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SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml 49.1 KiB
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# Copyright (c) ETSI 2017.

    description: >
      This type represents a VNF instance.
    type: object
      - id
      - vnfdId
      - vnfProvider
      - vnfProductName
      - vnfSoftwareVersion
      - vnfdVersion
      - instantiationState
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF instance.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Name of the VNF instance.
          This attribute can be modified with the PATCH method.
        type: string
        description: >
          Human-readable description of the VNF instance.
          This attribute can be modified with the PATCH method.
        type: string
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNFD on which the VNF instance is based.

          Modifying the value of this attribute shall not be performed when conflicts
          exist between the previous and the newly referred VNF package,
          i.e. when the new VNFD is not changed with respect to the previous VNFD
          in other aspects than merely referencing to other VNF software images.
          In order to avoid misalignment of the VnfInstance with the current VNF's
          on-boarded VNF Package, the values of attributes in the VnfInstance that
          have corresponding attributes in the VNFD shall be kept in sync with the values in the VNFD.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Provider of the VNF and the VNFD. The value is copied from the VNFD.
        type: string
        description: >
          Name to identify the VNF Product. The value is copied from the VNFD.
        type: string
        description: >
          Software version of the VNF. The value is copied from the VNFD.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Version"
        description: >
          Identifies the version of the VNFD. The value is copied from the VNFD.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Version"
        description: >
          Current values of the configurable properties of the VNF instance.
          Configurable properties referred in this attribute are declared in
          the VNFD.
          ETSI GS NFV-SOL 001 specifies the structure and format of the VNFD
          based on TOSCA specifications.
          VNF configurable properties are sometimes also referred to as
          configuration parameters applicable to a VNF. Some of these are set
          prior to instantiation and cannot be modified if the VNF is
          instantiated, some are set prior to instantiation (are part of
          initial configuration) and can be modified later, and others can be
          set only after instantiation. The applicability of certain
          configuration may depend on the VNF and the required operation of
          the VNF at a certain point in time.
          These configurable properties include the following standard
          attributes, which are declared in the VNFD if auto-scaling and/or
          auto-healing are supported by the VNF:
          * isAutoscaleEnabled: If present, the VNF supports auto-scaling. If
            set to true, auto-scaling is currently enabled. If set to false,
            auto-scaling is currently disabled.
          * isAutohealEnabled: If present, the VNF supports auto-healing. If
            set to true, auto-healing is currently enabled. If set to false,
            auto-healing is currently disabled.
          These configurable properties can be initialized with default values
          from the VNFD.
          Configurable properties can be modified with values passed in the request
          structures of certain LCM operations, such as the InstantiateVnfRequest 
          Further, these configurable properties can be created, modified or
          deleted with the PATCH method.

          NOTE: Upon creation of the VnfInstance structure, the VNFM shall create and initialize all child attributes 
          of "vnfConfigurableProperties", "metadata" and "extensions" that were declared in the VNFD with a defined
          initial value. The defined initial values can be declared in the VNFD, and/or, in case of "metadata", 
          obtained from the "CreateVnfRequest" structure. Child attributes of "vnfConfigurableProperties", "metadata" 
          and "extensions" that have no defineddeclared initial value shall not be created, in order to be consistent 
          with the semantics of the JSON Merge Patch method (see IETF RFC 7396) that interprets null values as deletion 
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Information about VIM connections to be used for managing the
          resources for the VNF instance. The keys of the map, each of 
          which identifies information about a particular VIM connection, 
          are managed by the NFVO and referenced from other data structures 
          via the "vimConnectionId" attribute. This attribute shall only 
          be supported and present if VNF-related resource management in 
          direct mode is pplicable.
          This attribute can be modified with the PATCH method.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
        description: >
          The instantiation state of the VNF.
        type: string
          - INSTANTIATED
        description: >
          Information specific to an instantiated VNF instance. This attribute
          shall be present if the instantiateState attribute value is
        type: object
          - flavourId
          - vnfState
            description: >
              Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour applied to this VNF instance.
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
            description: >
              The state of the VNF instance.
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfOperationalStateType"
            description: >
              Scale status of the VNF, one entry per aspect.
              Represents for every scaling aspect how "big" the VNF has been scaled w.r.t. that aspect.
              This attribute shall be present if the VNF supports scaling.
              See clause B.2 for an explanation of VNF scaling.
            type: array
              $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ScaleInfo"
            description: >
              Maximum allowed scale levels of the VNF, one entry per aspect.
              This attribute shall be present if the VNF supports scaling.
            type: array
              $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ScaleInfo"
              Information about the external CPs exposed by the VNF instance. When trunking is enabled, 
              the list of entries includes both, external CPs corresponding to parent ports of a trunk, 
              and external CPs associated to sub-ports of a trunk.
            type: array
            minItems: 1
              $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfExtCpInfo"
            description: >
              Information about the external VLs the VNF instance is connected to.
            type: array
              $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkInfo"
            description: >
              Information about the externally-managed internal VLs of the VNF instance.

