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NotificationEndpoint.robot 8.53 KiB
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  • *** Settings ***
    Resource    environment/variables.txt 
    Resource    NSFMOperationKeywords.robot   
    Library    MockServerLibrary
    Library    Process
    Library    OperatingSystem
    Suite Setup    Create Sessions
    Suite Teardown    Terminate All Processes    kill=true
    *** Test Cases ***
    NS Fault Alarm Notification
        [Documentation]    Test ID:
        ...    Test title: NS Fault Alarm Notification
        ...    Test objective: The objective is to test the dispatch of NS Fault Alarm Notification when a virtualised resource within an NS instance fails, and perform a JSON schema and content validation of the delivered notification. The action that triggers the notification under test is an explicit test step, but it is not performed by the test system.
        ...    Pre-conditions: A NS instance is instantiated, and a subscription for fault alarm notifications is available in the NFVO.
    Sana Zulfiqar's avatar
    Sana Zulfiqar committed
        ...    Reference: Clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 [3] v3.3.1
        ...    Config ID: Config_prod_NFVO
        ...    Applicability: none
        ...    Post-Conditions: none 
        Trigger the fault of a virtualised resource in the NS instance (external action) 
        Check Alarm Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    alarmNotification
        Check Alarm Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is    alarmNotification
    NS Fault Alarm Cleared Notification
        [Documentation]    Test ID:
        ...    Test title: NS Fault Alarm Cleared Notification
        ...    Test objective: The objective is to test the dispatch of NS Fault Alarm Cleared Notification when a faulty virtualised resource within an NS instance is cleared, and perform a JSON schema and content validation of the delivered notification. The action that triggers the notification under test is an explicit test step, but it is not performed by the test system.
        ...    Pre-conditions: A NS instance is instantiated, a virtualised resource is in faulty state, and a subscription for fault alarm cleared notifications is available in the NFVO.
    Sana Zulfiqar's avatar
    Sana Zulfiqar committed
        ...    Reference: Clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 [3] v3.3.1
        ...    Config ID: Config_prod_NFVO
        ...    Applicability: none
        ...    Post-Conditions: none 
        Trigger the fault cleared of a virtualised resource in the NS instance (external action) 
        Check Alarm cleared Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    alarmClearedNotification
        Check Alarm cleared Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is    alarmClearedNotification
    NS Fault Alarm List Rebuilt Notification 
        [Documentation]    Test ID:
        ...    Test title: NS Fault Alarm List Rebuilt Notification 
        ...    Test objective: The objective is to test the dispatch of NS Fault Alarm List Rebuilt Notification when the NFVO decides to rebuild the list of its NS alarms, e.g. due to a corruption in the alarm storage, and perform a JSON schema and content validation of the delivered notification. The action that triggers the notification under test is an explicit test step, but it is not performed by the test system.
        ...    Pre-conditions: A NS instance is instantiated, one or more virtualised resource are in faulty state, and a subscription for fault alarm list rebuilt notifications is available in the NFVO.
