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SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml 255 KiB
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          If present, this attribute provides values for the extensions
          declared in the VNFD. These values will override the default
          values if default values are also declared in the VNFD.

          It provides the values for the "extensions" input parameter  of the Instantiate
          VNF operation defined in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 [4].
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
          Additional input parameters for the instantiation process,
          specific to the VNF being instantiated, as declared in the
          VNFD as part of "InstantiateVnfOpConfig".
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
    description: >
      This type represents location constraints for a VNF to be instantiated.
      The location constraints can be represented as follows:
      •	as a country code
      •	as a civic address combined with a country code
      •	as an area, conditionally combined with a country code
      The LocationConstraints data type shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
        description: >
          The two-letter ISO 3166 [29] country code in capital letters.
          Shall be present in case the "area" attribute is absent. May be absent if the "area" attribute is present.
          If both "countryCode" and "area" are present, no conflicts should exist between the values of these two attributes.
          In case of conflicts, the API producer (i.e. the NFVO) shall disregard parts of the geographic area signalled
          by "area" that are outside the boundaries of the country signalled by "countryCode". If "countryCode" is absent,
          it is solely the "area" attribute that defines the location constraint.
        type: string
        description: >
          Zero or more elements comprising the civic address.
          Shall be absent if the "area" attribute is present.
        type: array
          type: object
            - caType
            - caValue
              description: >
                Describe the content type of caValue. The value of
                caType shall comply with Section 3.4 of IETF
                RFC 4776 [13].
              type: integer
              description: >
                Content of civic address element corresponding to the
                caType. The format caValue shall comply with
                Section 3.4 of IETF RFC 4776 [13].
              type: string
        description: >
          Geographic area. Shall be absent if the "civicAddressElement" attribute is present.
          The content of this attribute shall follow the provisions for the "Polygon" geometry object as defined in
          IETF RFC 7946, for which the "type" member shall be set to the value "Polygon".
          If both "countryCode" and "area" are present, no conflicts should exist between the values of these two attributes.
          In case of conflicts, the API producer (i.e. the NFVO) shall disregard parts of the geographic area signalled
          by "area" that are outside the boundaries of the country signalled by "countryCode". If "countryCode" is absent,
          it is solely the "area" attribute that defines the location constraint.
        type: object
    description: >
      This type represents the association of location constraints to a VNF instance
      to be created according to a specific VNF profile.
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - vnfProfileId
        description: >
          Identifier of (reference to) a vnfProfile to which the
          additional parameters apply.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNsd"
        description: >
          Defines the location constraints for the VNF instance to
          be created based on the VNF profile.
        $ref: "#/definitions/LocationConstraints"
    description: >
      This type specifies an existing VNF instance to be used in the NS instance and
      if needed, the VNF Profile to use for this VNF instance.
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - vnfInstanceId
      - vnfProfileId
        description: >
          Identifier of the existing VNF instance to be used in the NS.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of (Reference to) a vnfProfile defined in the
          NSD which the existing VNF instance shall be matched
          with. If not present, the NFVO will select the VnfProfile
          matching the information in the VNF instance.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNsd"
    description: >
      This type specifies an existing nested NS instance to be used in the NS instance 
      and if needed, the NsProfile to use for this nested NS instance. 
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - nestedNsInstanceId
        description: >
          Identifier of the existing nested NS instance to be used in the NS.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of an NsProfile defined in the NSD which the existing 
          nested NS instance shall be matched with.
          If not present, the NFVO will select the NsProfile matching the 
          information in the nested NS instance.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNs"
    description: >
      This type represents the information related to a SAP of a NS.
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - sapdId
      - sapName
      - description
        description: >
          Reference to the SAPD for this SAP.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNsd"
        description: >
          Human readable name for the SAP.
        type: string
        description: >
          Human readable description for the SAP.
        type: string
        description: >
          Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the SAP.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/CpProtocolData"
      This type represents a request for the scale NS operation.
      Either the parameter scaleNsData or the parameter scaleVnfData, but not both shall be provided
    type: object
      - required:
          - scaleNsData
      - required:
          - scaleVnfData
          Indicates the type of scaling to be performed.
          Possible values:
          - SCALE_NS
          - SCALE_VNF
        type: string
          - SCALE_NS
          - SCALE_VNF
        description: >
          The necessary information to scale the referenced NS instance.
          It shall be present when scaleType = SCALE_NS.
        $ref: "#/definitions/ScaleNsData"
        description: >
          The necessary information to scale the referenced NS instance.
          It shall be present when scaleType = SCALE_VNF.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ScaleVnfData"
        description: >
          Timestamp indicating the scale time of the NS, i.e. the
          NS will be scaled at this timestamp. Cardinality "0"
          indicates the NS scaling takes place immediately".
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/DateTime"