              NOTE: It is possible to have several ExtManagedVirtualLinkInfo for the same 
              VNF internal VL in case of a multi-site VNF spanning several VIMs. The set of 
              ExtManagedVirtualLinkInfo corresponding to the same VNF internal VL shall indicate 
              so by referencing to the same VnfVirtualLinkDesc and externally-managed multi-site 
              VL instance (refer to clause
            type: array
              $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLinkInfo"
            description: >
              Active monitoring parameters.
            type: array
              $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/MonitoringParameter"
            description: >
              Information about localization language of the VNF (includes e.g.
              strings in the VNFD). The localization languages supported by a VNF
              can be declared in the VNFD, and localization language selection can
              take place at instantiation time.
              The value shall comply with the format defined in IETF RFC 5646.
            type: string
            description: >
              Information about the virtualised compute and storage resources used
              by the VNFCs of the VNF instance.
            type: array
              $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfcResourceInfo"
            description: >
              Information about the virtualised network resources used by the VLs
              of the VNF instance.
            type: array
              $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo"
            description: >
              Information on the virtualised storage resource(s) used as storage for the VNF instance.
            type: array
              $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VirtualStorageResourceInfo"
        description: >
          Additional VNF-specific attributes that provide metadata describing the VNF instance.
          These attributes represent values that are stored persistently in the VnfInstance structure
          for consumption by functional blocks that invoke the VNF lifecycle management interface.
          They are not consumed by the VNFM, or the lifecycle management scripts.
          Modifying the values of these attributes has no effect on the VNF instance, it only affects
          the information represented in the VnfInstance structure.
          Metadata that are writeable are the VNF provider foresees are expected to be declared in the VNFD.
          The declaration of metadata in the VNFD can optionally contain the specification of initial values.
          The VNFM shall accept requests to write metadata that are not declared in the VNFD.
          These attributes can be initialized with default values from the VNFD or with values
          passed in the CreateVnfRequest structure (see clause
          This attributeThese attributes can be created, modified or removed with the PATCH method.

