UEidentityAPI_Templates.ttcn 3.23 KB
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module UEidentityAPI_Templates {
  // LibCommon
  import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;

  // LibMec/UEidentityAPI
  import from UEidentityAPI_TypesAndValues all;
  template (value) ProblemDetails m_problem_details(
                                                    in universal charstring p_type,
                                                    in universal charstring p_title,
                                                    in UInt32 p_status,
                                                    in universal charstring p_detail,
                                                    in universal charstring p_instance
                                                    ) := {
    type_    := p_type,
    title    := p_title,
    status   := p_status,
    detail   := p_detail,
    instance := p_instance
  } // End of template m_problem_details

  template (present) ProblemDetails mw_problem_details(
                                                       template (present) universal charstring p_type := ?,
                                                       template (present) universal charstring p_title := ?,
                                                       template (present) UInt32 p_status := ?,
                                                       template (present) universal charstring p_detail := ?,
                                                       template (present) universal charstring p_instance := ?
                                                       ) := {
    type_    := p_type,
    title    := p_title,
    status   := p_status,
    detail   := p_detail,
    instance := p_instance
  } // End of template mw_problem_details

  template (value) UeIdentityTagInfo m_ue_identity_tag_info(
                                                            in template (value) UeIdentityTags p_ueIdentityTags
                                                            ) := {
    ueIdentityTags := p_ueIdentityTags
  } // End of template m_ue_identity_tag_info

  template (present) UeIdentityTagInfo mw_ue_identity_tag_info(
                                                               template (present) UeIdentityTags p_ueIdentityTags := ?
                                                               ) := {
    ueIdentityTags := p_ueIdentityTags
  } // End of template mw_ue_identity_tag_info

  template (value) UeIdentityTagItem m_ue_identity_tag_item(
                                                            in template (value) UeIdentityTag p_ueIdentityTag,
                                                            in State p_state
                                                            ) := {
    ueIdentityTag := p_ueIdentityTag,
    state         := p_state
  } // End of template m_ue_identity_tag_item
  template (present) UeIdentityTagItem mw_ue_identity_tag_item(
                                                               template (present) UeIdentityTag p_ueIdentityTag := ?,
                                                               template (present) State p_state := ?
                                                               ) := {
    ueIdentityTag := p_ueIdentityTag,
    state         := p_state
  } // End of template mw_ue_identity_tag_item
} // End of module UEidentityAPI_Templates