VNFIndicators.robot 15.6 KB
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*** Settings ***
Documentation     This clause defines all the resources and methods provided by the VNF Indicator interface. \
Library           JSONSchemaLibrary    schemas/
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Elian Kraja committed
Resource          environment/variables.txt    # Generic Parameters
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Elian Kraja committed
Library           JSONLibrary
Resource          environment/vnfIndicators.txt
Library           REST    ${EM-VNF_SCHEMA}://${EM-VNF_HOST}:${EM-VNF_PORT}    ssl_verify=false
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Elian Kraja committed

*** Test Cases ***
Get all VNF Indicators
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: Get all VNF Indicators
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test the retrieval of all the available VNF indicators and perform a JSON schema validation of the collected indicators data structure
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF.
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Get all VNF indicators
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is   vnfIndicators
Get VNF Indicators with attribute-based filter
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: Get VNF Indicators with attribute-based filter
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test the retrieval of VNF indicators using attribute-based filter, perform a JSON schema validation of the collected indicators data structure, and verify that the retrieved information matches the issued attribute-based filters 
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF.
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Get VNF indicators with filter
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is   vnfIndicators
    Check HTTP Response Body vnfIndicators Matches the requested attribute-based filter
Get VNF Indicators with invalid attribute-based filter
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: Get VNF Indicators with invalid attribute-based filter
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that the retrieval of VNF indicators fails when using invalid attribute-based filters, and perform the JSON schema validation of the failed operation HTTP response. 
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF.
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Get VNF indicators with invalid filter
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    400
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is   ProblemDetails

Get all VNF Indicators with malformed authorization token
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET all VNF Indicators with malformed authrization token.
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that the retrieval of VNF indicators fails when using malformed authorization token
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF.
    ...    Reference: clause, - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators. The VNF requires the usage of access tokens for authorizing the API requests.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Get all VNF indicators with malformed authorization token
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    400

Get all VNF Indicators without authorization token
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET all VNF Indicators without authorization token
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that the retrieval of VNF indicators fails when omitting the authorization token
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF.
    ...    Reference: clause, - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators. The VNF requires the usage of access tokens for authorizing the API requests.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Get all VNF indicators without authorization token
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    401
GET all VNF Indicators with expired or revoked authorization token
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET all VNF Indicators with expired or revoked authorization token
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that the retrieval of VNF indicators fails when using expired or revoked authorization token
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF.
    ...    Reference: clause, - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators. The VNF requires the usage of access tokens for authorizing the API requests.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Get all VNF indicators with expired or revoked authorization token
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    401

Get all VNF Indicators with invalid resource endpoint
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: GET all VNF Indicators with invalid resource endpoint
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that the retrieval of VNF indicators fails when using invalid resource endpoint
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF.
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators. 
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Get all VNF indicators with invalid resource endpoint
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    404

POST all VNF Indicators - Method not implemented
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: POST all VNF Indicators - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that POST method is not allowed to create new VNF indicators
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Send POST Request for all VNF indicators
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405

PUT all VNF Indicators - Method not implemented
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: PUT all VNF Indicators - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that PUT method is not allowed to modify VNF indicators
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Send PUT Request for all VNF indicators
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405

PATCH all VNF Indicators - Method not implemented
     [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: PATCH all VNF Indicators - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that PATCH method is not allowed to update VNF indicators
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Send PATCH Request for all VNF indicators
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405

DELETE all VNF Indicators - Method not implemented
    [Documentation]    Test ID:
    ...    Test title: DELETE all VNF Indicators - Method not implemented
    ...    Test objective: The objective is to test that DELETE method is not allowed to delete VNF indicators
    ...    Pre-conditions: A VNF instance is instantiated. One or more measures of VNF performance indicators are available in the VNF
    ...    Reference: clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 002 [2] v2.4.1
    ...    Config ID: Config_prod_VE
    ...    Applicability: The VNF supports the generation and maintenance of performance indicators.
    ...    Post-Conditions: none
    Send DELETE Request for all VNF indicators
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    405
    Check Postcondition VNF Indicators Exist
*** Keywords ***
Get all VNF indicators
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Log    The GET method queries multiple VNF indicators
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Log    Execute Query and validate response
    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get VNF indicators with filter
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Log    The GET method queries multiple VNF indicators using Attribute-based filtering parameters
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Log    Execute Query and validate response
    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators?${POS_FIELDS}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Get VNF indicators with invalid filter
    Log    The GET method queries multiple VNF indicators using invalid Attribute-based filtering parameters
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Log    Execute Query and validate response
    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators?${NEG_FIELDS}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get all VNF indicators with malformed authorization token
    Pass Execution If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 0    Skipping test as EM/VNF is not supporting authentication
    Log    The GET method queries multiple VNF indicators using invalid token
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${BAD_AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Log    Execute Query and validate response
    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Get all VNF indicators with expired or revoked authorization token
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Pass Execution If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 0    Skipping test as EM/VNF is not supporting authentication
    Log    The GET method queries multiple VNF indicators using invalid token
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${NEG_AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Log    Execute Query and validate response
    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}

Get all VNF indicators without authorization token
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Pass Execution If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 0    Skipping test as EM/VNF is not supporting authentication
    Log    The GET method queries multiple VNF indicators omitting token
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Log    Execute Query and validate response
    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Get all VNF indicators with invalid resource endpoint
    Log    The GET method queries multiple VNF indicators omitting token
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed
    Set Headers    {"Accept": "${ACCEPT_JSON}"}
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization": "${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Log    Execute Query and validate response
    Get    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicator
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send POST Request for all VNF indicators
    log    Trying to perform a POST. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT_JSON}"}  
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Post    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send PUT Request for all VNF indicators
    log    Trying to perform a PUT. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT_JSON}"}  
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Post    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send PATCH Request for all VNF indicators
    log    Trying to perform a PATCH. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT_JSON}"}  
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Post    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Send DELETE Request for all VNF indicators
    log    Trying to perform a DELETE. This method should not be implemented
    Set Headers  {"Accept":"${ACCEPT_JSON}"}  
    Run Keyword If    ${AUTH_USAGE} == 1    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${AUTHORIZATION}"}
    Post    ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/indicators
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Check HTTP Response Status Code Is
    [Arguments]    ${expected_status}
    ${status}=    Convert To Integer    ${expected_status}    
    Should Be Equal    ${response['status']}    ${status} 
    Log    Status code validated
    Run Keyword If    ${status} == 401
    ...    Check HTTP Response Header Contains    "WWW-Authenticate"    
Check HTTP Response Header Contains
    [Arguments]    ${CONTENT_TYPE}
    Should Contain    ${response['headers']}    ${CONTENT_TYPE}
    Log    Header is present
Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is
    [Arguments]    ${schema}
    Should Contain    ${response['headers']['Content-Type']}    application/json
    ${jsonSchema}=    Catenate    SEPARATOR=    ${schema}    .schema.json
    Validate Json    ${jsonSchema}    ${response['body']}
    Log    Json Schema Validation OK

Check Postcondition VNF Indicators Exist
    Log    Check Postcondition indicators exist
    Get all VNF indicators
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
Check HTTP Response Body vnfIndicators Matches the requested attribute-based filter
    Log    Check Response includes VNF Indicators according to filter