          ETSI GS NFV-SOL 001 specifies the structure and format of the VNFD based on TOSCA specifications.
          Upon creation of the VnfInstance structure, the VNFM shall create and initialize all child attributes
          of "vnfConfigurableProperties", "metadata" and "extensions" that were declared in the VNFD with
          a defined initial value. Child attributes of "vnfConfigurableProperties", "metadata" and "extensions"
          that have no declared initial value shall not be created, in order to be consistent with the semantics
          of the JSON Merge Patch method (see IETF RFC 7396) that interprets null values as deletion request.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Additional VNF-specific attributes that affect the lifecycle management of this VNF instance.
          These attributes represent values that are stored persistently in the VnfInstance structure
          for consumption by the VNFM or the lifecycle management scripts during the execution of
          VNF lifecycle management operations.
          All extensions that are allowed for the VNF are declared in the VNFD. The declaration of an extension
          in the VNFD contains information on whether its presence is optional or required, and optionally
          can specify an initial value. See note 2 and note 4. The VNFM shall reject requests to write extension
          attributes that are not declared in the VNFD with a "422 Unprocessable entity" error response as defined
          in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013.
          Modifying the values of these attributes has no direct effect on the VNF instance; however, the modified
          attribute values can be considered during subsequent VNF lifecycle management operations, which means that
          the modified values can indirectly affect the configuration of the VNF instance.
          These attributes can be initialized with default values from the VNFD.
          These attributes can be modified with values passed in the request structures of certain LCM operations, 
          such as the InstantiateVnfRequest structure.
          Further, these attributes can be created, modified or deleted with the PATCH method.
          NOTE: Upon creation of the VnfInstance structure, the VNFM shall create and initialize all child attributes 
          of "vnfConfigurableProperties", "metadata" and "extensions" that were declared in the VNFD with a defined
          initial value. The defined initial values can be declared in the VNFD, and/or, in case of "metadata", 
          obtained from the "CreateVnfRequest" structure. Child attributes of "vnfConfigurableProperties", "metadata" 
          and "extensions" that have no defineddeclared initial value shall not be created, in order to be consistent 
          with the semantics of the JSON Merge Patch method (see IETF RFC 7396) that interprets null values as deletion 
        description: >
          Links to resources related to this resource.
        type: object
          - self
            description: URI of this resource.
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: Indicators related to this VNF instance, if applicable.
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Instantiate VNF task" resource, if the related operation
              is possible based on the current status of this VNF instance
              resource (i.e. VNF instance in NOT_INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Terminate VNF task" resource, if the related operation
              is possible based on the current status of this VNF instance
              resource (i.e. VNF instance is in INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Scale VNF task" resource, if the related operation is
              supported for this VNF instance, and is possible based on the
              current status of this VNF instance resource (i.e. VNF instance
              is in INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Scale VNF to level task" resource, if the related
              operation is supported for this VNF instance, and is possible
              based on the current status of this VNF instance resource
              (i.e. VNF instance is in INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Change VNF flavour task" resource, if the related
              operation is supported for this VNF instance, and is possible
              based on the current status of this VNF instance resource
              (i.e. VNF instance is in INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Heal VNF task" resource, if the related operation is
              supported for this VNF instance, and is possible based on the
              current status of this VNF instance resource
              (i.e. VNF instance is in INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Operate VNF task" resource, if the related operation is
              supported for this VNF instance, and is possible based on the
              current status of this VNF instance resource
              (i.e. VNF instance is in INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Change external VNF connectivity task" resource, if the related
              operation is possible based on the current status of this VNF
              instance resource (i.e. VNF instance is in INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Create VNF snapshot task" resource, if the related operation is 
              supported for this VNF instance and is possible based on the current status of 
              this VNF instance resource (i.e., VNF instance is in INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"
            description: >
              Link to the "Revert to VNF snapshot task" resource, if the related operation is 
              supported for this VNF instance and is possible based on the current status of 
              this VNF instance resource (i.e., VNF instance is in INSTANTIATED state).
            $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Link"

    #SOL003 location:
    type: object
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour to be instantiated.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the instantiation level of the deployment flavour to be
          instantiated. If not present, the default instantiation level as
          declared in the VNFD is instantiated.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Information about internal VLs that are managed by the NFVO.
          The indication of externally-managed internal VLs is needed in case networks have been pre-configured 
          for use with certain VNFs, for instance to ensure that these networks have certain properties such as 
          security or acceleration features, or to address particular network topologies. The present document 
          assumes that externally-managed internal VLs are managed by the NFVO and created towards the VIM.