    Sana Zulfiqar's avatar
    Sana Zulfiqar committed
        ...    Reference: Clause - ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 [3] v3.3.1
        ...    Config ID: Config_prod_NFVO
        ...    Applicability: none
        ...    Post-Conditions: none 
        Trigger the NS fault alarm list rebuild in the NFVO (external action) 
        Check Alarm list rebuilt Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    alarmListRebuiltNotification
        Check Alarm list rebuilt Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is    alarmListRebuiltNotification
    *** Keywords ***
    Trigger the fault of a virtualised resource in the NS instance (external action)  
        #do nothing
        Log    do nothing
    Trigger the fault cleared of a virtualised resource in the NS instance (external action) 
        #do nothing
        Log    do nothing   
    Trigger the NS fault alarm list rebuild in the NFVO (external action) 
        #do nothing
        Log    do nothing 
    Check Alarm List Rebuilt Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    
        [Arguments]    ${element}
        ${schema}=	Get File	schemas/${element}.schema.json
        Configure Notification Forward    ${schema}    ${callback_endpoint}    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}
    Check Alarm List Rebuilt Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is
        [Arguments]    ${type}
        Configure Notification Alarm List Rebuilt Handler    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}    ${type}
        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    2 min   10 sec   Verify Mock Expectation    ${notification_request}
        Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint}
        Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}
    Check Alarm Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    
        [Arguments]    ${element}
        ${schema}=	Get File	schemas/${element}.schema.json
        Configure Notification Forward    ${schema}    ${callback_endpoint}    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}
    Check Alarm Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is
        [Arguments]    ${type}
        Configure Notification Alarm Handler    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}    ${type}
        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    2 min   10 sec   Verify Mock Expectation    ${notification_request}
        Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint}
        Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}
    Check Alarm cleared Notification Http POST Request Body Json Schema Is    
        [Arguments]    ${element}
        ${schema}=	Get File	schemas/${element}.schema.json
        Configure Notification Forward    ${schema}    ${callback_endpoint}    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}
    Check Alarm cleared Notification Http POST Request Body notificationType attribute Is
        [Arguments]    ${type}
        Configure Notification Alarm Cleareance Handler    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}    ${type}
        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    2 min   10 sec   Verify Mock Expectation    ${notification_request}
        Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint}
        Clear Requests    ${callback_endpoint_fwd}
    Check Alarm Clerance Notification Http POST Request Body changeType attribute Is
        [Arguments]    ${type}
        #do nothing
        Log    do nothing 
    Configure Notification Alarm List Rebuilt Handler
        [Arguments]    ${endpoint}    ${type}
        ${json}=    evaluate    {}
        set to dictionary    ${json}    notificationType    ${type}    
        ${BODY}=    evaluate    json.dumps(${json})    json
        Log  Creating mock request and response to handle status notification
        &{notification_request}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${endpoint}  body_type="JSON"    body=${BODY}
    Frank Bryden's avatar
    Frank Bryden committed
        &{headers} =	Create Dictionary	Content-Type=application/json
        &{notification_response}=  Create Mock Response	headers=${headers}  status_code=204
        Create Mock Expectation  ${notification_request}  ${notification_response}
    Configure Notification Alarm Handler
        [Arguments]    ${endpoint}    ${type}
        ${json}=    evaluate    {}
        set to dictionary    ${json}    notificationType    ${type}    
        ${BODY}=    evaluate    json.dumps(${json})    json
        Log  Creating mock request and response to handle status notification
        &{notification_request}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${endpoint}  body_type="JSON"    body=${BODY}
    Frank Bryden's avatar
    Frank Bryden committed
        &{headers} =	Create Dictionary	Content-Type=application/json
        &{notification_response}=  Create Mock Response	headers=${headers}  status_code=204
        Create Mock Expectation  ${notification_request}  ${notification_response}
    Configure Notification Alarm Cleareance Handler
        [Arguments]    ${endpoint}    ${type}
        ${json}=    evaluate    {}
        set to dictionary   ${json}    notificationType    ${type}
        ${BODY}=    evaluate    json.dumps(${json})    json
        Log  Creating mock request and response to handle status notification
        &{notification_request}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${endpoint}  body_type="JSON"    body=${BODY}
    Frank Bryden's avatar
    Frank Bryden committed
        &{headers} =	Create Dictionary	Content-Type=application/json
        &{notification_response}=  Create Mock Response	headers=${headers}  status_code=204
        Create Mock Expectation  ${notification_request}  ${notification_response}
    Configure Notification Forward
        [Arguments]    ${schema}    ${endpoint}    ${endpoint_fwd}    
        Log  Creating mock Http POST forward to handle ${schema}
        &{notification_tmp}=  Create Mock Request Matcher	POST  ${endpoint}  body_type="JSON_SCHEMA"    body=${schema}
        &{notification_fwd}=  Create Mock Http Forward	${endpoint_fwd}
        Create Mock Expectation With Http Forward  ${notification_tmp}  ${notification_fwd}