FixedAccessInformationServiceAPI_Templates.ttcn 12.5 KB
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module FixedAccessInformationServiceAPI_Templates {
  // JSON
  import from JSON all;
  // LibCommon
  import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
  // LibMec_FixedAccessInformationServiceAPI
  import from FixedAccessInformationServiceAPI_TypesAndValues all;
  import from FixedAccessInformationServiceAPI_Pixits all;
  template (omit) FaInfo m_fa_info(
                                   in template (value) CpInfo p_customerPremisesInfo,
                                   in template (omit) TimeStamp p_timeStamp := omit,
                                   in template (omit) ConnectivityInfo p_connectivityInfo := omit
    ) := {
      timeStamp            := p_timeStamp,
      customerPremisesInfo := p_customerPremisesInfo,
      connectivityInfo     := p_connectivityInfo
    } // End of template m_fa_info
  template FaInfo mw_fa_info(
                             template (present) CpInfo p_customerPremisesInfo := ?,
                             template TimeStamp p_timeStamp := *,
                             template ConnectivityInfo p_connectivityInfo := *
    ) := {
      timeStamp            := p_timeStamp,
      customerPremisesInfo := p_customerPremisesInfo,
      connectivityInfo     := p_connectivityInfo
    } // End of template mw_fa_info
  template (omit) DeviceInfo m_device_info(
                                           in template (value) GatewayId p_gwId,
                                           in template (value) DeviceStatus p_deviceStatus,
                                           in template (value) JSON.Number p_upTime,
                                           in template (value) JSON.Number p_iPConnectionUpTime,
                                           in template (value) JSON.Number p_totalBytesSent,
                                           in template (value) JSON.Number p_totalBytesReceived,
                                           in template (value) JSON.Number p_totalPacketsSent,
                                           in template (value) JSON.Number p_totalPacketsReceived,
                                           in template (omit) TimeStamp p_timeStamp := omit,
                                           in template (omit) DeviceId p_deviceId := omit,
                                           in template (omit) IPPingDiagnostics p_iPPingDiagnostics := omit,
                                           in template (omit) TraceRouteDiagnostics p_traceRouteDiagnostics := omit,
                                           in template (omit) DownloadDiagnostics p_downloadDiagnostics := omit,
                                           in template (omit) UploadDiagnostics p_uploadDiagnostics := omit
    ) := {
      timeStamp             := p_timeStamp,
      gwId                  := p_gwId,
      deviceId              := p_deviceId,
      deviceStatus          := p_deviceStatus,
      upTime                := p_upTime,
      iPConnectionUpTime    := p_iPConnectionUpTime,
      totalBytesSent        := p_totalBytesSent,
      totalBytesReceived    := p_totalBytesReceived,
      totalPacketsSent      := p_totalPacketsSent,
      totalPacketsReceived  := p_totalPacketsReceived,
      iPPingDiagnostics     := p_iPPingDiagnostics,
      traceRouteDiagnostics := p_traceRouteDiagnostics,
      downloadDiagnostics   := p_downloadDiagnostics,
      uploadDiagnostics     := p_uploadDiagnostics
    } // End of template m_device_info
  template DeviceInfo mw_device_info(
                                     template (present) GatewayId p_gwId := ?,
                                     template (present) DeviceStatus p_deviceStatus := ?,
                                     template (present) JSON.Number p_upTime := ?,
                                     template (present) JSON.Number p_iPConnectionUpTime := ?,
                                     template (present) JSON.Number p_totalBytesSent := ?,
                                     template (present) JSON.Number p_totalBytesReceived := ?,
                                     template (present) JSON.Number p_totalPacketsSent := ?,
                                     template (present) JSON.Number p_totalPacketsReceived := ?,
                                     template TimeStamp p_timeStamp := *,
                                     template DeviceId p_deviceId := *,
                                     template IPPingDiagnostics p_iPPingDiagnostics := *,
                                     template TraceRouteDiagnostics p_traceRouteDiagnostics := *,
                                     template DownloadDiagnostics p_downloadDiagnostics := *,
                                     template UploadDiagnostics p_uploadDiagnostics := *
    ) := {
      timeStamp             := p_timeStamp,
      gwId                  := p_gwId,
      deviceId              := p_deviceId,
      deviceStatus          := p_deviceStatus,
      upTime                := p_upTime,
      iPConnectionUpTime    := p_iPConnectionUpTime,
      totalBytesSent        := p_totalBytesSent,
      totalBytesReceived    := p_totalBytesReceived,
      totalPacketsSent      := p_totalPacketsSent,
      totalPacketsReceived  := p_totalPacketsReceived,
      iPPingDiagnostics     := p_iPPingDiagnostics,
      traceRouteDiagnostics := p_traceRouteDiagnostics,
      downloadDiagnostics   := p_downloadDiagnostics,
      uploadDiagnostics     := p_uploadDiagnostics
    } // End of template mw_device_info
  template (omit) CableLineInfo m_cable_line_info(
                                                  in template (value) CpInfo p_customerPremisesInfo,
                                                  in template (value) CmdInfo p_cmdInfo,
                                                  in template (omit) TimeStamp p_timeStamp := omit
                                                  ) := {
    timeStamp            := p_timeStamp,
    customerPremisesInfo := p_customerPremisesInfo,
    cmdInfo              := p_cmdInfo
  } // End of template m_cable_line_info
  template CableLineInfo mw_cable_line_info(
                                            template (present) CpInfo p_customerPremisesInfo := ?,
                                            template (present) CmdInfo p_cmdInfo := ?,
                                            template TimeStamp p_timeStamp := *
