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Giacomo Bernini's avatar
Giacomo Bernini committed
  version: ""
  title: "SOL005 - NS Lifecycle Management Interface"
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
    SOL005 - NS Lifecycle Management Interface
    IMPORTANT: Please note that this file might be not aligned to the current
    version of the ETSI Group Specification it refers to and has not been
    approved by the ETSI NFV ISG. In case of discrepancies the published ETSI
    Group Specification takes precedence.
    Please report bugs to
    name: "ETSI Forge copyright notice"
    name: "NFV-SOL WG"
  description: ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 V2.6.1
basePath: /nslcm/v1
  - application/json
  - application/json
  # API Versions                                                                #
    $ref: '../endpoints/SOL005_endpoints.yaml#/endpoints/api-versions'

  # NSInstances                                                                 #
    #ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 V2.4.1 location: 6.4.2
      - name: Authorization
        description: >
          The authorization token for the request.
          Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
        in: header
        required: false
        type: string
      - name: Version
        description: >
          Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
        in: header
        required: true
        type: string  
      summary: Create a NS instance resource.
      description: >
        The POST method creates a new NS instance resource.
        - name: Accept
          description: >
            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Content-Type
          description: >
            The MIME type of the body of the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
        - name: body
          in: body
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
          required: true
            $ref: "definitions/SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/CreateNsRequest"
          description: >
            The NS creation parameters, as defined in clause
          description: >
            201 Created
            A NS Instance identifier has been created
            The response body shall contain a representation of
            the created NS instance, as defined in clause
            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP
            header that contains the resource URI of the created
            NS instance.
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
            $ref: "definitions/SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/NsInstance"
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
              type: string
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
              description: >
                The MIME type of the body of the response.This header
                field shall be present if the response has a non-empty message
              type: string
              description: >
                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
                has provided an invalid authorization token.
              maximum: 1
              minimum: 0
              description: >
                Version of the API used in the response.
              type: string
              maximum: 1
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/400"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/401"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/403"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/404"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/405"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/406"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/409"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/416"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/500"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/503"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/504"
      summary: Query multiple NS instances.
        The GET method queries information about multiple NS instances.
        This method shall support the URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes, as
        specified in the Tables and
            Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 5.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
            The NFVO shall support receiving this parameter as part of the URI
            query string. The OSS/BSS may supply this parameter.
            All attribute names that appear in the NsInstance and in data types
            referenced from it shall be supported by the NFVO in the filter expression.
        - name: all_fields
          in: query
            Include all complex attributes in the response. See clause 5.3 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for details.
            The NFVO shall support this parameter.
        - name: fields
          in: query
            "Complex attributes to be included into the response. See clause 5.3 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for
            details. The NFVO should support this parameter."          
            "Complex attributes to be excluded from the response. See clause 5.3 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for
            details. The NFVO should support this parameter."
            "Indicates to exclude the following complex attributes from the response.
            See clause 5.3 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for details. The NFVO shall support this parameter.
            The following attributes shall be excluded from the NsInstance structure in
            the response body if this parameter is provided, or none of the parameters
            "all_fields," "fields", "exclude_fields", "exclude_default" are provided:
            - vnfInstances
            - pnfInfo
            - virtualLinkInfo
            - vnffgInfo
            - sapInfo
            - nsScaleStatus
            - additionalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRules"
        - name: nextpage_opaque_marker
          in: query
          description: >
            Marker to obtain the next page of a paged response. Shall be supported by the NFVO
            if the NFVO supports alternative 2 (paging) according to clause of
            ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013 for this resource.
        - name: Accept
          description: >
            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
          description: >
            Information about zero or more NS instances has
            been queried successfully.
            The response body shall contain in an array the
            representations of zero or more NS instances, as
            defined in clause
            If the NFVO supports alternative 2 (paging)
            according to clause for this resource,
            inclusion of the Link HTTP header in this response
            shall follow the provisions in clause of ETSI
            GS NFV-SOL 013.
              description: The MIME type of the body of the response.
              type: string
              maximum: 1
              minimum: 1
              type: string
              description: >
                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
                has provided an invalid authorization token.
              maximum: 1
              description: >
                Version of the API used in the response.
              type: string
              maximum: 1
              description: >
                Reference to other resources. Used for paging in the present document, see clause
              type: string
              maximum: 1
              minimum: 0
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rameshnaraya committed
                  $ref: "definitions/SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/NsInstance"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/400"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/401"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/403"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/404"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/405"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/406"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/409"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/416"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/500"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/503"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/504"

