meas_rep_ue_subscription.proto 1.24 KB
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Michel Roy's avatar
Michel Roy committed
  ETSI GS MEC 012 - Radio Network Information API
  The ETSI MEC ISG MEC012 Radio Network Information API described using OpenAPI.
Hammad Zafar's avatar
Hammad Zafar committed
  The version of the OpenAPI document: 2.2.1
Michel Roy's avatar
Michel Roy committed
  Generated by OpenAPI Generator:

syntax = "proto3";

package mec012;

import public "models/ca_reconf_subscription_links.proto";
Hammad Zafar's avatar
Hammad Zafar committed
import public "models/links.proto";
Michel Roy's avatar
Michel Roy committed
import public "models/time_stamp.proto";
Hammad Zafar's avatar
Hammad Zafar committed
import public "models/websock_notif_config.proto";
Michel Roy's avatar
Michel Roy committed

message MeasRepUeSubscription {

Hammad Zafar's avatar
Hammad Zafar committed
  Links _links = 1;
Hammad Zafar's avatar
Hammad Zafar committed
  // URI selected by the service consumer to receive notifications on the subscribed RNIS information. This shall be included both in the request and in response. If not present, the service consumer is requesting the use of a Websocket for notifications. See note.
Michel Roy's avatar
Michel Roy committed
  string callbackReference = 2;

Hammad Zafar's avatar
Hammad Zafar committed
  WebsockNotifConfig websockNotifConfig = 3;
Hammad Zafar's avatar
Hammad Zafar committed
  // Set to TRUE by the service consumer to request a test notification on the callbackReference URI to determine if it is reachable by RNIS for notifications.
  bool requestTestNotification = 4;

  TimeStamp expiryDeadline = 5;

  MeasRepUeSubscriptionFilterCriteriaAssocTri filterCriteriaAssocTri = 6;
Michel Roy's avatar
Michel Roy committed

  // Shall be set to \"MeasRepUeSubscription\".
Hammad Zafar's avatar
Hammad Zafar committed
  string subscriptionType = 7;