                                            ) := {
    timeStamp            := p_timeStamp,
    customerPremisesInfo := p_customerPremisesInfo,
    cmdInfo              := p_cmdInfo
  } // End of template mw_cable_line_info
  template (omit) PonInfo m_pon_info(
                                     in template (value) CpInfo p_customerPremisesInfo,
                                     in template (value) PonSYS_ID p_ponSYS_ID,
                                     in template (value) OpticalNetworkInfo p_opticalNetworkInfo,
                                     in template (omit) TimeStamp p_timeStamp := omit
  ) := {
    timeStamp            := p_timeStamp,
    customerPremisesInfo := p_customerPremisesInfo,
    ponSYS_ID            := p_ponSYS_ID,
    opticalNetworkInfo   := p_opticalNetworkInfo
  } // End of template m_pon_info
  template PonInfo mw_pon_info(
                               template (present) CpInfo p_customerPremisesInfo := ?,
                               template (present) PonSYS_ID p_ponSYS_ID := ?,
                               template (present) OpticalNetworkInfo p_opticalNetworkInfo := ?,
                               template TimeStamp p_timeStamp := *
  ) := {
    timeStamp            := p_timeStamp,
    customerPremisesInfo := p_customerPremisesInfo,
    ponSYS_ID            := p_ponSYS_ID,
    opticalNetworkInfo   := p_opticalNetworkInfo
  } // End of template mw_pon_info
  template (omit) SubscriptionLinkList m_subscription_link_list(
                                                                in template (value) Links p_links,
                                                                in template (omit) Subscriptions p_subscription := omit
  ) := {
    links        := p_links,
    subscription := p_subscription
  } // End of template m_subscription_link_list
  template SubscriptionLinkList mw_subscription_link_list(
                                                          template (present) Links p_links := ?,
                                                          template Subscriptions p_subscription := *
  ) := {
    links        := p_links,
    subscription := p_subscription
  } // End of template m_wsubscription_link_list
  template (omit) OnuAlarmSubscription m_onu_alarm_subscription(
                                                                in template (value) JSON.AnyURI p_callbackReference,
                                                                in template (value) FilterCriteriaOnuAlarm p_filterCriteriaOnuAlarm,
                                                                in template (omit) Links p_links := omit,
                                                                in template (omit) TimeStamp p_expiryDeadline := omit
  ) := {
    subscriptionType       := "OnuAlarmSubscription",
    callbackReference      := p_callbackReference,
    links                  := p_links,
    filterCriteriaOnuAlarm := p_filterCriteriaOnuAlarm,
    expiryDeadline         := p_expiryDeadline
  } // End of template m_onu_alarm_subscription
  template (omit) OnuAlarmSubscription m_onu_alarm_subscription_bad_request(
                                                                            in template (value) JSON.AnyURI p_callbackReference,
                                                                            in template (value) FilterCriteriaOnuAlarm p_filterCriteriaOnuAlarm,
                                                                            in template (omit) Links p_links := omit,
                                                                            in template (omit) TimeStamp p_expiryDeadline := omit
  ) modifies m_onu_alarm_subscription := {
    subscriptionType       := "BadSubscriptionType"
  } // End of template m_onu_alarm_subscription_bad_request
  template OnuAlarmSubscription mw_onu_alarm_subscription(
                                                          template (present) JSON.AnyURI p_callbackReference := ?,
                                                          template (present) FilterCriteriaOnuAlarm p_filterCriteriaOnuAlarm := ?,
                                                          template Links p_links := *,
                                                          template TimeStamp p_expiryDeadline := *
  ) := {
    subscriptionType       := "OnuAlarmSubscription",
    callbackReference      := p_callbackReference,
    links                  := p_links,
    filterCriteriaOnuAlarm := p_filterCriteriaOnuAlarm,
    expiryDeadline         := p_expiryDeadline
  } // End of template mw_onu_alarm_subscription
  template (omit) FilterCriteriaOnuAlarm m_filter_criteria_onu_alarm(
                                                                     in template (value) OnuIds p_onuId := { PX_FAI_ONU_ID },
                                                                     in template (omit) CpInfo p_customerPremisesIxnfo := omit,
                                                                     in template (omit) Alarms p_alarms := omit
  ) := {
    customerPremisesInfo := p_customerPremisesIxnfo,
    onuId                := p_onuId,
    alarms               := p_alarms
  } // End of template m_filter_criteria_onu_alarm
  template FilterCriteriaOnuAlarm mw_filter_criteria_onu_alarm(
                                                               template (present) OnuIds p_onuId := ?,
                                                               template CpInfo p_customerPremisesIxnfo := *,
                                                               template Alarms p_alarms := *
  ) := {
    customerPremisesInfo := p_customerPremisesIxnfo,
    onuId                := p_onuId,
    alarms               := p_alarms
  } // End of template mw_filter_criteria_onu_alarm
  template (value) TimeStamp m_time_stamp(
                                          in UInt32 p_seconds,
                                          in UInt32 p_nanoSeconds := 0
  ) := {
    seconds     := p_seconds,
    nanoSeconds := p_nanoSeconds
  } // End of temlate m_time_stamp
  template (present) TimeStamp mw_time_stamp(
                                             template (present) UInt32 p_seconds := ?,
                                             template (present) UInt32 p_nanoSeconds := ?
  ) := {
    seconds     := p_seconds,
    nanoSeconds := p_nanoSeconds
  } // End of temlate mw_time_stamp
} // End of module FixedAccessInformationServiceAPI_Templates