  # Individual NS instance                                                      #
    #ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 V2.4.1 location: 6.4.3
      - name: nsInstanceId
        description: >
          Identifier of the NS instance.
        in: path
        type: string
        required: true
      - name: Authorization
        description: >
          The authorization token for the request.
          Reference: IETF RFC 7235.
        in: header
        required: false
        type: string
      - name: Version
        description: >
          Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
        in: header
        required: true
        type: string
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
      summary: Read an individual NS instance resource.
      description: >
        The GET method retrieves information about a NS instance by 
        reading an individual NS instance resource.   
        - name: Accept
          description: >
            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Content-Type
          description: >
            The MIME type of the body of the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
          description: >
            200 OK
            Information about an individual NS instance has been queried successfully.
            The response body shall contain a representation of the NS instance.
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
            $ref: "definitions/SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/NsInstance"
              type: string
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
              description: >
                The MIME type of the body of the response.This header
                field shall be present if the response has a non-empty message body.
              type: string
              description: >
                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
                has provided an invalid authorization token.
              description: >
                Version of the API used in the response.
              type: string
              maximum: 1
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/400"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/401"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/403"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/404"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/405"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/406"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/416"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/500"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/503"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/504"
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
      summary: Delete NS instance resource.
      description: >
        Delete NS Identifier
        This method deletes an individual NS instance resource.
          description: >
            204 No Content
            The NS instance resource and the associated NS
            identifier were deleted successfully.
            The response body shall be empty.
              type: string
              description: >
                Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided
                authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request
                has provided an invalid authorization token.
              description: >
                Version of the API used in the response.
              type: string
              maximum: 1
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/400"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/401"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/403"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/404"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/405"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/406"
          description: >
            409 CONFLICT

            Error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            Typically, this is due to the fact that the NS instance
            resource is in INSTANTIATED state.
            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails
            structure, in which the "detail" attribute shall convey
            more information about the error.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/409"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/412"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/500"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/503"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/504"
  # Instantiate NS task                                                         #
    #ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 V2.4.1 location: 6.4.4
      - name: nsInstanceId
        description: >
          Identifier of the NS instance to be instantiated.
        in: path
        type: string
        required: true
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
      summary: Instantiate a NS.
      description: >
        The POST method requests to instantiate a NS instance resource.
        - name: Accept
          description: >
            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Authorization
          description: >
            The authorization token for the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7235
          in: header
          required: false
          type: string
        - name: Content-Type
          description: >
            The MIME type of the body of the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Version
          description: >
            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: body
          in: body
            $ref: "definitions/SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/InstantiateNsRequest"
          description: >
            Parameters for the instantiate NS operation, as defined in clause
          description: >
            202 ACCEPTED

            The request has been accepted for processing, but
            the processing has not been completed.
            The response body shall be empty.
            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP
            header that contains the URI of the newly-created
            "NS LCM operation occurrence" resource
            corresponding to the operation.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/202"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/400"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/401"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/403"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/404"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/405"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/406"
          description: >
            409 CONFLICT

            Error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            Typically, this is due to the fact that the NS instance
            resource is in the INSTANTIATED state, or that
            another lifecycle management operation is ongoing.
            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails
            structure, in which the "detail" attribute shall convey
            more information about the error.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/409"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/416"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/500"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/503"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/504"

  # Scale NS task                                                               #
    #ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 V2.4.1 location: 6.4.5
      - name: nsInstanceId
        description: >
          Identifier of the NS instance to be scaled.
        in: path
        type: string
        required: true
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
      summary: Scale a NS instance.
      description: >
        The POST method requests to scale a NS instance resource.
        - name: Accept
          description: >
            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Authorization
          description: >
            The authorization token for the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7235
          in: header
          required: false
          type: string
        - name: Content-Type
          description: >
            The MIME type of the body of the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Version
          description: >
            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: body
          in: body
            $ref: "definitions/SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ScaleNsRequest"
          description: >
            Parameters for the scale NS operation, as defined in clause
          description: >
            202 ACCEPTED

            The request has been accepted for processing, but
            the processing has not been completed.
            The response body shall be empty.
            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP
            header that contains the URI of the newly-created
            "NS lifecycle operation occurrence" resource
            corresponding to the operation.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/202"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/400"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/401"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/403"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/404"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/405"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/406"
          description: >
            409 CONFLICT

            Error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            Typically, this is due to the fact that the NS instance
            resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, or that
            another lifecycle management operation is ongoing.
            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails
            structure, in which the "detail" attribute shall convey
            more information about the error.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/409"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/500"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/503"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/504"

  # Update NS task                                                              #
    #ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 V2.4.1 location: 6.4.6
      - name: nsInstanceId
        description: >
          Identifier of the NS instance to be updated.
        in: path
        type: string
        required: true
rameshnaraya's avatar
rameshnaraya committed
      summary: Updates a NS instance.
      description: >
        Scale NS instance.
        The POST method requests to scale a NS instance resource.
        - name: Accept
          description: >
            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Authorization
          description: >
            The authorization token for the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7235
          in: header
          required: false
          type: string
        - name: Content-Type
          description: >
            The MIME type of the body of the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Version
          description: >
            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: body
          in: body
            $ref: "definitions/SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/UpdateNsRequest"
          description: >
            Parameters for the update NS operation, as defined in clause
          description: >
            202 ACCEPTED

            The request has been accepted for processing, but
            the processing has not been completed.
            The response body shall be empty.
            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP
            header that contains the URI of the newly-created
            "NS lifecycle operation occurrence" resource
            corresponding to the operation.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/202"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/400"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/401"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/403"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/404"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/405"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/406"
          description: >
            409 CONFLICT

