MeoPkgm_Templates.ttcn 13.7 KB
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module MeoPkgm_Templates {
  // JSON
  import from JSON all;
  // LibCommon
  import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
  import from MeoPkgm_TypesAndValues all;
  import from MeoPkgm_Pixits all;
  template AppPkg m_package_management (
  	in String p_appPkgName,
  	in String p_appPkgVersion,
  	in String p_checksum,
  	in String p_appPkgPath
  ) := {
    appPkgName := p_appPkgName,
    appPkgVersion := p_appPkgVersion,
    checksum := p_checksum,
    appPkgPath := p_appPkgPath

  template AppPkgWithError m_package_management_with_error (
  	in String p_appPkgVersion,
  	in String p_checksum,
  	in String p_appPkgPath
  ) := {
    appPkgVersion := p_appPkgVersion,
    checksum := p_checksum,
    appPkgPath := p_appPkgPath

  template (omit) OnboardedAppPkgInfoList mw_package_management_list (
    in template (omit) String p_appPkgId := omit,
  	in String p_appName,
  	in String p_appDVersion,
  	in String p_checksum,
  	in OperationalState p_operationalState,
  	in UsageState p_usageState
  ) := {

  template (omit) AppPkgSubscription m_app_package_subscription (
  	in template (omit) AnyURI p_callbackUri := omit,
  	in template(omit) SubscriptionType p_subscription_type := omit 
  ) := {
    callbackUri := p_callbackUri,
    subscriptionType := p_subscription_type

  template (omit) AppPkgSubscriptionWithError m_app_package_subscription_with_error (
  	in template (omit) AnyURI p_callbackUri := omit,
  	in template(omit) SubscriptionTypeWithError p_subscription_type := omit 
  ) := {
    callbackUri := p_callbackUri,
    subscriptionType := p_subscription_type

  template (present) AppPkgSubscriptionInfo mw_app_package_subscription_info (
  	in template (present) String p_subscriptionId := ?,
  	in template (present) SubscriptionType p_subscription_type := ?,
  	in template (present) AnyURI p_callbackUri	:= ?
  ) := {
    subscriptionId := p_subscriptionId ifpresent,
    subscriptionType  := p_subscription_type,
    callbackUri	:= p_callbackUri

  template (present) AppPkgNotification mw_app_package_notification (
  	in template (present) String p_notificationId := ?,
  	in template (present) NotificationType p_notificationType := ?,
  	in template (present) String p_subscriptionId := ?,
  	in template (present) AnyURI p_links := ?
  ) := {
    notificationType := p_notificationType,
    subscriptionId	:= p_subscriptionId,
    links := p_links

