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VNFLifecycleManagement.yaml 132 KiB
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openapi: 3.0.2
  title: SOL003 - VNF Lifecycle Management interface
  description: |
    SOL003 - VNF Lifecycle Management interface
    IMPORTANT: Please note that this file might be not aligned to the current
    version of the ETSI Group Specification it refers to. In case of
    discrepancies the published ETSI Group Specification takes precedence.

    In clause 4.3.2 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 v2.4.1, an attribute-based
    filtering mechanism is defined. This mechanism is currently not
    included in the corresponding OpenAPI design for this GS version. Changes
    to the attribute-based filtering mechanism are being considered in v2.5.1
    of this GS for inclusion in the corresponding future ETSI NFV OpenAPI
    Please report bugs to
    name: NFV-SOL WG
    name: ETSI Forge copyright notice
  version: ""
  description: ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 V3.3.1
  - url:
  - url:
  # API Versions                                                                #
    $ref: ../../endpoints/SOL002SOL003_endpoints.yaml#/endpoints/api-versions
  # VNF instances                                                               #
    #SOL003 location: 5.4.2
      - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
      - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
      - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
      description: |
        The POST method creates a new VNF instance resource based on a VNF package that is onboarded and in
        "ENABLED" state.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        As the result of successfully executing this method, a new "Individual VNF instance"
        resource as defined in clause 5.4.3 shall have been created, and the value of the
        "instantiationState" attribute in the representation of that resource shall be "NOT_INSTANTIATED".
        A notification of type VnfIdentifierCreationNotification shall be triggered as part of successfully
        executing this method as defined in clause
        When initiating the creation of a VNF instance resource, the passed metadata values can differ from 
        the default values for metadata, if any, declared in the VNFD.
        The VNFM shall apply the "metadata" attributes in the "CreateVnfRequest" data structure in the payload 
        body to the "metadata" attribute in the "VnfInstance" data structure on top of the default values that 
        were obtained from the VNFD according to the rules of JSON Merge PATCH (see IETF RFC 7396). 
        For all metadata keys defined in the VNFD, the VNFM shall ensure that the content of the resulting 
        "metadata" attributes is valid against the VNFD. In case of an error, the operation shall be rejected 
        with a "422 Unprocessable Entity" error.
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/CreateVnfRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/VNFInstances.Post.201'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/422"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
      description: |
        The GET method queries information about multiple VNF instances.
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/filter
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/all_fields
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/fields
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_fields
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_default
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/nextpage_opaque_marker
          $ref: '#/components/responses/VNFInstances.Get.20'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Individual VNF instance                                                     #
    #SOL003 location:
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
      - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
      description: |
        The GET method retrieves information about a VNF instance by reading an "Individual VNF instance" resource.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
Gergely Csatari's avatar
Gergely Csatari committed
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
          $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfInstance.Get.200'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
      #SOL003 location:
      description: |
        This method modifies an "Individual VNF instance" resource.
        Changes to the VNF configurable properties are applied to the configuration in the VNF instance,
        and are reflected in the representation of this resource.
        Other changes are applied to the VNF instance information managed by the VNFM, and are reflected
        in the representation of this resource.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are
        specified in clause

        The VNFM shall apply the "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes in the 
        "VnfInfoModificationRequest" data structure in the payload body to the existing "extensions" and
        "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes from the "VnfInstance" data structure according to the 
        rules of JSON Merge PATCH (see IETF RFC 7396).
        The VNFM shall ensure that the content of the child attributes of the resulting "extensions" and
        "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes is valid against the definitions of these child attributes 
        in the VNFD. If the VNF instance is in the "INSTANTIATED" state, the validation also includes 
        ensuring the presence of all child attributes that are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
        NOTE: This allows to build the set of "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" incrementally 
        prior VNF instantiation but ensures their completeness for an instantiated VNF instance.
        In case of an error during validation, the operation shall be automatically rolled back, and 
        appropriate error information shall be provided in the "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification" 
        message and the "VnfLcmOpOcc" data structure. 
        The processing of changes to the "extensions" / "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes shall be 
        performed in the "STARTING" phase of the LCM operation. The change shall be atomic, i.e. the result 
        of intermediate stages shall not be visible in the API. In case of successful completion of the 
        processing and validation, the attributes shall be provided in the "VnfInstance" data structure and 
        the operation shall proceed towards successful completion.
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/VnfInfoModificationRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfInstance.Patch.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the "Individual VNF instance" resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that another LCM operation is ongoing.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/412"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
      #SOL003 location:
      description: |
        This method deletes an "Individual VNF instance" resource.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        As the result of successfully executing this method, the "Individual VNF instance" resource
        shall not exist any longer.
        A notification of type "VnfIdentifierDeletionNotification" shall be triggered as part of successfully
        executing this method as defined in clause
          $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfInstance.Delete.204'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that the "Individual VNF instance" resource is in INSTANTIATED state.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/412"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
  # Instantiate VNF task                                                        #
    #SOL003 location:
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      #SOL003 location:
      description: |
        The POST method instantiates a VNF instance.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method
        are specified in clause
        In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence,
        it shall set the "instantiationState" attribute to the value "INSTANTIATED" and the "vnfState"
        attribute to the value "STARTED" in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource.
        When instantiating a VNF instance, the values of the extensions and/or VNF configurable properties 
        passed in the instantiation request can differ from the values in the "VnfInstance" data structure 
        that were initialized from default values, if any, declared in the VNFD. 
        The VNFM shall apply the "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes in the 
        "InstantiateVnfRequest" data structure in the payload body to the existing "extensions" and 
        "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes from the "VnfInstance" data structure according to the rules 
        of JSON Merge PATCH (see IETF RFC 7396). The VNFM shall ensure that the content of the resulting 
        "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes is valid against the VNFD (including the 
        presence of all child attributes that are marked as "required" in the VNFD). In case of an error 
        during validation, the operation shall be automatically rolled back, and appropriate error information 
        shall be provided in the "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification" message and the "VnfLcmOpOcc" 
        data structure. The processing of changes to the "extensions" / "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes 
        shall be performed in the "STARTING" phase of the LCM operation. The change shall be atomic, i.e. 
        the result of intermediate stages shall not be visible in the API. In case of successful completion 
        of the processing and validation, the attributes shall be provided in the "VnfInstance" data structure 
        and the operation shall proceed to obtain the grant.
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/InstantiateVnfRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/InstantiateVnfInstance.Post.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #409 CONFLICT

