.json
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale
${outputResponse}= Output response
PATCH Scale vnfInstance
Log Trying to modify a scale vnf Instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/scaleVnfRequest.json
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale
${outputResponse}= Output response
DELETE Scale vnfInstance
Log Trying to modify a scale vnf Instance
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/scaleVnfRequest.json
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale
${outputResponse}= Output response
POST Scale vnfInstance to level
Log Trying to scale a vnf Instance to level
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/scaleVnfToLevelRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale_to_level ${body}
GET Scale vnfInstance to level
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale_to_level
${outputResponse}= Output response
PUT Scale vnfInstance to level
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale_to_level
${outputResponse}= Output response
PATCH Scale vnfInstance to level
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale_to_level
${outputResponse}= Output response
DELETE Scale vnfInstance to level
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/scale_to_level
${outputResponse}= Output response
POST Terminate VNF
Log Trying to terminate a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/terminateVnfRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/terminate ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET Terminate VNF
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/terminate
${outputResponse}= Output response
PUT Terminate VNF
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/terminate
${outputResponse}= Output response
PATCH Terminate VNF
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/terminate
${outputResponse}= Output response
DELETE Terminate VNF
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/terminate
${outputResponse}= Output response
Log Trying to heal a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/healVnfRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/heal ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/heal
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/heal
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/heal
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/heal
${outputResponse}= Output response
POST Operate VNF
Log Trying to operate a VNF instance.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/operateVnfRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/operate ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/operate
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/operate
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/operate
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_instances/${vnfInstanceId}/operate
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs
${outputResponse}= Output response
Log Query status information about multiple VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET VNF LCM Operation occurrences invalid attribute
Log Query status information about multiple VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs?attribute_not_exist=some_value
${outputResponse}= Output response
GET VNF LCM Operation occurrences invalid filter
Log Query status information about multiple VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs?fields=wrong_field
${outputResponse}= Output response
Get VNF LCM Operation occurrences with all_fields attribute selector
Log Query status information about multiple VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences, using fields
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs?exclude_default
${output}= Output response
Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}
Get VNF LCM Operation occurrences with exclude_default attribute selector
Log Query status information about multiple VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences using fields
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs?exclude_default
${output}= Output response
Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}
Get VNF LCM Operation occurrences with fields attribute selector
Log Query status information about multiple VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences, using fields
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs?fields=${fields}
${output}= Output response
Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}
Get VNF LCM Operation occurrences with exclude_fields attribute selector
Log Query status information about multiple VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences, using fields
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs?exclude_fields=${fields}
${output}= Output response
Set Suite Variable ${response} ${output}
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs
${outputResponse}= Output response
log Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}
${outputResponse}= Output response
Put multiple VNF instances
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}
${outputResponse}= Output response
Patch multiple VNF instances
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}
${outputResponse}= Output response
Delete multiple VNF instances
log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}
${outputResponse}= Output response
Post Retry operation
Log Retry a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/retry
${outputResponse}= Output response
Get Retry operation
Log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/retry
${outputResponse}= Output response
Put Retry operation
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/retry
${outputResponse}= Output response
Patch Retry operation
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/retry
${outputResponse}= Output response
Delete Retry operation
log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/retry
${outputResponse}= Output response
Post Rollback operation
Log Rollback a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/rollback
${outputResponse}= Output response
Get Rollback operation
Log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/rollback
${outputResponse}= Output response
Put Rollback operation
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/rollback
${outputResponse}= Output response
Patch Rollback operation
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/rollback
${outputResponse}= Output response
Delete Rollback operation
log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/rollback
${outputResponse}= Output response
Post Fail operation
Log mark as Failed a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/fail
${outputResponse}= Output response
Get Fail operation
Log Trying to perform a GET. This method should not be implemented.
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/fail
${outputResponse}= Output response
Put Fail operation
log Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Put ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/fail
${outputResponse}= Output response
Patch Fail operation
log Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Patch ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/fail
${outputResponse}= Output response
Delete Fail operation
log Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Delete ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/vnf_lcm_op_occs/${vnfLcmOpOccId}/fail
${outputResponse}= Output response
Post Create subscription
Log Create subscription instance by POST to ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/lccnSubscriptionRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
Post Create subscription - DUPLICATION
Log Trying to create a subscription with an already created content
Pass Execution If ${VNFM_DUPLICATION} == 0 VNFM is not permitting duplication. Skipping the test
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/lccnSubscriptionRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
Post Create subscription - NO-DUPLICATION
Log Trying to create a subscription with an already created content
Pass Execution If ${VNFM_DUPLICATION} == 1 VNFM permits duplication. Skipping the test
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
${body}= Get File jsons/lccnSubscriptionRequest.json
Post ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions ${body}
${outputResponse}= Output response
Get subscriptions
Log Get the list of active subscriptions
Set Headers {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
Log Execute Query and validate response
Get ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions
${outputResponse}= Output response
Get subscriptions - filter
Log Get the list of active subscriptions using a filter
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT}"}
Set Headers {"Content-Type": "${CONTENT_TYPE}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions?${sub_filter}
${outputResponse}= Output response
Get subscriptions - invalid filter
Log Get the list of active subscriptions using an invalid filter
Set Headers {"Accept": "${ACCEPT}"}
Run Keyword If ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1 Set Headers {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
GET ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/subscriptions?${sub_filter_invalid}
${outputResponse}= Output response
Get subscriptions with all_fields attribute selector
Log Get the list of active subscriptions, using fields