l2_meas_cell_info.proto 3.88 KB
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Michel Roy committed
  ETSI GS MEC 012 - Radio Network Information API
  The ETSI MEC ISG MEC012 Radio Network Information API described using OpenAPI.
  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.1.1
  Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech

syntax = "proto3";

package mec012;

import public "models/ecgi.proto";

message L2MeasCellInfo {

  // It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 dlUnderscoregbrUnderscorepdrUnderscorecell = 1;

  // It indicates the PRB usage for downlink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12].
  int32 dlUnderscoregbrUnderscoreprbUnderscoreusageUnderscorecell = 2;

  // It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the downlink non-GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 dlUnderscorenongbrUnderscorepdrUnderscorecell = 3;

  // It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for downlink non-GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12].
  int32 dlUnderscorenongbrUnderscoreprbUnderscoreusageUnderscorecell = 4;

  // It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for total downlink traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12].
  int32 dlUnderscoretotalUnderscoreprbUnderscoreusageUnderscorecell = 5;

  Ecgi ecgi = 6;

  // It indicates the number of active UEs with downlink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 numberUnderscoreofUnderscoreactiveUnderscoreueUnderscoredlUnderscoregbrUnderscorecell = 7;

  // It indicates the number of active UEs with downlink non-GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 numberUnderscoreofUnderscoreactiveUnderscoreueUnderscoredlUnderscorenongbrUnderscorecell = 8;

  // It indicates the number of active UEs with uplink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 numberUnderscoreofUnderscoreactiveUnderscoreueUnderscoreulUnderscoregbrUnderscorecell = 9;

  // It indicates the number of active UEs with uplink non-GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 numberUnderscoreofUnderscoreactiveUnderscoreueUnderscoreulUnderscorenongbrUnderscorecell = 10;

  // It indicates (in percentage) the received dedicated preamples, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 receivedUnderscorededicatedUnderscorepreamblesUnderscorecell = 11;

  // It indicates (in percentage) the received randomly selected preambles in the high range, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 receivedUnderscorerandomlyUnderscoreselectedUnderscorepreamblesUnderscorehighUnderscorerangeUnderscorecell = 12;

  // It indicates (in percentage) the received randomly selected preambles in the low range, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 receivedUnderscorerandomlyUnderscoreselectedUnderscorepreamblesUnderscorelowUnderscorerangeUnderscorecell = 13;

  // It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 ulUnderscoregbrUnderscorepdrUnderscorecell = 14;

  // It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for uplink GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12].
  int32 ulUnderscoregbrUnderscoreprbUnderscoreusageUnderscorecell = 15;

  // It indicates the packet discard rate in percentage of the uplink non-GBR traffic in a cell, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11].
  int32 ulUnderscorenongbrUnderscorepdrUnderscorecell = 16;

  // It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for uplink non-GBR traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12].
  int32 ulUnderscorenongbrUnderscoreprbUnderscoreusageUnderscorecell = 17;

  // It indicates (in percentage) the PRB usage for total uplink traffic, as defined in ETSI TS 136 314 [i.11] and ETSI TS 136 423 [i.12].
  int32 ulUnderscoretotalUnderscoreprbUnderscoreusageUnderscorecell = 18;