          It is possible to have several ExtManagedVirtualLinkData for the same VNF internal VL in case of a 
          multi-site VNF spanning several VIMs. The set of ExtManagedVirtualLinkData corresponding to the same 
          VNF internal VL shall indicate so by referencing to the same VnfVirtualLinkDesc and externally-managed 
          multi-site VL instance (refer to clause
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Information about VIM connections to be used for managing the resources for the VNF instance, or refer to
          external / externally-managed virtual links. This attribute shall only be supported and may be present if 
          VNF-related resource management in direct mode is applicable. The VNFM shall apply the content of this 
          attribute to the "vimConnectionInfo" attribute of "VnfInstance" according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch 
          (see IETF RFC 7396).
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
        description: >
          Localization language of the VNF to be instantiated. The value shall
          comply with the format defined in IETF RFC 5646.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          Additional input parameters for the instantiation process, specific
          to the VNF being instantiated, as declared in the VNFD as part of
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
          If present, this attribute provides modifications to the default values, 
          as obtained from the VNFD, of the "extensions" attribute in "VnfInstance", 
          as defined in clause Provisions for handling extensions during the
          operation are defined in clause
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute provides modifications to the default values, as obtained from the VNFD, of 
          the "vnfConfigurableProperties" attribute in "VnfInstance", as defined in clause Provisions for 
          handling configurable properties during the operation are defined in clause
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
    #SOL003 location:
    description: >
      This type represents request parameters for the "Change VNF flavour" operation.
    type: object
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNF deployment flavour to be instantiated.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Identifier of the instantiation level of the deployment flavour to
          be instantiated. If not present, the default instantiation level as
          declared in the VNFD is instantiated.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnfd"
        description: >
          Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.
          Entries in the list of external VLs that are unchanged need not be supplied as part of this request.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Information about internal VLs that are managed by the NFVO.
          The indication of externally-managed internal VLs is needed in case networks have been pre-configured 
          for use with certain VNFs, for instance to ensure that these networks have certain properties such as 
          security or acceleration features, or to address particular network topologies. The present document 
          assumes that externally-managed internal VLs are managed by the NFVO and created towards the VIM.