//  template (omit) AppMobilityServiceInfo m_app_mobility_service_info(
//                                                                     in String p_app_mobility_service_id := PX_APP_MOBILITY_SERVICE_ID,
//                                                                     in template (omit) RegistrationInfos p_registration_info := omit
//  ) := {
//    registeredAppMobilityService := p_registration_info,
//    appMobilityServiceId         := p_app_mobility_service_id
//  } // End of template m_app_mobility_service_info
//  template (present) AppMobilityServiceInfo mw_app_mobility_service_info(
//                                                                         template (present) RegistrationInfos p_registration_info := ?,
//                                                                         template (present) String p_app_mobility_service_id := ?
//  ) := {
//    registeredAppMobilityService := p_registration_info,
//    appMobilityServiceId         := p_app_mobility_service_id
//  } 
//  template (omit) RegistrationInfo m_app_mobility_registration_info(
//                                                                    in template (value) ServiceConsumerId p_serviceConsumerId,
//                                                                    in template (omit) DeviceInformations p_deviceInformation := omit,
//                                                                    in template (omit) UInt32 p_expiryTime := omit
//  ) := {
//    serviceConsumerId := p_serviceConsumerId,
//    deviceInformation := p_deviceInformation,
//    expiryTime        := p_expiryTime
//  }
//  template RegistrationInfo mw_app_mobility_registration_info(
//                                                              template (present) ServiceConsumerId p_serviceConsumerId := ?,
//                                                              template DeviceInformations p_deviceInformation := *,
//                                                              template UInt32 p_expiryTime := *
//  ) := {
//    serviceConsumerId := p_serviceConsumerId,
//    deviceInformation := p_deviceInformation,
//    expiryTime        := p_expiryTime
//  }
//  template (omit) ServiceConsumerId m_service_consumer_id(
//                                                          in template (omit) String p_appInstanceId := omit,
//                                                          in template (omit) String p_mepId := omit
//  ) := {
//    appInstanceId := p_appInstanceId,
//    mepId         := p_mepId
//  }
//    template (omit) ServiceConsumer m_service_consumer_error(
//                                                          in template (omit) String p_appInstance := omit,
//                                                          in template (omit) String p_mepId := omit
//  ) := {
//    appInstance := p_appInstance,
//    mepId         := p_mepId
//  }
//  template ServiceConsumerId mw_service_consumer_id(
//                                                    template String p_appInstanceId := *,
//                                                    template String p_mepId := *
//  ) := {
//    appInstanceId := p_appInstanceId,
//    mepId         := p_mepId
//  }
//  template (omit) RegistrationRequest m_registration_request (
//                                                              in template (omit) ServiceConsumerId p_service_consumer_id := omit,
//                                                              in template (omit) DeviceInformations p_device_info  := omit,
//                                                              in template (omit) UInt32 p_expire_time := omit
//  ) := {
//    serviceConsumerId := p_service_consumer_id,
//    deviceInformation := p_device_info,
//    expiryTime        := p_expire_time
//  }
//  template (omit) RegistrationRequest m_registration_request_error (
//                                                              in template (omit) ServiceConsumer p_service_consumer := omit,
//                                                              in template (omit) DeviceInformations p_device_info  := omit,
//                                                              in template (omit) UInt32 p_expire_time := omit
//  ) := {
//    serviceConsumerId := p_service_consumer,
//    deviceInformation := p_device_info,
//    expiryTime        := p_expire_time
//  }
//  template RegistrationRequest mw_registration_request(
//                                                       template ServiceConsumerId p_service_consumer_id := ?,
//                                                       template DeviceInformations p_device_info  := omit,
//                                                       template UInt32 p_expire_time  := omit
//  ) := {
//    serviceConsumerId := p_service_consumer_id,
//    deviceInformation := p_device_info,
//    expiryTime      := p_expire_time
//  }
//  template (value) RegistrationInfo m_registration_info (
//      in template (omit) ServiceConsumerId p_service_consumer_id := omit,
//      in template (omit) DeviceInformations p_device_info  := omit,
//      in UInt32 p_expire_time 
//  ) := {
//    serviceConsumerId := p_service_consumer_id,
//    deviceInformation := p_device_info,
//    expiryTime      := p_expire_time
//  }
//  template (present) RegistrationInfos mw_registration_info(
//                                                           template (present) ServiceConsumerId p_service_consumer_id := ?,
//                                                           template (present) DeviceInformations p_device_info  := ?,
//                                                           template (present) UInt32 p_expire_time 	:= ?