    description: >
      This operation supports the update of a NS instance, 
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - updateType
        description: >
          The type of update. It determines also which one of the following parameters is present in the operation.
          Possible values include:
          * ADD_VNF: Adding existing VNF instance(s)
          * REMOVE_VNF: Removing VNF instance(s)
          * INSTANTIATE_VNF: Instantiating new VNF(s)
          * CHANGE_VNF_DF: Changing VNF DF
          * OPERATE_VNF: Changing VNF state,
          * MODIFY_VNF_INFORMATION: Modifying VNF information and/or the configurable properties of VNF instance(s)
          * CHANGE_EXTERNAL_VNF_CONNECTIVITY: Changing the external connectivity of VNF instance(s)
          * CHANGE_VNFPKG: Changing the VNF package(s) on which (a) VNF instance(s) is/are based
          * ADD_SAP: Adding SAP(s)
          * REMOVE_SAP: Removing SAP(s)
          * ADD_NESTED_NS: Adding existing NS instance(s) as nested NS(s)
          * REMOVE_NESTED_NS: Removing existing nested NS instance(s)
          * ASSOC_NEW_NSD_VERSION: Associating a new NSD version to the NS instance
          * MOVE_VNF: Moving VNF instance(s) from one origin NS instance to another target NS instance
          * ADD_VNFFG: Adding VNFFG(s)
          * REMOVE_VNFFG: Removing VNFFG(s)
          * UPDATE_VNFFG: Updating VNFFG(s)
          * CHANGE_NS_DF: Changing NS DF
          * ADD_PNF: Adding PNF
          * MODIFY_PNF: Modifying PNF
          * REMOVE_PNF: Removing PNF
          *	CREATE_VNF_SNAPSHOT: Creating VNF Snapshots of VNF instances belonging to the NS instance.
            It depends on the VNF capabilities, and is declared in the VNFD whether the operation is supported for a particular VNF.
          *	REVERT_VNF_TO_SNAPSHOT: Reverting a VNF instance belonging to the NS instance to a VNF Snapshot.
            It depends on the VNF capabilities, and is declared in the VNFD whether the operation is supported for a particular VNF.
            The operation might be service-disruptive.
          *	DELETE_VNF_SNAPSHOT_INFO: Deleting available VNF Snapshot information for a VNF instance belonging to the NS instance.
            It depends on the VNF capabilities, and is declared in the VNFD whether the operation is supported for a particular VNF.
          *	MODIFY_WAN_CONNECTION_INFO: Modify WAN related connectivity information.
          *	CREATE_NS_VIRTUAL_LINK: Create an NsVirtualLink instance.
          *	DELETE_NS_VIRTUAL_LINK: Delete an NsVirtualLink instance.
          - ADD_VNF
          - REMOVE_VNF
          - CHANGE_VNF_DF
          - OPERATE_VNF
          - REMOVE_SAP
          - ADD_NESTED_NS
          - REMOVE_NESTED_NS
          - MOVE_VNF
          - ADD_VNFFG
          - REMOVE_VNFFG
          - UPDATE_VNFFG
          - CHANGE_NS_DF
          - ADD_PNF
          - MODIFY_PNF
          - REMOVE_PNF
        description: >
          Identifies an existing VNF instance to be added to the
          NS instance. It shall be present only if updateType = "ADD_VNF".         
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/VnfInstanceData"
        description: >
          Identifies an existing VNF instance to be removed from
          the NS instance. It contains the identifier(s) of the VNF
          instances to be removed. It shall be present only if
          updateType = "REMOVE_VNF." Note: If a VNF instance
          is removed from a NS and this NS was the last one for
          which this VNF instance was a part, the VNF instance is
          terminated by the NFVO.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifies the new VNF to be instantiated. It can be used
          e.g. for the bottom-up NS creation. It shall be present
          only if updateType = "INSTANTIATE_VNF".
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/InstantiateVnfData"
        description: >
          Specifies the details to terminate VNF instance(s).
          It shall be present only if updateType = "REMOVE_VNF"
          and if the VNF instance(s) is(are) to be terminated as
          part of this operation.
          If a VNF instance is removed from an NS and this NS was the
          last one for which this VNF instance was a part, the VNF instance
          is terminated by the NFVO.
          For each of the referred vnfInstanceId in the terminateVnfData,
          there shall be a corresponding value in the removeVnfInstanceId.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/TerminateVnfData"
        description: >
          Identifies the new DF of the VNF instance to be
          changed to. It shall be present only if updateType = "CHANGE_VNF_DF".
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ChangeVnfFlavourData"
        description: >
          Identifies the state of the VNF instance to be changed. 
          It shall be present only if updateType = "OPERATE_VNF".
        type: array
        description: >
          Identifies the VNF information parameters and/or the
          configurable properties of VNF instance to be modified.
          It shall be present only if updateType = "MODIFY_VNF_INFORMATION".
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ModifyVnfInfoData"
        description: >
          Specifies the new external connectivity data of the VNF
          instance to be changed. It shall be present only if
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ChangeExtVnfConnectivityData"
