adjacent_app_info_subscription.proto 1004 Bytes
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  ETSI GS MEC 021 Application Mobility Service API
  ETSI GS MEC 021 Application Mobility Service API described using OpenAPI.
  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1
  Generated by OpenAPI Generator:

syntax = "proto3";

package mec021;

import public "models/adjacent_app_info_subscription_filter_criteria.proto";
import public "models/adjacent_app_info_subscription_links.proto";
import public "models/time_stamp.proto";

message AdjacentAppInfoSubscription {

  AdjacentAppInfoSubscriptionLinks underscorelinks = 1;
Elian Kraja's avatar
Elian Kraja committed

  // URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed Application Mobility Service. This shall be included both in the request and in response.
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Elian Kraja committed

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Elian Kraja committed

  AdjacentAppInfoSubscriptionFilterCriteria filter_criteria = 4;
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Elian Kraja committed

  // Shall be set to \"AdjacentAppInfoSubscription\".
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Elian Kraja committed
