Updated to GS version 2.0.11
Signed-off-by: kharim zakkir.kharim@nokia.com Following are the summary of differences
AppTerminationNotification has new enum definition operationAction Operation that is being performed on the MEC application instance: • STOPPING • TERMINATING
AppTerminationConfirmation - new datatype type represents the information that the MEC application instance provides to the MEC platform when informing it that the application has completed its application level related terminate/stop actions, e.g. retention of application state in the case of stop.
AppTerminationConfirmation data type used in the request body for POST confirm_termination. i.e. for resource {apiRoot}/mec_app_support/v1/applications/{appInstanceId}/confirm_termination
TrafficRule action enum definition changes
Error.400 added as additional response to POST confirm_termination, since it has now a body with parameter. This was missing in spec.
Also see the word differences attachedspecdiff2010-2011.docx
Merge request reports
assigned to @featherston
mentioned in commit 67dac459