        description: >
          Specifies the details to change the VNF package on which the VNF instance is based.
          It shall be present only if updateType = "CHANGE_VNFPKG".
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ChangeVnfPackageData"
        description: >
          Identifies a new SAP to be added to the NS instance.
          It shall be present only if updateType = "ADD_SAP."
        type: array
        description: >
          The identifier an existing SAP to be removed from the
          NS instance. It shall be present only if updateType = "REMOVE_SAP."
        type: array
          $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          The identifier of an existing nested NS instance to be
          added to (nested within) the NS instance. It shall be
          present only if updateType = "ADD_NESTED_NS".
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/NestedNsInstanceData"
        description: >
          The identifier of an existing nested NS instance to be
          removed from the NS instance. It shall be present only if
          updateType = "REMOVE_NESTED_NS".
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNs"
        description: >
          Specify the new NSD to be used for the NS instance. It
          shall be present only if updateType =
        $ref: "#/definitions/AssocNewNsdVersionData"
        description: >
          Specify existing VNF instance to be moved from one NS
          instance to another NS instance. It shall be present only
          if updateType = MOVE_VNF".
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/MoveVnfInstanceData"
        description: >
          Specify the new VNFFG to be created to the NS
          Instance. It shall be present only if updateType =
        type: array
        description: >
          Identifier of an existing VNFFG to be removed from the
          NS Instance. It shall be present only if updateType =
        type: array
          $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Specify the new VNFFG Information data to be updated
          for a VNFFG of the NS Instance. It shall be present only
          if updateType = "UPDATE_VNFFG".
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/UpdateVnffgData"
        description: >
          Specifies the new DF to be applied to the NS instance. It
          shall be present only if updateType =
        $ref: "#/definitions/ChangeNsFlavourData"
        description: >
          specifies the PNF to be added into the NS instance. 
          It shall be present only if updateType = "ADD_PNF".
        type: array
        description: >
          Specifies the PNF to be modified in the NS instance. 
          It shall be present only if updateType = "MODIFY_PNF".
        type: array
        description: >
          Identifier of the PNF to be deleted from the NS instance.
          It shall be present only if updateType = "REMOVE_PNF".
        type: array
          $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Specifies the data to modify about WAN related connectivity information.
          It shall be present only if updateType = "MODIFY_WAN_CONNECTION_INFO".
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ModifyWanConnectionInfoData"
        description: >
          Timestamp indicating the update time of the NS, i.e. the
          NS will be updated at this timestamp. Cardinality "0"
          indicates the NS update takes place immediately.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/DateTime"
        description: >
          Specify the VNF instance to be snapshotted. It shall be present only if updateType = "CREATE_VNF_SNAPSHOT".
        $ref: '#/definitions/CreateVnfSnapshotData'
        description: >
          Specify the VNF instance to be reverted and the VNF Snapshot to be reverted to. It shall be present only if
          updateType = "REVERT_VNF_TO_SNAPSHOT".
          $ref: '#/definitions/CreateVnfSnapshotData'
        $ref: '#/definitions/RevertVnfToSnapshotData'
        description: >
          Specify the VNF Snapshot info to be deleted and the related VNF instance. It shall be present only if
          updateType = "DELETE_VNF_SNAPSHOT_INFO".
        $ref: '#/definitions/DeleteVnfSnapshotData'
        description: >
          Specify data to be used to create a new NsVirtualLink instance. This parameter shall be present only if
          updateType = “CREATE_NS_VIRTUAL_LINK”.
        type: array
          $ref: '#/definitions/AddNsVirtualLinkData'
        description: >
          Identify an existing NsVirtualLink instance to be deleted. The parameter shall be present only if
          updateType = “DELETE_NS_VIRTUAL_LINK”.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
    description: >
      This type represents the information related to a SAP of a NS. The InstantiateVnfData data type specifies the
      parameters that are needed for VNF instantiation. This information element is used for the bottom-up NS creation when
      the OSS/BSS explicitly requests VNF instantiation for a given NS. When the NFVO invokes the Instantiate VNF
      update operation, a set of these parameters are then passed by the NFVO to the VNFM. It shall comply with the
      provisions defined in Table
    type: object
        description: >
          Information sufficient to identify the VNFD which defines
          the VNF to be instantiated.