//  ) := {
//  }
//  template (value) ServiceConsumer m_service_consumer (
//      in String p_app_instance,
//      in String p_mep_id 
//  ) := {
//    appInstance := p_app_instance,
//    mepId := p_mep_id
//  }
//    template (omit) ServiceConsumer mw_service_consumer (
//      in String p_app_instance,
//      in template (omit) String p_mep_id := omit
//  ) := {
//    appInstance := p_app_instance,
//    mepId := p_mep_id
//  }
//  template (value) DeviceInformation m_device_info (
//      in String p_associate_id
//  ) := {
//    associateId := p_associate_id
//  }
//  template (omit) DeviceInformation mw_device_info (
//      in String p_associate_id
//  ) := {
//    associateId := p_associate_id
//  }  
//  type record AmsSubscriptionLinkList {
//    JSON.AnyURI links,
//    Subscription subscription
//  }
//  template (value) AdjacentAppInfoSubscription mw_adjacent_application_info_notification (
//      in template (omit) SubscriptionType p_subscriptionType := omit,
//      in JSON.AnyURI p_callbackReference,
//      in template (omit) JSON.AnyURI p_links := omit,
//      in template (omit) AdjacentFilterCriteria p_filterCriteria := omit,
//      in template (omit) TimeStamp p_expiryDeadline := omit
//  ) := {
//    subscriptionType := p_subscriptionType ,
//    callbackReference := p_callbackReference,
//    links := p_links,
//    filterCriteria := p_filterCriteria,
//    expiryDeadline := p_expiryDeadline
//  }
//   template (value) MobilityProcedureSubscription m_ams_subscription (
//      in SubscriptionType p_subscriptionType := PX_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE,
//      in JSON.AnyURI p_callbackReference,
//      in template (omit) JSON.AnyURI p_links := omit,
//      in template (omit) FilterCriteria p_filterCriteria := omit,
//      in template (omit) TimeStamp p_expiryDeadline := omit
//  ) := {
//    subscriptionType := p_subscriptionType ,
//    callbackReference := p_callbackReference,
//    links := p_links,
//    filterCriteria := p_filterCriteria,
//    expiryDeadline := p_expiryDeadline
//  }
//  template (value) MobilityProcedureSubscription mw_mobility_procedure_notification (
//      in template (omit) SubscriptionType p_subscriptionType := omit,
//      in JSON.AnyURI p_callbackReference,
//      in template (omit) JSON.AnyURI p_links := omit,
//      in template (omit) FilterCriteria p_filterCriteria := omit,
//      in template (omit) TimeStamp p_expiryDeadline := omit
//  ) := {
//    subscriptionType := p_subscriptionType ,
//    callbackReference := p_callbackReference,
//    links := p_links,
//    filterCriteria := p_filterCriteria,
//    expiryDeadline := p_expiryDeadline
//  }
//  template (value) MobilityProcedureSubscriptionError m_ams_subscription_error (
//    in SubscriptionType p_subscriptionType,
//    in JSON.AnyURI p_callbackReference,
//    in template (omit) JSON.AnyURI p_links := omit,
//    in template (omit) FilterCriteria p_filterCriteria  := omit,
//    in template (omit) TimeStamp p_expiryDeadline  := omit
//  ) := {
//    subscriptionType := p_subscriptionType,
//    callbackReference := p_callbackReference,
//    links := p_links,
//    filterCriteria := p_filterCriteria,
//    expiryDeadline := p_expiryDeadline
//  }
//  template (present) MobilityProcedureSubscription mw_ams_subscription (
//      in SubscriptionType p_subscriptionType,
//      in template (omit) JSON.AnyURI p_callbackReference := omit,
//      in template (omit) JSON.AnyURI p_links := omit,
//      in template (omit) FilterCriteria p_filterCriteria := omit,
//      in template (omit) TimeStamp p_expiryDeadline  := omit
//  ) := {
//    subscriptionType := p_subscriptionType ,
//    callbackReference := p_callbackReference,
//    links := p_links,
//    filterCriteria := p_filterCriteria,
//    expiryDeadline := p_expiryDeadline
//  }  
//  template (present) ExpiryNotification mw_expire_notification (
//      in template (omit) TimeStamp p_timestamp  := omit,
//      in template (omit) JSON.AnyURI p_links := omit,
//      in TimeStamp p_expiryDeadline
//  ) := {
//    timeStamp := p_timestamp,
//    links := p_links,
//    expiryDeadline := p_expiryDeadline
//  }  
//  template (value) ProblemDetails m_problem_details(
//                                                    in JSON.String p_type,
//                                                    in JSON.String p_title,
//                                                    in UInt32 p_status,
//                                                    in JSON.String p_detail,
//                                                    in JSON.String p_instance
//                                                    ) := {
//    type_    := p_type,
//    title    := p_title,
//    status   := p_status,
//    detail   := p_detail,
//    instance := p_instance
//  } // End of template m_problem_details
//  template (present) ProblemDetails mw_problem_details(
//                                                       template (present) JSON.String p_type := ?,
//                                                       template (present) JSON.String p_title := ?,
//                                                       template (present) UInt32 p_status := ?,
//                                                       template (present) JSON.String p_detail := ?,
//                                                       template (present) JSON.String p_instance := ?
//                                                       ) := {
//    type_    := p_type,
//    title    := p_title,
//    status   := p_status,
//    detail   := p_detail,
//    instance := p_instance
//  } // End of template mw_problem_details
} // End of module LocationAPI_Templates