WaiApInfo.robot 3.59 KB
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''[Documentation]   robot --outputdir ../../outputs ./WaiApInfo.robot
...    Test Suite to validate WLAN Information API (AP_INFO) operations.

*** Settings ***
Resource    environment/variables.txt
Resource    ../../../pics.txt
Resource    ../../../GenericKeywords.robot
Library     String
Library     OperatingSystem
Library     REST    ${MEC-APP_SCHEMA}://${MEC-APP_HOST}:${MEC-APP_PORT}    ssl_verify=false

*** Test Cases ***
    ...  Check that the IUT responds with the list of WLAN Access Point
    ...  Reference "ETSI GS MEC 028 2.1.1, clause
    ...  https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs028-wai-api/blob/v2.1.1/WlanInformationApi.yaml#/schemas/ApInfo
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Retrieve the access point information
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is   ApInfo
    ## Post condition
    FOR    ${apInfo}    IN    @{response['body']}
        ${passed}    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${apInfo['apId']['macId']}    ${MAC_ID}    
        Exit For Loop If    ${passed}
    Should Be True    ${passed}
    ...  Check that the IUT responds with the list of WLAN Access Point filtered by the macId provided as query parameter 
    ...  Reference "ETSI GS MEC 028 2.1.1, clause
    ...  https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs028-wai-api/blob/v2.1.1/WlanInformationApi.yaml#/schemas/ApInfo
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Retrieve the access point information using filters    ${filter} 
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    200
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is   ApInfo
    ## Post condition
    FOR    ${apInfo}    IN    @{response['body']}
        ${passed}    Run Keyword And Return Status    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${apInfo['apId']['macId']}    ${MAC_ID}    
        Exit For Loop If    ${passed}
    Should Be True    ${passed}

    ...  Check that the IUT responds with an error when a request with incorrect parameters is sent by a MEC Application 
    ...  Reference "ETSI GS MEC 028 2.1.1, clause
    ...  https://forge.etsi.org/rep/mec/gs028-wai-api/blob/v2.1.1/WlanInformationApi.yaml#/schemas/ApInfo
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Retrieve the access point information using filters    ${bad_filter} 
    Check HTTP Response Status Code Is    400
    Check HTTP Response Body Json Schema Is   ProblemDetails 
*** Keywords ***
Retrieve the access point information
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Set Headers    {"Accept":"application/json"}
    Set Headers    {"Content-Type":"application/json"}
    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"}
    GET     ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/queries/ap/ap_information
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}
Retrieve the access point information using filters
    [Arguments]    ${filter}
    Should Be True    ${PIC_MEC_SYSTEM} == 1
    Should Be True    ${PIC_SERVICES} == 1
    Set Headers    {"Accept":"application/json"}
    Set Headers    {"Content-Type":"application/json"}
    Set Headers    {"Authorization":"${TOKEN}"}
    GET     ${apiRoot}/${apiName}/${apiVersion}/queries/ap/ap_information?filter=${filter}
    ${output}=    Output    response
    Set Suite Variable    ${response}    ${output}