          If vnfdId and vnfFlavourId (and vnfInstantiationLevelId,
          if provided) are present, there should be only one vnfProfile
          that matches the vnfdId and vnfFlavourId (and vnfInstantiationLevelId,
          if present) in the NS deployment flavour specified in the NSD
          associated to the NS instance to which the present operation is
          triggered. In the case there is more than one matching vnfProfile,
          the NFVO may select a matching vnfProfile based on other information,
          such as external VL.

          Either the attribute triple "vnfdId, vnfFlavourId and vnfInstantiationLevelId
          (if provided)" or the attribute "vnProfileId" shall be present, but not both.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF deployment flavor to be instantiated.

          If vnfdId and vnfFlavourId (and vnfInstantiationLevelId,
          if provided) are present, there should be only one vnfProfile
          that matches the vnfdId and vnfFlavourId (and vnfInstantiationLevelId,
          if present) in the NS deployment flavour specified in the NSD
          associated to the NS instance to which the present operation is
          triggered. In the case there is more than one matching vnfProfile,
          the NFVO may select a matching vnfProfile based on other information,
          such as external VL.

          Either the attribute triple "vnfdId, vnfFlavourId and vnfInstantiationLevelId
          (if provided)" or the attribute "vnProfileId" shall be present, but not both.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the instantiation level of the deployment
          flavor to be instantiated. If not present, the default
          instantiation level as declared in the VNFD is

          If vnfdId and vnfFlavourId (and vnfInstantiationLevelId,
          if provided) are present, there should be only one vnfProfile
          that matches the vnfdId and vnfFlavourId (and vnfInstantiationLevelId,
          if present) in the NS deployment flavour specified in the NSD
          associated to the NS instance to which the present operation is
          triggered. In the case there is more than one matching vnfProfile,
          the NFVO may select a matching vnfProfile based on other information,
          such as external VL.