          It is possible to have several ExtManagedVirtualLinkData for the same VNF internal VL in case of a 
          multi-site VNF spanning several VIMs. The set of ExtManagedVirtualLinkData corresponding to the same 
          VNF internal VL shall indicate so by referencing to the same VnfVirtualLinkDesc and externally-managed 
          multi-site VL instance (refer to clause
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Information about VIM connections to be used for managing the resources for the VNF instance, or refer to
          external / externally-managed virtual links. This attribute shall only be supported and may be present if 
          VNF-related resource management in direct mode is applicable. The VNFM shall apply the content of this 
          attribute to the "vimConnectionInfo" attribute of "VnfInstance" according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch 
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
        description: >
          Additional input parameters for the instantiation process, specific
          to the VNF being instantiated, as declared in the VNFD as part of
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute provides modifications to the values of the "extensions" 
          attribute in "VnfInstance", as defined in clause Provisions for handling 
          extensions during the operation, are defined in clause
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute provides modifications to the values of the "vnfConfigurableProperties" attribute 
          in  "VnfInstance", as defined in clause 
          Provisions for handling VNF configurable properties during the operation, are defined in clause
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
    type: object
      - terminationType
        description: >
          Indicates whether forceful or graceful termination is requested.
          Permitted values:
          * FORCEFUL: The VNFM will shut down the VNF and release the
            resources immediately after accepting the request.
          * GRACEFUL: The VNFM will first arrange to take the VNF out of
          service after accepting the request. Once the operation of taking
          the VNF out of service finishes (irrespective of whether it has
          succeeded or failed) or once the timer value specified in the
          "gracefulTerminationTimeout" attribute expires, the VNFM will shut
          down the VNF and release the resources.
        type: string
          - FORCEFUL
          - GRACEFUL
        description: >
          This attribute is only applicable in case of graceful termination.
          It defines the time to wait for the VNF to be taken out of service
          before shutting down the VNF and releasing the resources.
          The unit is seconds.
          If not given and the "terminationType" attribute is set to
          "GRACEFUL", it is expected that the VNFM waits for the successful
          taking out of service of the VNF, no matter how long it takes,
          before shutting down the VNF and releasing the resources.
        type: integer
        description: >
          Additional parameters passed by the NFVO as input to the termination
          process, specific to the VNF being terminated, as declared in the
          VNFD as part of "TerminateVnfOpConfig".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    type: object
        description: >
          Indicates the reason why a healing procedure is required.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          Additional parameters passed by the NFVO as input to the healing
          process, specific to the VNF being healed, as declared in the VNFD
          as part of "HealVnfOpConfig".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
    description: >
      This type represents request parameters for the "Operate VNF" operation.
    type: object
      - changeStateTo
        description: >
          The desired operational state (i.e. started or stopped) to change
          the VNF to.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfOperationalStateType"
        description: >
          It signals whether forceful or graceful stop is requested.
          The “stopType” and “gracefulStopTimeout” attributes shall be absent,
          when the “changeStateTo” attribute is equal to “STARTED”. The
          “gracefulStopTimeout” attribute shall be present, when the
          “changeStateTo” is equal to “STOPPED” and the “stopType” attribute
          is equal to “GRACEFUL”. The “gracefulStopTimeout” attribute shall be
          absent, when the “changeStateTo” attribute is equal to “STOPPED” and
          the “stopType” attribute is equal to “FORCEFUL”. The request shall
          be treated as if the “stopType” attribute was set to ”FORCEFUL”, when
          the “changeStateTo” attribute is equal to “STOPPED” and the
          “stopType” attribute is absent.
        $ref: "#/definitions/StopType"
        description: >
          The time interval (in seconds) to wait for the VNF to be taken out
          of service during graceful stop, before stopping the VNF.
          The “stopType” and “gracefulStopTimeout” attributes shall be absent,
          when the “changeStateTo” attribute is equal to “STARTED”. The
          “gracefulStopTimeout” attribute shall be present, when the
          “changeStateTo” is equal to “STOPPED” and the “stopType” attribute
          is equal to “GRACEFUL”. The “gracefulStopTimeout” attribute shall be
          absent, when the “changeStateTo” attribute is equal to “STOPPED” and
          the “stopType” attribute is equal to “FORCEFUL”. The request shall
          be treated as if the “stopType” attribute was set to ”FORCEFUL”, when
          the “changeStateTo” attribute is equal to “STOPPED” and the
          “stopType” attribute is absent.
        type: integer
        description: >
          Additional parameters passed by the NFVO as input to the process,
          specific to the VNF of which the operation status is changed, as
          declared in the VNFD as part of "OperateVnfOpConfig".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
    #SOL003 location:
    description: >
      This type represents request parameters for the
      "Change external VNF connectivity" operation to modify the external
      connectivity of a VNF instance.
    type: object
      - extVirtualLinks
        description: >
          Information about external VLs to change (e.g. connect the VNF to).
          Entries in the list of external VLs that are unchanged need not be supplied as part of this request.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Information about VIM connections to be used for managing the resources for the VNF instance, or refer to 
          external virtual links. This attribute shall only be supported and may be present if VNF-related resource 
          management in direct mode is applicable. The VNFM shall apply the content of this attribute to the 
          "vimConnectionInfo" attribute of "VnfInstance" according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396).
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
        description: >
          Additional input parameters for the instantiation process, specific
          to the VNF being instantiated, as declared in the VNFD as part of
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    #SOL003 location:
    description: >
      This type represents request parameters for the "Change current VNF package" 
      operation to replace the VNF package on which a VNF instance is based.
    type: object
      - vnfdId
        description: >
          Identifier of the VNFD which defines the destination VNF Package for the 
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to. Entries in the list 
          that are unchanged need not be supplied as part of this request.
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Information about internal VLs that are managed by the NFVO.