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that the "Individual VNF instance" resource is in INSTANTIATED state,
            #or that a required child attribute of the "extensions" attribute has not been set.
            #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/416"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Scale VNF task                                                              #
    #SOL003 location:
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      #SOL003 location:
      description: |
        The POST method requests to scale a VNF instance resource incrementally.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are
        specified in clause
        In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence,
        it shall reflect the result of scaling the VNF instance by updating the "scaleStatus" attribute
        in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource.
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ScaleVnfRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/ScaleVnfInstance.Post.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          #description: |
            #404 NOT FOUND

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation
            #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
            #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013,
            #including rules for the presence of the response body.
            #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if
            #the task is not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the
            #task resource consequently does not exist.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #409 CONFLICT

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that the "Individual VNF instance" resource is in
            #NOT_INSTANTIATED state, or that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that
            #a required child attribute of the "extensions" attribute has not been set.
            #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Scale VNF to Level task                                                     #
    #SOL003 location:
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      #SOL003 location:
      description: |
        The POST method requests to scale a VNF instance resource to a target level.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method are
        specified in clause
        In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence,
        it shall reflect the result of scaling the VNF instance by updating the "scaleStatus" attribute
        in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource.
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ScaleVnfToLevelRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/ScaleToLevelVnfInstance.Post.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          #description: |
            #404 NOT FOUND

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation
            #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
            #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013,
            #including rules for the presence of the response body.
            #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if the task
            #is not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task resource
            #consequently does not exist.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #409 CONFLICT

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state,
            #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of
            #the "extensions" attribute has not been set.
            #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Change VNF Flavour task                                                     #
    #SOL003 location:
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      description: |
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method
        are specified in clause
        In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence,
        it shall set the "flavourId" attribute in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance"
        resource to the value of the "newFlavourId" attribute passed in the "ChangeVnfFlavourRequest"
        data in the POST request.

        When initiating a change of the current VNF flavour, the values of the extensions and/or VNF 
        configurable properties, can differ between the new flavour and the old flavour of the VNF instance.
        The VNFM shall apply the "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes in the 
        "ChangeVnfFlavourRequest" data structure in the payload body to the existing "extensions" and 
        "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes from the "VnfInstance" data structure according to the rules 
        of JSON Merge PATCH (see IETF RFC 7396). The VNFM shall ensure that the content of the resulting 
        "extensions" and "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes is valid against the VNFD (which includes 
        ensuring the presence of all child attributes that are marked as "required" in the VNFD). In case
        of an error, the operation shall be automatically rolled back, and appropriate error information 
        shall be provided in the "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification" message and the "VnfLcmOpOcc" data 
        structure. The processing of changes to the "extensions" / "vnfConfigurableProperties" attributes 
        shall be performed in the "STARTING" phase of the LCM operation. The change shall be atomic, i.e. 
        the result of intermediate stages shall not be visible in the API. In case of successful completion 
        of the processing and validation, the attributes shall be provided in the "VnfInstance" data structure 
        and the operation shall proceed to obtain the grant.
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ChangeVnfFlavourRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/ChangeFlavourVnfInstance.Post.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          #description: |
            #404 NOT FOUND

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation
            #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
            #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013,
            #including rules for the presence of the response body.
            #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if the task
            #is not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task resource
            #consequently does not exist.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #409 CONFLICT