            Error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            Typically, this is due to the fact that the NS instance
            resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, or that
            another lifecycle management operation is ongoing.
            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails
            structure, in which the "detail" attribute shall convey
            more information about the error.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/409"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/500"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/503"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/504"

  # Heal NS task                                                                #
    #ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 V2.4.1 location: 6.4.7
      - name: nsInstanceId
        description: >
          Identifier of the NS instance to be healed.
        in: path
        type: string
        required: true
      summary: Heal a NS instance.
      description: >
        The POST method requests to heal a NS instance resource.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the Tables and for URI query parameters,
        request and response data structures, and response codes.
        - name: Accept
          description: >
            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Authorization
          description: >
            The authorization token for the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7235
          in: header
          required: false
          type: string
        - name: Content-Type
          description: >
            The MIME type of the body of the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Version
          description: >
            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: body
          in: body
            $ref: "definitions/SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/HealNsRequest"
          description: >
            Parameters for the heal NS operation, as defined in clause
          description: >
            202 ACCEPTED

            The request has been accepted for processing, but
            the processing has not been completed.
            The response body shall be empty.
            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP
            header that contains the URI of the newly-created
            "NS lifecycle operation occurrence" resource
            corresponding to the operation.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/202"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/400"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/401"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/403"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/404"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/405"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/406"
          description: >
            409 CONFLICT

            Error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            Typically, this is due to the fact that the NS instance
            resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, or that
            another lifecycle management operation is ongoing.
            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails
            structure, in which the "detail" attribute shall convey
            more information about the error.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/409"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/500"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/503"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/504"
  # Terminate NS task                                                           #
    #ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 V2.4.1 location: 6.4.8
      - name: nsInstanceId
        description: >
          The identifier of the NS instance to be terminated.
        in: path
        type: string
        required: true
      summary: Terminate a NS instance.
      description: >
        Terminate NS task.  
        The POST method terminates a NS instance. This method can only be 
        used with a NS instance in the INSTANTIATED
        state. Terminating a NS instance does not delete the NS instance identifier, 
        but rather transitions the NS into the NOT_INSTANTIATED state.
        This method shall support the URI query parameters, request and 
        response data structures, and response codes, as
        specified in the Tables and
        - name: Accept
          description: >
            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Authorization
          description: >
            The authorization token for the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7235
          in: header
          required: false
          type: string
        - name: Content-Type
          description: >
            The MIME type of the body of the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: Version
          description: >
            Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.
          in: header
          required: true
          type: string
        - name: body
          in: body
            $ref: "definitions/SOL005NSLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/TerminateNsRequest"
          description: >
            The terminate NS request parameters, as defined in  clause
          description: >
            202 ACCEPTED

            Shall be returned when the request has been
            accepted for processing.
            The response body shall be empty.
            The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP
            header that contains the URI of the newly-created
            "NS lifecycle operation occurrence" resource
            corresponding to the operation.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/202"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/400"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/401"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/403"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/404"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/405"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/406"
          description: >
            409 CONFLICT

            Error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            Typically, this is due to the fact that the NS instance
            resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state, or that
            another lifecycle management operation is ongoing.
            The response body shall contain a ProblemDetails
            structure, in which the "detail" attribute shall convey
            more information about the error.
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/409"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/500"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/503"
          $ref: "../responses/SOL005_resp.yaml#/responses/504"
  # NS LCM operation occurrences                                                #
    #ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 V2.4.1 location: 6.4.9
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rameshnaraya committed
      summary: Query multiple NS LCM operation occurrences.
        The client can use this method to query status information about multiple NS lifecycle management operation
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the Tables and for URI query parameters,
        request and response data structures, and response codes.
            Attribute-based filtering expression according to clause 5.2 of ETSI GS NFV SOL 013.
            The NFVO shall support receiving this parameter as part of the URI query string.
            The OSS/BSS may supply this parameter.
            All attribute names that appear in the NsLcmOpOcc and in data types referenced
            from it shall be supported by the NFVO in the filter expression.
            Complex attributes to be included into the response. See clause 5.3 of ETSI GS NFV SOL 013 for details. The
            NFVO should support this parameter.
            Complex attributes to be excluded from the response. See clause 5.3 of ETSI GS NFV SOL 013 for details.
            The NFVO should support this parameter.
            Indicates to exclude the following complex attributes from the response. See
            clause 5.3 of ETSI GS NFV SOL 013 for details. The NFVO shall support this parameter.
            The following attributes shall be excluded from the NsLcmOpOcc structure in the
            response body if this parameter is provided:
            - operationParams
            - changedVnfInfo
            - error
            - resourceChanges
        - name: nextpage_opaque_marker
          in: query
          description: >
            Marker to obtain the next page of a paged response. Shall be supported by the NFVO
            if the NFVO supports alternative 2 (paging) according to clause of
            ETSI GS NFV SOL 013 for this resource.
        - name: Accept
          description: >
            Content-Types that are acceptable for the response.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7231
        - name: Authorization
          description: >
            The authorization token for the request.
            Reference: IETF RFC 7235