          The indication of externally-managed internal VLs is needed in case networks have been pre-configured for
          use with certain VNFs, for instance to ensure that these networks have certain properties such as security or
          acceleration features, or to address particular network topologies. The present document assumes that
          externally-managed internal VLs are managed by the NFVO and created towards the VIM.
          It is possible to have several ExtManagedVirtualLinkData for the same VNF internal VL in case of a multi-site
          VNF spanning several VIMs. The set of ExtManagedVirtualLinkData corresponding to the same VNF internal
          VL shall indicate so by referencing to the same VnfVirtualLinkDesc and externally-managed multi-site VL
          instance (refer to clause
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/ExtManagedVirtualLinkData"
        description: >
          Information about VIM connections to be used for managing the resources for the VNF instance, or refer to 
          external virtual links. This attribute shall only be supported and may be present if VNF-related resource 
          management in direct mode is applicable. The VNFM shall apply the content of this attribute to the 
          "vimConnectionInfo" attribute of "VnfInstance" according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396).
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
        description: >
          Additional parameters passed by the NFVO as input to the process, specific 
          to the VNF of which the underlying VNF package is changed, as declared in 
          the VNFD as part of "ChangeCurrentVnfPkgOpConfig".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute provides modifications to the values of the 
          "extensions" attribute in "VnfInstance", as defined in clause
          Provisions for handling extensions during the operation, and needed passed 
          parameter values in case of conflicts, are defined in clause 5.4.11a.3.1.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute provides modifications to the values of the "vnfConfigurableProperties" attribute 
          in "VnfInstance", as defined in clause Provisions for handling VNF configurable properties during the 
          operation, and needed passed parameter values in case of conflicts, are  defined in clause 5.4.11a.3.1.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    description: >
      This type represents attribute modifications for an
      "Individual VNF instance" resource, i.e. modifications to a resource
      representation based on the "VnfInstance" data type.
    type: object
        description: >
          New value of the "vnfInstanceName" attribute in "VnfInstance", or
          "null" to remove the attribute.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          New value of the "vnfInstanceDescription" attribute in
          "VnfInstance", or "null" to remove the attribute.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          New value of the "vnfPkgId" attribute in "VnfInstance".
          The value "null" is not permitted.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Modifications of the "vnfConfigurableProperties" attribute in
          "VnfInstance". If present, these modifications shall be applied
          according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396).
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Modifications of the "metadata" attribute in "VnfInstance". If
          present, these modifications shall be applied according to the rules
          of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396).
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Modifications of the "extensions" attribute in "VnfInstance". If
          present, these modifications shall be applied according to the rules
          of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396).
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          Modifications of the "vimConnectionInfo" attribute. If present, these 
          modifications shall be applied according to the rules of 
          JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396 ).
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
    description: >
      This type represents attribute modifications that were performed on an
      "Individual VNF instance" resource. The attributes that can be included
      consist of those requested to be modified explicitly in the
      "VnfInfoModificationRequest" data structure, and additional attributes
      of the "VnfInstance" data structure that were modified implicitly e.g.
      when modifying the referenced VNF package.
    type: object
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the
          "vnfInstanceName" attribute in "VnfInstance".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the
          "vnfInstanceDescription" attribute in "VnfInstance".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the
          "vnfConfigurableProperties" attribute in "VnfInstance".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the "metadata"
          attribute in "VnfInstance".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the "extensions"
          attribute in "VnfInstance".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications the "vimConnectionInfo" 
          attribute array in "VnfInstance".
        type: array
          $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/VimConnectionInfo"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the "vnfdId"
          attribute in "VnfInstance".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the
          "vnfProvider" attribute in "VnfInstance".
          If present, this attribute (which depends on the value of the
          "vnfPkgId" attribute) was modified implicitly following a request to
          modify the "vnfPkgId" attribute, by copying the value of this
          attribute from the VNFD in the VNF Package identified by the
          "vnfPkgId” attribute.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the
          "vnfProductName" attribute in "VnfInstance".
          If present, this attribute (which depends on the value of the
          "vnfPkgId" attribute) was modified implicitly following a request to
          modify the "vnfPkgId" attribute, by copying the value of this
          attribute from the VNFD in the VNF Package identified by the
          "vnfPkgId” attribute.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/String"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the
          "vnfSoftwareVersion" attribute in "VnfInstance".
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Version"
        description: >
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the
          "vnfdVersion" attribute in "VnfInstance".
          If present, this attribute (which depends on the value of the
          "vnfPkgId" attribute) was modified implicitly following a request to
          modify the "vnfPkgId" attribute, by copying the value of this
          attribute from the VNFD in the VNF Package identified by the
          "vnfPkgId” attribute.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Version"
      * FORCEFUL: The VNFM will stop the VNF instance immediately after accepting 
        the request.
      * GRACEFUL: The VNFM instance will first arrange to take the VNF out of 
        service after accepting the request. Once that operation is successful 
        or once the timer value specified in the "gracefulStopTimeout" attribute
        expires, the VNFM will stop the VNF instance.
      - GRACEFUL

