queries_service.proto 1.56 KB
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  ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API
  ETSI GS MEC 029 Fixed Access Information API described using OpenAPI.
  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1
  Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech

syntax = "proto3";

package mec029;

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import public "models/cp_info.proto";
import public "models/device_info.proto";
import public "models/fa_info.proto";
import public "models/problem_details.proto";

service QueriesService {
  rpc DeviceInfoGET (DeviceInfoGETRequest) returns (DeviceInfo);

  rpc FaInfoGET (FaInfoGETRequest) returns (FaInfo);


message DeviceInfoGETRequest {
  // Comma separated list of gateway identifier
  repeated string gwId = 1;
  // Comma separated list of device identifier.
  repeated string deviceId = 2;
  // Comma separated list of device status.
  repeated int32 deviceStatus = 3;


message FaInfoGETRequest {
  // Comma separated list of customer premises information
  repeated CpInfo customerPremisesInfo = 1;
  // Comma separated list of last mile technologies.
  repeated int32 lastMileTech = 2;
  // Comma separated list of interface types.
  repeated int32 interfaceType = 3;
  // Comma separated list of the bandwidth (in Mbps) from the network towards the customer site.
  repeated int32 dsbw = 4;
  // Comma separated list of the bandwidth (in Mbps) from the customer site towards the network.
  repeated int32 usbw = 5;
  // Comma separated list of the maximum baseline latency (in ms) between customer site and service edge node.
  repeated int32 latency = 6;