          Either the attribute triple "vnfdId, vnfFlavourId and vnfInstantiationLevelId
          (if provided)" or the attribute "vnProfileId" shall be present, but not both.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of (Reference to) a vnfProfile defined in the NSD which is used for instantiating the VNF.

          Either the attribute triple "vnfdId, vnfFlavourId and vnfInstantiationLevelId
          (if provided)" or the attribute "vnProfileId" shall be present, but not both.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNsd"
        description: >
          Human-readable name of the VNF instance to be created.
        type: string
        description: >
          Human-readable description of the VNF instance to be created.
        type: string
        description: >
          Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Information about internal VLs that are managed by other entities than the VNFM.
          It is possible to have several ExtManagedVirtualLinkData for the same VNF internal VL in case of a multi-site
          VNF spanning several VIMs. The set of ExtManagedVirtualLinkData corresponding to the same VNF internal VL shall
          indicate so by referencing to the same VnfVirtualLinkDesc and externally-managed multi-site VL instance
          (refer to clause
          $ref: "#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Localization language of the VNF to be instantiated.
          The value shall comply with the format defined in IETF RFC 5646.
        description: >
          If present, this attribute provides values for the configurable
          properties declared in the VNFD. These values will override
          the default values if default values are also declared in the VNFD.

          It provides values for the "vnfConfigurableProperties" input
          parameter of the Instantiate VNF operation
          defined in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 [4].
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Additional input parameters for the instantiation process,
          specific to the VNF being instantiated.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
          If present, this attribute provides values for metadata. Metadata
          can but need not be declared in the VNFD. These values will override
          the default values if default values are also declared in the VNFD.

          This attribute provides values for the "metadata" input parameter of
          the Create VNF Identifier operation.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute provides values for extensions declared
          in the VNFD. These values will override the default values if default
          values are also declared in the VNFD.

          This attribute provides values for the "extensions" input parameter of
          the Instantiate VNF operation.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Defines the location constraints for the VNF to be
          instantiated as part of the NS Update.
          An example can be a constraint for the VNF to be
          in a specific geographic location.
        $ref: "#/definitions/VnfLocationConstraint"

    description: >
      The type represents the information that is requested to be changed
      deployment flavor for an existing VNF instance.
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - vnfInstanceId
      - newFlavourId
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF instance to be modified.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF deployment flavor to be instantiated.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the instantiation level of the deployment
          flavor to be instantiated. If not present, the default
          instantiation level as declared in the VNFD is
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          information about internal VLs that are managed by NFVO.
          The indication of externally-managed internal VLs is needed in case networks have been pre-configured for use
          with certain VNFs, for instance to ensure that these networks have certain properties such as security or
          acceleration features, or to address particular network topologies. The present document assumes that
          xternally-managed internal VLs are managed by the NFVO and created towards the VIM.
          It is possible to have several ExtManagedVirtualLinkData for the same VNF internal VL in case of a multi-site
          VNF spanning several VIMs. The set of ExtManagedVirtualLinkData corresponding to the same VNF internal VL shall
          indicate so by referencing to the same VnfVirtualLinkDesc and externally-managed multi-site VL instance
          (refer to clause
          $ref: "#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Additional input parameters for the flavor change
          process, specific to the VNF being modified, as declared
          in the VNFD as part of "ChangeVnfFlavourOpConfig".
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          This attribute provides values for the "extensions" input parameter of the Change VNF Flavour
          operation defined in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          This attribute provides values for the "vnfConfigurableProperties" input parameter of the Change VNF Flavour
          operation defined in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    description: >
      This type represents a VNF instance for which the operational state 
      needs to be changed and the requested new state. It
      shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - vnfInstanceId
      - changeStateTo
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF instance.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          The desired operational state (i.e. started or stopped)
          to change the VNF to.
        $ref: "#/definitions/OperationalStates"
        description: >
          It signals whether forceful or graceful stop is requested.           
        $ref: "#/definitions/StopType"
        description: >
          The time interval (in seconds) to wait for the VNF to be
          taken out of service during graceful stop, before
          stopping the VNF.
        type: integer
        description: >
          Additional parameters passed by the OSS/BSS as input
          to the Operate VNF operation, specific to the VNF being
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    description: >
      STARTED - The VNF instance is up and running.
      STOPPED - The VNF instance has been shut down.
    type: string
      - STARTED
      - STOPPED
    description: >
      * FORCEFUL: The VNFM will stop the VNF immediately after accepting the
      * GRACEFUL: The VNFM will first arrange to take the VNF out of service
        after accepting the request. Once that operation is successful or once
        the timer value specified in the "gracefulStopTimeout" attribute
        expires, the VNFM will stop the VNF.
    type: string
      - FORCEFUL
      - GRACEFUL

