NSFMOperationKeywords.robot 3.41 KB
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*** Settings ***
Resource    environment/variables.txt
Library    REST     ${NFVO_SCHEMA}://${NFVO_HOST}:${NFVO_PORT}
Library    JSONLibrary
Library    JSONSchemaLibrary    schemas/
Library    OperatingSystem

*** Keywords ***
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is
    [Arguments]    ${expected_status}
    Log    Validate Status code    
    Should Be Equal    ${response[0]['status']}    ${expected_status}
    Log    Status code validated 
Check HTTP Response Header Contains
    [Arguments]    ${CONTENT_TYPE}
    Should Contain    ${response.headers}    ${CONTENT_TYPE}
    Log    Header is present    
Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is
    [Arguments]    ${schema}
    Validate Json    ${schema}    ${response[0]['body']}
    Log    Json Schema Validation OK
Check HTTP Response Header ContentType is 
    [Arguments]    ${expected_contentType}
    Log    Validate content type
    Should Be Equal    ${response[0]['headers']['Content-Type']}    ${expected_contentType}
    Log    Content Type validated 
Do POST Alarms
    log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Post    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
    ${outputResponse}=    Output    Response 
    Set Global Variable    @{response}    ${outputResponse}
Do PATCH Alarms
    log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    ${response} = Patch    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
Do PUT Alarms
    log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    ${response} = Put    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
Do DELETE Alarms
    log    Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    ${response} = Delete    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
Do GET Alarms
    Log    Query NFVO The GET method queries information about multiple alarms.
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Log    Execute Query
    ${response} = Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms
 Do GET Alarms With Filters
	Log    Query NFVO The GET method queries information about multiple alarms with filters.
	Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
	Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
	Log    Execute Query
	${response} = Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms?${alarm_filter}=${nsInstanceId}
Do GET Alarms With Invalid Filters
	Log    Query NFVO The GET method queries information about multiple alarms with filters.
	Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT}"}  
	Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
	Log    Execute Query
	${response} = Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/alarms?${invalid_alarm_filter}=${Id}