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state,
            #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of
            #the "extensions" attribute has not been set.
            #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Terminate VNF task                                                         #
    #SOL003 location:
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      description: |
        The POST method triggers the VNFM to terminate a VNF instance and to request to the VIM
        the release of its used virtualised resources.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method
        are specified in clause
        In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence,
        it shall set the "instantiationState" attribute in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance"
        resource to the value "NOT_INSTANTIATED".
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/TerminateVnfRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/TerminateVnfInstance.Post.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #409 CONFLICT

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state,
            #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of
            #the "extensions" attribute has not been set.
            #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Heal VNF task                                                               #
    #SOL003 location:
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      description: |
        The POST method requests to heal a VNF instance.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method
        are specified in clause
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/HealVnfRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/HealVnfInstance.Post.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          #description: |
            #404 NOT FOUND

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation
            #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
            #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013,
            #including rules for the presence of the response body.
            #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if the task is
            #not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task resource
            #consequently does not exist.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #409 CONFLICT

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state,
            #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of
            #the "extensions" attribute has not been set.
            #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Operate VNF task                                                            #
    #SOL003 location:
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      description: |
        The POST method changes the operational state of a VNF instance resource.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method
        are specified in clause
        In addition, once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence,
        it shall set the "vnfState" attribute in the representation of the "Individual VNF instance" resource
        to the value of the "changeStateTo" attribute passed in the "OperateVnfRequest" data in the POST request.
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/OperateVnfRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/OperateVnfInstance.Post.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          #description: |
            #404 NOT FOUND

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The API producer did not find a current representation
            #for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
            #The general cause for this error and its handling is specified in clause 6.4 of ETSI GS NFV-SOL 013,
            #including rules for the presence of the response body.
            #Specifically in case of this task resource, the response code 404 shall also returned if the task is
            #not supported for the VNF instance represented by the parent resource, which means that the task resource
            #consequently does not exist.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #409 CONFLICT

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that the VNF instance resource is in NOT_INSTANTIATED state,
            #that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing, or that a required child attribute of
            #the "extensions" attribute has not been set.
            #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Change external VNF connectivity task                                       #
    #SOL003 location:
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      description: |
        Change External VNF Connectivity.
        The POST method changes the external connectivity of a VNF instance.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method
        are specified in clause
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ChangeExtVnfConnectivityRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/ChangeExtConnVnfInstance.Post.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #409 CONFLICT

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing,
            #or that a required child attribute of the "extensions" attribute has not been set.
            #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Change current VNF package task                                             #
    #SOL003 location: 5.4.11a.2
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfInstanceId'
      description: |
        The POST method changes the current VNF package on which the VNF instance is based.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables 5.4.11a.3.1-1 and 
        5.4.11a.3.1-2 for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and 
        response codes.
        The steps and conditions that apply as the result of successfully executing this method 
        are specified in clause
        During a change of the current VNF package, the allowed and required extensions and/or 
        VNF configurable properties and their data types, as well as the metadata data types, 
        can differ between the source and the destination VNFD.
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
        $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/ChangeCurrentVnfPkgRequest'
          $ref: '#/components/responses/ChangeVnfpkgVnfInstance.Post.202'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          #description: |
            #409 CONFLICT

            #Shall be returned upon the following error: The operation cannot be executed currently,
            #due to a conflict with the state of the resource.
            #Typically, this is due to the fact that another lifecycle management operation is ongoing,
            #or that a required child attribute of the "extensions" attribute has not been set.
            #Those attributes are marked as "required" in the VNFD.
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/409"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"

  # VNF LCM operation occurrences                                               #
    #SOL003 location: 5.4.12
      description: |
        Get Operation Status.
        The API consumer can use this method to query status information about multiple
        VNF lifecycle management operation occurrences.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
Gergely Csatari's avatar
Gergely Csatari committed
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/filter
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/all_fields
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/fields
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_fields
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/exclude_default
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/nextpage_opaque_marker
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
          $ref: '#/components/responses/VnfLcmOpOccs.Get.200'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/504"
  # Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence                                     #
    #SOL003 location: 5.4.13
      - $ref: '#/components/parameters/VnfLcmOpOccId'
      description: |
        Get Operation Status.
        The API consumer can use this method to retrieve status information about a VNF lifecycle
        management operation occurrence by reading an "Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource.
        This method shall follow the provisions specified in the tables and
        for URI query parameters, request and response data structures, and response codes.
Gergely Csatari's avatar
Gergely Csatari committed
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Accept
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Authorization
        - $ref: ../../components/SOL002SOL003_params.yaml#/components/parameters/Version
          $ref: '#/components/responses/IndividualVnfLcmOpOcc.Get.200'
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/400"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/401"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/403"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/404"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/405"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/406"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/500"
          $ref: "../../responses/SOL002SOL003_resp.yaml#/components/responses/503"