    description: >
      This type represents request parameters for the "Create VNF Snapshot" 
      LCM operation which takes a snapshot of a VNF instance and populates 
      a previously-created "Individual VNF snapshot" resource with the content 
      of the snapshot.
      It shall comply with the provisions defined in table
    type: object
      - vnfSnapshotResId
        description: >
          Identifier of the "Individual VNF snapshot" resource to which the 
          VNF snapshot is to be associated.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: >
          Additional input parameters for the snapshot creation process, specific 
          for the VNF being “snapshotted”, as declared in the VNFD as part of
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"
        description: >
          User defined data for the VNF snapshot.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/KeyValuePairs"

    description: |
      This type represents request parameters for the creation of an "Individual VNF snapshot" resource which can be
      populated with content obtained by invoking the "Create VNF snapshot" LCM operation or extracted from a
      VNF snapshot package. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table
    type: object
        description: |
          Identifier of the VNF snapshot package information held by the NFVO.

          The present attribute shall be provided if the "Individual VNF snapshot" resource is requested to be created 
          as part of a VNF snapshot package extraction.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: |
          Information about the VNF snapshot, content and/or reference to its content.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfSnapshot"

    description: |
      This type represents attribute modifications for an "Individual VNF snapshot" resource, i.e. modifications 
      to a resource representation based on the "VnfSnapshotInfo" data type. The attributes of "VnfSnapshotInfo" 
      that can be modified according to the provisions in clause are included in the 
      "VnfSnapshotInfoModificationRequest" data type. The "VnfSnapshotInfoModificationRequest" data type shall 
      comply with the provisions defined in table
    type: object
        description: |
          New value of the "vnfSnapshotPkgId" attribute in "VnfSnapshotInfo". 
          The value "null" is not permitted.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: |
          New value of the "vnfSnapshot" attribute in "VnfSnapshotInfo". 
          The value "null" is not permitted.
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfSnapshot"

    description: |
      This type represents attribute modifications that were performed on an "Individual VNF snapshot" 
      resource. The attributes that can be included consist of those requested to be modified explicitly 
      in the "VnfSnapshotInfoModificationRequest" data structure, and additional attributes of the 
      "VnfSnapshotInfo" data structure that were modified implicitly. The "VnfSnapshotInfoModifications" 
      data type shall comply with the provisions defined in table
    type: object
        description: |
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the "vnfSnapshotPkgId" attribute in 
          "VnfSnapshotInfo" as defined in clause
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/Identifier"
        description: |
          If present, this attribute signals modifications of the "vnfSnapshot" attribute in 
          "VnfSnapshotInfo" as defined in clause
        $ref: "../../../definitions/SOL002SOL003VNFLifecycleManagement_def.yaml#/definitions/VnfSnapshot"