    description: >
      This type represents the information that is requested to be modified for a VNF instance. The information to be
      modified shall comply with the associated NSD.
      EXAMPLE. The vnfPkgId attribute value for a particular VNF instance can only be updated with a value that
      matches the identifier value of a VNF package whose vnfdId is present in the associated profile of the NSD.
    type: object
      - vnfInstanceId
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF instance.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          New value of the "vnfInstanceName" attribute in
          "VnfInstance", or "null" to remove the attribute.
        type: string
        description: >
          New value of the "vnfInstanceDescription" attribute in "VnfInstance",
          or "null" to remove the attribute.
        type: string
          New value of the "vnfdId" attribute in "VnfInstance".
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Modifications to entries in the
          "vnfConfigurableProperties" attribute in "VnfInstance", as defined below in clause
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
          Modifications to entries in the "metadata" attribute in "VnfInstance", as defined below in clause
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
          Modifications to entries in the "extensions" attribute in "VnfInstance", as defined below in clause
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    description: >
      This type describes the information invoked by the NFVO to change the external VNF connectivity information
      maintained by the VNFM. The types of changes that this operation supports are:
      1) Disconnect the external CPs that are connected to a particular external VL, and connect them to a different
         external VL.
      2) Disconnect and delete external CPs that are connected to a particular external VL and that represent subports
         in a trunk, i.e. CP instances that are created from external CPDs that have trunk mode configured according to
         clause in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011. If the parent port is exposed as an "extCp", the VNFM shall ensure that
         the parent port is not deleted. If the parent port is exposed as an "extCp" and there are other subports connected,
         the VNFM shall ensure that the parent port is not disconnected, unless it is reconnected to a different external
         VL in the same operation.
      3) Change the connectivity parameters of the existing external CPs, including changing addresses.

      NOTE:	Depending on the capabilities of the underlying VIM resources, certain changes (e.g. modifying the IP address
            assignment) might not be supported without deleting the resource and creating another one with the modified

      4) Create new CPs that represent supports in a trunk, i.e. CP instances that are created from external CPDs that
         have trunk mode configured according to clause in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011, and connect them to a particular
         external VL. Creation of the parent port with this operation is not supported. This type shall comply with the
         provisions defined in Table
      - extVirtualLinks
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF instance.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Information about external VLs to change (e.g. connect the VNF to).
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData"
          Additional parameters passed by the OSS/BSS as input to
          the external connectivity change process, specific to the
          VNF instance being changed.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    description: >
      This type specifies a new NSD version that is associated to the NS instance. After issuing the Update NS operation with
      updateType = "AssocNewNsdVersion", the NFVO shall use the referred NSD as a basis for the given NS instance.
      Different versions of the same NSD have same nsdInvariantId, but different nsdId attributes, therefore if the
      nsdInvariantId of the NSD version that is to be associated to this NS instance is different from the one used before, the
      NFVO shall reject the request. Only new versions of the same NSD can be associated to an existing NS instance. This
      data type shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - newNsdId
        description: >
          Identifier of the new NSD version that is to be
          associated to the NS instance.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Specify whether the NS instance shall be automatically
          synchronized to the new NSD by the NFVO (in case of
          true value) or the NFVO shall not do any action (in case
          of a false value) and wait for further guidance from
          OSS/BSS (i.e. waiting for OSS/BSS to issue NS
          lifecycle management operation to explicitly add/remove
          VNFs and modify information of VNF instances
          according to the new NSD).
          The synchronization to the new NSD means e.g.
          instantiating/adding those VNFs whose VNFD is
          referenced by the new NSD version but not referenced
          by the old one, terminating/removing those VNFs whose
          VNFD is referenced by the old NSD version but not
          referenced by the new NSD version, modifying
          information of VNF instances to the new applicable
          VNFD provided in the new NSD version.
          A cardinality of 0 indicates that synchronization shall not be done.
        type: boolean

    description: >
      This type specifies existing VNF instances to be moved from one NS instance (source) to another NS instance
      (destination). The NS instance defined in the Update NS operation indicates the source NS instance and the destination
      NS instance is specified in this data type (referred to targetNsInstanceId).
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - targetNsInstanceId
        description: >
          Specify the target NS instance where the VNF instances
          are moved to.
        $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Specify the VNF instance that is moved.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../definitions/SOL005_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"

    description: >
      This type specifies the parameters used for the creation of a new VNFFG instance.
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - vnffgdId
      - vnffgName
      - description
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNFFGD used to create this VNFFG
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNsd"
        description: >
          Human readable name for the VNFFG.
        type: string
        description: >
          Human readable description for the VNFFG.
        type: string

    description: >
      This type specifies the parameters used for the update of an existing VNFFG instance.
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
      - vnffgInfoId
        description: >
          Identifier of an existing VNFFG to be updated for the NS Instance.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNs"
        description: >
          Indicate the desired new NFP(s) for a given VNFFG
          after the operations of addition/removal of NS
          components (e.g. VNFs, VLs, etc.) have been
          completed, or indicate the updated or newly created
          NFP classification and selection rule which applied to an existing NFP.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/NfpData"
        description: >
          Identifier(s) of the NFP to be deleted from a given VNFFG.
        type: array
          $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNs"

    description: >
      This type contains information used to create or modify NFP instance parameters
      for the update of an existing VNFFG instance.
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table
    type: object
        description: >
          Identifier of the NFP to be modified. It shall be present
          for modified NFPs and shall be absent for the new NFP.
          It shall be present for modified NFPs and shall be absent 
          for the new NFP.
        $ref: "#/definitions/IdentifierInNs"
        description: >
          Human readable name for the NFP. It shall be present
          for the new NFP, and it may be present otherwise.
          It shall be present for the new NFP, and it may be 
          present otherwise.
        type: string
        description: >
          Human readable description for the NFP. It shall be
          present for the new NFP, and it may be present otherwise.
          It shall be present for the new NFP, and it may be 
          present otherwise.
          Group(s) of CPs and/or SAPs which the NFP passes by.
          Cardinality can be 0 if only updated or newly created
          NFP classification and selection rule which applied to an
          existing NFP is provided.
          At least a CP or an nfpRule shall be present.
          When multiple identifiers are included, the position of 
          the identifier in the cpGroup value specifies the position 
          of the group in the path.
          $ref: "#/definitions/CpGroupInfo"
        description: >
          NFP classification and selection rule. See note 1.
        $ref: "#/definitions/NfpRule"

    description: >
      The NfpRule data type is an expression of the conditions that shall be met
      in order for the NFP to be applicable to the packet. The condition acts as a flow classifier and
      it is met only if all the values expressed in the condition are matched
      by those in the packet. It shall comply with the provisions defined in Table